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指出图书馆联盟建设的目的之一是实现图书馆间的资源共建共享,然而,真正达到这一目的的图书馆联盟的并不多。文章对图书馆联盟建设与资源共享实现的对策研究进行回顾,并结合国内外的发展与实践,研究网络环境下基于图书馆联盟建设的资源共享实现策略,提出“111113”图书馆联盟与资源共享综合集成体系。  相似文献   

通过对OGSADAI和动态联盟等相关技术的分析,提出基于网格技术的数字图书馆体系结构,在此基础上设计出数字图书馆动态联盟信息资源共享系统。该系统能提供数据访问和集成的统一接口,从而有效实现异构图书馆之间的资源共享与异地协作,提高数字图书馆信息资源的利用率。  相似文献   


Inflow of current information is vital to support agricultural research for sustaining an adequate level of productivity. Agricultural libraries in Pakistan have extremely deficient collections. Little application of information technology has been made in these libraries. Deficiency of trained manpower has been another area of critical concern. These problems have prevented these libraries to cater tbr the information needs of the Pakistani's scientific community in an efficient manner. A library strengthening project, with financial assistance of USAID, was designed to elevate the status of agricultural libraries in Pakistan. One of the objectives was to develop multi-media collections in these libraries by providing core journals on microform and other electronic media. This paper discusses different facets of the project related to project design and development, and strategies used for collection development and application of information technology. It also discusses the criteria for the selection of library application software. The paper also recommends measures to improve library cooperation and resource sharing among agricultural libraries of Pakistan. Needs for appropriate funding and application of promotional activities are also highlighted.  相似文献   

暨南大学图书馆于2004年引入VPN技术,用以解决校外用户访问馆藏数字资源的难题,取得了较好的效果。本文在此基础上,对高校图书馆数字资源使用中面临的问题及其分布式共享的应用方式进行了研究,并结合实际应用,阐述了VPN在高校图书馆数字资源分布式共享应用中的可行性,同时对应用过程中所遇到的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Inflow of current information is vital to support agricultural research for sustaining an adequate level of productivity. Agricultural libraries in Pakistan have extremely deficient collections. Little application of information technology has been made in these libraries. Deficiency of trained manpower has been another area of critical concern. These problems have prevented these libraries to cater tbr the information needs of the Pakistani's scientific community in an efficient manner. A library strengthening project, with financial assistance of USAID, was designed to elevate the status of agricultural libraries in Pakistan. One of the objectives was to develop multi-media collections in these libraries by providing core journals on microform and other electronic media. This paper discusses different facets of the project related to project design and development, and strategies used for collection development and application of information technology. It also discusses the criteria for the selection of library application software. The paper also recommends measures to improve library cooperation and resource sharing among agricultural libraries of Pakistan. Needs for appropriate funding and application of promotional activities are also highlighted.  相似文献   

云计算环境下,传统图书馆交流共享的技术基础和服务方式发生了至关重要的变化,关于馆际交流和资源共享的研究已成为数字图书馆研究的热点。文章以互联模式探讨高校图书馆新的交流共享模式,从整体上提升和改善资源的建设、服务的能力。通过信息资源数字化、服务平台数字化,来优化自身的馆际交流、资源共享和信息服务体系,在数字时代实现自身的数字化。  相似文献   

This study summarizes a survey conducted to discover the extent to which professional librarians in Nigerian university libraries have achieved academic/faculty status. The survey revealed that: (1) almost all professional librarians (16 or 80%) in Nigerian universities have full faculty status, coupled with mandatory research and publication for promotion, in 17 (85%) of the libraries; (2) publications in subject-fields and in library/information science carry equal ratings; and (3) academic librarians in Nigeria are entitled to the same rights, privileges and responsibilities as their teaching counterparts. This paper urges the Nigerian Library Association and the Committee of University Librarians to set standards for the attainment of faculty/academic status for professional librarians in Nigerian universities and colleges.  相似文献   

The literature of medical librarianship of Nigeria is reviewed. The staff structure of Nigerian univeristy libraries and, in particular, of the medical libraries attached to them is restrictive, unprogressive, and unconducive to the development of medical librarianship in Nigeria. These medical libraries should cease to be administered and regarded as just unavoidable appendages of the main university libraries. They should be independent, full-fledged libraries of their own, recognixed as full academic departments of their respective colleges or faculties, with their heads being in no way inferior in status to other heads of academic departments.The granting of faculty status to Nigerian unviersity librarians should go the whole way and let the principle of multiple professorships be applied to the staff structure of unviersity libraries. Efforts are being made to effect bibliographic organization of Nigerian medical literature. A national library of medicine for Nigeria, however, humble its beginning, should be established.  相似文献   

图书馆用户对资源需求无限性和对资源获取便捷性的永恒追求,已成为促进图书馆"转化"和"生长"的两大驱动力。传统单馆的图书馆管理系统,或是数字图书馆联盟的管理系统,已无法满足用户的需求。图书馆区域共用平台通过整体规划以及联盟成员馆之间的分工协调,使图书馆之间完全打破限制和阻碍,共享集信息查询、合作编目、协调采购、联合存储、馆际互借、资源发现等为一体的全业务流程,形成覆盖面广、利用方便的生态信息资源管理系统。本文以香港地区八所高校组成的区域性图书馆联盟JULAC为例,阐述区域图书馆共用平台的建设概况和意义。区域共用平台能够加深资源的共建共享,便于联盟成员在同一平台上进行馆藏开发和深度合作,促进馆藏建设由微观向宏观方向发展,使得资源配置更趋优化合理、馆际合作更加全面深入,在资源共享、管理共享、服务共享的基础上,也更大地促进了图书馆共享理念的创新发展。JULAC共用平台的建设模式、共享方式以及业务、人员整合经验等都可为我国其他地区的图书馆共用平台建设提供借鉴。参考文献19。  相似文献   

微博是新信息化环境下的新型信息交流和信息共享平台和工具。微博在全世界的发展非常迅速,给图书馆带来机遇和挑战。微博为图书馆的资源推荐搭起了"桥梁",我国较多的图书馆应用微博开展服务。文章构建了基于微博的图书馆资源推荐系统框架,为图书馆的资源推荐服务提供参考。  相似文献   

运用文献调查和网络调查方法,对区域性高校图书馆联盟信息资源共享现状进行调查分析,指出存在的不足,提出高校图书馆信息资源共享发展的对策。  相似文献   

网络图书馆是在自愿、互利原则基础上,基于图书馆联盟合作的深入发展并依附一定的网络环境,组建而成的共建共知共享知识体系。文章阐述了网络信息资源共建共知共享的新理念,简要分析了网络图书馆资源共建共知共享的内容。  相似文献   

随着科技助力教育的不断推进,高等教育发生深刻变革,学习方式也在悄然改变,高校图书馆学习支持服务的内容、方式仍有改善和优化的空间。本文以42所"双一流"高校图书馆为样本,从资源支持服务、在线信息素养与学习能力培养、技术和平台支持服务、互动与交流支持等方面,调研"双一流"高校图书馆在线学习支持服务的现状,探讨当下在线学习支持服务的困境,提出高校图书馆在线学习支持服务的改进路径:构建高效的学习支持服务体系,提升学习支持服务的资源保障,拓展和深化在线信息素养教育内容,加强信息技术在线上学习支持服务中的应用,协同推进在线学习支持服务向纵深发展等。  相似文献   

论文以宁波大学园区图书馆的实践为例,对大学园区图书馆与园区内各高校图书馆的关系、与属地城市图书馆的关系、大学园区图书馆的性质和职能、大学园区图书馆的可持续发展等关键性问题进行了研究,目的是为其它大学园区文献信息资源共建共享提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper makes a case for sustainable consortium building among University libraries in Nigeria. It examines critical issues involved in consortium building, identifies inherent problems and charts the way forward in dealing with identified problems. It further posits that if carefully planned and executed, consortium building could help Nigerian University libraries improve and sustain services to users.  相似文献   

基于区块链技术去中心化、防篡改、可追溯性、共识机制等特点,文章提出了一种区块链技术驱动智慧增值服务模式及应用路径,实现用户在资源获取方式、学习交流平台以及时间空间上的转变,并有效解决智慧图书馆在信息资源收集、安全存储和共享传播等方面的问题,满足以用户需求为中心的智慧增值服务。智慧图书馆应利用区块链技术实施变革,如开展区块链在图书馆的应用、加强区块链技术规划研究、制定区块链数据标准以及培养智慧图书馆区块链技术专业人才等,改善资源的服务内容,提高资源服务质量,迎接区块链技术变革,进一步推进智慧增值服务模式上新台阶。  相似文献   

虚拟空间在拓展和提升图书馆服务的同时,也受到了资源共享和信息安全难以平衡的困扰。基于虚拟空间关键要素平衡的视角,运用区块链技术能够较好地解决这一问题,从而实现对图书馆虚拟空间的有效治理。文章通过分析区块链技术治理图书馆虚拟空间的途径和价值,构建基于区块链技术的图书馆虚拟空间治理模式。图书馆虚拟空间应用区块链技术,需要解决资源共享和高效利用、资源开放与信息安全、功能扩展与运行效率等相互冲突的问题。构建基于区块链辩证思维、系统性方法、综合治理三者结合的图书馆虚拟空间治理模式,可以有效满足虚拟空间治理和发展的功能需求。  相似文献   

Computerization of library services is intended to modernize the entire library system in Nigeria as in the industrialized countries, and to ensure accuracy, efficiency, effective information management, reliable user services, enhanced interlibrary co-operation and library prestige. By 1985, only the library of the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, had succeeded in automating its library services. Other libraries are mostly at the trial stage. University and research libraries and the National Library of Nigeria are leading the race to computerize their services. Lack of co-operation between libraries is an obstacle to library automation in Nigeria. Some librarians are not sure whether computerized library services would thrive owing to problems of poor funding, inadequate physical and environmental facilities such as low grade buildings, unreliable power supply and the scanty amount of information holdings in most of our libraries. Staff computer training, standby power generating plants, competent personnel, computer technicians and support for computer acquisition and hardware maintenance are major factors to consider before any Nigerian library decides to automate its services. In future, use of natural language by computers will make computers more user friendly. Installation of mini- or microcomputers, with powerful information storage capacity, rather than main frames are recommended for small Nigerian libraries with fewer than 20000 book titles, but which wish to automate their services.  相似文献   

在分析比较我国高校信息资源共享体系建设模式的基础上,结合西部高校图书馆的实际情况,提出了以大资源观构建多层次互补的高校图书馆资源保障体系,依靠社会专业力量多快好省建立联盟书目信息联合目录和资源导航整合平台,建立可持续发展的西部高校图书馆区域联盟建设机制。  相似文献   

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