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海德格尔就西方传统思维模式走出困境做出思的努力,其意指诗意运思的道路即老子之道.然而,笔者认为,在最本原的层面,老子之道实相通于海氏存在论,而其诗意运思之道路,在某种意义上与老庄达于道境界的体悟之途有可探讨之处.  相似文献   
无论是把马克思主义哲学定义为辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义,解释为实践唯物主义,或者是把它看做是超越唯心和唯物的实践哲学,物质范畴都是不可回避的.对物质范畴的规定实际上是以浓缩的形式体现着马克思主义哲学的基本特征.因此,只有把实践引入物质观,更深刻地理解马克思主义哲学的实践创生物质观.  相似文献   
俄国形式派与英美新批评派作为理论上的“近亲”,在理论背景、研究重心、对内容一形式二元论的批判、专注于作品的内在构成等方面有相近之处,但又有着各自独到的见解。这两个文论流派的出现,加深了人们对文学作品的认识,也丰富了文学研究的方法。  相似文献   
南朝莒人刘勰所著<文心雕龙>的思想源头是<周易>哲学从"三才之道"到文学本体论,从"变易不易"到文学通变论,从"易尚中和"到艺术和谐论,从"现物取象、立象尽意、尚象制器"到创作认识论,形成易学与文学合流的"龙学"活水,说明刘勰不仅是一位杰出的文学理论家,而且是一位善于推理、辨析的哲学家和易学家.  相似文献   
课程本体论主要研究课程的“存在”问题,它是探究和思索作为“存在”的课程何以“存在”的理论。它对课程发展乃至人类具有独特意义:它是课程理论的根基;是分析、批判现实课程的一种武器;能够为人们认识课程提供哲学信念;能够为课程发展提供方向和动力。吸取西方课程领域长期拒斥或忽视课程本体论的经验教训,对我们建设自己的课程理论体系有着积极意义。  相似文献   
《淮南子》之“道”是生存之道   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植根于“天人合一”的哲学背景中的《淮南子》之“道”不只是一种宇宙论、本体论意义上的形上实存,它本质上是一种生存之道。在一种切乎人之生存本质的终极境城中开启人类生存与个体生命的原始视野,并因之而凸显其人学本体论性质。  相似文献   
Meaning is one of the recent terms which have gained great currency in mathematics education. It is generally used as a correlate of individuals' intentions and considered a central element in contemporary accounts of knowledge formation. One important question that arises in this context is the following: if, in one way or another, knowledge rests on the intrinsically subjective intentions and deeds of the individual, how can the objectivity of conceptual mathematical entities be guaranteed? In the first part of this paper, both Peirce's and Husserl's theories of meaning are discussed in light of the aforementioned question. I examine their attempts to reconcile the subjective dimension of knowing with the alleged transcendental nature of mathematical objects. I argue that transcendentalism, either in Peirce's or Husserl's theory of meaning, leads to an irresolvable tension between subject and object. In the final part of the article, I sketch a notion of meaning and conceptual objects based on a semiotic-cultural approach to cognition and knowledge which gives up transcendentalism and instead conveys the notion of contextual objectivity.  相似文献   
可持续发展评价的方法论之比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
可持续发展作为一项社会实践活动,必须接受方法论的指导。基于认识论的可持续发展评价仅仅把评价看成是一种纯粹的反映活动,而不是一种实践活动,这往往会限制可持续发展评价的研究视域。从实践本体论出发进行可持续发展评价,不仅避免了在认识论范围内研究评价的局限,而且还丰富了评价活动的现实意义,使可持续发展评价更具有合理性和全面性。  相似文献   

The article presents a research study that examined the ways in which digital curation promotes personalized learning, as well as the students’ experiences of this learning process. The study was conducted in the context of K-12 education. Participants spent three months on a project that included curating a personalized digital collection. The study was conducted using a phenomenological qualitative approach for the collection and processing of data. Findings demonstrate that digital curation provides a productive learning activity that supports significant personalized, emotional, and cognitive learning experiences, enabling the curator to construct a personal subject ontology.  相似文献   
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