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借鉴ACSI顾客满意度测评指数模型,结合中国群众性马拉松赛事的特点,运用探索性因子分析法建立中国马拉松赛事参赛者满意度测评指标体系,基于此,构建中国马拉松赛事参赛者满意度测评指数模型。研究发现:中国马拉松赛事参赛者满意度测评指数模型的指标包括参赛者期望、硬服务质量感知、软服务质量感知、感知价值、参赛者满意度、参赛者抱怨、参赛者忠诚度7个因素。就各个自变量对中国马拉松赛事参赛者满意度的影响路径来看,参赛者对服务的预期通过对软服务质量感知、硬服务质量感知间接正向影响中国马拉松赛事参赛者满意度;参赛者的服务质量感知既直接又间接地正向影响参赛者的满意度,参赛者的软服务质量感知通过硬服务质量感知和感知价值间接正向影响参赛者的满意度,参赛者的硬服务质量感知通过感知价值间接正向影响参赛者的满意度。就各个自变量对中国马拉松赛事参赛者满意度的影响程度而言,参赛者的软服务质量感知对其满意度影响最大,其次依次为硬服务质量感知、服务期望和感知价值。  相似文献   
为使船舶在多船避让环境下适应航行环境的变化并自动复航,提出基于动态分阶势场法的船舶自动避碰系统。该系统基于动态势场避障规划算法,利用模糊综合评价法量化船舶碰撞危险度;依据《国际海上避碰规则》确定本船在不同会遇局面下的避让行动,并据此对斥力势函数进行调整。该系统将本船的避碰过程划分为航迹保持、避让和复航3个阶段,根据不同阶段的要求构建动态分阶势场;利用动态分阶势场法对船舶的航行环境进行建模,进而生成恰当的航向指令;利用自动舵产生舵角指令控制船舶完成避让、复航和航迹保持。仿真结果表明:该自动避碰系统可以引导船舶完成既定的避让行动,并能使船舶在安全会遇距离上驶过;该系统可以适应航行环境的变化,且具备航迹保持能力。  相似文献   
为增强上海国际航运中心建设支持政策的有效性,基于2009—2018年间国家及地方政府层面颁布的19个涉及上海国际航运中心建设的政策文本,应用文本挖掘方式提取评价指标,构建PMC指数模型对政策进行量化评价。分别选取3项针对性政策和3项辅助性政策作为评价对象进行实证分析,结果表明:针对性政策的PMC指数总得分高于辅助性政策的PMC指数总得分,且随着上海国际航运中心建设的不断推进,其引导作用不断加强;辅助性政策虽然只考虑到上海国际航运中心的部分建设需求,但在保障激励等方面给予了高度重视。  相似文献   
为建立绿色港口,实现港口的节能环保,对港口综合能源系统(port integrated energy system,PIES)的评价方法进行研究,提出一种主客观信息融合的PIES评价指标体系,将主观评价与数理统计模型进行结合,兼顾评价过程中的主客观因素,并采用基于马氏距离的统计检验方法对评分矩阵进行修正,实现对PIES的全面评价。通过青岛港董家口港区的调研数据,验证该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
2018年8月运用随机扫网、陷阱法和样方相结合的采集方法对河北天生桥国家地质公园蜘蛛种类和群落结构进行了调查,共获得1112头蜘蛛标本,隶属22科54属77种。采用群落多样性指数分析其多样性,结果阐明:天生桥国家地质公园蜘蛛具有丰富的物种多样性,不同植被环境中蜘蛛群落的组成结构有明显差别。灌木丛生境中蜘蛛物种丰富度、个体密度和多样性指数最高,具有稳定的群落结构;阔叶林中蜘蛛均匀度最高;针叶林和草甸中的物种丰富度和个体密度较低,优势度明显。植被保护对保护蜘蛛多样性具有重要意义。  相似文献   
变速器作为汽车动力总成系统的关键部件,其功能的可靠、耐久的长短等性能直接影响到汽车的整体功能。CAE仿真与试验是变速箱性能验证的重要手段,通过结合设计阶段的CAE仿真与样件阶段的试验验证进行对比研究,能够使变速器在量产前完善设计,减少试验的样本量,从而实现缩短变速器设计周期和降低成本的目的。  相似文献   
坦桑尼亚是"一带一路"倡议通向非洲、辐射非洲内陆的重要门户,它在快速城市化过程中面临交通基础设施严重短缺问题。基于坦桑尼亚公路、铁路、机场、港口、人口和城市分布数据,运用GIS空间分析技术,结合交通通达指数模型,从县域与城乡两个层面对坦桑尼亚交通通达水平的空间格局特征进行定量分析。研究发现:1)坦桑尼亚县域交通通达水平空间分布极不均衡,高值连片区主要位于东北沿海和维多利亚湖沿岸,低值连片区主要位于中央铁路线中段以北、中央铁路线南部的广大地区;2)受地理区位、资源禀赋、殖民历史、政府政策等影响,城市与乡村地区之间的交通通达水平差异十分显著。研究结果有助于坦桑尼亚制定区域交通发展政策和优化资源配置,同时对中-坦产业精准对接和产能转移具有一定的促进意义。  相似文献   
Traditional information retrieval techniques that primarily rely on keyword-based linking of the query and document spaces face challenges such as the vocabulary mismatch problem where relevant documents to a given query might not be retrieved simply due to the use of different terminology for describing the same concepts. As such, semantic search techniques aim to address such limitations of keyword-based retrieval models by incorporating semantic information from standard knowledge bases such as Freebase and DBpedia. The literature has already shown that while the sole consideration of semantic information might not lead to improved retrieval performance over keyword-based search, their consideration enables the retrieval of a set of relevant documents that cannot be retrieved by keyword-based methods. As such, building indices that store and provide access to semantic information during the retrieval process is important. While the process for building and querying keyword-based indices is quite well understood, the incorporation of semantic information within search indices is still an open challenge. Existing work have proposed to build one unified index encompassing both textual and semantic information or to build separate yet integrated indices for each information type but they face limitations such as increased query process time. In this paper, we propose to use neural embeddings-based representations of term, semantic entity, semantic type and documents within the same embedding space to facilitate the development of a unified search index that would consist of these four information types. We perform experiments on standard and widely used document collections including Clueweb09-B and Robust04 to evaluate our proposed indexing strategy from both effectiveness and efficiency perspectives. Based on our experiments, we find that when neural embeddings are used to build inverted indices; hence relaxing the requirement to explicitly observe the posting list key in the indexed document: (a) retrieval efficiency will increase compared to a standard inverted index, hence reduces the index size and query processing time, and (b) while retrieval efficiency, which is the main objective of an efficient indexing mechanism improves using our proposed method, retrieval effectiveness also retains competitive performance compared to the baseline in terms of retrieving a reasonable number of relevant documents from the indexed corpus.  相似文献   
基于峭度指标的FastICA算法具有较快的收敛速度和较高的计算效率,被广泛应用于多光谱图像的特征提取。经典的FastICA算法基于固定点迭代法得到图像的各个独立成分,在迭代过程中,每一个独立成分的求解都需要所有像元的参与。因此,当数据量较大或图像中像元较多时,FastICA的计算量很大,此时它的速度优势就会大打折扣。遥感数据一般都具有较大的尺寸,因此如何将FastICA直接应用于遥感数据,是一个具有实际意义的问题。通过引入多光谱图像协峭度张量的概念,将FastICA的固定点迭代问题转化为代数形式的张量计算,避免每次迭代过程中需所有像元参与的缺陷,因而大大降低计算复杂度。多光谱图像实验结果表明,该算法明显快于传统的基于峭度指标的FastICA算法。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate videos as potential triggers of behavior. Therefore, we applied the theories of triggers and media richness to learn about the triggering efficiency of mobile marketing videos on participants’ behavioral intentions. The experiment involved three distinct test groups, each comprising 41 student participants. From the perspective of media richness theory, we observed that the different kinds of videos had quite similar effects in terms of triggering behavioral changes. However, the mechanisms explaining why triggers were present differed for each video. Further, the results reveal that the consumer's position in the information search process was the most significant reason for the triggering of any kind of effect. In addition, the instructionally designed videos were able to exert an affective triggering effect: the more participants liked the video, the more it affected their participation intention and recall scores. This study extends the media richness research by demonstrating that the effects of media richness can vary within technically similar videos, as they form different logical connections among non-verbal visual cues related to a video's storyline.  相似文献   
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