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研究发现美英等国政府在促进公众健康信息素养问题上都曾出现过问题,近年来通过政策支持、国家级健康网站建设和基金项目资助等一系列强有力的措施,问题得以逐步解决,其中的经验和措施对提高我国公众的健康信息素养起到了典范作用。  相似文献   

针对我国公众健康信息素养的现状,分析了医学院校图书馆参与公众健康信息素养教育的必要性和可行性,并提出医学院校图书馆参与公众健康信息素养教育的方法与措施。  相似文献   

公众健康素养与图书馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个体健康素养直接影响健康结局和医疗费用,也是人群健康差距的主要原因。无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,居民健康素养普遍偏低。教育和自主学习被认为是提高健康素养水平的重要举措。国外图书馆通过提供丰富的健康信息资源、与医学院校合作,提高医生健康信息素养、向公众推广健康信息资源的使用等方式积极参与提高公众健康素养。我国图书馆界应主动参与公众健康素养促进项目,不同类型图书馆定位好自己的服务人群和特色。  相似文献   

阐述信息素养的概念及其在医学领域的发展,分析加强健康信息素养教育的必要性,通过分析国内外健康信息素养理论与实践研究的现状,结合当前我国公众健康素养以及健康信息素养研究存在的问题,指出E时代健康信息素养教育的服务理念和服务对象、内容及措施,提出要学习和借鉴美国等发达国家在健康信息素养教育和公共卫生管理方面的先进理念、经验教训,突破基本健康知识与技能的局限,将健康信息素养注入到公众健康素养干预的研究之中,积极探索提高全民健康素养的新思路和新方法,提高全民健康素养水平。   相似文献   

调查突发公共卫生事件期间两所医学高校学生的健康状况、健康信息获取方式、健康信息素养现状、健康信息素养教育需求等,并对医学高校图书馆开展健康信息素养教育路径进行探讨。结果显示,医学生主要通过网络方式获取健康信息,94.65%的同学希望图书馆开展健康信息素养教育。文章提出图书馆可以通过传播健康信息、开展健康信息素养教育、构建健康信息数据库、加强与学校其他部门的合作等路径提升医学生的健康信息素养。  相似文献   

文章综合利用网络调查法与文献分析法,对美国公共图书馆开展的公民健康信息素养教育实践发展历程和现状进行调查分析。研究发现,美国公共图书馆健康信息素养教育呈现出教育服务人员专业化、贴合公民实际健康需求、健康信息资源获取便捷、协调社会力量共同参与、注重教育结果评估等特点。借鉴其经验,我国公共图书馆开展公民健康信息素养教育应突出教育内容的针对性、加强健康信息资源的整合和宣传、引进社会力量参与、建立专业人才队伍、开展健康信息素养教育全流程评估等。表3。参考文献46。  相似文献   

随着“健康中国”战略的推进,健康信息素养已成为促进公众健康素养的关键节点。近十年,健康信息素养的研究中贯穿着健康信息素养提升研究这一条主轴,学者们相互合作,主要从个体自身角度和外界因素多角度探讨高效的提升路径。研究主题主要涵盖:健康信息素养的理论研究、健康信息服务、影响因素、公共图书馆的健康信息素养研究、不同群体的健康信息素养和健康信息行为研究等。未来的研究或将着重在边缘化群体的健康信息素养研究、健康信息来源的权威化和专业化、健康信息素养研究范畴全面化,同时还应注重健康信息素养的研究方法交叉化。  相似文献   

文章选取国外51所院校医学图书馆,分别从面向对象、提供服务类型、服务方式等方面了解其健康信息服务发展状况,分析国外健康信息公益性开发特点,借鉴国外医学图书馆在促进公众健康方面的实践经验,为我国医学院校图书馆健康信息资源公益性开发提供参考。  相似文献   

尽管美国于上世纪70年代即提出健康素养的概念,但2002年前后的研究证明,美国公众的健康素养促进面临着巨大挑战,主要体现在健康信息的可读性差、健康信息源的可靠性模糊、公众对健康信息的评价能力缺失等方面,并导致了一系列公共卫生问题,包括预防保健服务的低利用率、自身健康状况低知晓度、疾病自我管理知识贫乏、高住院率、高医疗费用与高卫生支出等等。  相似文献   

文章综合利用网络调查法与文献分析法,对美国公共图书馆开展的公民健康信息素养教育实践发展历程和现状进行调查分析。研究发现,美国公共图书馆健康信息素养教育呈现出教育服务人员专业化、贴合公民实际健康需求、健康信息资源获取便捷、协调社会力量共同参与、注重教育结果评估等特点。借鉴其经验,我国公共图书馆开展公民健康信息素养教育应突出教育内容的针对性、加强健康信息资源的整合和宣传、引进社会力量参与、建立专业人才队伍、开展健康信息素养教育全流程评估等。表3。参考文献46。  相似文献   

This study investigated 18 libraries in two public library systems in Oklahoma to find out how they are addressing health literacy and facilitating access to consumer health information; how library staff members view their roles and responsibilities relative to health information and health literacy; what challenges libraries face; and what strategies are being used. Staff members recognized several challenges to providing health information and to developing programs, including staff and patron difficulties with reference interviews, and patron lack of awareness of library resources. Staff members often had only a partial understanding of health literacy, and were unaware of system strategies to address health literacy or provision of health information.  相似文献   

文章运用网络调查法,结合美国公共图书馆开展健康服务的案例,探讨健康战略下美国公共图书馆扮演的角色和健康服务指南,并从资源导航、健康推广活动、馆员教育、合作网络、资金支持5个维度总结健康服务的实践经验。最后提出我国公共图书馆开展健康服务应建立全面的健康素养教育体系,构建健康信息资源导航,探索可持续性的合作方式,加强馆员专业化培训的建议。  相似文献   

The role of librarians in addressing health insurance information needs emerged following a request from President Barack Obama for librarians to assist the public with navigating the Affordable Care Act and the Health Insurance Marketplace. The goal of this article is to highlight a number of concrete ways reference work could be expanded, especially in public library settings, to support health insurance literacy concerns by offering illustrative examples and recommendations for authoritative health insurance information resources. Overall, this article contributes to the existing literature by offering practical recommendations that may be relevant to reference librarians supporting the health insurance information needs of their communities.  相似文献   


Health information skills in an electronic environment are essential to health science librarians, who serve as educators both within and outside of their health training institutions. This reflective study was conducted to examine the application of online health information skills obtained from the training provided for librarians who are working in health settings. Health sciences librarians, as future information skills educators, therefore need to possess their own health information skill sets. Capacity building is vital in order to promote the development of health information skills for health sciences librarians who can then teach and advocate the concept of health information skills on the Internet within and outside of their places of work.  相似文献   

With funding from the National Library of Medicine HIV/AIDS Community Information Outreach Program (ACIOP), librarians at the University of Florida Health Sciences Libraries partnered with university and community groups to facilitate collaboration, develop new information resources, develop information-seeking skills, and raise general awareness surrounding HIV/AIDS risks, prevention, and treatment. This article describes the skills development elements of the project, including development and implementation of an HIV/AIDS information resource curriculum for health care providers, social services professionals, and public librarians within the project’s partner organizations.  相似文献   

李跃  吴琼  苏瑞竹 《图书馆》2021,(2):49-56
对现阶段国内外信管院系信息素养教育实践展开深入分析,有助于指导图书馆工作实践和推动信息素养教育的转型与发展。通过对国内外12所iSchools院校的网络调研,获取信息素养教育的正规与非正规学习的类型和方式,梳理信息素养教育体系、要素与前瞻。该研究认为信息素养教育体系包括3个大要素和11个小要素,指出信息素养理论基础研究、职场信息素养教育研究、非结构化与全数据获取研究、公共卫生与个人健康信息研究将会是未来信息素养教育的发展趋势。  相似文献   

文章在对我国公共医疗健康信息增值利用现状分析的基础上,对增值利用中的障碍进行了初步分析,提出了应从公益性原则出发,优化公共医疗健康信息采集、质量标准、共享信息链,促进我国公共医疗健康信息资源增值利用.  相似文献   



This research studied hospital administrators'' and hospital-based health care providers'' (collectively, the target group) perceived value of consumer health information resources and of librarians'' roles in promoting health information literacy in their institutions.


A web-based needs survey was developed and administered to hospital administrators and health care providers. Multiple health information literacy curricula were developed. One was pilot-tested by nine hospital libraries in the United States and Canada. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to evaluate the curriculum and its impact on the target group.


A majority of survey respondents believed that providing consumer health information resources was critically important to fulfilling their institutions'' missions and that their hospitals could improve health information literacy by increasing awareness of its impact on patient care and by training staff to become more knowledgeable about health literacy barriers. The study showed that a librarian-taught health information literacy curriculum did raise awareness about the issue among the target group and increased both the use of National Library of Medicine consumer health resources and referrals to librarians for health information literacy support.


It is hoped that many hospital administrators and health care providers will take the health information literacy curricula and recognize that librarians can educate about the topic and that providers will use related consumer health services and resources.


  • Health care providers responded positively to a health information literacy curriculum offered by librarians and to related resources and services, namely MedlinePlus and the information referral system known as Information Rx.
  • Participation in a curriculum increased health care providers'' knowledge of health information literacy, awareness of available consumer health information, and referral of patients to the library for additional assistance.
  • Librarian involvement in health information literacy increased the profession''s visibility and perceived value.


  • Consumer health information services and resources offered by librarians can improve the health information literacy skills of health care providers and their patients.
  • Training by librarians can increase knowledge of the importance of health information literacy and usage of MedlinePlus and Information Rxs.
  • Hospital-based administrators and health care providers can be champions in support of health information literacy and consumer health information services offered by libraries.

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