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反思性学习包含两个层面:一是教师的"反思性教",二是学生的"反思性学".教师是反思性学习的促进者.物理反思性学习就是学习者对自身物理学习活动的过程,以及活动过程中涉及的有关事物(材料、信息、思维、结果等)的学习特征的反向思考.它以提高物理知识的掌握和理解程度为根本,以培养学生的学习能力和科学素养为目标.  相似文献   

反思性物理学习,顾名思义就是通过对物理学习活动过程的反思来进行物理学习,这是一种有效的学习方式。“反思”在当代认知心理学中属于元认知的概念范畴。用元认知的理论来描述,反思性物理学习就是学习者对自身物理学习活动的过程,以及活动过程中涉及的有关的事物(材料、信息、思维,结果等)的学习特征的反向思考。由于赋予“反思”以元认知的涵义,因此反思就不仅仅是对物理学习一般性的回顾或重复,而是探究物理活动中所涉及的知识、方法、思路、策略等,具有了较强的科学研究的性质,反思的目的也不仅仅为了回顾过去,或培养元认知…  相似文献   

试析反思性学习的操作性定义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反思是思维的一种形式,是以"思维"和"思维与存在关系"为对象而进行的思考。不同的学者对反思性学习定义的看法存在着差异。反思性学习操作性定义是指学习者在一定的反思性动机驱使下,以自身学习为反思对象,借助一定的反思途径,通过一系列反思性学习心智操作活动来调整、优化自我学习的认知结构,提高自我学习效能,促进自我学习合理性的一种积极、主动、有效的学习活动方式。  相似文献   

反思性是建构主义的核心特征之一,反思性主要是指在教学过程中,学习者对学习的目标、学习的方法和策略,学习活动的过程,进行自我监控、自我调节、自我规划.  相似文献   

反思性是建构主义的核心特征之一 ,反思性主要是指在教学过程中 ,学习者对学习的目标、学习的方法和策略 ,学习活动的过程 ,进行自我监控、自我调节、自我规划  相似文献   

英语学习中构建反思性学习方式的探索与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反思性学习指以学生为本,对学习内容、学习方法和策略、学习结果进行有效地自我审视和评价,主动思考,积极创新,以理解掌握和升华知识为内容的研究性探索活动。英语学习中建构反思性学习模式,可以促进学习者优化学习方式,培养反思性思维习惯,增强自主学习意识,提高学习效率。反思性学习模式不但要以“学会知识”为目的,还要以“学会学习”为目的。构建反思性学习模式的实践,要求教师在关注学习者获取语言知识的同时,努力培养和提高反思性学习意识,全面提高自我创新能力。  相似文献   

1.引言反思性教学是指将各种反思性思维方式用于教学活动的教学模式,是教师与学生通过反思性的思维活动进行教与学的过程.反思性数学学习是学习者对自身数学学习活动的过程,以及过程中涉及的有关事物的特征进行反向思考,从而拓宽思路,举一反三,触类旁通,推广引申,扩大视野,深化理解,完善知识结构[1].  相似文献   

反思性学习即通过对学习活动过程的反思进行学习。用当代心理学中的元认知理论来描述,反思学习就是学习者对自身学习活动的过程,以及活动中所涉及的有关事物、材料、信息、思维结果等学习特征的反向思考。反思性学习具有四个基本特征:1、探究性,即反思不仅仅是“回忆”或“回顾”心理活动,而且要找到其中的“问题”以及“答案”。2、自主性,即反思性学习的整个过程一般是学生自主活动的过程。  相似文献   

黎俊 《考试周刊》2012,(46):88-89
“学习者自主”一直是国内外英语教学研究的热点,其中培养学习者的反思性英语学习能力是这一研究的重要环节。教学实验旨在表明策略培训和指导能提高学生的反思性英语学习能力,从而增强其自主学习意识。  相似文献   

反思,对于学生来说,是对自己曾有过的思维或行为的重新审视并作出调整的活动。反思性学习是一种良好的学习品质,学生从小养成反思性学习的习惯,对于改善学习方法、提高学习质量都具有重要的作用。因此,教师应结合具体的教学内容适时地引导学生进行反思性学习。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于协作过程的反思性学习方式,并且通过一个实际案例说明了基于协作过程的反思性学习的特点和实施过程。研究表明,基于协作过程的反思能够改变学生对于协作的态度,加强学习者的社会网络强度。  相似文献   

刘虹 《海外英语》2014,(18):73-74,90
Aiming at the analysis on the concept of reflective learning and its theoretical basis, this paper explores into the significance of strengthening students’ reflective awareness, guiding their reflection-in-action, and developing them into reflective learners within the practice of English teaching.  相似文献   

In this study, the concept of ‘community of learners’ was used to improve initial vocational education. The framework of a ‘community of learners for vocational orientation’ that we present offers both a theoretical understanding of teaching–learning processes in initial vocational education and heuristics for the design of innovative learning environments for optimising these processes. In a design research study, we investigated if, and how, learning environments designed on the basis of these heuristics fostered communities of learners for vocational orientation, in which students experience to learn in a shared, meaningful, reflective and transfer-oriented way. We examined students’ perceptions of the learning environment and their learning activities during eight curriculum units specifically designed to foster the communities of learners. During almost all of the units that we designed, students found themselves learning in a more shared, meaningful, reflective and transfer-oriented way than during regular units. We conclude that the proposed heuristics had been useful starting points for the design of innovative learning environments that foster communities of learners for vocational orientation. In addition, we show how the heuristics can be elaborated for a particular school, based on practical and pedagogical content knowledge of teachers, as well as students’ perceptions of the learning environment and their learning activities.  相似文献   

Reflection on the process of learning is believed to be an essential ingredient in the development of expert learners. By employing reflective thinking skills to evaluate the results of one's own learning efforts, awareness of effective learning strategies can be increased and ways to use these strategies in other learning situations can be understood. This article describes how expert learners use the knowledge they have gained of themselves as learners, of task requirements, and of specific strategy use to deliberately select, control, and monitor strategies needed to achieve desired learning goals. We present a model of expert learning which illustrates how learners' metacognitive knowledge of cognitive, motivational, and environmental strategies is translated into regulatory control of the learning process through ongoing reflective thinking. Finally, we discuss the implications that the concept of expert learning has for instructional practices.  相似文献   

学习反思是学习者对自己的学习过程和结果的反向思考。反思能力是一种涉及批判性思维、选择决策和自我管理等多方面的综合性的能力,是学习者自我调节和元认知能力的表现。采用试验研究,结合会话分析编码方法分析网络学习者反思语料中反思数量、质量和分布和男女反思的差异。结果发现,学习者反恩性思维及其层次在班级、性别上都存在一定差异。  相似文献   

学习者与在线内容的交互被认为是决定网络教学和学习有效性的重要因素之一.学习环境中的任何事情总是一触即发,支持学习者与在线内容进行交互.当学习者与内容交互时,内部的反思性思考与对话发生了.本研究试图比较在线学习管理系统中研究生课程和本科课程中学习者交互之间的差别.基于所提出的研究学习者与在线内容交互的框架,研究者收集了学习管理系统日志和学习活动数据库中的相关数据;基于学习者与在线课程内容的交互模式和行为对收集到的数据进行了分析;并对教师和学习者在在线论坛中的讨论和交流的内容进行分析,尤其调查了已发生的交流的维度、深度和分类.基于上述研究成果.研究者认为应该加强网络内容的设计和传输,从而提升开放远程学习中在线学习环境的有效性.  相似文献   

在线环境中的参与式教学设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在线环境下的远程教学需要突破工业化范式。参与式教学通过创设情境、平等参与,在合作、探究,体验、反思的过程中,培养学习者批判性思维、问题解决和创新能力,并提高学习者的自尊和自信。文章提出在线环境下参与式教学设计的框架,为在线教师设计网络参与式课程提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Action learning involves balancing the often conflicting forces between working knowledge and academic knowledge. This paper explores the experience of executive learners; academics and external contributors involved in action learning at the postgraduate level. The executive learners are members of cohorts on two masters programmes based in Ireland. The programmes adopt an action learning methodology. Action learning supports a reflective culture for the executive learners and an enriched understanding of their workplace. The challenges associated with action learning are explored. The understanding of best practice in the facilitation of action learning for executive learners is enriched for practitioners and academics. The use of narrative structuring provides an insight into the reality of action learning for executive learners. If action learning is to be successfully integrated into executive education, then there needs to be high levels of communication, commitment and trust between the executive learners; academics and external contributors.  相似文献   

Reflective-thinking skills are important in problem-based learning environments as they help learners become deeply engaged in learning. The literature suggests several instructional-design factors (e.g., environment, teaching methods, scaffolding tools) that may prompt reflection in learners. However, it is unclear whether these factors differ based on age or developmental stage. The results of this study indicate that middle-school students perceive the learning environment factor as more important to prompting their thinking, while college students perceive the scaffolding methods factor as more important. While the elements clustered into two factors, most college students disagreed with their helpfulness in prompting reflective thinking, a finding opposite to that obtained for middle-school students. Different patterns were also found between learners’ perceptions of the most helpful elements within each factor. Based on these results, suggestions are given for designing developmentally and age-appropriate PBL learning environments that support reflective thinking.  相似文献   

移动学习是一种依托现代移动通讯技术的一种新型学习模式.这种学习模式与以往的学习模式相比在灵活性、泛在性、情境性、交互性、协作性、自主性、实时性、片段性方面的特征更为突出.基于建构主义学习理论的移动学习教学设计属于一种面向学习者以学为中心的教学设计,这种教学设计应围绕着学习者的意义建构展开并注重如何利用或规避淡化移动学习系统的特征对学习者意义建构的有利与不利影响,着眼于充分发挥移动学习系统的优势,规避和淡化其不足.  相似文献   

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