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采用《科技期刊中作者信息刊载意愿调查表》,对81名作者进行调查。结果表明,作者对论文中刊载电话和照片表现出非常强烈的排斥心理,其次为网址和籍贯。其原因主要是担心个人隐私暴露及他人利用这些信息进行商业活动甚至诈骗。认为应在广泛征求意见的基础上尽快形成统一规范的作者信息著录标准,著录合适的作者信息,既利于保护作者隐私,又便于相互交流。  相似文献   

关于期刊论文作者信息著录的建议   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
刘茂生  张丽云 《编辑学报》2002,14(4):258-259
我国期刊论文关于作者的信息增加了不少内容,做好作者信息著录是适应信息时代的需要,是提高编辑质量的一项重要工作.提出了关于期刊论文作者信息著录的建议.  相似文献   

对农林类学术期刊作者简介中的学位信息著录情况进行调查.结果显示,所调查的17种学术期刊中共有31种表述形式,不同期刊对作者“学位”的著录方式杂乱,且不准确.呼吁同人应重视期刊编排的规范化问题,并提出关于作者“学位”著录形式的建议.  相似文献   

论文作者信息界定及著录原则探讨   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
陈捷  吕海清 《编辑学报》2001,13(6):357-358
为促进科技期刊论文作者文作者信息录著的规范化,对作者信息进行了界定:它是作者根据读者需要向读者发出的与作者直接有关的某些特征性信息。作者信息应从属于作者,而不能等同或替代作者;作者署名是正文信息,具有著作权人的效力,而作者信息是辅文(附加)信息,主要服务于信息的传播与联络,作者信息的著录应体现规范性,独立性和简明性3个基本原则。  相似文献   

学术期刊作者信息著录过多的负面影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶红波 《编辑学报》2004,16(1):74-75
结合科学社会学原理,分析作者信息过多在刊物选稿、作者投稿、读者阅读,以及期刊订阅和编辑加工过程中产生的负面影响.认为无论作者信息可产生多么重要的附加价值,学术刊物都必须以保证学术质量为其一切工作的前提,增加任何有碍或影响评判其学术质量信息的做法都与科学的精神、原则及学术期刊的宗旨相背离.提出了有关作者信息著录的3项建议.  相似文献   

编辑应引导作者重视参考文献著录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢金海 《编辑学报》2012,24(1):47-48
针对作者来稿中对参考文献著录规则执行不力的现状,认为在广泛宣传著录规则之外还应充分利用作者修改稿件的机会,引导他们重视参考文献的著录。  相似文献   

近几年来 ,不断有编辑同人建议《编辑学报》简化作者信息的著录 ,删去属于个人隐私的性别、出生年、职称、职务等 ,有的作者在发文时坚决反对公开自己的这些信息。而编辑部为了使作者信息齐全常常要花去很多时间和精力。鉴于上列作者信息对判断文章的水平没有实际价值 ,国家标准对此未有相关规范 ,“中国科技论文统计与分析”也早已不再对这些信息进行统计 ,为了保护作者的个人隐私 ,避免过多著录作者信息带来的负面影响 ,经与有关专家讨论 ,《编辑学报》决定从 2 0 0 4年第 1期起简化著录作者信息 ,只著录作者的工作单位、邮政编码、所在城…  相似文献   

郑晓梅 《编辑学报》2014,26(5):441-442
将科技期刊参考文献著录不规范的情况进行分类,找出导致参考文献著录不规范或差错的主要原因,制定了确保参考文献著录规范化、准确化的应对措施。为保证正确著录参考文献,认为编辑应事前做好以下4个方面的工作:作者投稿前的宣传和咨询工作;稿件初审中的工作;专家审稿时的工作;稿件退修及终审时的工作。  相似文献   

依据文献计量学原理,对2005—2006年《图书馆》刊载的论文、作者及引文情况进行统计和分析,阐述该刊的载文特点和作者特点。  相似文献   

分析了学术期刊中参考文献超前引用的原因、特点和弊端,指出了学术期刊编辑对此应采取的一系列措施,具体包括:论文责任编辑审稿前要求作者提供被超前引用的文献,核红时尽量补全被超前引用文献的著录项,连续刊载作者的系列研究论文,开辟系列研究专栏。  相似文献   

This study examines the extent to which online marketers comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998. COPPA requires online operators to seek parental permission before collecting personal information from children and to post links to their privacy policy on their homepage and every page where personal infor mation is collected. A majority of the 162 popular children's websites analyzed in this study collected personal information from children. Only four of those sites fully com plied with major components of the law. The difficulty associated with obtaining parental permission and the recency of the law may explain the lack of compliance observed. The authors conclude that parents and schools need to educate children to protect their privacy online. In the meantime, the Federal Trade Commission should continue dissem inating information about the law and actively enforce it.  相似文献   

论网上隐私权的法律保护问题   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
网上个人信息的保护问题已成为网络使用者最为关切的问题。网上出现的隐私权问题主要表现在个人信息的搜集、分析、传输、使用和存储方面。保护网上隐私权有直接保护和间接保护两种。探讨了法律保护过程中遇到的问题。参考文献 4。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对我国科研工作者获取国外学术信息过程中涉及的隐私保护问题,提出相关建议、对策与防范策略,并探讨大数据与区块链隐私保护技术及其实现隐私保护的可行策略。[方法/过程] 通过对国外学术数据库平台网站的访问数据进行收集分析,发现这些数据库平台除了在其自身网站中插入收集用户信息的脚本外,还存在使用第三方平台脚本对用户信息进行实时收集的情况,并对此结果进行分析,挖掘其关联性。[结果/结论] 通过大数据技术,科研用户访问国外学术数据库信息可为数据库商及其合作伙伴或政府机构所获取利用,致使科研用户的隐私信息发生泄露的风险,从而导致个人安全问题、财务问题,甚至国家安全问题,需要从多个层面加以重视。  相似文献   

澳大利亚国家图书馆、新西兰国家图书馆、新加坡国家图书馆和丹麦皇家图书馆网站的隐私政策涉及用户信息收集的内容与目的、收集方法、个人信息的共享性、用户的权利、儿童隐私、信息安全与免责声明。经过比较分析,发现其有许多可取之处,也存在一些不足,但仍对我国图书馆界保护用户隐私具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对目前我国个人信息保护规范和政策不断出台而大学图书馆相关政策极度缺失的状况,调查并分析英国10所著名大学图书馆网站个人信息保护政策,为我国大学图书馆今后发展个人信息保护政策提供可借鉴的经验。[方法/过程] 对英国10所著名大学的图书馆网站个人信息保护政策内容进行全面扫描,结合隐私保护准则以及隐私关注测量模型进行政策文本的分析,揭示这些政策文本在形式和主题方面的特点。[结果/结论] 英国大学图书馆个人信息保护政策主要包括隐私政策、Cookies政策和数据保护,颁布主体多为学校;内容主题通常包括保证类、个人信息生命周期管理类以及事务类,与OECD隐私保护准则以及隐私关注测量模型有较好吻合。这些对我国大学图书馆未来发展个人信息保护政策有很好的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

This study examined postgraduates' personal digital archiving (PDA) practices in China. Based on a case study of the PDA practices of postgraduates in Wuhan University, many problems in PDA were found; postgraduates have a higher awareness of PDA, but the differences between different grades level and disciplines are obvious. Many postgraduates are technological optimists. Those who realize the importance of PDA lack real action and can only use a single strategy. The protection of personal privacy and information security is still challenging. To solve these problems, efforts from individuals and institutions are proposed, including the suggestion that institutions should implement an advanced intervention in PDA progress to improve postgraduates' PDA awareness, and the suggestion that postgraduates should view archiving technology dialectically and make rational use of archiving tools, using various strategies, regularizing their PDA behavior, and taking multiple measures to protect their personal privacy and information security.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]社会化媒体信息隐私泄露事件频繁发生,加剧了用户对信息隐私的担忧,用户在使用社会化媒体过程中是否愿意向平台披露个人信息成为推动社会化媒体平台健康发展的关键。[方法/过程]利用隐私计算理论和沟通隐私管理理论为框架,结合隐私关注,构建社会化媒体用户信息披露意愿影响模型。以微信平台为例,通过问卷调查的方式收集样本数据,使用Smart PLS软件对模型合理性进行验证。[结果/结论]研究发现,感知收益、信任、感知信息控制均正向影响信息披露意愿,隐私关注负向影响信息披露意愿;信任负向影响感知风险;感知信息控制负向影响隐私关注;隐私倾向正向影响隐私关注和感知风险。  相似文献   

This research employed Q methodology to examine how much privacy the public wants and what regulation it wants to impose on on-line companies. Respondents were 23 adults who sorted 40 Q-sample statements. Results revealed three factors or types: “absolute privacy advocates”, “consumer first advocates” and “objective privacy advocates”. The three types shared some viewpoints: All strongly agreed that consumers deserve notice and choice when a company uses personal information on themselves, even after they provide personal information for the company. Beyond this overlap, they had their own traits. Absolute privacy advocates believed in absolute privacy protection. They also understood power of on-line technology and were suspicious of companies selling data without considering consumer's benefits, but still did not want to regulate the private sector. Consumer first advocates were interested in consumer protection of privacy while ignoring companies' need to collect data on consumers. Objective privacy advocates wanted to restrict a company in its use of personal data while acknowledging the company's need to collect personal data. Who should be an on-line privacy regulator didn't seem to be a salient issue to the adult groups yet. Direct government intervention or legislation as a privacy protection method did not register strongly with the three groups. Ages and occupations seemed to be no type determiner. But when it comes to on-line purchasing experience, consumer first advocates and objective privacy advocates seemed to do more on-line shopping than absolute privacy advocates.  相似文献   

This research employed Q methodology to examine how much privacy the public wants and what regulation it wants to impose on on-line companies. Respondents were 23 adults who sorted 40 Q-sample statements. Results revealed three factors or types: “absolute privacy advocates”, “consumer first advocates” and “objective privacy advocates”. The three types shared some viewpoints: All strongly agreed that consumers deserve notice and choice when a company uses personal information on themselves, even after they provide personal information for the company. Beyond this overlap, they had their own traits. Absolute privacy advocates believed in absolute privacy protection. They also understood power of on-line technology and were suspicious of companies selling data without considering consumer's benefits, but still did not want to regulate the private sector. Consumer first advocates were interested in consumer protection of privacy while ignoring companies' need to collect data on consumers. Objective privacy advocates wanted to restrict a company in its use of personal data while acknowledging the company's need to collect personal data. Who should be an on-line privacy regulator didn't seem to be a salient issue to the adult groups yet. Direct government intervention or legislation as a privacy protection method did not register strongly with the three groups. Ages and occupations seemed to be no type determiner. But when it comes to on-line purchasing experience, consumer first advocates and objective privacy advocates seemed to do more on-line shopping than absolute privacy advocates.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether the Canadian legislative protections in place to safeguard medical privacy meet the expectations of Canadians. An overview of current governance systems designed to protect the privacy of personal health information at both the federal and provincial levels is first presented. This is followed by an empirical analysis of the results of a public opinion survey conducted to determine Canadian attitudes about medical privacy, particularly genetic privacy. The analysis highlights areas where legislation and public opinion converge and diverge.  相似文献   

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