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The Centre for Industrial Management at Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven has developed, since 1990, a total quality approach in its organization. This process resulted, in 1992 in a total quality system based upon the implementation of a quality handbook. Although there was at the beginning no intention to implement an industry standard in this academic environment, it was decided later to apply for ISO certification. The ISO 9001 certificate was awarded in early 1994. This paper describes this unique experience of ISO 9001 in an academic unit.  相似文献   

The expansion and transformation of Malaysian universities have generated major changes in the nature of academic employment and the structure of academic promotion in higher education institutions. These changes have considerable implications, in particular for the policy and practice of academic promotion in the public universities. We argue that despite sharing one common grade and salary system, distinct and significant differences exist in the academic promotion systems of the public universities. Drawing on one recent study on the academic promotion process in Malaysian public universities to contextualise our discussion, this paper highlights the complexity in the promotion process in these institutions. It also discusses and articulates the attendant issues and challenging aspects of the academic promotion process. We argue that the interrelated issues and challenges, and certain academic practices and habits stemming from the pressure to gain a promotion are pervasive, and that they affect the academic value system and work culture. We conclude by asserting the importance of applying a consistent standard for promotion within a single salary system and that the academic promotion system in the public universities should ultimately affirm and communicate core academic values, and also aim at obtaining evidence of excellent accomplishments.  相似文献   

Despite a persistent belief to the contrary, most Canadian universities prior to the 1960s did not operate collegially. They were run autocratically. Collective bargaining arose as a means of ensuring true collegiality through negotiations between equals, legally entrenching due process and academic freedom, and providing a clearer and stronger mechanism for dealing with salaries and benefits. This was a revolution from below in the governance of universities. Although the sixties are widely regarded as the age of student revolt, in Canada it was the faculty, not the students, who secured a dramatic change in the power structure of the university through collective bargaining.  相似文献   

美国大学学术自由演绎的文化视角   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从文化视角分析美国大学学术自由的演绎进程,可以看出,就精神文化层面而言,崇尚自由是美国大学学术自由发端的动力;就传统文化层面而言,实用主义是美国大学学术自由的主流价值取向;就组织与制度文化层面而言,专业组织、法规条例以及协商制度是美国大学学术自由的外部保障与规范;就道德文化层面而言,学术责任与学术道德是美国大学学术自由的内部反省与自律.美国大学学术自由在精神文化中产生,在文化冲突与演绎中不断发展.  相似文献   

学术型硕士研究生教育质量的提高依赖于研究生教育质量管理体系中各要素质量的提高。将优越的管理体系作用于高质量的体系要素并形成优化的结构,学术型硕士研究生教育质量水平在整体上可以获得提高。2008版ISO9001标准可以指导学术型硕士研究生教育质量管理体系的构建。将ISO9001标准引入研究生教育领域,会使更多的培养单位获得更多的发展机遇,提高教育质量,提高教育管理水平。  相似文献   

Managers and personnel within tertiary institutions colonised by neo‐liberal ministrations and buffeted by the winds of a ‘change culture’ formed within the philosophical shifts of the last century can be considered in terms of ‘immigrants’ or ‘refugees’ within this new territory. The case story of this article is set in a college of education newly situated within a traditional university culture. Superimposed on that scenario is an ontology shift from academia to a neo‐liberal business model. The article considers how people, enculturated with an already established socio‐cultural paradigm where research, collegiality, democracy and the concept of academic freedom predominate, are challenged to reform their epistemologies to fit the definition of the new culture. The article is a theory‐based, qualitative report of a case study using anthropological parameters and terminology of cultures and culture change to map the impact of the change process on the epistemologies of people involved in claiming the post‐colonial space.  相似文献   

本文从专业学位与职业资格认证实现成功对接的三个案例出发,通过对管理模式、对接机制、认证内容等进行深入剖析和比较研究,归纳总结出专业学位与职业资格认证对接成功的关键要素:建立与职业资格认证层级对应的学位体系;建立政府、行业、高校协同创新的沟通机制;建立以职业资格认证为导向的专业学位研究生培养模式;建立严格完善的对接项目评估管理机制。  相似文献   

This paper challenges the view that academic professionalism resides in the professional 'autonomy' of the academic, the 'self-regulation' of academics as an occupational group, and the differential 'status' of academic workers. This still influential (though residual) notion of academic professionalism, it is argued, leads to institutional stasis. What is required is greater reflexivity by academics in respect of their underlying professional values. In particular the piece challenges the academic community (of which the author is a member) to re-think academic freedom – the bedrock of professional identity within that community – in terms of increased inclusivity: 'freedom for all' rather than 'freedom for academics' The paper touches on issues relating to practice and organisational structure, but focuses primarily on the need for academics to shift the moral bases of their claim to professionalism. In so doing, it also challenges the post-Dearing consensus that the debate on academic professionalism can be adequately conducted in terms of 'standards' and 'outcomes'. A prime purpose of the paper is to promote debate and discussion by setting a different kind of agenda (a moral agenda) and by couching that agenda within a different kind of discourse (one that invites and admits moral speculation).  相似文献   

Presently, the role and the function of universities in Malaysia have been described as being in a state of change. Several strategies have been adopted to assist in the re-branding of higher institutions of learning. As a consequence, an effective model of leadership practices, particularly at the Malaysian academic departmental level, has to be generated in order to replace the traditional leadership practices in meeting the national aspirations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between department heads’ leadership behaviour with academics’ organisational commitment. Survey responses from 430 academics from Malaysian public universities were received and analysed. The main finding of this study reveals that the adoption of encouraging leadership behaviour (Kouzes and Posner’s Transformational Leadership) shows a 55% direct positive relationship with academics’ organisational commitment, with demographical factors playing no role as a moderator with either variable. This reinforces the rationalisation for adopting the model within the Malaysian academic setting, where department heads should indeed lead the academic organisation.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to identify the effect of the research assessment exercise (RAE) on the balance between collegiality and managerialism in English universities. The article examines the institutional strategies for the 2001 RAE and its effect on organisational culture, identifying change in governance, management and leadership in English universities. The study is based upon case studies of four selected English universities.Website: Higher Education and Research Opportunities in the United Kingdom  相似文献   

世界一流大学的精神文化对我国创建世界一流大学的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界一流大学的历史证明,大学精神文化是造就世界一流大学的根本.而我国创建世界一流大学过程中存在着大学精神文化的缺失,需要我们从独立精神、学术自由、特色理念和创新精神等方面向世界一流大学学习.  相似文献   


This paper takes the form of a position statement followed by three responses from colleagues located in different institutions of higher education. The resulting colloquium is concerned, among other things, with the role of the academic within higher education and with the notion of freedom as it relates to the definition and development of that role. It sets itself against the traditional notion of ‘academic freedom’ and explores alternative constructions of academic professionalism. Freedom remains central to these constructions; but an outward‐looking emancipatory notion of freedom, not an inward‐looking and self‐interested notion. The practices that are documented in the paper and the issues that these raise are a direct consequence of this preoccupation with reconstructing the moral bases of academic professionalism. The paper reaches no firm conclusions, but highlights a number of key differences within a shared emancipatory project: differences shaped by the institutional and cultural contexts of higher education and, in particular, by the gendering of the academic workplace; differences inscribed in the conditions and divisions of labour within higher education and, more specifically, in the organisational structures of support for professional growth and development; differences of value and purpose that help determine what, for each of the authors, it means to be an academic. The form of the paper, with its emphasis on the examined life as deliberative and public, reflects this preoccupation with achieving principled agreement through the recognition and exploration of difference.  相似文献   

学术自由与学术规范互相联系,对立统一,是教授治学的前提和基础。但在我国大学学术活动中,学术自由的缺乏与学术规范的缺失,束缚了大学教授对真理的追求。对此,分析原因,建构有利于教授治学的学术自由与学术规范是当务之急。  相似文献   

中小企业质量管理体系认证困境与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于市场竞争的不断加剧和顾客要求的不断提高,我国中小企业实施ISO9001质量体系认证的热情持续高涨,然而认证过程的复杂和取证后保持的困难,导致部分中小企业在质量战略认识、实施与方法、持续改进等方面存在着难以突破的困境,而解决这些问题的对策是以持续发展为宗旨,加强市场经济条件下的质量意识,通过明确使命,发现问题,学习培训和不断改进的系列过程,建立新型动态的质量体系认证模式。  相似文献   

美国高等教育认证制度的非正式规则分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
美国高等教育认证制度的非正式规则,不仅影响认证活动中各个行为主体的认证行为,而且还影响认证制度正式规则的制定.本文就认证活动中起主要作用的三种价值观:学术自由与学校自治、个人主义和实用主义展开了讨论.  相似文献   

许美德教授试图通过文化的角度来获得对中国大学百年历史的一种阐释性认识。她借助韦伯的“理想型”,抽离出自治权和学术自由这一对概念,在此基础上分析了中西文化以及高等教育的差异。她通过叙事的方式展示了中国大学百年来在两种文化下经历的冲突、借鉴和融合。最后,她期望中国大学在吸收这一百年来调和中国与西方、传统与现代之矛盾与冲突的成功经验上,可以形成自己独特的模式,即真正的中国大学模式。  相似文献   

学术自由的内涵与边界   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现代大学办学中的学术自由,指称的是学术活动主体个人治学中免于外部干涉这一意义上的学术自由。学术自由的思想之所以获得广泛的传播,不只是在于它具有促进知识进步和发展的工具价值,更重要的是它反映了学术活动中主体个人正义、适切的权利诉求,这是学术自由的基本价值之所在。在当代民主社会,学术自由所受到的侵害有时并非来自学术组织外部的强制,倒往往来自学术组织内部的强制。今天学术自由面临的最严重威胁,便是大学学术道德规范正在受到严重的侵蚀和损坏,而其直接的诱因在相当大的程度上源于大学内部管理权力的某些不当强制。这就需要在学术效率与学术自由的价值选择上进行新的权衡,多一些对学术人员自由权利的尊重,才能有真正的知识生产效率。  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Simon Marginson focuses on self-determining academic freedom in universities, and especially the conditions and drivers of the radical-creative imagination that is manifest in sudden intellectual breaks in knowledge. Marginson's objective is to establish foundations in political philosophy for a sociological study of the effects of the new public management (NPM) on academic self-determination and radical creativity. After discussing the radical-creative imagination, Marginson identifies the core elements of academic self-determination as agency freedom, freedom as power, and freedom as control. He then annotates each of the particular administrative and financial practices fostered by NPM in the light of these constituents of freedom, explores the implications for the radical-creative imagination, and identifies possible lines of empirical inquiry for further sociological study.  相似文献   

论学术资本主义的生成逻辑与价值冲突   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学术资本主义是一种市场导向的知识生产与转化方式,是一种基于专业化理念的大学组织与管理模式,是一个影响大学及其成员身份定位的文化系统。政治上的新自由主义浪潮,经济上的资源依附压力,社会文化中的绩效至上、自由竞争理念,大学自身在全球化时代的组织转型等因素共同促成了学术资本主义的生成。学术资本主义隐含有一系列价值冲突,表现在大学自身的属性定位、学术科研导向及大学治理变革上。  相似文献   

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