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<正>《义务教育历史课程标准(2022年版)》新增跨学科主题学习板块,其目的是进一步发展培养学生核心素养,促进学生历史学习方式的转变,加强学生运用多学科知识与技能进行综合探究的能力。根据课程标准的要求,历史课程的跨学科主题学习活动主要是将所学历史课程与其他课程的知识、技能、方法以及课题研究等结合起来,开展深入的探究性学习、问题导向学习等综合实践活动,是对不同学习领域知识的整合,是在历史基础知识学习前提下的学习提升与拓展。义务教育历史课程思想性、人文性、综合性、基础性的性质,也为历史课程的跨学科主题学习提供了必要性和可能性。  相似文献   

跨学科课程是高校推动本科阶段跨学科人才培养的重要抓手,学生跨学科课程学习参与直接影响跨学科人才培养的成效。基于与主修专业课程对比的角度,通过综合运用配对样本T检验、回归分析、夏普里值分解法对研究型大学1004名本科生跨学科课程学习参与水平及其影响因素进行实证分析,发现本科生跨学科课程学习参与处于中等水平,认知、行为及社交参与水平相对较低;学生背景、动机、自我效能等个体因素和教学环境、社会关系等情境因素对本科生跨学科课程学习参与产生显著影响;跨学科与主修专业课程学习参与在影响因素和解释力度上均有差异。为提高本科生跨学科课程学习参与,研究型大学需重视学校跨学科课程建设,优化课程组织结构;提升跨学科课程内容适切性,改善课程质量;增强教师跨学科教育理念,提升教学能力;提高学生跨学科学习意识,促进不同专业学生间交流互动。  相似文献   

2022年中国义务教育课程方案和课程标准正式发布,在学生能力培养路径层面提出开展“跨学科主题学习”要求,跨学科学习在美国的基础教育课程标准中也同样被关注和规划。中美两国课程标准在核心理念、总体目标和内容框架上都有差异,中国课程标准从课时安排、学习方式、实践范例的角度规划跨学科主题学习,美国课程标准更多地在科学类学习中通过跨学科的核心概念支撑跨学科学习,并通过STEM课程加以落实。两相比较,中国可结合课程体系特点分领域围绕共同主题或核心概念开展跨学科学习,进一步探索跨学科学习的有效实施路径和评价策略,同时发挥教科研体制优势强化跨学科主题学习的整体规划。  相似文献   

结合乡土地理资源,组织学生通过研学实践的方式开展跨学科主题学习,有助于学生更好地实现知识内化、提升核心素养水平,也有助于推动义务教育地理教学改革向纵深发展。文章在明确了研学路线的基础上,从“明确各研学点的探究主题”“设计跨学科主题学习问题链”“确立师生‘双主体’教学模式”“强调跨学科主题学习评价的过程性与多元性”等方面,对如何基于研学实践开展地理课程跨学科主题学习进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

<正>义务教育课程方案及相关的课程标准于2022年4月面向社会正式颁布。新的课程方案及相关的课程标准特别重视课程的综合,要求强化学科内知识的整合,充分发挥课程协同育人的功能。《义务教育课程方案(2022年版)》明确要求各门学科原则上要用不少于10%的课时来设计跨学科学习。跨学科学习的目的是为了帮助学生建立“跨学科的理解”,促进学生核心素养和自由人格的发展。跨学科学习要基于学生的知识基础,  相似文献   

科学教育课程的跨学科价值体现在社会价值、知识价值和个人价值等方面.课程内容体现出整体性、跨学科或超学科性特点;课程结构采取融合的形式,强调学生学习的独立性和创造性,强调对学生综合能力的培养,体现以人为本的指导思想均居科学教育课程的跨学科建构特征.而师资队伍、思想观念与理论基础、课程建构与分科教育的关系、课程的评估和逻辑体系等问题是科学教育课程建构需要进一步思考的问题.  相似文献   

跨学科融合教学是当前基础教育课程教学改革所关注与倡导的,这一趋势在各级各类考试命题中也开始有所体现。要想突破以往“拼盘式”跨学科命题的困境,关键在于命题各环节应实现学科间知识、能力和思想的无痕融入。这就要求命题时需立足学生的全面发展确定试题立意,并在各课程内容关联处拟定试题主题,进而创设适宜跨学科学习探究的试题情境,设置能检测学生综合素养的任务型问题,构建分层赋分的描述性评价标准,以此实现试题的育人功能。  相似文献   

宋存定 《甘肃教育》2023,(13):85-87
2022版《义务教育化学课程标准》在课程理念设计中强调,构建大概念统领的化学课程内容体系,注重学科内的融合及学科间的联系。在学习主题的设置上将“化学与社会·跨学科实践”作为学科融合和课程育人价值的重要体现。文章通过研究新课标的意义,引出新课标下初中化学跨学科单元教学的优势,在对重要影响因素深入分析的基础上,进一步提出新课标下初中化学跨学科单元教学的策略,以提升学生的发散性思维能力,让学生的学科素养和综合学习能力得到进一步提升。  相似文献   

庄成 《江苏教育》2023,(13):76-79
《义务教育信息科技课程标准(2022年版)》明确指出要探索跨学科主题学习,提升不同课程对学生核心素养发展的贡献度。在此次新课标中,信息科技学科首次从综合实践课中分离出来。因此,教师更应不断更新教育理念,充分把握课程深度、广度,找寻各学科间的联系,为学生进一步学习发展打下良好基础。以跨学科主题学习活动为研究方向,以游戏化思维为基础,开展跨学科主题创设研究,有助于小学信息科技学科的良性发展。  相似文献   

聂隽 《现代教育》2023,(11):40-46
笔者以“黄河情生态行、寻迹黄河古村落”跨学科主题学习为例,总结提炼了初中开发跨学科主题学习课程的一般规律:第一,发扬地方特色,挖掘跨学科主题学习主题;第二,明确课程定位,叙写跨学科主题学习目标;第三,分类梳理资源,编写跨学科主题课程资料;第四,细化课时内容,进行跨学科主题课程实施;第五,着眼学生发展,构建跨学科主题课程评价。开展中小学跨学科主题课程的研究有利于落实新课标跨学科主题学习要求,实现课程育人。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify how and why doctoral students do interdisciplinary research. A mixed-methods approach utilising bibliometric analysis of the publications of 195 students identified those who had published interdisciplinary research. This objective measurement of the interdisciplinarity, applying the Rao-Stirling index to Web of Science and Scopus citations, allowed for a comparison of students’ interdisciplinary research outcomes from three different computer science programmes: a traditional programme, a multidisciplinary doctoral school and an interdisciplinary doctoral college. Applying a sociocultural approach, interviews with the 15 most interdisciplinary students were analysed to understand how dispositions and experiences of students and factors of the different programmes affect the circumstances and processes of becoming an interdisciplinary early career scientist. The data indicate that student motivations, previous skills and knowledge interacted with policies and programme structures including type of funding and supervisor expectations to play a crucial role in interdisciplinarity at the doctoral level. These factors can give rise to interdisciplinary research even in programmes without interdisciplinary focus and compromise the interdisciplinary goals of interdisciplinary programmes.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines two US interdisciplinary graduate programs which involve faculty and students from different disciplines. Haworth and Conrad’s engagement theory of quality graduate education was applied. It was found that when interdisciplinary programs facilitate engagement by supporting diversity, participation, connections, and interactive teaching and learning, students report positive experiences. Engagement is particularly achievable when an interdisciplinary administrative unit (e.g., a school or center) grants degrees and serves as a tenure home for faculty. Students earning degrees in traditional departments had more difficulty connecting interdisciplinary requirements to their disciplinary work, and were often faced with incompatible program requirements or advice from faculty members. Although they desire to do interdisciplinary work, the students and faculty in traditional departments are required to meet additional and often conflicting requirements. Engagement may further be complicated because these participants feel divided between collaborations, social networks, and expectations that pull them in different directions.  相似文献   

电大开放教育《经济数学基础》课程的教材及辅导教学中存在着课程教学要求标准过高,偏重数学理论,经济应用不足;学员数学基础薄弱且参差不齐,自主性学习意识不强,工学矛盾突出;以及由于上网条件受限,学习环境差、学习支持服务不够完善,课程远程交互学习难度大等问题。开放教育学员在学习《经济数学基础》课程时,普遍反映难学、怕学,合格率偏低。笔者认为,远程开放教育条件下《经济数学基础》课程导学教学应着重于培养复合型的教师,注重学生的应用能力培养;把握数学课程特点,注重学生数学思想方法的培养;了解学生底细,坚持因材施教,补习必备的初等数学基础;以及帮助学生转变学习观,培养学生自主学习能力,帮助学生尽快适应这种新型的学习方式,取得更好的学习效果。  相似文献   

庞新  郭瑾  刘丹  高伟 《教育技术导刊》2020,19(4):263-267
为拓宽大学生知识领域,激发其创新意识,提高其实践能力,促进学科专业从单一型向多学科交叉融合型转变,根据师范类地方高校艺术专业特点,将动作捕捉系统与影视、体育、美术和舞蹈专业结合,进行实践教学。基于动作捕捉系统的学科交叉教学能够提高影视动画制作效率,使动画效果更逼真、更精细;能够规范体育运动和舞蹈动作姿势,使学习兴趣和学习效率显著提高。通过在学科交叉教学中应用动作捕捉系统,可提高大学生创新能力、实践能力,培养跨学科人才,同时为其它学科交叉教学提供借鉴。  相似文献   


In order to increase student commitment from the beginning of students’ university careers, the Technische Universität Darmstadt has introduced interdisciplinary study projects involving first-year students from the engineering, natural, social and history, economics and/or human sciences departments. The didactic concept includes sophisticated task design, individual responsibility and a differentiated support system. Using a self-determination theory framework, this study examined the effects of the projects based on survey findings from two projects with more than 1000 students. The results showed that the projects were successful in fulfilling students’ basic psychological needs and in promoting students’ academic engagement. Basic psychological needs were found to be significant predictors of academic engagement. These findings suggest that interdisciplinary study projects can potentially contribute to improving higher education as they fulfil students’ basic psychological needs for competence, relatedness and autonomy and enhance students’ academic engagement.  相似文献   

Although interdisciplinary efforts in teaching and research are promoted as a possible antidote to increasing disciplinary separatism in colleges and universities, evaluations of interdisciplinary efforts in the classroom, particularly those spanning the traditional science-humanities divide, are not frequently documented. This article describes the development, execution, and assessment of a unique effort in interdisciplinary teaching in which four doctoral candidates from widely varying home disciplines collaborated to create and teach a “truly interdisciplinary” course for first-year students centered on the pervasiveness of humankind's quest for immortality. Assessment of the course indicates several desirable student outcomes, including the development of a more mature world view and appreciation for different epistemologies, which recommend the continuation of this and similar interdisciplinary efforts. While students at times found the enormous number of disciplines potentially related to the central topic overwhelming, at the conclusion of the course, they largely identified the exposure to new perspectives as an exciting and worthwhile academic experience. Similar interdisciplinary efforts in the classroom are encouraged, though ample course development time is recommended to maximize success.  相似文献   

We use an experimental course collaboration that occurred in the winter of 2012 as a case study for an approach to interdisciplinary collaboration between Theatre and Humanities courses, and we argue that the theatre methodology of “devising” can serve as a particularly rich locus for collaboration between Theatre students and other Humanities students because it allows students to cooperate in generating a creative product that draws on two different areas of expertise. In this case, English students operated as critically informed advisors for Theatre students who devised original performances using a canonical text as source material. This experimental collaboration produced many of the positive results that have been discussed in previous studies concerning interdisciplinary pedagogy, including thoughtful consideration of the nature of each discipline, transferring of tools and methodologies between disciplines, increased student enthusiasm, and faculty development. However, it did not require extensive resources or curricular restructuring and thus might operate as a useful model for instructors with reservations about or limited resources for attempting interdisciplinary collaboration.  相似文献   

In this study I have investigated how alternative ways of teaching mathematics influence and affect Early Childhood Education (ECE) students’ attitudes towards maths and how they understand their own subjectivities as more or less mathematical during a 10‐week alternative maths course. The investigated course adopts a feminist post‐structural approach based on critical pedagogy and deconstructive theory and includes an interdisciplinary approach to investigative mathematics. The data used include the memory/narrative writings and process‐writings of 75 female teacher‐education students, collected from three different cohorts, in which the students describe their learning processes throughout the maths course. The study shows that, in the main, the students became much more positively inclined to the subject of mathematics after the maths course and agreed that this course had changed their understanding of their own mathematical subjectivity, albeit in different and varying ways.  相似文献   

This study explored senior secondary students’ beliefs and experiences of learning an interdisciplinary curriculum, Liberal Studies, in Hong Kong. Through the analysis of focus-group interviews with 168 students, most of the students were found to enjoy or at least not resist interdisciplinary learning, and preferred to study real-world contemporary issues. More than half of the students, however, expressed their relative lack of confidence in interdisciplinary learning because of the difficulties they encountered in Independent Enquiry Studies and the public examination. The students were also found to have undertaken examination-oriented activities when the public examination approached. The study sheds light on the realization of interdisciplinary learning in secondary education in contexts where teacher-centred pedagogy and an accountability agenda remain influential.  相似文献   

Problem-solving has been one of the major strands in science education research. But much of the problem-solving research has been conducted on discipline-based contexts; little research has been done on how students, especially individuals, solve interdisciplinary problems. To understand how individuals reason about interdisciplinary problems, we conducted an interview study with 16 graduate students coming from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds. During the interviews, we asked participants to solve two interdisciplinary science problems on the topic of osmosis. We investigated participants’ problem reasoning processes and probed in their attitudes toward general interdisciplinary approach and specific interdisciplinary problems. Through a careful inductive content analysis of their responses, we studied how disciplinary, cognitive, and affective factors influenced their interdisciplinary problems-solving. We found that participants’ prior discipline-based science learning experiences had both positive and negative influences on their interdisciplinary problem-solving. These influences were embodied in their conceptualization of the interdisciplinary problems, the strategies they used to integrate different disciplinary knowledge, and the attitudes they had toward interdisciplinary approach in general and specific interdisciplinary problems. This study sheds light on interdisciplinary science education by revealing the complex relationship between disciplinary learning and interdisciplinary problem-solving.  相似文献   

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