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第三人效果是一种受众认为媒体对其他人的影响大于对他们自己影响的现象。本研究旨在探索不同年龄阶段的受访者对广告负面影响是否存在第三人效果认知,并探索年龄和社会距离与第三人效果认知之间的关系。对447名学生调查发现:初中、高中和大学各年龄阶段的受访者都存在显著的第三人效果认知;受访者认为小生学最容易受到广告的影响,其次为同龄其他人,最小为中老年人;第三人效果认知并没有随着受访者的年龄增大而增强。本研究结果意味着年龄可能并非是受访者判断自己与他人差距的标准,而可能是专业知识或社会经验。  相似文献   

主体能动性对行为有重要影响,阅读自我效能是主体能动性的最佳表现形式之一。每一个体都拥有不同的智能结构,其智能的高低以及智能结构的不同使得阅读自我效能呈现不同状态,明确阅读自我效能和多元智能的关系有利于更有针对性地干预、引导和促进用户阅读。本文以高校图书馆主体用户——大学生为被试,通过问卷调查法采集615份有效样本,利用Logistic回归建立Logistic回归模型,根据分析结果,构建阅读自我效能与多元智能关系模型。研究发现:①阅读自我效能在受教育程度上的差异性极显著,受教育程度正向预测阅读自我效能;②逻辑—数理智能和多元智能内省领域在性别上的差异性显著,身体—动觉智能、人际—交往智能、认知—内省智能和多元智能人际领域在性别上的差异性极显著,并且男性在这些智能上获得高于平均水平的概率均高于女性;③逻辑—数理智能和多元智能人际领域在专业上的差异性显著,多元智能分析领域在专业上的差异性极显著,并且理科在这些智能上获得高于平均水平的概率均高于文科;④言语—语言智能、视觉—空间智能、认知—内省智能、自然观察智能以及多元智能分析领域、人际领域、内省领域与阅读自我效能关系显著,且这些智能均正向预测阅读自我效能;⑤阅读推广情境下,阅读自我效能和多元智能呈现系统动力学的相互作用关系,于“推—拉”驱力下形成螺旋前进态势。图2。表8。参考文献44。  相似文献   

采用症状自评量表和一般自我效能感量表对457名图书馆员进行的自我效能感和心理健康状况的调查显示,我国图书馆员的心理健康水平和自我效能感均低于全国成人常模,存在显著的性别和职称差异。自我效能感和心理健康水平之间存在显著的正相关关系,是图书馆员心理健康的有效预测变量。因此,图书馆应提升馆员的自我效能感,改善其心理健康水平,提升其工作效率,最终形成良性循环,从而促进图书馆事业的不断发展。  相似文献   

夏颖 《东南传播》2010,(12):64-66
西方存在主义哲学认为,人对自我的认知是基于强烈的自我体验,这种自我体验建构了自我与他人,社会的联系,也重塑了自我存在的个体价值与社会意义。娱乐作为一种个体的情感状态,是以自我体验的方式实现自我认知。三十年来电视娱乐节目从演艺到生活游戏秀的演进过程,实际上是受众自我认知不断完善的过程。由于时代和社会文化的变迁,受众的自我认知也从"社会我"、"他人我"中的意义指涉,走向了"身体我"的情绪体验。  相似文献   

本研究采用网络调查问卷的方法对108名在全国40所高校就读的大学生进行网络学习拖延的调查。结果表明:1.大约有34.3%的调查对象存在网络学习拖延现象,其中被动拖延者大概是主动拖延者的两倍。2.网络学习拖延不存在性别、专业、学校和年级上的显著差异。3.网络学习主动拖延者与被动拖延者只在自我调节学习能力上存在显著差异,而在自我效能、上网时间、网络英语学习时间和大学英语四级成绩上不存在显著差异。4.网络学习拖延与自我调节学习能力和自我效能都存在显著中度负相关关系,自我调节学习能力与自我效能都对网络学习拖延有反向预测能力。与自我效能相比,自我调节学习能力与网络学习拖延的关系更紧密,预测力更强。  相似文献   

廖兰 《新世纪图书馆》2016,(4):46-49,62
论文从实证角度探讨高校图书馆员自我效能感及其职业道德行为。通过问卷调查发现高校图书馆员有较好的自我效能感和职业道德行为,男女图书馆员在自我效能感方面有显著性差异,但在职业道德行为方面不具显著性差异。图书馆员的自我效能感和职业道德行为随着职称的提升而变得更好。高校图书馆员的自我效能感和他们的职业道德行为呈显著性相关。因此,提高图书馆员的自我效能感有助于改善他们的职业道德行为,更好地为高校读者服务。  相似文献   

信息查寻自我效能是个人对其组织和执行特定信息查寻行为能力的评价。从信息查寻自我效能的信息来源、作用机制、测量、实证研究,以及提升信息查寻自我效能的措施方面对国内外的相关研究进行了综述,提出了后续研究建议。  相似文献   

自我效能感是影响学生自主学习的非智力因素之一。对福建广播电视大学远程教育中心非英语专业成人学习者的英语学习效能感与自主学习相关性的实证研究表明:远程教育中,非英语专业学生的自我效能感由于城乡差别与英语学习年限的长短而存在差异;学生的自我效能感水平与自主学习能力之间呈显著正相关,自我效能感水平可以显著预测学生自主学习能力;自我效能感与学习成绩呈显著正相关,自我效能感水平可以显著预测学习成绩。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]考察自我效能感与任务复杂性对协同信息搜寻用户情绪的影响,为提升用户信息搜索体验和效率、完善信息搜索系统提供参考。[研究设计/方法]采用模拟实验法,借助一般性自我效能量表(GSES)和情绪自评量表(PANAS)测量自我效能感和情绪体验,研究高/低组自我效能感和低/中/高复杂性任务对协同信息搜寻用户情绪的影响。[结论/发现]自我效能感对协同信息搜寻用户的积极情绪存在显著影响,对消极情绪的影响不显著;任务复杂性对协同信息搜寻用户的积极情绪、消极情绪均不存在显著影响。[创新/价值]对于验证信息行为理论、理解用户信息搜索行为以及完善推送搜索策略具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

影响新闻中自我的因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓新闻中的自我。是受众根据详实、可靠、客观性报道而作出的自我思考、判断,以及所形成的具有独立个性的观点.这是实现新闻自由的重要体现。本文将在影响新闻中受众寻求“自我”的外部制约、新闻的集中与垄断、文化帝国主义的侵袭、大众传播的“议程设置功能”控制束缚受众自我观点的形成等方面开展分析和研究。  相似文献   

This study extends the research of the third-person effect by examining the effect of time span of media message on perceptual and behavioral components of the third-person effect. Using a survey of Hong Kong residents, the study explores perceived media effect of the news coverage of a short- and a long-term issue and the predictor of intention to take action to reduce negative effect. The results revealed no third-person effect by the short-term messages and the reverse third-person effect (first-person effect) by the long-term messages. There was a significant difference in discrepancy between the perceived media effect on self and others (third-person perception) produced by the messages of the short- and long-term issue. The study also found that perceived media effect on self is a stronger predictor of intention to take action to reduce the negative effects of the short- and long-term issue than the third-person effect.  相似文献   

In this experiment I examined the effect of self-esteem, negative stigma of product in a message, and product use as a form of ego-involvement on the third-person effect in an effort to understand the variables underlying the third-person effect. The findings broaden 1 belief about the third-person effect in relation to public communication and call into question 2 others. This has ramifications in the area of public opinion regarding socially stigmatized messages, particularly in the realm of tobacco and alcohol advertising, suggesting the perception that a publicly communicated message containing a social stigma can influence the level of the third-person effect, indirectly affecting public communication and opinion formation.  相似文献   

To explore the impact of Internet pornography on users as compared with traditional forms of pornography, a total of 1688 adolescents in Taiwan were surveyed. Results show that respondents estimated the harms of Internet pornography to exceed that of pornographic materials in print and broadcast media. More importantly, findings show that exposure to Internet pornography resulted in desensitizing effects in that users tended to perceive the harms of Internet pornography as less on self and others. In addition, exposure was found to be negatively related to support for restrictions of Internet pornography, but the perceived harm on self was found to be positively related to support for restrictions. Finally, the joint effects of the first and third-person effect (the second-person effect) were shown as a more reliable predictor of behavioral intention than the third-person perception. Findings help resolve the contradiction in past research that reported the third-person perception as both a significant and non-significant predictor of support for restrictions on pornography.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of perceptions of the opinionsof others on political outspokenness in Hong Kong. Two relatedtheories, the third-person effect and the spiral of silence,are tested in the context of public opinion regarding the Sino-Britishdispute over Hong Kong's political future. To estimate the potentialinfluence of perceived public opinion on political outspokennessduring this political crisis, a representative telephone surveyof 660 respondents in Hong Kong was conducted in November 1993. As hypothesized by the third-person effect, perceptions of theinfluence of media reports about the Sino-British dispute onothers were found to be consistently greater than perceptionsof influence on self. Similar to previous findings, respondentswith a higher level of education were more likely to believethat the mass media influence others more than themselves. Thestudy also found empirical support for the spiral of silencehypothesis. Politically unconcerned respondents were less willingto voice their political opinions publicly when they perceivedthe majority opinion not to be on their side. Findings alsoindicate that the third-person effect indirectly influencesthe spiral of silence process through its impact on perceptionsof public opinion.  相似文献   

Fifteen years ago, Davison (1983) introduced the third-person effect hypothesis that individuals believe they are less influenced than others by media messages. Although third-person effect is a perceptual bias, Davison believed that individuals act on such misperceptions. Few studies have tested the behavioral aspect of the third-person effect. In addition, previous studies reporting differences in third-person effect due to message type (i.e. Public Service Announcements [PSAs] vs. advertisements) lacked controls to isolate the effects of message type from content and context. In this study, I sought to (a) document third-person effect among minority "at-risk" youth within the context of safer sex messages, (b) determine the differences in third-person effects (if any) between PSAs and advertisements with similar content, and (c) determine the link (if any) between third-person effect and risky sexual behaviors among youth. Findings indicate that third-person effect is an appropriate framework for understanding how at-risk youth perceive safer sex campaigns. I also extend the behavioral aspect of third-person hypothesis by linking it with sexual risk behaviors among at-risk youth. No difference in third-person effect was found as a result of different message types. Relevance of the current findings to the broader areas of health communication and message effects is discussed.  相似文献   

The tendency for individuals to perceive a greater impact ofmedia messages on others than on the self, Davison (1983) argues,has led to a number of policy decisions in which éliteshave exercised control of mass media messages in order to ‘protect’vulnerable others. The third-person effect has been well-documentedin experimental research with little attention to its theoreticalunderpinnings, or its antecedents or consequences. This articleargues that the third-person effect can be understood throughattribution theory, especially through the concepts of self-servingbias and effectance motivation. Second, it demonstrates thatthe third-person effect is influenced by certain social structuralfactors, media use patterns, and perceived harm of content.Finally, while perceptions of harm are related to perceptionsof influence, influence does not play a role in predicting supportfor external control of media content, while perceived harmhas a significant impact.  相似文献   

The televised debates in the 2016 presidential election took place between two controversial candidates, Hillary Clinton and her opponent, Donald Trump, who faced a deeply divided electorate of highly opinioned voters that had already decided on their supported candidates. How did viewing the debates influence them? Would the debates reinforce their existing opinion, or provide them with useful information about the candidates? Drawing on Davison’s third-person effect hypothesis, this study aims to shed light on the question of how viewing the debates influences voters relative to others in the era of social media. The study focuses on the need for orientation as a predictor of debate exposure and the behavioral consequences of debate exposure for electoral engagement on social media. Findings show that partisans are not impacted by viewing the debates, but respondents perceived Independents to be most vulnerable. Further, need for orientation moderated the relationship between debate exposure and perceived effects of the debates on self, which prompted respondents to mobilize support for the candidate of their choice and to vote for their supported candidates.  相似文献   

Ten years ago Davison formulated the third-person effect hypothesis,a novel approach to the study of public opinion. Davison proposedthat individuals typically assume that mass communications exerta stronger impact on others than the self, and he derived someinteresting ideas from this notion. Over the past decade, anumber of studies have tested predictions derived from Davison'sformulation. This paper reviews and synthesizes research onthe third-person effect. A systematic review of third-personeffect studies indicates that there is abundant support forthe notion that individuals assume that communications exerta stronger influence on others than on the self. However, thethird-person effect does not emerge in all circumstances andfor all people. The effect appears to be particularly likelyto emerge when the message contains recommendations that arenot perceived to be personally beneficial, when individualsperceive that the issue is personally important, and when theyperceive that the source harbors a negative bias. Considerablyless is known about the processes that underlie the third-personeffect. This paper proposes several explanations for the effect,and it suggests some directions for future research in thisarea.  相似文献   

It is a common assumption that in many countries mass mediacensorship is imposed by an authoritarian government on an unwillingpublic. This study examines public opinion about televisioncensorship in the island nation of Singapore. More specifically,we tested the third-person effect hypothesis, which suggeststhat people expect media content to have more negative influenceon others than on themselves, and that some support for censorshipis based on that perceptual bias. Data for the study came from face-to-face interviews with 506randomly selected Singaporeans who evaluated ten categoriesof ‘sensitive’ television content. Results revealed(1) a substantial perceptual bias in all content categories;(2) generally strong opinion favoring censorship of televisioncontent; and (3) a significant relationship between these twofactors, suggesting that people may support censorship of mediain part because of a tendency to overestimate its negative influence.  相似文献   

In this article the author examines expressions of the third-person effect found in an extensive feminist reception study investigating, for the first time, how Israeli women interpret images of women and femininity in TV commercials. Adopting the feminist and interpretive approach, the qualitative study was based on in-depth personal interviews with Israeli women from diverse cultural, economic, and social backgrounds. Grounded theory methodology, used for analysis of the interviews, revealed unexpected expressions of the third-person effect in the women's discourse on the potential influence of the images on different categories of “others.” The article presents this evidence and discusses its significance in the Israeli sociocultural context. As such, it uses different methodology in examining expressions of third-person effect than is traditionally used in this field.  相似文献   

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