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以户外罹难者为研究对象,通过卡方检验、对称度量探索户外罹难事故的基本特征及其规律。研究结果显示,自本世纪以来,户外罹难事故逐年攀升,并由高海拔向低海拔、由挑战型向娱乐型和健身型转移,罹难者年龄由中、青年向边缘年龄延伸;自发组织是驴友参与山地户外运动的主要形式,但其"非盈利性"降低了组织稳定性和责任意识,带来了极大的安全隐患;由于缺乏科学的户外精神,山地户外运动正朝向无序、浮躁的方向发展,人为诱因成为了最大的隐形杀手。  相似文献   
目的:研究跆拳道后横踢4种战术动作的击打速度效果及对运动训练的启示。方法:以跆拳道后横踢"进攻""迎击""反击""近身"4种战术动作为研究对象,运用Motion-Analysis红外光点高速运动捕捉测试系统,研究在"空击"状态下部分关节转动幅度,人体重心位移变化,膝关节和踝关节的速度、加速度;并运用电子护具采集后横踢4种战术动作的击打力量。结果:进攻、反击战术动作在骨盆、髋关节旋转上与迎击、近身战术动作有差异(P<0.05),而在躯干、膝和踝关节旋转上没有差异(P>0.05)。进攻、迎击、近身战术动作的提膝向心加速和踝关节离心加速好于"反击"(P<0.05)。进攻、迎击、近身战术动作的提膝速度、击打速度均高于"反击"(P<0.05),击打力量也高于"反击",尤其是"进攻"(P<0.05)。"进攻"和"反击"重心移动速度高于"迎击"和"近身"(P<0.01),向心加速度也高于"迎击"和"近身",尤其是"进攻"(P<0.05),但"反击"移动方向与击打方向相反。结论:跆拳道后横踢4种战术中,"进攻"与"反击","迎击"与"近身"动作结构类似;"进攻""迎击""近身"在整个过程中各环节动作肌肉收缩用力、动量传递、击打力量方面均优于"反击",特别是"进攻"显著优于"反击"。在运动训练中,要以比赛规则为导向,了解战术运用现状,科学提高击打速度,提升击打效果策略,更新运动训练思路。  相似文献   
Representative learning design provides a framework for the extent to which practice simulates key elements of a performance setting. Improving both the measurement and analysis of representative learning design would allow for the refinement of sports training environments that seek to replicate competition conditions and provide additional context to the evaluation of athlete performance. Using rule induction, this study aimed to develop working models for the determination of high frequency, representative events in Australian Rules football kicking. A sample of 9005 kicks from the 2015 Australian Football League season were categorised and analysed according to the following constraints: type of pressure, kick distance, possession source, time in possession, velocity and kick target. The Apriori algorithm was used to develop two models. The first consisted of 10 rules containing the most commonly occurring constraint sets occurring during the kick in AF, with support values ranging from 0.15 to 0.22. None of the rules contained more than three constraints and confidence values ranged from 0.63 to 0.84. The second model considered ineffective and effective kick outcomes and displayed 70% classification accuracy. This research provides a measurement approach to determine the degree of representativeness of sports practice and is directly applicable to various team sports.  相似文献   
采用文献资料等方法,梳理国际乒联21世纪以来的规则改革,反思其存在的问题。21世纪以来,国际乒联在器材、技术和赛制等方面进行了一系列的改革。一系列规则改革在技术上使得运动员技术选择和使用随意性增大,比赛胜负的偶然性增大;在国际乒坛秩序上产生了正、反两方面影响,一方面改变了中国队"一家独大"的局面,国际大赛的奖牌分布趋于多元化,另一方面,使得运动员打法逐渐呈现单一化趋势。同时国际乒联频繁修改规则还存在规则修改程序正义性、规则相对稳定性,以及权力行使过于随意等问题。要维系国际乒坛秩序的良性发展,国际乒联还需出台具体的规则改革制度,保证竞赛规则的相对稳定性,并合理行使规则修改的权力。  相似文献   
从应用型本科学生群体自身的特殊性、培养目标的定位来看,从事公益活动有助于学生规则意识的培养、综合能力的提升和良好思想道德、心理素质的培养,有助于应用型本科院校人才培养目标的实现。  相似文献   
吴治荣 《昆明大学学报》2007,18(A01):26-27,36
会计准则制定模式是会计理论研究的重点之一。通过国内、国外相应事例,对会计准则制定的原则性导向和规则性导向进行对比研究,认为规则性导向优于原则性导向,是准则制定模式的发展趋势,也是会计界的努力方向。  相似文献   
姜丰德 《成才之路》2021,(11):28-29
家训家规中的积极思想不仅与社会主义核心价值观相符合,而且可以指导青少年更好地约束自我,在修身、齐家、为人、处世等方面都可以起到很好的训诫作用。以家训家规为中心开展家庭教育的策略有:以家训家规为中心,进行全面学习;开展家校共育,增强践行意识;传承与创新并举,扩大教育范围。  相似文献   
王燕  温有奎 《情报科学》2007,25(6):877-880
阐述和分析了数据挖掘中关联规则的算法,提出了在数字图书馆中构建推荐系统模型。本文采用Apriori算法,并根据实际的应用对算法进行改进,克服算法弱点,提高推荐精度,实现数字图书馆的个性化服务。  相似文献   
国内外现行与绿色设计相关的标准,普遍存在着数量小、覆盖范围窄、标准涉及层次单一以及未形成统一和通用的标准体系等问题。基于此,文章提出了包含从范围到对象、再到原则的三维绿色设计标准目标框架。其中,范围指绿色设计的七大重点行业:能源、钢铁、有色、制造、交通、建筑、化工;对象指绿色设计的层次:宏观、中观、微观;原则指绿色设计的方法:生命周期、循环经济、产业生态学、社会网络分析和人因分析理论。基于三维目标框架,最终拟定了《中国绿色设计标准通则(草案)》。  相似文献   
Firms vary greatly in their rates of creating and adopting technological and organizational innovations, in part because of their choice of reference group. We argue that the selection of a reference group is a crucial and neglected source of firm heterogeneity. Comparisons to the average of other firms in a population cause most firms to adopt innovations once they are widely accepted. A distinctive feature of the minority of innovating firms that create innovations or adopt them early is that they compare themselves with, compete with, and try to differ from other innovating firms, whereas the majority of firms compare themselves with, and conform to, a broader group of firms. We elaborate this argument based on the behavioral theory of the firm and institutional theory, and test it on a two-period survey on adoptions of innovative organizational forms in Europe and the US. The analysis shows the predicted differences in the adoption patterns of innovating and imitating firms.  相似文献   
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