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On repeated occasions, observational learning has proved itself to be an effective instruction method. Experimental studies have shown to be effective for complex tasks such as reading and writing for both teachers and students as models. The problem when interpreting the results of such research is that, in observation tasks, several mental activities play a simultaneous role. In this study we therefore set out to identify the effective elements of observation tasks. We focused on two elements of the observation tasks, both aimed at stimulating monitoring activities: evaluation of the model’s performance and elaboration on this evaluation. We have also distinguished between elaboration on the observed products (the models’ written answers), and elaboration on the observed processes (the models’ verbalisations of their mental activities). The data were subjected to a LISREL analysis. First of all, it was observed that subjects who performed “evaluation” and “productelaboration” better, and “process-elaboration” more often in one lesson, also performed these activities better or more often in the subsequent lesson. Next, we observed an effect of aptitude on the learning activities: pre skill scores influence “evaluation” and “product-elaboration”. The most important finding is that “evaluation” and “product-elaboration” contribute positively to argumentative writing skills. It is discussed that these findings confirm the importance of the monitoring, evaluative and reflective activities when learning complex tasks as writing.  相似文献   

Three related activities are reported. One is the development of two data banks designed to supply children with information about many aspects of life in world culture. The second is “engineering” research designed to develop principles on which information system can be developed and used as settings for teaching concepts and modes of inquiry drawn from the social sciences. The third is the exploration of the “data storage and retrieval setting” as a place to conduct research on the social education of children.  相似文献   


This article employs the topographical metaphors of terrain and territory to examine how, upon the 2015 death of Cecil the lion at the hands of the dentist Walter Palmer, outrage was channeled into and captured by digital topoi. Digital rhetoric is organized into a topical system that is topographical, composed of not just “places” but “levels” that organize and orient rhetorical expressions into particular topoi. Users “navigate” and “move” through the channels of the digital topical system, and in the process arrive at or pass by topoi. I further argue that the digital topical system is composed of the terrain of digital spaces and the territory of global capitalism. The terrain of digital spaces shapes digital rhetoric through material affordances, cultural conventions, and the power of institutional logics. Digital rhetoric is further shaped by the macro-level territorial accretions of political and economic power in Empire. By mapping the topoi present in the case of Cecil the lion’s death, I show how scholars can better understand and articulate the ways that power ossifies into a digital topical system that shapes contemporary discourses.  相似文献   

Education in different communication media takes place with functional differences that have consequences for the course of instructional interaction. In this paper, we examine instructional interaction among people using a computer-based electronic message system, contrasting it with conventional face-to-face discussion in a college level class. Interaction via the non-real time message system contained multiple “threads of discourse,” a higher proportion of student turns to teacher turns, and other deviations from the “initiation-response-evaluation” sequences usually found in face-to-face classroom interactions. Based on the results of our contrast, we describe ways to organize instruction using electronic message systems to take advantage of new properties and to avoid shortcomings of these new instructional media.  相似文献   

方位词“上”和“下”的空间定位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
方位词“上”或“下”所表示的空间位置,主要由它们依附的名词所代表的物体的物理形状和几何形状来决定。物体的使用面和使用部位的不同,造成方位词所表示的空间位置和意义的不同。方位词“上”一般可以表示“上面”“下面”“里面”“表层”“深层”“方面”“上级”“上方”“角度”“范围”“部位”等空间位置和词汇意义。方位词“下”相对比较简单,可以表示“下方”“下部”“下面”等意义。  相似文献   

Schools offer powerful scope for viewing and comprehending the wider society in which they are produced and replicated. The ways in which schools are structured, positioned, funded, managed, appreciated, critiqued, cared for and neglected, presents us with a means for seeing beyond the rhetoric of a nation state to the lived realities faced by its citizens. In this paper I want to link the development of Australian educational policies to shifts in socio-cultural thought and practice that reflect and reproduce a mobile modernity. I am interested in school funding policies as they relate to the private, or non-government education sector from the late colonial period to these so-called neo-liberal/late modern times. The interrogated scenes shift about amongst a complex of interrelated fields, from the urban to the rural, the public and the private, as well as the primary, secondary and tertiary layers of educational “offerings”. The periodization reveals a loosening of commitments to a secular, state-centred, welfare-focused modernity, towards a privatizing, individualizing “second modernity”. Drawing from a range of empirical studies of school choice I highlight the shifting ideas and practices of those involved in the re-production of both public and private schools either as professionals/workers in the system, or as “consumers” of the products available in education’s “quasi-markets”.  相似文献   

从“五育并举”到“五育融合”,已经成为新时代中国教育变革与发展的基本趋势。与最早提出“五育并举”的蔡元培及其时代相比,新时代所提出的“五育并举”,有独特的时代需要和时代问题;“五育融合”给新时代带来的是“教育新体系”;“五育融合”是一种“育人假设”“育人实践”“育人理念”“育人思维”和“育人能力”;“五育融合”难在“日常”“机制”“评价”“主体”和“生态”,它们同时构成了破解“五育难题”的基本维度和基本路径。  相似文献   

“爰”在甲骨文中作 ,上 为甲人之手,下 为乙人之手,中/乃一棍状物。其本义当为援引。约在西周时,其拉引、援助之义便另加一义符写作“援”来表示,“爰”义则趋虚化。唐兰将本为“哥”字之金文岛误为“爰”字,不妥。“爰”作实词时主要意为“迁移”,犹“曰”和“到”,作虚词时主要用为介词、代词、连词和助词。  相似文献   

考释徽州契约文书中"笔上"、"笔下"、"标挂"、"标祀"、"挂栢"、"出山"、"出水"、"的笔""蒂欠"、"开述"等十七则语词,可丰富近代汉语词汇研究的内容,亦可补《汉语大词典》、《汉语方言大词典》等大型辞书编纂之缺失。  相似文献   

具格是指表示工具、方式、材料等的格表现。现代日语中,通常用「Nで」的形式来表示具格(在表示材料时,也可以采用「Nから」的表现形式),而上代日语中则存在“零格”、格助词「にて」「より」「ゆ」「よ」「して」「に」、“以”以及复合格助词「によりて」等多种表现形态。  相似文献   

"性与天道"是宋明理学特别是北宋理学中最为重要的议题之一。吕大临"性与天道"思想形成于美学时期,在这一时期他继承并超越了张载,并在"性与天道"问题上提出了自己独特的见解。吕大临以"虚而诚"表达了"天道"无形而实有的特征,并在"性与天道一"的理论框架下,推演出"天道"下贯于"人性"也同样"虚而诚"。在分别阐述"天道"和"性"之后,吕大临又以"理义者,人心之所同然"来表达"性"与"天道"的贯通之意,最终使得儒家的大道精微之"理"落实到现实的"礼"之上。不难看出,吕大临在"性与天道"问题上已经形成了完备的理论体系。  相似文献   

本文主要研究《说文解字》一书中对于“苟”字的解释。“苟”是“敬”的初文。许慎说 :“苟” ,自急敕也。”“自”指“自我” ,“急”是时是不断 ,“敕”是谨慎小心之义  相似文献   

本文认为,personality在中国心理学界从未有过统一的译名,更不存在权威定论;由于对于personality以及相关术语individuality和character翻译上的混乱,给心理学的教学、科研和心理学知识的普及都带来很大的困难;主张西方心理学中character应译为人格或品格,individuality应译为个性,personality应译为性格。  相似文献   

《辞海》和《辞源》引《易·乾》“九五,飞龙在天”释“九五”为“君位”,似未探得其字义训诂的依据,两字应是源自华夏远古时代的“九部”、“九州”、“九井”、“九门”和“五帝”以及与五帝相应的“五方神庙”,有其丰富的文化意蕴。“九部”、“九州”指空间和地面区域,“九井”乃祭祀神灵的九个圣水池,“九部”则是通向天界的九个门口;“五帝”乃是远古部落大联盟的五位首领,“五方神庙”则是与五帝相应的大统一原始宗教政权的结构模式。二字均有神圣而高档次的文化意义。  相似文献   

格非的《人面桃花》出现了“沉默的世界”“一本日记”“花间蚂蚁”三种人生境遇。文本中的人物命运与“金蝉”“忘忧釜”“阁楼”三种器物息息相关。三种人生境遇与三种器物营造了一种“人生如梦”的感慨。在如梦的人生中,各色人物通过对空间距离“远游”和时间距离“乌托邦”的实践,进行着对梦想的追求。在《人面桃花》的故事里梦中追梦不是疯狂的举动,而是一种常态。  相似文献   

董仲舒的政治哲学有一个核心理念,即“三维一体”。其中,“三维”是指“奉天”“法古”和“爱民”,“一体”是指“大一统”。“三维”是“一体”的基础与手段,而“一体”则是“三维”的目的与结果。董仲舒的“三维一体”既有悠久的思想渊源,又有深刻的现代意义。立足于今天这个时代,我们赋予“三维一体”以新的内涵:天道合法性、传统合法性与民意合法性组成了新的“三维”,而由56个民族所组成的中华民族统一体则是新的“一体”。这种新的“三维一体”观有利于促进当代中国的政治文明建设,也有利于促进中华民族的团结统一与伟大复兴。  相似文献   

智者与苏格拉底对“技艺”理解的差异,让“技艺”成为哲学的重要话题。智者将“技艺”视作一种基于感觉的能力,能够对“现实”做出判断、给出对策并寻觅操作的适当时机。苏格拉底认为“技艺”是“知识”,是对目标的通晓和熟知,也是对知识体系信仰与实践。智者和苏格拉底“技艺”的观念分别显示出“艺术”和“技术”的意义,在“技艺”观念的变化中,理智化、科学化的“技术”意义逐渐显现,非理性、创造性的“艺术”意义逐渐退却,“技艺”的两种哲学意蕴渐行渐远。  相似文献   

"观光体验"与"真实性"为观光旅游研究中极重要的议题,本文回顾观光社会学家Erik Cohen多年来对"真实性"的探讨,并运用其理念引申出部分补充观点,作为论证观光场域"真实性"的基础。笔者整理出六大类"真实性"之形貌,由最传统的"真实性"到创意的"真实性"再到"舞台化的真实",以及各种类型对"观光体验"之影响,论证运作"观光体系"时把握"真实性"精神的重要性。未来吾人对于"存在的真实性"也应深入研究,以期有助于提升游客之觉知。  相似文献   

“是”与“此”同义。“同”与“通”同义。“风” ,古作“凤”。“信”与“诚”同义。  相似文献   

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