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道教地对生命的焦虑与关怀,常常通过对长生不死的狂热追求表现出来。这种忧患意识给唐五代小说以很大影响,在历史反思、描写梦境和神仙度人济世类的作品表现得尤为明显。  相似文献   
以我国建筑业上市公司为研究样本,分析影响企业价值的因素,实证结果表明,建筑企业价值和资产规模呈U型关系;和资本结构显著负相关;和经营能力、盈利能力显著正相关;和股权集中度、股权激励、研发强度的正相关关系均不显著。  相似文献   
本文着力于挖掘道家休闲观的核心内涵及其对中国传统休闲体育的影响,诠释道家"自然无为"、"天人合一"和"贵人重生"的休闲观与中国传统休闲体育的关系,进而全新认识中国传统休闲体育的休闲文化价值,促使中国传统休闲体育健康发展。  相似文献   
文章从文化形态的角度,解读儒道释文化内涵及其差异与融通点,并结合历史变迁阐述“多元共存,和谐发展”的道理,以探究目前和谐社会形成所必须的思想文化之内涵。  相似文献   
This essay argues that the concept of reaching peace within in order to sustain peace outside in classical Confucianism and Daoism offers us important lessons for peace education in the contemporary age. Building harmonious connections between differences in one’s personhood paves a path for negotiating interconnections across conflicting multiplicities in the outside world. The essay starts by discussing the Confucian and Daoist notions of personhood as a microcosmic universe connected to a macrocosmic universe. Second, the historical context of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period in which Confucianism and Daoism emerged are briefly reviewed. Third, Confucian self-cultivation and the Daoist conception of personhood are discussed. Fourth, relational issues of harmony in difference and tranquility in turbulence are analyzed. Lastly, inner peace reaching outer peace in leadership and governing is formulated in terms of the unity between means and end in peace education.  相似文献   
Promotion of students’ spiritual development is one of the goals of pastoral care in schools. The heritage of Chinese calligraphy is traditionally used as a way to enhance an individual’s self‐reflection and cultivation, and has an educational value in spiritual development. This study aims to examine the cultural meaning of Chinese calligraphy and its practices in general, and specifically its connection to spiritualism. The methodologies of narrative approach and textual analysis were employed. Accordingly, the narratives of five practitioners’ personal experiences, including the researcher’s, captured in unstructured interviews, plus selected historical texts on calligraphy will be examined. This article suggests that calligraphy serves more than a utilitarian function. The value of spiritualism underlying this art has also been used as a practice of personal development and spiritual discipline, which leads practitioners to reflect in their mind and heart. This value is universal, and can be agreed upon in a pluralistic society and applied to all schools with different cultural backgrounds and also outside of religious traditions. Lastly this article draws school practitioners’ attention to the importance of calligraphy for spiritual development of students and its implications for the promotion of pastoral care and spiritual education.  相似文献   
道教在中国生长已有一千八百多年历史了。在漫长的岁月中,道教在践行宗教的功能的同时,还发挥着中国古代社会工作的救助功能。时至今天,作为社会和谐的一股重要力量,道教在社会服务中依然具备专业社会工作的潜在救助功能,是促进社会和谐稳定发展的有益方式与推动力量。  相似文献   
中国道教根基深厚,到了明代最为典盛。王艮生活在明代中晚期,作为一个关心天下的平民思想家,受到道教盛行环境的深刻影响。同时王艮也受到了王阳明、朱熹等心学和理学的影响。加之王艮是"东西南北之人",其杂学特征使他吸收了道教的"无为"思想。他从自然人性论出发,以自然为宗,不死抱道教教义,着重吸取和强化道教思辨方式。他把"中"看成是一种辨证的"道"。所以,在王艮看来,修道关键是修"中道"。通过修"中道"而致中和。这也是王艮道学思想的特色所在。  相似文献   
王阳明的家庭背景、自身的身体状况及思想上的困惑都是他与道教结缘的主要原因。王阳明对道教的态度既有欣仰,又有怀疑。年青时期他对道教道本论和内丹学思想多有吸收,晚年时期又对道教长生不死之说及清静无为思想进行批判。总的来说,他的良知说与心之本体思想受道教思想影响是非常大的。  相似文献   
唐君毅的"成人之道"是为现实生活中的人"立人极",使之在"执"与"破执"的交织互动中保持积极向上的精神趋向,成就其真实的生命存在。这一过程没有绝对必然的限制,蕴含着无限开放的可能性,既无需神的安排或救赎,也无需世界的本原或实体这些似乎可以"决定"人的思想和行为的原则或根据,更无需世俗权力的恩赐或命令,而只需在"学"与"习"的过程中给予启发、引导或垂范的"师",以使"我心"与"他心"在相互"成德"中成就一个"天德流行"的意义世界。这种儒家式"成人之道"的理念构成了唐君毅思想的本质内涵。  相似文献   
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