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曾经是,飘摇的,飘零的,孤苦的,孤寂的,狼狈的,劳累的,苦笑的,噙泪的.一代,一辈. 如今是,炫耀的,喧嚣的,张扬的,张狂的,奢华的,单薄的,艳丽的,苍白的.一瞬,一夕.  相似文献   

故乡的雨,淅淅沥沥下着,落在我的心弦,噼啪,噼啪,弹奏出一首故乡的歌。故乡的雨,是温柔,像母亲,抚摸着女儿的脸颊;故乡的雨,是缠绵,似父亲,对女儿的叮咛。一个人,伫立窗前,望着雨滴拍打窗户,噼啪,噼啪便想起了 我可爱的故乡。故乡,踏过我成长的足迹,故乡,飞过我快乐的童年,故乡,闪烁着我儿时的金色回忆。曾几何时,那风雨中飘舞的故事,在不经意问,便成了我拼搏的动力。故乡的雨,漫进了我浅浅的心坎,噼啪,噼啪,倾注了依恋、怀念…….故乡的雨……故乡的雨,淅淅沥沥下着,落在我的心弦,噼啪,噼啪,弹奏出一首故乡的歇。 l指导老p币/吴逸凯)浔__E…  相似文献   

记忆中的小路,僻静而清幽,蜿蜒而又绵长,在这条小路上,您与我一起感叹春的清爽,夏的葱郁,秋的含蓄,冬的穆白。春意盎然,走过枯木逢春的小路,欣欣向荣的小树钻出嫩绿的新芽,踏上湿润的路面,感受新鲜的空气,盎然的生机。在这里,第一次挪着步子学习走路,您牵着我,引着我,我第一次摔倒,是您将我扶起,拭去我颊上的泪水,对我说:“摔倒了,就要爬起来,流泪是无能的表现,强者没有眼泪。”至今,这句话我依然深深的记在心里。从此,我不再哭泣,不再怕疼,摔倒了就爬起来,继续前行。烈日酷暑,走过林荫的小路,绿树葱葱,凉爽宜人,柳叶轻轻的拂动,花儿竞相开…  相似文献   

夜里独自在海滩,当老母亲唱着沙哑的歌,一面来回地轻摇,当我观望着晶亮的星星,我想起宇宙和未来的音谱上的一个记号。一种巨大的类似联锁着一切,一切星球,长成了的和未长成的,小的和大的。太阳,月亮,行星,一切的空间距离,不计远近,一切的时间距离,一切无生命的形态,一切灵魂,一切活的躯体,尽管它们永远是这样不同,或者在不同的世界中,一切气态的、液态的、植物和矿物的历程,鱼类,兽类,一切的民族,肤色,语言,野蛮,文明,一切在这个地球或别的星球上已经存在或可能存在的实体,一切生命与死亡,所有过去的、现在的、未来的种种,这种巨大的类似维…  相似文献   

微风,轻轻,拂过耳畔。私语着告诉我,天,凉了。细雨,静静,落到手背。冰凉着嘱咐我,泪,冰了。落花的季节,蝶的祭奠。落花,萧萧。空白了的失去。云蝶,瑟瑟。失去了的空白。祭奠,蝶的祭奠,萧瑟云蝶,蝶祭。漫步,荒芜港湾,空白。海浪说,寂寞。独坐,孤然湖畔,冷清。涟漪说,淡忘。淡忘,风中深影,影影年华,祭奠。忆,夏末,影影相伴,风华,爱着,阳光的笑。今,秋初,独影烛台,年华,葬埋,微风的笑。上天,习惯着,安排命运,却忘,折翅的蝶。落花的季节,蝶的祭奠。云蝶,忘记,往日风尘。蝶祭,爱着,淡忘……蝶祭@凌月  相似文献   

阿紫是一朵紫色的花,因为爸爸妈妈都是紫色的,爷爷奶奶,外公外婆也是紫色的,阿紫就更是紫色的了。她的名字理所当然就叫“阿紫”。春天到了,阿紫瞧瞧周围,她周围的花儿五彩缤纷,颜色可丰富了:红的,蓝的,黄的,白的,黑的,青的……多得数不清。红的里面还有大红,深红,粉红,浅红;蓝的里面还有蔚蓝,湛蓝,深蓝,天蓝……阿紫看得眼花缭乱。她羡慕别人的颜色,认为自己的颜色最难看,红不红,蓝不蓝,绿不  相似文献   

一件伟大的事业,揭开锦绣的帘幕,和世人相见,在震天撼地的拍手声,怪叱声中,有人用冷静的头脑,精锐的眼光,从坐位的边角儿上,清清楚楚地观看,记录,评判,虽一肌一容,不许放过,别人满意呀,忙的是拍手,不满意呀,忙的是怪叱,他却狠幽闲自在地,用他脑海里的权度,不住的估量,等到拍手声怪叱声歇了,锦绣的帘幕撤了,大众散了,什么都没有了,所遗留在世界上的,就只是那人手里经过纪录评判的一本小册子。  相似文献   

妈妈,当我看见桔梗花怦然绽放,我想起年轻的您,太阳下,撑一把伞。紫色的花朵,美丽的您,十分协调。而如今,这迷人的风景再也找不到了。您原本乌黑的长发,已有银白不断涌现。光滑的额头,布满皱纹,细腻的双手,粗糙不堪。无情的岁月,吞噬了您的青春,匆匆的时光之水,冲刷了您的美丽。可是,无论如何,您还是我最温暖的巢穴啊!每当我软弱,夜里想哭,总会梦见您,温柔地拍打我的后背,轻声对我说:“孩子啊,别怕!”爸爸,当我看见黑松树傲然迎雪,我想起年轻的您,月光下,注视远方。青翠的松林,高大的您,十分协调。而如今,这感人的风景再也找不到了。您原本…  相似文献   

最难舍的是交情,最难谈的是感情,最难忘的是友情,最难寻的是真情,最难写的是心情,最难还的是人情,最难懂的是表情,最难说的是激情,最难知的是动情,最难免的是日久生情,最难想的是一见钟情,最浪漫的是爱情,最温暖的是亲情,最感人的是热情,最暖心的是同情,最真诚的是痴情,最感谢的是恩情,最痴迷的是深情,最伤人的是绝情,  相似文献   

勃勃生机的大自然中,树的茂盛,草的葱笼,花的鲜艳,雨的淅沥,风的呼啸,雪的厚重,月的皎洁,日的温和,桥的永恒……在这一切诗意美的景色中,我最欣赏的是水。我欣赏水的明澈,水的执著,水的灵性,水的澎湃,水的川流不息……  相似文献   

Research on foreign language anxiety has focused primarily on students in language training programs. The lack of attention to foreign language anxiety among counseling students speaking English as a second language has led to supervision issues among this growing student population in counseling programs. This article identifies areas such as self-efficacy and microskills that are affected by foreign language anxiety and recommends training strategies and the potential value of qualitative research methods to address the situation.  相似文献   

This article provides school-based consultants with an overview of the English language learner (ELL) student population and common programs available to ELL students (such as English-only programs, pull-out English as a second language [ESL], content-based ESL, transitional bilingual programs, maintenance bilingual programs, and two-way or dual language bilingual education programs). Past and current research examining bilingual education programs and guidelines and recommendations for the application of bilingual education knowledge to consultative practice with school personnel and culturally and linguistically diverse parents are discussed. Because of the paucity of research regarding school-based consultation related to bilingual education issues, guidelines and recommendations are presented within the larger framework of multicultural and cross-cultural consultation. Recommendations for future research regarding school-based consultation related to bilingual education issues are provided.  相似文献   

This study examined associations between peers' expressive language abilities and children's development of receptive and expressive language among 1,812 four-year olds enrolled in 453 classrooms in 11 states that provide large-scale public pre-kindergarten (pre-k) programs. Higher peer expressive language abilities were positively associated with children's development of receptive and expressive language during pre-k. The positive association between peers' expressive language abilities and children's receptive language development was stronger for children who began pre-k with higher receptive language skills and within classrooms characterized by better classroom management. Implications of these findings for understanding ecological inputs to children's language development and for designing effective pre-k programs are discussed.  相似文献   

毛力 《海外英语》2011,(10):69-72
Due to the increasing broadband Internet access, VOIP adoption as well as the Web 2.0 concepts, online language learning communities have gained great popularity among adult language learners. Based upon Malcolm Knowles’ adult learning theory, this paper analyzes the innovation that online language learning communities have brought to adult language learning programs. At the same time, the limitations of such programs have been pointed out.  相似文献   

The development of English and Spanish reading and oral language skills from kindergarten to third grade was examined with a sample of 502 Spanish-speaking English language learners (ELLs) enrolled in three instructional programs. The students in the transitional bilingual and dual-language programs had significantly higher scores than the students in the English immersion program on the Spanish reading and oral language measures and significantly lower scores on the English reading comprehension and oral language measures. Multiple-group path models showed that the predictors of third grade English and Spanish reading comprehension did not differ across the three programs. Spanish phonological/decoding skill and oral language in first grade mediated the association between Spanish phonological/decoding skill and oral language in kindergarten and third grade Spanish reading comprehension. English phonological/decoding, Spanish phonological/decoding skill, and English oral language in first grade mediated the link between Spanish phonological/decoding skill in kindergarten and third grade English reading comprehension.  相似文献   

The current study examined the social and language development of 345 Spanish-speaking pre-kindergartners who attended pre-kindergarten programs that varied widely in how much Spanish was spoken in the classroom by the teacher. Previous studies on English language learners have focused on how the language of instruction impacts children's language proficiency, ignoring the context in which children are learning. The current study found better social skills and closer teacher—child relationships in classrooms where teachers spoke some Spanish. Teacher ratings of children's peer social skills and assertiveness were positively associated with increased amounts of Spanish being spoken. More Spanish language use in the classroom was also related to a decrease in children's likelihood of being victims of aggression as rated by independent observers. The findings have implications for better understanding how policy decisions regarding language of instruction impact children in the social domain. As early education programs are faced with the challenging task of developing best practices for English language learners, it is essential that programs are attentive to the social implications of language.  相似文献   

The current study examined the social and language development of 345 Spanish-speaking pre-kindergartners who attended pre-kindergarten programs that varied widely in how much Spanish was spoken in the classroom by the teacher. Previous studies on English language learners have focused on how the language of instruction impacts children's language proficiency, ignoring the context in which children are learning. The current study found better social skills and closer teacher—child relationships in classrooms where teachers spoke some Spanish. Teacher ratings of children's peer social skills and assertiveness were positively associated with increased amounts of Spanish being spoken. More Spanish language use in the classroom was also related to a decrease in children's likelihood of being victims of aggression as rated by independent observers. The findings have implications for better understanding how policy decisions regarding language of instruction impact children in the social domain. As early education programs are faced with the challenging task of developing best practices for English language learners, it is essential that programs are attentive to the social implications of language.  相似文献   

It has often been proposed that computer programs simulating written conversation could be effective in language teaching and remediation. This paper presents a theoretical rationale for this approach, and reports empirical studies of its potential. Although the studies were concemed mainly with language-impaired children, their findings should have some relevance for the wider field of computer assisted language learning in general.Several microcomputer programs were developed to hold written dialogue with children about screen graphics. Studies of the software in use over several months by two different groups of language-impaired children produced evidence to suggest that experiences associated with the software led to improved skills in the language covered by the programs. The studies also produced new ideas about the kinds of language learning activities which might be promoted by this kind of software.The paper concludes with suggestions about how these ideas might form the basis of future intelligent tutoring systems able to prescribe a variety of language learning activities, over a range of language materials.  相似文献   

This article presents research that highlights the success of dual language education for student participants, both native English speakers and English language learners, from a variety of demographic backgrounds at both the elementary and secondary levels. However, there are a number of challenges that can impede the quality of implementation in dual language programs. This article identifies and discusses some of these important challenges facing dual language programs, including issues related to program design, accountability, curriculum and instruction related to biliteracy, and bilingual language development. In addition, implications for practice are presented to address some of these challenges.  相似文献   

Summary Alternative literacy activities can be adapted to complement the speech and language programs that have been developed to assist learners with disabilities. Pictorially based alternative literacy programs may involve rebus symbols, augmentative and alternative communication devices, or picture reading. Because these programs do not assume extensive language development, they can be appropriate for children with severe learning problems as a foundation or replacement for typical early reading activities.  相似文献   

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