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从全纳教育来看,聋人高等教育培养复合型人才既是和谐社会的体现,也是当今社会对人才的需求,又是扩展聋人大学生知识结构的积极有效途径.通过对参加辅修专业学习的聋生其学习情况进行跟踪、调查和研究,分析结果表明,聋生有成为复合型人才的迫切需求,同时学有余力的聋生有能力通过全纳教育模式参加辅修专业的学习,并获取学位.但如果没有外界的支持和帮助,聋生通过全纳学习形式完成第二学历的学习,难度很大.为此根据聋人的思维特征、认知结构,通过校内资源整合,制定接受教育的特殊方法和教学策略,提供必要的助学措施,以建立完善的学习支持系统,为将聋人大学生培养成"厚基础、宽口径、高素质"的复合型人才提供强有力的保证,也为实现我国聋人高等教育全纳教育模式奠定基础,从而进一步完善聋人高等教育人才培养模式.  相似文献   

中州大学现有在校聋生348名,由于每个人的听力状况、家庭教育、学校教育经历差别很大,所以学生之间的差别也是十分明显的,特别是一些中、小学均在普通学校接受教育的聋生,和健听学生之间的差别要比和从小一直在聋校上学的聋生之间的差别小得多,因此将其安置于普通学生中间接受普通教育存在着极大的可能性,并能更大限度地开发他们的内在潜力。为了探索聋人高等教育的新途径,我们做了为期两年的聋人“随班就读“实验,并通过实验获得一些经验,这些经验在证明着聋人成才与教育适宜程度的关系。  相似文献   

我国现阶段的特殊教育已逐渐走向开放化、融合化,无论从教育公平的角度还是聋生个人发展、社会发展、高等教育资源整合等角度来看,聋生高等教育融合化都是高等特殊教育的必然趋势。大学英语是聋人大学生必修课程,聋生在融合的大学英语课堂进行英语学习是必然的也是可行的。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,我国聋人高等教育迅速发展,聋人高等教育入学率逐年增长,随之而来的聋人大学生就业问题也日益凸显。聋人大学生对就业市场的高预期、社会交往的回避性和依赖性等就业心理特点,进一步阻碍其适应劳动力市场。而职业生涯教育能够帮助聋生正确认识自己,科学合理地进行职业生涯规划。包括:营造聋人大学生职业生涯规划的良好氛围;应引进职业测评系统,让聋人大学生能够准确地定位自己;开展聋人大学生职业生涯教育课程和课外教育活动;依托心理健康教育和咨询,开展聋人大学生的职业生涯教育;利用网络平台,开展聋生职业生涯辅导。  相似文献   

聋人高等职业教育主要目的是帮助聋人高质量就业,使聋人毕业后顺利回归主流社会。我院自2007年起招收全日制高职聋生,对聋生采取融合教育的模式,安排聋生与健听生一起生活学习,共享学校教育资源。在专业教学中,我们一直在探讨把健听生与聋生融在一起进行设计类教学,尝试走出一条适合聋生高职艺术设计专业的融合教育之路。  相似文献   

作为聋人高等教育艺术设计专业的学生,平面构成是他们在大学期间必须要学习的一门课程。本文通过结合聋人大学生的特点,联系聋人高等教育平面构成课程的重要性,分析了在教学实践过程中遇到的一些问题,提出了应结合聋生特点从教学手段、教学方式、创新能力等方面进行平面构成的教学探索。  相似文献   

我国大部分残疾人高等职业教育院校都开设了针对聋生的服装专业职业教育,聋生在受教育的过程中系统的学习了服装专业基础知识、服装专业理论知识和服装专业技术技能,但是,大多数聋生毕业走出校门走向企业和社会后,却不能满足企业和社会的需。为此,课题组成员对服装专业的在校和已毕业的聋人大学生进行职业素质调查,找出问题,提出对策。  相似文献   

在全纳教育视野下,结合国内聋人大学生教师素质结构现状,为使聋人大学生更好地融入健听与正常学生群体,考虑聋生生理心理特殊性因素,对聋人大学生教师提出了更高的素质要求。基于此,分析聋生教师素质结构中存在的问题,并提出完善教师素质结构体系的可行途径,以期最终达到提高聋生高等教育质量的目标。  相似文献   

我国聋人高等教育仍处于相对稀缺的现状,对聋生及其家庭而言,家庭经济状况、高等教育费用、教育投资收益率、财政补贴等经济因素是影响高等教育选择的主要因素。文章主要针对聋生高等教育选择的特殊性,以人力资本理论和消费者行为理论为支撑,分析影响聋生高等教育选择的经济因素,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

聋人的高等教育是一个国家高等教育发展的重要组成部分。高等教育可以使聋人像正常人那样掌握社会生存和就业所必备的知识和技能。世界各国和地区越来越重视聋人的高等教育,许多国家设立聋人大学或适合聋人学习的专业,授予合格的毕业生大专证书和学士、硕士甚至博士学位。我国目前有长春大学特殊教育学院、天津理工学院聋人工学院和北京联合大学特殊教育学院等几所大学为聋人开设了学习的专业。  相似文献   

A national needs assessment survey is described that gathered information on current practices in physical education in both center-based schools for the deaf and mainstream programs serving deaf and hard of hearing students, grades K-12. The manner in which deaf and hard of hearing students are being served in physical education programs, the depth and breadth of curricula, and the credentials needed to teach are described. The study compares similarities and differences among physical education programs in center-based deaf institutions and mainstream schools. In summary, the study identifies areas of concentration needed in curriculum, and methods of teaching appropriate for student teacher candidates. This information has value for physical education programs that are considering revising their curricula to prepare teacher candidates who wish to work with deaf students.  相似文献   

A review of research on deaf students in higher education reveals a significant body of knowledge about the barriers these students face in gaining access to information in the classroom. Much less is known about the potential solutions to these problems. In addition, there is a dearth of research on the effectiveness of such support services as interpreting, note taking, real-time captioning, and tutoring, particularly with regard to their impact on academic achievement. This article summarizes relevant research and suggests directions for educational researchers interested in enhancing academic success and the retention of deaf students in higher education programs.  相似文献   

聋生使用笔谈的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了全面认识笔谈在聋人交际中的作用 ,并为在聋生中加强笔谈教学提供理论上的依据 ,本研究对上海市两所聋校 70名学生的笔谈使用情况进行了问卷调查。结果表明 :笔谈能切实提高聋人与健听人的交际效果 ,对聋生形成积极的交际态度、帮助他们回归主流社会有着重要的意义 ;听力损失程度与笔谈使用频率有着极其显著的正相关 ;语文成绩与笔谈水平存在着极其显著的正相关。建议对聋生进行切实有效的笔谈教学。  相似文献   

Accounting programs nationwide are reporting declines in enrollment and the demand for new accountants continues unabated. Given this current crisis in accounting education, attention needs to be given to recruitment and retention issues. This study used a Delphi procedure to sample the accounting department chairpersons in one state's community college system regarding four questions: What initially attracts community college students to accounting?; What are the predictors of success for community college students who choose accounting for majors?; What are the major problems students encounter in completing accounting programs and What recommendations do these chairpersons have for reducing attrition among community college accounting majors? Conclusions and recommendations are presented for community college counselors, administrators, and accounting faculty.  相似文献   

The author compares his former position as an assistant professor in a program preparing future teachers of deaf and hard of hearing students with his present position as an administrator of a public school program serving these students. He maintains that in some ways, teacher training programs in deafness and the public school settings hiring these graduates are separate worlds. The emphasis in teacher training programs appears to be on preparing graduates to work with deaf students in self-contained or residential school settings even though most teaching positions are with hard of hearing students mainstreamed in public schools. Other important areas, such as collaboration with general education teachers, litigation, parental relationships, and individualized education programs, seem to be overlooked by teacher training programs. The author employs the mockingbird metaphor from the novel To Kill A Mockingbird (Lee, 1960) to highlight differences between teacher training programs and public school settings, while making recommendations for strengthening connections between the two.  相似文献   

自身情感体验浅显和对外情感沟通不畅,这一直是聋生教育中的难题,为了使聋高中学生在毕业后能更好地融入主流社会,笔者作为一名特教学校语文教师,积极转变教学思想,研究聋生情感现状,分析了语文教学在聋生情感教育中的优势。这种语文教学中渗透情感教育的方式能够使聋生开始注重的情感积累和情感表达,为聋生健康、和谐的成长与发展打好基础。  相似文献   


The majority of deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) students are educated at least part of the day in general education classrooms taught by teachers who may not have any experience working with this population. DHH students make up a unique, heterogeneous group with a wide range of communication modalities, technology utilization, early intervention experiences, and educational placements. In addition to providing direct service to support these students, teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing (ToDHH) collaborate and consult with classroom teachers and school staff on classroom accommodations and modifications. However, recent research shows that ToDHH often feel unprepared to engage in the consultative aspect of their role. Since the Education for All Handicapped Children Act was passed 43 years ago, the field of deaf education has increasingly called for research on consultation models to apply to their unique population and to teach in their teacher preparation programs. This article identifies the characteristics of DHH learners and synthesizes current research on consultation in the field of deaf education. Three consultation models are examined to determine their level of fit within the field of deaf education. The author ends with a call for future research that can best be met through an interdisciplinary research approach between the field of deaf education and the fields of educational and psychological consultation.  相似文献   

为了全面认识笔谈在聋人交际中的作用,并为在聋生中加强笔谈教学提供理论上的依据,本研究对上海市两所聋校70名学生的笔谈使用情况进行了问卷调查。结果表明:笔谈能切实提高聋人与健听人的交际效果,对聋生形成积极的交际态度,帮助他们回归主流社会有着重要的意义:听力损失程度与笔谈使用频率有着极其显著的正相关;语文成绩与笔谈水平存在着极其显著的正相关。建议对聋生进行切实有效的笔谈教学。  相似文献   

In this study, the transition programs of 326 secondary educational programs for deaf and severely hearing-impaired adolescents were surveyed. Three types of programs were surveyed: residential, mainstream, and "other" (a combination of the first two programs). Sixty-four items depicting desirable transition characteristics were included in the survey, and each item was rated by the programs on a value scale and an implementation scale. Analyses of variance were calculated to determine if there were statistically significant differences among the three program types for each individual survey item on the two rating scales. Based on the data, it appears that the residential schools had higher implementation rates than the mainstream and other programs. All three respondent groups valued the transition items more than they had implemented them (i.e., the value scores were higher than the implementation scores). The data point out the need for researchers and educators to develop and implement more effective transition programs for deaf and severely hearing-impaired students.  相似文献   

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