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A nonexperimental design was used to determine whether the verbal scores of low-income gifted fifth graders (n = 38) differed from those of their higher income peers (n = 83). The Otis–Lennon School Ability Test, Eighth Edition and the Stanford Achievement Test-Tenth Edition were used to collect student data. Results of a MANOVA showed a statistically significant difference between the verbal scores of the two groups, with low-income students scoring significantly lower. A large effect size for the multivariate main effect of income level on verbal intelligence and verbal achievement scores was found (η2 = .19). The existence of verbal–nonverbal score discrepancy in low-income students questions the practice of using only nonverbal or nonverbal parts of an IQ test to identify and place students in gifted programmes. These results also underscore the need to nurture underdeveloped verbal abilities when they occur in low-income students.  相似文献   


The Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence Tests, verbal and nonverbal, were administered to 115 eighth-grade boys and 150 eighth-grade girls who had taken the tests in grade three or four. Estimated true changes in IQ from grades three and four to grade eight were calculated. It was found that 1) estimated true (E.T.) nonverbal changes were more than three times as great as (E.T.) verbal changes for both boys and girls, 2) both verbal and nonverbal IQ scores tended to rise, 3) grades three, four, and eight verbal IQ scores correlated more highly with each other than did grades three, four, and eight nonverbal IQ scores, and 4) there was no significant product moment correlation between (E.T.) verbal and (E.T.) nonverbal IQ change scores.  相似文献   

樊军 《宜宾学院学报》2005,5(3):100-103
跨化交际包括不同化间的语言和非语言交际。传统上的日语教学重视语言交际,而忽视非语言交际的教学,从而影响到跨化交际活动的进行。通过对非语言交际的认识,以及中日两国化中非语言交际现象的对比研究,揭示非语言交际的重要性,从而为日语教学中的非语言跨化交际教学提出建议。  相似文献   

语言是交际的工具,是文化的载体。非言语是语言交际的补充,作为语言交际时的伴随性特征并同时具有语言功能。人们在交际中只注重语言交际,而往往忽略非言语交际作为信息传递的重要地住。文章主要对语言与非言语的关系、非言语交际分类、非言语交际的特征、非言语交际的功能做了简要阐述,并探讨了在跨文化交际中如何解决非言语手段带来的文化冲突。  相似文献   

人类交际是语言交际和非语言交际的结合。非语言交际是整个交际中不可缺少的组成部分。它在交际中的作用是不可忽视的。[1]萨莫瓦尔说:"在面对面交际中,信息的社交内容只有35%左右时语言行为,其他都是通过非语言行为传递的。"[2]在跨文化交际中,很多人往往重视语言的正确运用,而忽略非语言交际行为的文化差异及其影响,导致文化误解和文化冲突频频发生。实际上非语言交际行为和手段比语言交际行为所起的交际作用更大,它的差异比语言行为的差异所引起的文化冲突还要严重。根据毕继万在《跨文化非语言交际》中将非语言交际粗略地分成四大类:1)体态语;2)副语言;3)客体语;4)环境语,本文试从手势语、眼神交流、体触行为等方面研究体态语在跨文化交际中的应用,减少由此导致的文化差异的干扰,以促进人们之间成功地进行跨文化交际。  相似文献   

人类的交际包括语言和非语言交际,其中非语言交际在交际中起着十分重要的作用。由于非语言行为不能与文化分割,所以交际双方在跨文化交际中可能会因文化背景的差异而导致非语言语用失误。本文试图从身势语。副语言,客体语以及环境语等方面来探讨非语言语用失误行为及其在不同文化中的表现差异,并对如何培养和提高跨文化非语言交际能力提出一些建议。  相似文献   

本实验比较了12位自闭症谱系儿童和12位年龄及非语言智商匹配的聋童、12位年龄及语言智商匹配的智力障碍儿童手势模仿能力.研究发现:(1)自闭症谱系儿童手部模仿能力明显落后于聋童,略高于智力障碍儿童;(2)身体部位定向的困难可能是自闭症谱系儿童无意义手势模仿的主要障碍;(3)运用自我一他人投射理论可以有效地解释自闭症谱系儿童的模仿缺陷和特异性的错误类型.  相似文献   

Nurture groups are a form of provision for children with social, emotional, behavioural and learning difficulties. The study examines the interactions between children and staff – in particular, the frequency and effects of verbal and non-verbal praise – and discusses how this contributes to its effectiveness as a positive intervention instrument for all children. Results from structured observations confirmed that interactions in four nurture groups were positive and likely to enhance the self-esteem of pupils. Staff in all nurture groups used a higher frequency of specific verbal praise compared to non-verbal praise, despite results from children's responses to praise revealing that nearly a half of the children responded to non-verbal praise by continuing with appropriate behaviours. An interesting and unexpected finding revealed that as time passed the frequency of both verbal and non-verbal praise reduced. The study highlights how the frequency of certain behaviours such as non-verbal praise can impact on children's behaviour.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、专家访谈法对体育教师非言语行为教学进行了探讨。合理运用非言语行为进行教学,要遵循四大基本原则:终极目标——服务教学原则,健康得体原则,师生共识原则,言语与非言语行为优化搭配原则。  相似文献   


The present study examined die influence self-concept played in a verbal free recall and non-verbal paired associate learning task with gifted children. Twenty-four male and 24 female pre-adolescents were divided into high and low self-concept groups for each sex, forming four groups with 12 subjects in each group. A 20-item free recall task and a five-trial, six-item non-verbal paired associate learning task were administered. High self-esteem boys and girls showed significantly greater mastery of all learning tasks than lower self-concept counterparts. Analysis of organization scores supported the use of more sophisticated learning strategies by children with higher self-perceptions.  相似文献   


The writer (Ogletree) conducted a creativity study in England, Scotland, and Germany, which included 1,165 primary school children. Results showed that creativity scores (using the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking) were a function of socioeconomic background. In all countries, children of upper class families obtained significantly higher creativity scores (verbal and nonverbal) than children of middle and lower class families. The same significant difference was evident in middle class children to lower class children. This was true when analyzed within countries, by age, grade, and sex. There was no evidence to support the contention that youngsters of lower class backgrounds performed better on nonverbal tasks than their higher class peers, although they did make a better showing on the nonverbal tasks than on the verbal tasks.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between phonological processing and reading ability amongst grade 4 and grade 5 Arabic speaking children in Egypt. In addition to measuring reading level, the study assessed the children’s ability to identify rhymes, delete individual phonemes from words, retain and manipulate sequences of digit names and rapidly access verbal labels. Further literacy and literacy-related tasks required children to decode novel letter strings, to distinguish similar words, to identify words within letter chains and to correctly spell dictated text. A non-verbal ability measure was also included to allow comparisons to be made between a group of poor readers with good non-verbal skills (dyslexics) with a control group of chronological-age-matched normal readers with equivalent average scores on the non-verbal task. Results indicated relationships between literacy ability, decoding and phonological processing within this cohort, as well as identifying differences between dyslexic and control groups that suggest Arabic dyslexics show signs of poor phonological skills. The study supports the view that Arabic dyslexic children have impairments in the phonological processing domain.  相似文献   

为了准确快速地传达交谈者的思想感情,口译人员不仅要研究口译中的言语因素,还要研究非言语因素。本文从体态语和仪表等方面论述了非言语因素在口译中的作用。从体态语、空间语和时间语等方面对比分析了非言语因素的文化差异。同时就口译人员对非言语因素的理解和运用提出了一些方法。  相似文献   

多媒体辅助英语阅读教学的语言输入优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培养学生交际能力是大学英语专业阅读教学的目标,为了实现此目标,学生需要大量语言和非语言材料的输入,而传统阅读教学中存在着语言、特别是非语言输入量不足的问题。结合多媒体辅助阅读教学的经验,分析了这种教学在语言输入方面优于传统教学的一些特点,从中得出结论:多媒体辅助阅读教学、能提高语言和非语言材料输入的质和量、更好地帮助学生英语交际能力的发展。  相似文献   

人类交际包括语言交际和非语言交际。随着各民族的交往日益频繁,非语言交际越来越受到人们的重视。本文详细地阐述了非语言交际的重要性、非语言交际跨文化对比的原则和方法,并且对英汉非语言交际行为进行了跨文化对比。  相似文献   

The major aim of the present study was threefold: (a) to compare the test attitudes and perceptions o f examinees of varying sociocultural group membership toward verbal and nonverbal standardized ability tests; (b) to determine the degree of covariation between test attitudes and test scores; and (c) to delineate the properties and potential applications of a test attitude or feedback inventory specifically designed to assess examinees' perceptions of key situational variables in the test context. The feedback inventory was administered to a sample of 259 seventh grade students in Israel immediately following standardized group scholastic ability testing procedures. On the whole, few meaningful group differences in test attitudes were observed by social class, ethnicity, or sex. However, a nonverbal test was generally rated more favorably than a verbal test, among varying sociocultural and sex subgroups. Considered together, test attitude scales share a meaningful proportion o f variance with the test score on both verbal and nonverbal tests. However, in view o f the negligible ethnic and social class differences in test attitudes and the nonsignificant interaction between test attitudes and background variables, the data provide little support for the situational bias claim  相似文献   

A total of 104 six-year-old children belonging to 4 groups (English monolinguals, Chinese-English bilinguals, French-English bilinguals, Spanish-English bilinguals) were compared on 3 verbal tasks and 1 nonverbal executive control task to examine the generality of the bilingual effects on development. Bilingual groups differed in degree of similarity between languages, cultural background, and language of schooling. On the executive control task, all bilingual groups performed similarly and exceeded monolinguals; on the language tasks the best performance was achieved by bilingual children whose language of instruction was the same as the language of testing and whose languages had more overlap. Thus, executive control outcomes for bilingual children are general but performance on verbal tasks is specific to factors in the bilingual experience.  相似文献   

Verbal and quantitative reasoning tests provide valuable information about cognitive abilities that are important to academic success. Information about these abilities may be particularly valuable to teachers of students who are English‐language learners (ELL), because leveraging reasoning skills to support comprehension is a critical aptitude for their academic success. However, due to concerns about cultural bias, many researchers advise exclusive use of nonverbal tests with ELL students despite a lack of evidence that nonverbal tests provide greater validity for these students. In this study, a test measuring verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal reasoning was administered to a culturally and linguistically diverse sample of students. The two‐year predictive relationship between ability and achievement scores revealed that nonverbal scores had weaker correlations with future achievement than did quantitative and verbal reasoning ability scores for ELL and non‐ELL students. Results do not indicate differential prediction and do not support the exclusive use of nonverbal tests for ELL students. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

在跨文化交际中,除了语言行为之外,非言语行为也发挥着相当重要的作用,它包括身势语、空间语、目光语等等,具有很强的民族文化特征。非言语交际教学是外语教学的一个重要组成部分,在外语教学中介绍有关非言语交际的文化内涵,培养学生跨文化非言语交际能力,使学生具备较为全面的跨文化交际素质,是培养进行国际交流与合作所需人才的需要,也是外语教学面临的一个新任务。  相似文献   

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