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魏颖 《考试周刊》2011,(35):139-140
我国目前在教育游戏研发领域尚处于起步阶段,行之有效的关于教育游戏应用方面的设计模型和设计理念极为缺乏。教育游戏可以作为一种游戏化学习环境进行研究。本文通过分析探究型学习模式、教育游戏展示方式、探究型学习模式下学习理论和教育游戏的内在关系来分析教育游戏展示方式研究的独特价值及意义。  相似文献   

游戏化教学是指教师以游戏为手段来组织、开展教学活动的一种教学方式,旨在培养学生的学习兴趣,在寓教于乐中实现预期的教学目标。分数是小学数学重要的学习内容,能让学生的数字认知范围由整数扩充到有理数,为今后小数、百分数和比例的学习奠定基础。通过分析分数学习的重要性及困难,探索如何在分数学习中应用游戏,以及对游戏在分数学习中的作用和价值进行评估,展示游戏化教学的效果,能够为一线数学教师开展游戏化教学提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

游戏教学法是教师常用的一种英语教学方法。课堂教学中,教师运用游戏教学法要符合学生的学习特点,增强学生的学习体验,给学生提供展示的机会,满足学生的学习需求。  相似文献   

陆春燕 《山东教育》2011,(27):31-32
幼儿园课题研究结题之际,我们班承担了展示音乐游戏的任务。为了保证幼儿游戏的质量和展示的效果,我们把原本由幼儿听音乐自由敲击小竹竿的节奏游戏编成了一个有队形、节奏与动作变化的表演性节奏游戏活动。虽然敲击小竹竿的动作和节奏都来源于以往  相似文献   

在高中化学课堂中通过兴趣教学、合作教学、问题驱动、奖励机制等方面的设立引导学生对知识进行更深层次的学习,对学生学习的主动性与积极性具有促进作用。本文以游戏化教学作为切入点,建立游戏化教学的设计思路,展示“乙酸”游戏化的实践活动案例,探究游戏化教学的教学设计对高中化学的促进作用。  相似文献   

刘吉茵 《考试周刊》2011,(59):228-228
让学生在游戏中学习美术,采用游戏化的手段,使教育语言成为学生喜闻乐见的游戏化语言.使他们在引导中参与、愉悦中发现、游戏中畅想、竞争中练习、展示中收获,使美术教学成为生动活泼、充满活力的教学过程。  相似文献   

俞燕芳 《学子》2015,(3):2-3
游戏是幼儿教育最基本的活动形式,使幼儿有意识、有目的地模仿社会生活活动,也是幼儿以自己的条件反映现实社会生活的特殊形式。可见,游戏活动为幼儿提供了充分展示创新思维和动手能力的场所和氛围,是发展幼儿创造性思维的重要途径。在游戏中可以让幼儿自由自主地进行创造,并使其创造性得到最大程度发展的活动,能有效地激发幼儿的创新意识,但要想充分地发挥游戏对幼儿创新意识发展的独特作用,学习了《指南》,在《指南》的指导下,首先应当创设  相似文献   

角色游戏是幼儿通过扮演角色,运用想象,创造性地反映个人生活印象的一种游戏。在大班幼儿教育活动中,通过角色游戏引导幼儿表达意愿,宣泄情绪,展示能力,促进幼儿学习交往能力的发展,使他们在未来的生活和发展中获得更多的机会和更大的成功。  相似文献   

在小学数学学习过程中引入游戏化的理念,将数学知识的抽象性和游戏的趣味性有机融合,变"学数学"为"玩数学",能充分调动学生的学习兴趣和潜能,有效化解小学生思维直观性和数学知识抽象性之间的矛盾.针对数学游戏化学习中存在的问题,教师在教学中,要有机地融入游戏元素、设计游戏活动、创设游戏情境,使数学学习变得有趣味、有意义、有创意.  相似文献   

教育学视角中的游戏包括外显行为层面的游戏和内在精神层面的游戏。游戏在科学课教学中的运用有坚实的哲学、生理学、心理学依据,它能提高学生学习科学课的兴趣,能使学生在最好的状态中进行科学的学习,能促进学生学习科学所必备的身心素质的发展,能使科学课注入人性的因素。我们可以通过让游戏作为一种精神存在于科学课之中,使游戏成为科学课教学活动开展的形式和手段的两种方式使科学课教学和游戏更好的结合。  相似文献   

Designed-based research principles guided the study of 51 secondary-science teachers in the second year of a 3-year professional development project. The project entailed the creation of student-centered, inquiry-based, science, video games. A professional development model appropriate for infusing innovative technologies into standards-based curricula was employed to determine how science teacher’s attitudes and efficacy where impacted while designing science-based video games. The study’s mixed-method design ascertained teacher efficacy on five factors (General computer use, Science Learning, Inquiry Teaching and Learning, Synchronous chat/text, and Playing Video Games) related to technology and gaming using a web-based survey). Qualitative data in the form of online blog posts was gathered during the project to assist in the triangulation and assessment of teacher efficacy. Data analyses consisted of an Analysis of Variance and serial coding of teacher reflective responses. Results indicated participants who used computers daily have higher efficacy while using inquiry-based teaching methods and science teaching and learning. Additional emergent findings revealed possible motivating factors for efficacy. This professional development project was focused on inquiry as a pedagogical strategy, standard-based science learning as means to develop content knowledge, and creating video games as technological knowledge. The project was consistent with the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) framework where overlapping circles of the three components indicates development of an integrated understanding of the suggested relationships. Findings provide suggestions for development of standards-based science education software, its integration into the curriculum and, strategies for implementing technology into teaching practices.  相似文献   

This review synthesises research on digital games and science learning as it supports the goals for science proficiency outlined in the report by the US National Research Council on science education reform. The review is organised in terms of these research-based goals for science proficiency in light of their alignment with current science education standards and reform documents worldwide. Overall, the review suggests that digital games can support science learning across the four strands but also suggests that there are few strong quantitative studies examining some of the strands. Much of the research conducted to date has centred primarily on the potential of games to scaffold conceptual knowledge, engagement and participation. Less research has focused on epistemological understanding and science process skills. While much debate has asked whether digital games are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for learning, the research across the strands highlights that the design of digital games, rather than their medium, ultimately determines their efficacy for learning.  相似文献   

Advances in technology have led to continuous innovation in teaching and learning methods. For instance, the use of tablet PCs (TPCs) in classroom instruction has been shown to be effective in attracting and motivating students' interest and increasing their desire to participate in learning activities. In this paper, we used a TPCs game – an iPad app called Motion Math: Hungry Fish – to help young students learn to theoretically understand and practically implement the mathematical concepts of addition and subtraction. Based on findings from a pilot study, we categorized the game's 18 levels of difficulty into “challenging” (experimental group) and “matching” (control group) games. We aimed to investigate whether challenging games were more able than matching games to improve the students' motivation, flow experience, self-efficacy for technology, self-efficacy for science, feelings about the TPC game, and satisfaction with the learning approach. The findings showed that the students in the experimental group achieved better flow experience, learning performance, and satisfaction.  相似文献   

Serious scientific games, especially those that include a virtual apprenticeship component, provide players with realistic experiences in science. This article discusses how science games can influence learning about science and the development of science-oriented possible selves through repeated practice in professional play and through social influences (e.g., peer groups). We first review the theory of possible selves (Markus and Nurius 1986) and discuss the potential of serious scientific games for influencing the development of scientific possible selves. As part of our review, we present a forensic game that inspired our work. Next we present a measure of scientific possible selves and assess its reliability and validity with a sample of middle-school students (N?=?374). We conclude by discussing the promise of science games and the development of scientific possible selves on both the individual and group levels as a means of inspiring STEM careers among adolescents.  相似文献   

Although educational computer games have been recognized as being a promising approach, previous studies have indicated that, without supportive models, students might only show temporary interest during the game-based learning process, and their learning performance is often not as good as expected. Therefore, in this paper, a two-tier test approach is proposed for developing educational computer games. To evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, a role-playing game was developed and an experiment was conducted on the “migratory bird identification” unit of an elementary school natural science course. Two classes of fifth graders participated in the experiment. One class was the experimental group who learned with the proposed game-based learning approach. The other class was the control group who learned with the conventional e-learning approach. The experimental results showed that the proposed approach not only significantly promoted the students’ learning motivation, but also improved their learning achievements. Moreover, it was found that the students who learned with the educational computer game showed significantly higher technology acceptance degree than those who learned with the conventional e-learning approach. Accordingly, it is concluded that the proposed digital game-based learning approach is effective.  相似文献   

Within the last 10 years, new tools for assisting in the teaching and learning of academic skills and content within the context of science have arisen. These new tools include multiple types of computer software and hardware to include (video) games. The purpose of this study was to examine and compare the effect of computer learning games in the form of three-dimensional serious educational games, two-dimensional online laboratories, and traditional lecture-based instruction in the context of student content learning in science. In particular, this study examines the impact of dimensionality, or the ability to move along the X-, Y-, and Z-axis in the games. Study subjects (N = 551) were randomly selected using a stratified sampling technique. Independent strata subsamples were developed based upon the conditions of serious educational games, online laboratories, and lecture. The study also computationally models a potential mechanism of action and compares two- and three-dimensional learning environments. F test results suggest a significant difference for the main effect of condition across the factor of content gain score with large effect. Overall, comparisons using computational models suggest that three-dimensional serious educational games increase the level of success in learning as measured with content examinations through greater recruitment and attributional retraining of cognitive systems. The study supports assertions in the literature that the use of games in higher dimensions (i.e., three-dimensional versus two-dimensional) helps to increase student understanding of science concepts.  相似文献   

There is a vast terrain of emerging research that explores recent innovations in digital games, particularly as they relate to questions of teaching and learning science. One such game, Citizen Science, was developed to teach players about the practice of citizen science as well as lake ecology. Citizen science is a pedagogy that has a long history within the scientific community, engaging the public in ongoing community and environmental surveys to collect data for existing small-scale studies. More recently, citizen science has gained traction as an educational context for teaching and learning science in ways that connect to students?? lives and interests. By placing citizen science within the realm of digital worlds, Matthew Gaydos and Kurt Squire invite new possibilities for knowledge to become more kinetic, moving in multiple directions. In this article we discuss some of the tensions we experienced as we explored the digital game, Citizen Science. We highlight questions about narrative and complexity, emergent game play and transfer to encourage thinking about the development and implementation of games such as Citizen Science.  相似文献   

三维情境式教育游戏软件的设计与案例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前教育游戏"娱教分离"的问题还比较严重。文章结合情境认知理论,提出情境式教育游戏的理念,尝试利用虚拟现实技术创设适合学习者探究的游戏化学习情境以激发学习者的动机和探究兴趣。文章对情境式教育游戏软件的设计和开发要点进行了详细的阐述,并概要介绍了该研究设计的游戏案例,试用效果表明学习者对情境式教育游戏有着较高的认同度,将结构化的知识融入到情境式教育游戏中是可行的。  相似文献   

Understanding factors that impact teacher implementation of learning from professional development is critical in order to maximize the educational and financial investment in teacher professional learning. This multi-case qualitative investigation elucidates factors that influence the appropriation of instructional tools associated with professional development focused on technology within science classrooms using activity theory as a theoretical framework. This framework has the capacity to account for multiple elements in professional learning. Implementation variability associated with professional development adoption drives this inquiry to search for better understandings of the appropriation of pedagogical practices. Purposeful sampling was used to identify four participants from a group of science teachers engaged in professional development designed to investigate how cyber-enabled technologies might enhance instruction and learning in eighth-grade science classrooms. The data from this investigation add to the literature of appropriation of instructional practices by connecting the conceptual and practical dispositions of teachers with an appropriation hierarchy.  相似文献   

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