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任胜利  程维红 《编辑学报》2009,21(5):468-470
基于2003-2007年Thomson Reuters和中国科学技术信息研究所历年发布的Journal Citation Reports(JCR)及<中国科技期刊引证报告>(CJCR),比较分析中外科技期刊载文数、总被引频次、影响因子、即年指标、被引半衰期等各项文献计量指标的变化趋势.结果显示,国内外科技期刊的平均载文量和总体学术影响力近年来一直在稳步上升,并且我国科技期刊近年来的发展速度要高于世界总体水平.  相似文献   

《中国科技期刊引证报告》(CJCR)由中国科学技术信息研究所编制,所收录的期刊被称为“中国科技统计源期刊”。CJCR是一种专门用于期刊引用分析研究的重要检索评价工具,利用其期刊评价指标,可以方便地对期刊进行定量评价。期刊的被引半衰期是衡量期刊文献老化速度的一项重要指标。笔者就CJCR2005年各类医学统计源期刊的被引半衰期作一分析。  相似文献   

文章以SCIE收录期刊为研究对象,统计了期刊的出版国家、语种以及学科分布,并从刊均被引频次、影响因子和分区角度揭示中国科技期刊的国际影响力.结果发现中国高质量科技期刊的数量不足,英文期刊和顶级期刊比重极低;期刊载文量低于世界平均水平,这在一定程度上降低了期刊影响力;期刊在学科分布上不平衡,大部分学科期刊数量低于世界平均水平.  相似文献   

郭玉  马峥 《编辑学报》2011,23(6):555-559
以2004--2008年被Science Citation Index—Expanded收录有文献计量学指标并且是我国正式出版的科技期刊为数据来源,研究其中与国际著名出版集团合作的科技期刊的语种、地区、载文量、刊期分布以及学科主题与合作期刊影响因子的变化情况。  相似文献   

透视中国学术期刊的国际竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术期刊可以体现一个国家的科研竞争力,同时也是科学生产率的重要表现形式之一.中国作为世界上发展速度较快的国家之一,经济、军事、科技、教育等领域的发展都面临着巨大的机遇和挑战,因此把我国科技期刊置身于世界范围内进行比较和分析有着很重要的意义.本文利用JCR 2001~2005年的数据,从总被引,影响因子,即年指标,载文量等各项指标分析了中国学术期刊的期刊表现力和学术竞争力,得出以下结论:中国被收录的期刊数量稳步增长,但整体质量有待提高;被收录期刊所涉及的学科逐年增加,但学科内各期刊排名较后,仍需进一步加强;从期刊的角度来看,中国的学术期刊在过去的几年中有了很大的进步,成绩斐然,但这些进步主要是在自然科学方面,在社会科学方面中国学术期刊表现一直比较低迷.  相似文献   

本文采用scopus的Journal analyzer功能对SCIE收录的16种中国化学化工类期刊的载文量、被引频次、未被引用率等文献计量学指标进行分析;并以实例形式对SCIE收录中国化学化工期刊的质量进行了研究,以期对我国同类期刊工作的发展提供客观依据.  相似文献   

文章对"中国科技期刊卓越行动计划"领军期刊和重点期刊载文量与影响力趋势进行评估.运用R语言"trend"包对期刊载文量与期刊影响力进行M-K趋势分析,使用SPSS软件Wilcoxon符号秩检验对领军期刊与重点期刊进行差异分析.结果显示,纳入研究的24种期刊中有22种影响力提升,但仅4种期刊载文量提升;4种载文量上升的期刊中3种影响力提升,1种影响力下降,其他19种载文量保持不变或减少的期刊影响力均提升,还有1种期刊载文量和影响因子变化趋势均不显著.从影响力增长速度来看,领军期刊和重点期刊两者没有显著性差异,但是重点期刊的影响因子增长速度更有潜力.全球科技期刊竞争激烈,对于领军期刊和重点期刊而言,学科排名提升的难度要高于影响因子提升的难度,不同排名区间的期刊上升空间不同.期刊载文量也是反映期刊影响力的一个重要指标,建议各期刊依据自身实际情况合理制定发展目标,在期刊载文量稳步上升的同时提升期刊的影响力.  相似文献   

张薇 《今传媒》2003,(4):91-94
国家科技部委托中国科技信息研究所,从1987年开始对中国科技人员在国内外发表论文的数量和被引用情况以及中国科技期刊的评估指标进行统计分析,将统计分析结果以出版《中国科技期刊引证报告》(CJCR)和《中国科技论文统计与分析年度研究报告》的方式分别于次年年底或再次年上半年向全国公布。2002版《CJCR》共选择了1447种  相似文献   

中国作者对发表SCI论文有巨大的需求,但目前SCIE收录的中国期刊数量较少,且总体水平未达到世界平均水平。将SCI-E收录的中国期刊根据语种和论文作者的国籍进行分类后发现:甲类期刊(以中文刊载的论文大于50%)和乙类期刊(发表论文的作者至少50%来自中国,且至少50%的论文以英文形式发表)学术水平未达到国际平均水平,2001—2011年期间变化不大;但乙类期刊是SCI-E收录的中国期刊中的绝大多数。丙类期刊(其刊载的论文至少50%是以英文发表的,且至少50%的论文第一作者为非中国作者)引用指数(JCS)逐年上升,上升幅度明显,2011年超过国际平均水平。说明通过改变语种不能提高期刊的国际影响力。在这3类期刊中,丙类年刊均载文量最低,为117.27篇/刊,2007后呈逐年下降趋势,2011年甚至降至91.07篇/刊。中国被SCI-E收录的期刊数量少,与国内发表SCI论文的巨大需求,以及中国期刊走上国际舞台,发挥更大的学术影响力的需求差距甚远,的确有必要创办更多的英文科技期刊;但是在此过程中,有必要慎重评价SCI-E收录期刊的学术影响力和作用。  相似文献   

本研究以2010~2014年版《中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》收录的我国果树学5种相关专业期刊为研究对象,对期刊总被引频次、影响因子、即年指标和他引率等8项文献计量学指标进行德尔菲法综合指标加权值分析,发现5种期刊的5年平均综合指数排名和5年平均影响因子排名完全相同,《园艺学报》《果树学报》的综合指标加权值和影响因子明显高于其他3种期刊,证明《园艺学报》《果树学报》是果树学领域的学术权威期刊。  相似文献   

通过研究中国SCIE期刊学科分布,为中国英文期刊的学科布局提供依据,以提高我国英文期刊水平、吸引优质稿源回流.利用WoS和JCR,获取我国SCIE期刊的刊名、学科领域、影响因子等指标,对比分析出我国没有SCIE期刊的空白学科领域,并研究相关领域的论文产出情况.结果显示:我国SCIE收录期刊学科分布不均,具有Ql区期刊的学科有12个,期刊数大于或等于5刊次的学科有13个,尚有71个学科没有SCIE期刊;有些空白领域已有大量SCIE论文发表,有实力创办高水平英文期刊.  相似文献   

In 2021, Clarivate published a new version of the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) including a new indicator. The Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) is a new field-normalized metric at journal-level, which is calculated by averaging the Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) of the journal's articles and reviews published in the preceding three-year period. Unlike the Journal Impact Factor (JIF), it is also calculated for the journals of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) and the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), which are now included in the JCR. To better understand this new indicator, this article analyses its main statistical characteristics in comparison with the other JCR indicators using all JCR journals and categories. The results highlight the similarities between the JCI and JIF, with a high Pearson correlation (0.853) and a similar distribution. This correlation is also high and homogeneous in the different categories, both for Science and Social Sciences. The JCI is therefore a perfect complement to the JIF, as well as representing an alternative to resolve the well-known problems of the JCR.  相似文献   

曹会聪  陈培颖 《编辑学报》2014,26(5):435-437
调查美国汤森路透科技信息集团2013年公布的《期刊引证报告》中135种国内(不包括港澳台地区)主办的SCI英文学术期刊中国人名拼写情况,分析人名拼写存在的问题及产生的原因,提出了规范人名拼写形式的建议,旨在为期刊管理部门、期刊编辑和科研人员提供参考。  相似文献   

Digital object identifiers (DOIs) are widely used across the world but not very much within China. This paper investigates the current usage of DOIs in China. Using an isometric method, we sampled 238 core Chinese academic journals from the Chinese Science and Technical Journal Citation Reports (2015 version, Core Edition), which includes 2,383 journals in total. According to our investigation, we found that: (1) although 80.25% of journals assign DOIs, 42.41% have only assigned DOIs to articles published after 2010; (2) most journals (89.01%) register DOIs through Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China; and (3) only 84.82% of journals that register DOIs include them in the articles. This paper looks at the reasons for the limited implementation of DOIs and makes suggestions as to how usage can be expanded in China.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The use of a structured abstract has been recommended in reporting medical literature to quickly convey necessary information to editors and readers. The use of structured abstracts increased during the mid-1990s; however, recent practice has yet to be analyzed. OBJECTIVES: This article explored actual reporting patterns of abstracts recently published in selected medical journals and examined what these journals required of abstracts (structured or otherwise and, if structured, which format). METHODS: The top thirty journals according to impact factors noted in the "Medicine, General and Internal" category of the ISI Journal Citation Reports (2000) were sampled. Articles of original contributions published by each journal in January 2001 were examined. Cluster analysis was performed to classify the patterns of structured abstracts objectively. Journals' instructions to authors for writing an article abstract were also examined. RESULTS: Among 304 original articles that included abstracts, 188 (61.8%) had structured and 116 (38.2%) had unstructured abstracts. One hundred twenty-five (66.5%) of the abstracts used the introduction, methods, results, and discussion (IMRAD) format, and 63 (33.5%) used the 8-heading format proposed by Haynes et al. Twenty-one journals requested structured abstracts in their instructions to authors; 8 journals requested the 8-heading format; and 1 journal requested it only for intervention studies. CONCLUSIONS: Even in recent years, not all abstracts of original articles are structured. The eight-heading format was neither commonly used in actual reporting patterns nor noted in journal instructions to authors.  相似文献   

Between 1929 and 2002 over 200 English‐language scientific journals were founded in China. The number of China's English edition journals in each discipline is, however, not correlated to the corresponding output of China's articles listed in the ISI's Science Citation Index. Clearly, the goal of these journals is to be internationally recognized. It is shown that this goal is rarely achieved. We think that lack of good‐quality papers, low international visibility and a citation ‘Matthew effect’ are the main causes for the small role played by China's English‐language journals.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a fresh and fair way to determine a ranking of science journals according to the “number of citations-to and articles published,” data used by SCI Journal Citation Reports of ISI to determine journal ranking by “impact factor.” Impact is considered a latent variable defined by a set of items (citations and articles published). The theoretical background is Item Response Theory, which suggests that, if we can understand how each item in a set of items operates with an object, then we can estimate a measure for the object. The Rasch model is the most common formulation of that theory. This technique is here applied to the citations and articles published of 62 medical journals (objects) to provide a Rasch measure for these journals which is compared with the current “impact factor” computation.  相似文献   

The paper articulates the problems of journal publication in a relatively small country such as Romania where locally (i.e. nationally) published journals include most of the national medical scientific output. The starting point was a study ordered by the Cluj University of Medicine and Pharmacy Scientific Council, for the purpose of obtaining an objectively ranked list of all current Romanian biomedical journals that could be used in the evaluation of the scientific activity of the university academic staff. Sixty‐five current biomedical journals were identified—of which more than half were new titles that had appeared over the past 5 years. None of these are included in the Science Citation Index or Journal Citation Reports (JCR). A set of criteria was used for ranking the journals: peer review, inclusion in international databases, publication time lag, language of articles and abstracts, journal specific index and domestic impact factor. The period covered, along with tools and formulas used are presented. The problems of Romanian biomedical journals as well as ways of improving publishing standards are discussed. Also emphasized is the necessity for increased awareness in the medical scholarly community and the role of the library in this respect.  相似文献   

This column features an overview of the Institute for Scientific Information's (ISI) Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database. Basic searching techniques are presented, as well as simple ways to manipulate data contained in the file. The Journal Citation Reports database can provide information on highest impact journals, most frequently used journals, "hottest" journals, and largest journals in a field or discipline.  相似文献   

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