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Anonymous communication on the Internet offers new opportunities but has ill-understood risks. This article helps to ground the policy debates by examining some fundamental aspects of anonymous social behavior and current controversies over anonymous communications. It is a companion to the article in this issue, "Anonymous Communication Policies for the Internet: Results and Recommendations of the AAAS Conference." It examines the social character of anonymous communication and the ways that anonymous communication has played important roles for professionals such as journalists and the police. It also explains some of the new technological supports for anonymous communication on the Internet. The openness, decentralization, and transnational character of the Internet challenge the efficacy of traditional control mechanisms and have raised issues related to accountability, law enforcement, security and privacy, governmental empowerment, and e-commerce. Yet, to ban or restrict all anonymous communication online because of the harms it could bring would deny its benefits to those people who may legitimately gain from it. This article helps to understand how to balance these positions.  相似文献   
This paper interrogates the drivers and meanings behind the dramatic rise of technical and vocational education and training in the policy and political agenda of India. What are the assumptions about the existing traditions and character of India's culture or cultures of skills development? Is the massive planned expansion of skilled people in India simply more of the same, or is there a new paradigm involved? How central will be the role of the private sector and of public private partnerships in the new skills training environment? And how inevitable was it that India should embrace a national vocational qualification framework?  相似文献   
With the rapid industrialization and economic development in the past decades, heavy environmental loads caused some serious environmental scenarios in Taiwan, an island country with a dense population and only limited natural resources. As a result, environmental education in Taiwan has been a leading tool to promote sustainable development since the 1990s. The central government-level agencies responsible for environmental education in Taiwan, including the Environmental Protection Administrations (EPA), the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the National Science Council (NSC), began to promulgate regulations on the establishment of an integrated environmental education system. This paper presents the governmental regulations and policies for promoting environmental education in Taiwan. This article also analyzes the success of environmental education through cross-ministerial mechanisms and plans based on the current status of energy sustainability in the past two decades (1990-2009). In June 2011, the Environmental Education Act, which is aimed at upgrading environmental education and achieving sustainable development, will begin to be effective in Taiwan. It is thus prospective that the environmental sustainability will be in line with the education for sustainable development.  相似文献   
哈萨克斯坦自1991年宣布独立至2011年,经历了20年的发展历程。在这期间,随着国内政治和经济体制的转轨,哈萨克斯坦的国民教育在保持苏联时期积累的优良教育经验的基础上,通过发展新的教育模式,取得了世界公认的成绩。文章在简要介绍哈萨克斯坦教育历史的基础上,梳理其独立后出台的教育政策,用数据资料阐述教育系统的新变化。在分析教育体系存在的问题的同时,提出保证所有国民均可接受高质量教育并尽快达到"努力将哈萨克斯坦列入世界前50名最具竞争力的国家行列"这一远大教育目标。  相似文献   
"九一八事变"发生后,东北军面对日军的步步紧逼采取了为后人所诟病的"不抵抗主义"。目前关于"不抵抗主义"的很多结论大多根据历史相关人的口述史料整理而成。本文通过对现有相关的口述史料进行客观分析,力争还原历史的本来面目,为今人判断"不抵抗主义"由来提供一些有价值的参考。  相似文献   
在汉代,儒学进一步强化对礼仪和天人之道的重视并推进,从某种程度上影响了西汉儒学与先秦儒学的发展模式.从“天人相分”到“天人相与”,董仲舒吸收了《春秋》中的“天道”思想并从“天人关系”进一步对汉代儒学进行梳理,尤其是在与汉武帝的《天人三策》中也体现了董仲舒向孔子“仁学”进一步靠拢  相似文献   
政治观是指社会成员对政治世界的看法,它是人的世界观的重要组成部分。大学生作为社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,必须树立科学的政治观。"形势与政策"课在大学生的思想政治工作中担负着重要的使命,要培养大学生的政治主体意识,培养大学生的爱国情怀,防止西方敌对政治思想的渗透,同时,还要及时准确地培养大学生的政治心理动向。因此,本课程在教学中对于培养学生科学的政治观具有不可替代的作用。  相似文献   
2011年5月19日,奥巴马首次阐述了把1967年阿以战争前夕的以色列边界作为最终边界谈判的基础。他表示,以色列应该与巴勒斯坦安全部队协调行动,从而"让以军分阶段"从约旦河西岸"完全"撤离。那么,这场讲话背后透露了怎样的信息?奥巴马的中东政策与小布什时期有何不同?奥巴马能否开启美国和中东关系的新起点?  相似文献   
我国对高质量、国际化教育模式的追求,致使广大教师不断参加继续教育以提高自身的综合素质。现代远程教育以其不受时间、空间的局限,信息资源储备量大以及知识更新速度较快等方面的优势,正逐渐成为教师开展在职继续教育的首选形式。在此背景之下,对于远程教师继续教育政策构建与完善的诉求也不断加强,导致了我国现有相关政策体系的变迁。从理论和实践两个层面来审视我国这一政策变迁的背景,可以凸显其重要性和必要性;而通过考察变迁过程中政策的现存问题以及问题的成因,则有助于我国相关政策体系的进一步完善和规范,进而保证其健康、可持续地发展。  相似文献   
妈祖文化作为两岸共同共通的世界非物质文化遗产,其产业发展对当下及未来两岸经济、文化等各层面的沟通与合作具有十分重要的意义。本文通过对两岸妈祖文化产业合作历史及现状的概述和分析,从经济、社会等角度对两岸妈祖文化产业合作不畅之原因进行了分析。基于两岸发展妈祖文化产业政策机遇分析及粤港、粤澳在合作发展文化产业的经验镜鉴,提出推动两岸妈祖文化产业发展政策措施的思考与建议。  相似文献   
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