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"意境"是汉语古诗的灵魂,其翻译再现至关重要然而却又十分困难。本文依据近年来相关研究成果,从"意境"的渊源、产生、发展,以及"意境"的特点、条件要求等方面,考察汉诗"意境"英译的可接受性,认为目前条件下其接受性应属有限,评析相关译作时宜防止仅从本族文化视角审视的片面性。  相似文献   
隐喻的构建和理解过程是创造力实施的典范。隐喻的创造本质就是在两个或两个以上已知的概念中发现新的关系,或者在一个已知的概念中挖掘出人们意想不到的内涵,从而开拓新的认知空间。本文从认知角度分析了隐喻的创造性,并建立了评价隐喻中创造性因素含量的三个原则:语义范畴跨度、独创性和可接受性。  相似文献   
Cadaver dissection stands as a crucial component in medical curricula around the world, although computer‐based multimedia programs have been introduced in order to replace the need for cadaver donations. Due to a decrease in the number of unclaimed bodies and rather few donations, there is an insufficient number of cadavers for anatomical studies in Iran. This study was carried out to evaluate medical students' awareness and willingness regarding body donation in Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. In this study, a questionnaire was designed to focus on the cultural acceptability and personal willingness to donate one's body after death. Students from the university's anatomy classes (n = 331) participated in this study. Seventy‐seven percent of the students expressed their agreement toward the idea of utilizing body donation services, though only 25.4% of participants were willing to donate their own bodies. None of the demographic factors were associated with cultural acceptability or personal willingness towards body donation. These findings indicated that besides “payment”, other factors were associated with students' willingness to become donors. All factors of awareness except “previous awareness of organization” were associated with cultural acceptability. In this study, students suggested that encouraging people to register for body donation using mass media (25.6%) and teaching students to respect cadavers in the dissection environment (24.8%) were the best solutions for addressing the lack of cadavers. These findings indicated that a lack of awareness about body donation might be the main factor responsible for unwillingness towards body donation; therefore, improving the public's awareness and addressing the willingness of students regarding body donation may help overcome the current lack of donated cadavers. Anat Sci Educ 10: 120–126. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
毛红霞 《培训与研究》2006,23(4):123-125
语旨是语域的重要变量之一,它对不同语篇的形成具有很大的影响。文章从语旨特征的四个角度——正式程度、礼貌程度、无人称程度和可接受程度分析了法律英语的特点。  相似文献   
朱力 《鸡西大学学报》2012,12(6):114-115
《天狗》穿越时空,唤起了一代又一代中学生读者的共鸣。以往的研究多集中讨论作品的文学性,思想性,拟从《天狗》语言特色讨论她的可接受性。笔者认为《天狗》的语言极具特色:形式自由,节奏韵律完全随作者情绪变化;通篇排比,诗句多用主谓句、判断句、处置式,表达了强烈的主体意识。《天狗》的语言个性和句式特点,表现了五四张扬个性的时代精神,这种突出自我、强调自我的精神是中学生迫切期待的。这就是在"两极阅读现象"日益严重的今天,《天狗》仍能被中学生接受的原因。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to test developmental changes in metalinguistic skills in primary school children, using the distinction proposed by Bialystock (1986) between «analyzed knowledge» and «executive control», as two components of metalinguistic awareness involved in different tasks. 60 first, second and third grade children were individually interviewed on two tasks. In the first task (guided word substitution) children were asked to substitute an underlined word with five alternatives, thus producing new sentences to be judged on their semantic and/or morpho-syntactical acceptability. In the second task (free word substitution), children have to find out the word that can be cancelled and substituted with a new one. In both tasks children have to express an acceptability judgement, giving reasons for it. Each subject receives two scores for each task. Results from two-way Anova show that the «control» component does not change much, while the «analyzed knowledge» changes significantly, although also third grade children are more aware of semantic than of morpho-syntactic features of language.  相似文献   
随着路网特征、投融资形势和政治环境的不断变化,收费公路政策执行中出现了延长收费期限、资金使用不合规范等行业普遍性问题,并进一步造成公众对政策的认可程度降低。这说明,现行法规关于公路收费期限和专款专用原则的界定标准已经难以适应中国路网发展和投融资形势的要求,政策调整势在必行。本文从项目和路网、经济合理性与政治可行性不同层面对收费公路政策进行了综合研究。在项目层面,收费政策应具备基本的经济学原理,才能合理引导商业投资和可持续发展;在路网层面,交叉补贴作法可以把需求管理和成本补偿综合起来,体现交通效率定价原则、符合财政专款专用要求。文章认为,完善收费公路政策,需要在坚持项目和路网各自层面合理性并使之相互兼容的同时,进一步确保经济合理性与公众可接受性的相互促进。  相似文献   
亨佩尔事例确证理论对科学确证作了看似符合直观的纯语法的逻辑阐释,但这种阐释面临着确证悖论、事例确证悖论及与其他符合直观的确证观念不相容等诸多难题。这些难题有亨佩尔论证上的逻辑根源,但更深层次的原因是其理论评价上的演绎主义诉求。良好确证理论应该在语用的认知视域下寻求,应该在理论的真理性、信息丰度和解释力三者之间保持某种动态平衡。  相似文献   
“火星文”流行于网络空间,具有文字交际的功能。从文字理据的角度看,相当一部分汉字符号“火星文”的“可接受度”很低,应当给予强有力的规范和引导。表音符号的“火星文”,具有较高的“可接受度”,予以适当引导即可。表意符号的“火星文”,其“可接受度”最强,不妨采取宽容的态度,以部分弥补文字记录语言功能的缺陷。  相似文献   
This study provides an initial test of several predicted outcome value theory (Sunnafrank, 1986) propositions. Findings supported all hypotheses tested, demonstrating that during initial conversations predicted outcome value is strongly and positively related to amount of verbal communication, intimacy of communication content, nonverbal affiliation, liking, and perceived similarity.  相似文献   
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