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超等长训练适宜于跳跃专项少年运动员专项素质训练,对提高跳跃成绩效果显著,超等长训练对提高肌肉超等长收缩能力的作用显著,高于传统力量训练方法,尤其是跳跃专项少年运动员应积极进行超等长训练。  相似文献   
俄罗斯国家奥委会遭国际奥委会(IOC)暂停成员资格,导致很多无辜运动员无法参加平昌冬奥会,国际体育仲裁院(CAS)平昌冬奥会特别仲裁机构处理的数起案件均涉及俄罗斯运动员的参赛资格问题。俄罗斯运动员在仲裁程序中败诉的主要原因是《奥林匹克宪章》规定:奥运会是IOC的专属财产、任何人不拥有参加奥运会的所谓权利、IOC可以拒绝任何人参赛而无须出具理由。IOC运用对奥运会的专属权利,无正当合理理由拒绝符合参赛条件的俄罗斯清白运动员参赛,有构成垄断的嫌疑。符合参赛选拔条件、且不存在禁止性限制因素(如兴奋剂禁赛处罚在身)的清白运动员参加奥运会,是他们的权利,而不是IOC赋予他们的特权。切实保护运动员参赛权利是各国法院和国际体育仲裁院在处理体育参赛资格案件中的一贯立场,平昌冬奥会仲裁庭的实践过于保守。奥林匹克运动体育善治的改革,要求必须对《奥林匹克宪章》进行修改,最大限度地保护运动员的参赛权利,实现《运动员权利与义务宣言》的宗旨。  相似文献   
摘要:成功申办2022年冬奥会以来,我国冰雪事业迎来重大发展契机,带动3亿人参与冰雪运动成为我国冬季运动发展的重要目标。采用文献资料法、历史分析法等研究方法,回顾欧洲早期滑雪运动发展的社会动因,是将滑雪运动置于整体社会发展环境中,对生产力、生产关系以及社会的需求等要素进行综合分析,其发展规律反映了生产力发展、精英引导、国家意志等因素的共同作用,体现了欧洲滑雪运动从贵族精英、健康观念形成向大众参与理念转变的发展历程。研究欧洲滑雪从少数人引领到大众参与的进程,将为我国滑雪运动大众化普及提供借鉴。分析认为:1)精英阶级对于滑雪运动的热情促成了滑雪俱乐部在欧洲的兴起,在满足休闲娱乐之余,有效地将滑雪运动与公民意识相结合,培养了社会大众对于资产阶级统治的认同感。2)军事滑雪运动的发展是滑雪运动实现精英阶级向大众推广的重要途径。一战前夕,各国滑雪部队建立,扩大了滑雪运动的参与范围,为国家军事滑雪人才奠定了基础。3)一战后,欧洲国家将滑雪运动引入学校课程体系。政府通过设置学校滑雪课程、降低滑雪价格、住宿、成本等方式鼓励青少年参与滑雪运动,打破了经济基础决定滑雪参与的局面,扩大了滑雪运动的参与群体。随着滑雪人数的增多,各国滑雪比赛逐渐增多推动了国际性滑雪组织建立,欧洲早期滑雪运动得以发展壮大。  相似文献   
Increased activity of multiple stakeholders (e.g. agents and owners) have created new challenges for some coaches working in professional sports clubs. The purpose of this project was to draw attention to the normative or accepted practices inherent in sport work, some of the day-to-day realities of some coaches working in this context, and to understand how coaches’ perceptions of other stakeholders come to bear on their individual circumstances, career expectations/objectives and professional agency. Data were generated from semi-structured interviews with seven professional basketball coaches who worked in top-level European clubs. The analysis reveals the coach’s relationships between some owners and agents differed with respect to exercising professional agency, and, coach’s decisions and actions were tied to their professional ideals as well as understandings of what they need to undertake their work effectively and negotiation and/or adjustment strategies. Occasionally coach’s work practices could be viewed as antithetical to employment security, however, the presence of insecurity was at times embraced and used strategically to affect workers’ career decisions. Amid contemporary regional geo-political shifts, this work aids examinations of global sport settings, structures and issues that may contour sporting professionals’ lives.  相似文献   
Coaches and athletes have been increasingly inundated with power related ‘truths’ about their bodies, health and performance as they construct their subjectivities. Over the last couple of decades in New Zealand, schools have initiated elite athlete programmes (EAPs) for a select few students based primarily on their athletic ability and fitness levels. Drawing on Gore's techniques of power, my study investigated how healthism and the cult of the body discourses were (re)produced, negotiated and resisted by coaches and elite athletes and how body pedagogies defined and shaped bodies in two high school EAPs. My analysis suggested that ‘toned and fit’ bodies signified responsible athletes compared to ‘fat’ bodies and that elite athletes disciplined their bodies to overcome pain to remain productive. In both EAPs, power circulated at the micro-level of pedagogical practice to normalise and monitor the athletes’ diet, body weight and shape, and reinforced tensions between prudentialism and hedonism.  相似文献   
Through the historic metaphor of hunting the essay examines the lifestyle of the dominant elites of Hungary between 1945 and 1990 on the basis of archival documents, private records, and oral history interviews. The analysis emphasizes the fact that there were interactions between the old, prewar aristocracy and the new state socialist elites. The co-incidence of lifestyles can be viewed through the lens of social and cultural change: new elements hit against the old, shaping and dissolving old behavioural patterns. The article analyses hunting in the contexts of social differentiation and social grouping. Using semiotics the author shows how, even during the era of state socialism, power and social distinctions were articulated on the level of lifestyles, and transmitted via the social, semiotic function of behaviours, patterns of taste, and forms of interaction. Thus, hunting evolved into a metaphor over time in Hungary: it was not only an indispensable part of the everyday life of the elite, but also became a symbol for belonging to it.  相似文献   
为了完善我国职业运动员人力资本产权交易制度,该研究以人力资本理论、产权理论、微观经济学、新制度经济学、法学理论为研究基础,结合我国职业体育实践以及国外职业体育的成功经验,对我国职业运动员人力资本要素市场存在的问题进行研究,认为我国职业运动员人力资本产权交易制度中存在的主要问题在于:稀缺性运动员人力资本的供需关系矛盾突出;职业运动员人力资本要素市场不完善,买方垄断、卖方垄断的运动员人力资本要素市场并存;运动员人力资本投资专用性治理措施不合理。我国职业运动员人力资本产权交易制度改革的近期目标,要围绕明确职业运动员劳动者的地位,保护职业运动员合理的自由选择权与自由流动权,采取有效措施增加优秀运动员人力资本的供给,采取有效措施限制职业体育俱乐部的过度竞争行为,设立职业运动员最低薪酬标准,保护普通职业运动员的权益等方面进行。  相似文献   
摘要:目的:考察社会支持对运动员投入的影响以及心理坚韧性和应对方式在其中的序列中介作用。方法:采用运动领域领悟支持问卷、运动心理坚韧性问卷、竞技运动领域应对问卷、运动员投入问卷对483名现役运动员进行调查。结果:1)社会支持对运动员投入有显著的正向预测作用;2)心理坚韧性与应对方式在社会支持与运动员投入之间起中介作用。结论:社会支持不仅能直接促进运动员投入,还可以通过心理坚韧性与应对方式的中介对其产生间接促进作用,具体包括4条中介路径:通过心理坚韧性的中介路径;通过任务导向应对的中介路径;通过心理坚韧性与任务导向应对的序列中介路径;通过心理坚韧性与脱离导向应对的序列中介路径。本研究构建的中介效应模型在一定程度上揭示了社会支持影响运动员投入的内在机制。研究提示,通过提供社会支持,将能增强运动员的心理坚韧性,促使其更多地采用任务导向应对,更少地采用脱离导向应对,进而促进运动员投入。  相似文献   
通过测定和比较正常人和力量项目运动员在静息和逐级递增负荷运动时,室壁多普勒频谱图上E波和A波峰值速度,研究左室后壁主动松弛和被动充盈功能的变化。结果表明:在静息状态,力量项目组房缩期心房收缩对于左室舒张充盈的贡献小于正常组;在逐级递增负荷中,力量项目组心脏舒张功能的动员表现为同时动用主动舒张储备和左房收缩储备,显示出心脏主动舒张的能力强,左房收缩储备大。  相似文献   
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