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图书馆电子资源的急剧增长带来一系列的管理维护问题,电子资源管理系统应运而生。电子资源管理系统的功能主要有电子资源的订购管理、使用管理、使用统计与评价三方面。在电子资源管理系统的发展和应用过程中存在诸多挑战,如资源整合和一体化服务的挑战、系统整合的挑战、知识产权保护的挑战、系统本地化的挑战等。图书馆在选用电子资源管理系统时可遵循开放性和兼容性原则。  相似文献   

为了对日益增多的电子资源进行有效的管理,电子资源管理系统的应用以及电子资源管理系统与图书馆现有系统的整合就显得极为重要.文章简述了电子资源管理系统的功能,并给出了电子资源管理系统应用整合框架,最后以实例说明电子资源管理系统与图书馆现有系统的整合过程.  相似文献   

文章介绍了高校图书馆电子资源访问分析管理系统的评估体系内容、优势,对高校图书馆的电子资源配置、数字资源与学科建设的结合、高校图书馆电子资源的使用价值进行客观评估,科学合理规划电子资源建设,为高校图书馆采购决策工作及挖掘读者使用需求提供支持.  相似文献   

电子资源管理系统实施与应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶兰 《图书情报工作》2012,56(13):89-94
认为电子资源管理是现今图书馆所面临的极具挑战性的工作。从选型标准、人员安排、工作流程、著录规范、互操作、使用许可、知识库、使用统计数据处理等方面探讨电子资源管理系统实施与应用需注意的几个问题,为国内图书馆实施与应用电子资源管理系统提供借鉴。  相似文献   

电子资源的日益增多对管理工作提出了更高的要求,图书馆急需电子资源管理系统(ERMS)来对其进行有效地管理。本文介绍了电子资源管理系统的发展和主要功能,并提出了图书馆选择电子资源管理系统所需要考虑的各种因素。  相似文献   

香港中文大学图书馆电子资源管理的挑战与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电子资源管理是现今高校图书馆所面对的极具挑战性工作,香港中文大学的图书馆系统亦不例外。该馆的电子资源数量在2006-2007年度较上年增长了两倍。如何运用现有的人力资源和图书馆集成管理系统,及时让读者使用这些电子资源,已成为该馆的重大挑战。有见及此,该馆在2007年决定把电子期刊的编目工作外包,并采用Innovative公司的电子资源管理系统来解决上述问题。此文的目的,是叙述该馆利用SerialsSolutions公司的服务和Innovative公司的电子资源管理系统来管理与日俱增的电子资源的经验。尽管尚有困难待克服,但通过此文所述的措施,该馆的电子资源管理工作已得到改善。  相似文献   

开源电子资源管理系统探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾开源电子资源管理系统(ERMS)的发展,介绍主要开源电子资源管理系统包括CUFTS、CORAL、ERMes、E-Matrix、OLLARA、SMDB的基本情况并进行比较与评述,在此基础上给出一些建议,以期对国内图书馆特别是中小型图书馆采用开源电子资源管理系统或进行电子资源管理系统开发提供借鉴。  相似文献   

图书馆电子资源管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出电子资源在图书馆的生命周期,分析图书馆电子资源管理内容及电子资源管理系统在图书馆的应用现状,最后提出馆藏资源一体化管理模式.  相似文献   

从电子资源管理的工作流程、电子资源著录、电子资源相关文档、人员及相关的国际标准等方面探讨图书馆实施与应用电子资源管理系统过程中所涉及的工作规范问题,为国内图书馆实施与应用电子资源管理系统提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着图书馆的电子资源数量激增,图书馆和读者都需要基于电子资源生命周期的全过程管理系统,即电子资源管理系统(ERMS)。本文介绍了ERMS的产生背景、开发实践、产品和研究现状,并进行了简要的评论。  相似文献   

近年来电子文件管理研究的文献数量逐年增多,但多局限于单一国家或少数国家的电子文件管理经验,并大多关注电子政务背景下的电子文件管理系统建设问题,视角多基于信息技术或文件档案管理.本文采用文献调查和典型案例研究方法,对2008年以来的代表性英文期刊文献和澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰、英国和美国的代表性电子文件管理法规、政策、标准及最佳实践指南进行了分析,旨在发现国际领域电子文件管理综合解决方案的国际进展、发展趋势和未来方向.研究揭示,越来越多的国家认识到电子文件管理的问题与挑战并将其列入电子政务建设的议程;采用多学科合作方法将文件作为信息资源和业务资产进行管理是电子文件管理的国际化发展趋势;制定综合集成管理方案整合、优化和创新组织和国家层次的电子文件管理和电子政务建设方案是电子文件管理的未来发展方向.  相似文献   

With the rapid increase of electronic databases, e-journals, electronic books, and digital collections in libraries, managing electronic resources is also becoming complex and challenging. It is an absolute necessity to have an effective electronic resources management (ERM). This article discusses our experience in choosing and implementing an open source ERM System (CORAL) at The College of New Jersey Library.  相似文献   

Changing business and legal conditions force federal agencies to acquire information technology (IT) systems today that may be subject to future mandatory electronic records management (ERM) requirements. Agencies must devise IT investment strategies that optimize operating efficiencies and customer service improvements in the present and also comply with the likely future direction of ERM regulations. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency undertook a business process reengineering (BPR) exercise with respect to future co-location of previously separate regulatory docket facilities. Their experience suggests that future mandatory ERM will cause federal agencies to take a more thorough account of the full information life cycle when planning an IT system’s life cycle; and that BPR is a practical necessity when implementing ERM.  相似文献   

Seven years after the Digital Library Foundation's (DLF) pioneering 2004 Electronic Resources Management Initiative (ERMI) report, challenges with electronic resource management (ERM) system implementation, interoperability, management, and workflow issues remain. In 2009 the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) formed the ERM Data Standards and Best Practices Review Steering Committee to undertake a gap analysis of ERM-related data, standards, and best practices with current and future e-resources management needs in mind. In this session a member of the Steering Committee presented an overview of the project and focused on initial results of the review, including mappings from the DLF ERMI data dictionary to a range of other current standards and best practices. This presentation was based on the draft of an unpublished discussion paper authored by the members of the NISO ERM Data Standards and Best Practices Review Steering Committee.  相似文献   

Todd Enoch 《期刊图书馆员》2014,66(1-4):182-188
In 2001, the University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries developed their own electronic resource management (ERM) system to track their online resources and contracts. Over the past decade, the programming and upkeep for the homegrown system had become too much of a burden, and the decision was made to move to a vendor-supported ERM system. In the summer of 2012, UNT began the implementation of Innovative’s ERM module. This presentation covered the steps involved in that implementation and the lessons learned on how best to prepare for a radical shift in workflows and procedures.  相似文献   

Risk management by itself is an inadequate rationale for enterprise-wide records management because it is essentially a defensive strategy. Beyond risk management, with electronic records management (ERM) fully implemented an enterprise can realize positive benefits and real cost savings to the information management of essential business functions in the enterprise. This article presents three case studies that illustrate the positive benefits of ERM to non-records management business functions within the context of enterprise content management systems. The article concludes with the argument that records management will not take its rightful place in enterprise information management until ERM is fully integrated within enterprise content management.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):219-247
This paper considers how the Emotion-in-Relationships Model (ERM), a theory designed to predict people's experience of emotion, might explain persuasive messages. A study was conducted in which 248 individuals simulated leaving a date request voicemail message. Consistent with ERM, people's perceptions of interference from partners were positively associated with appraisals of self threat and relationship threat and negatively associated with the fluency of messages. People's perceptions of facilitation from partners were positively associated with identity management strategies, positive politeness, and the affection of messages. These results persisted after covarying relationship satisfaction. Taken together, the findings shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of ERM as a theory of interpersonal communication.  相似文献   

电子资源管理系统初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨思洛  王丙炎 《图书馆杂志》2005,24(12):52-55,60
随着电子资源的日益增多,图书馆急需电子资源管理系统(ERM)来对其进行有效管理,文章简述了ALA的电子资源管理创始计划(ERMI),并对几个有代表性的ERMS进行了介绍(包括Horizon ERM、Endeavor Meridian、Innovative ERM),最后提出ERMS将成为图书馆系统中心这一发展趋势。  相似文献   

Sarah Hartman-Caverly’s presentation gave audience members an overview of how she designed and built an electronic resources management (ERM) system using Microsoft Access 2010. She discussed why she used a homegrown ERM as well as the principles she used for good system design. Finally, she reviewed the tools she used for creating her own system, including use case analysis, data analysis, database tables and relationships, and forms.  相似文献   

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