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新校园足球竞赛体系已初具雏形,建成特点鲜明的校内外四级联赛体系。竞赛组织处于体育、教育部门"双轨制"主导局面。竞赛目标从"足球后备人才培养"演化为"夯实中国足球持续健康发展的人才基础"。赛事系统呈现出明显的学段差异。赛事相关的资源配置亟待提升。当前我国校园足球竞赛体系面临政策发展不统筹、人才供应链不配套、校园与职业赛事阻塞、竞赛保障资源配置不足、赛事监督评价落后的困局,竞赛体系整体正处在由"做大"到"做强"的十字路口。在由"基础建设"到"内涵发展"理念指导下,提出具体治理路径。政策治理层面:统筹竞技普及,发挥政府引导整合作用;人才流通层面:构建选拔机制,畅通各学段人才供应链;跨域融合层面:突破体制屏障,衔接职业足球竞赛体系;资源保障层面:调动多元参与,加强竞赛保障体系建设;监督治理层面:运用智慧监管,推进监督评价的科学化。  相似文献   
以文献资料法、数理统计法、比较法和逻辑归纳法等研究方法,通过对浙江省高职高专院校第十五届大学生运动会竞赛成绩的格局特征分析,得出以下基本结论:①十个大运会比赛项目分值赋分存在不均衡特征;②参赛院校在得分获奖能力方面具有明显的规模优势和类型强势特征;③十个大运会比赛项目具有十分明显的强校特征和获奖面局部离散性特征;④不同地域、不同性质院校在获奖能力方面的总体无差异性特征。在此基础上提出了实施三小球比赛得分两倍倍率激励制度设计,加强竞赛格局战略分析,科学谋划校外运动竞赛参赛整体计划,扬长避短,提升参赛绩效。运动竞赛整体强势学校须注重田径、游泳和三个大球类项目对整体获奖能力评价的重要贡献率,竞赛整体弱势学校可择取田径、羽毛球和游泳项目参赛获奖面相对较广、单项设置数较多的比赛项目等对策建议。  相似文献   
Beginning and expert supervisors’ cognitions and cognitive structures were compared via concept mapping, a mixed methods design. Both beginning and expert supervisors reported a variety of cognitions representing developmental characteristics in 3 areas: assessment of supervisees, conceptualization and management of supervision, and supervisory relationship.  相似文献   
Distant supervision (DS) has the advantage of automatically generating large amounts of labelled training data and has been widely used for relation extraction. However, there are usually many wrong labels in the automatically labelled data in distant supervision (Riedel, Yao, & McCallum, 2010). This paper presents a novel method to reduce the wrong labels. The proposed method uses the semantic Jaccard with word embedding to measure the semantic similarity between the relation phrase in the knowledge base and the dependency phrases between two entities in a sentence to filter the wrong labels. In the process of reducing wrong labels, the semantic Jaccard algorithm selects a core dependency phrase to represent the candidate relation in a sentence, which can capture features for relation classification and avoid the negative impact from irrelevant term sequences that previous neural network models of relation extraction often suffer. In the process of relation classification, the core dependency phrases are also used as the input of a convolutional neural network (CNN) for relation classification. The experimental results show that compared with the methods using original DS data, the methods using filtered DS data performed much better in relation extraction. It indicates that the semantic similarity based method is effective in reducing wrong labels. The relation extraction performance of the CNN model using the core dependency phrases as input is the best of all, which indicates that using the core dependency phrases as input of CNN is enough to capture the features for relation classification and could avoid negative impact from irrelevant terms.  相似文献   
职业裁判制度是足球职业化发展到一定阶段的必然产物,其引入将有力提升我国裁判执法水平,助推我国足球事业发展。认为,职业裁判是职业联赛健康发展的关键力量,是足球运动技术发展的客观要求,是提升足球裁判整体水平、统一集中管理的需要。目前,我国的足球裁判存在基数小、水平低、待遇低、环境差等问题。只引入足球职业裁判制度而无配套措施,可能无法解决根本矛盾;目前的国内联赛规模也还无法满足职业裁判发展需求,职业转换难度大及退休保障不足,也阻碍着我国职业足球裁判制度的实施。指出,应加快足球联赛发展,与职业裁判发展互促互进;健全体育裁判法律法规,改革职业裁判组织管理方式;建立健全职业裁判员的薪酬和退休保障体系;注重青少年裁判培养,全面提升在职裁判员业务水平。多管齐下,使足球职业裁判制度发挥更好的效果。  相似文献   
目的:研究跆拳道后横踢4种战术动作的击打速度效果及对运动训练的启示。方法:以跆拳道后横踢"进攻""迎击""反击""近身"4种战术动作为研究对象,运用Motion-Analysis红外光点高速运动捕捉测试系统,研究在"空击"状态下部分关节转动幅度,人体重心位移变化,膝关节和踝关节的速度、加速度;并运用电子护具采集后横踢4种战术动作的击打力量。结果:进攻、反击战术动作在骨盆、髋关节旋转上与迎击、近身战术动作有差异(P<0.05),而在躯干、膝和踝关节旋转上没有差异(P>0.05)。进攻、迎击、近身战术动作的提膝向心加速和踝关节离心加速好于"反击"(P<0.05)。进攻、迎击、近身战术动作的提膝速度、击打速度均高于"反击"(P<0.05),击打力量也高于"反击",尤其是"进攻"(P<0.05)。"进攻"和"反击"重心移动速度高于"迎击"和"近身"(P<0.01),向心加速度也高于"迎击"和"近身",尤其是"进攻"(P<0.05),但"反击"移动方向与击打方向相反。结论:跆拳道后横踢4种战术中,"进攻"与"反击","迎击"与"近身"动作结构类似;"进攻""迎击""近身"在整个过程中各环节动作肌肉收缩用力、动量传递、击打力量方面均优于"反击",特别是"进攻"显著优于"反击"。在运动训练中,要以比赛规则为导向,了解战术运用现状,科学提高击打速度,提升击打效果策略,更新运动训练思路。  相似文献   
2019年国际篮联篮球世界杯在中国圆满举行,广州作为分赛场,承接了西班牙、波多黎各、突尼斯以及伊朗四支代表队的小组比赛6场。通过对广州赛区四支队伍在小组赛中的表现技术进行分析,并对比中国队在本次赛事中的表现,发现中国男篮在备赛与参赛阶段,存在大赛目标不清晰,心理训练与细节训练不足,教练团队执教水平不稳定,篮球基本功不扎实等一系列问题,反映出我国篮球的发展正处于困境。系统地分析广州小组赛中四支队伍的赛况,并与中国队做出对比,有针对性地提出建议,为中国篮球的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
可宥性事由源于英美刑事诉讼中的可抗辩事由,与正当化事由联袂构成行为出罪理论的基石。与正当化事由不同,可宥性事由已经僭越了法定的行为正当化条件,行为的违法性首先被肯定,只是在责任归属上寻求宽恕性处理。引入可宥性事由,可丰富体育竞赛行为入罪和出罪的相关内容,便于司法统一判定。分析认为,体育竞赛行为可宥性事由成立,要满足体育赛事本身具有合法性和正规性、主体仅针对运动员、行为局限于体育竞赛行为、违法目的“单纯”性、行为以“反规则”为前提等条件。入罪和出罪的类型化有利于定罪和量刑的规范化,分别对竞技伤害行为、滥用兴奋剂行为、假球等竞赛舞弊行为适用可宥性事由予以出罪抑或减轻处罚的情形进行具体分析。最后,指出体育竞赛运动员可宥性事由行为入罪不能忽视运动员自由保障的理念,且尽量避免选择性刑事司法。  相似文献   
为定量解释精英运动员重大比赛期间竞技状态显性和隐性影响因素间相互关系,运用文献资料、层次分析、模糊评价、数理统计等研究方法,基于国家队、省市运动队295名网球教练员、运动员调研数据,提出精英网球运动员重大比赛期间竞技状态影响因素假设命题,再引入SEM概念模型,对假设命题进行验证。结果表明:(1)竞技状态SEM概念模型中,体能训练整合度、技能训练整合度、心智训练整合度、适应度与保障度可作为隐性自变量,且均对竞技状态因变量有正向影响作用,H1、H2、H3、H4假设命题得到验证;(2)经SEM检验,依影响因素权重,精英网球运动员赛间竞技状态调控依次表现为技能训练整合度、心智训练整合度、体能训练整合度、适应度与保障度;(3)精英网球运动员的参赛表现,虽主要取决于竞技训练因子,但对于适应度与保障度中自然环境、社会环境和规程规则等非训练因子,同样不容忽视。  相似文献   
Game-based learning can have a positive impact on medical education, and virtual worlds have great potential for supporting immersive online games. It is necessary to reinforce current medical students' knowledge about radiological anatomy and radiological signs. To meet this need, the objectives of this study were: to design a competition-based game in the virtual world, Second Life and to analyze the students' perceptions of Second Life and the game, as well as to analyze the medium-term retention of knowledge and the potential impact on the final grades. Ninety out of 197 (45.6%) third-year medical students voluntarily participated in an online game based on self-guided presentations and multiple-choice tests over six 6-day stages. Participants and non-participants were invited to perform an evaluation questionnaire about the experience and a post-exposure knowledge test. Participants rated the experience with mean scores equal to or higher than 8.1 on a 10-point scale, highlighting the professor (9.5 ± 1.1; mean ± SD) and the virtual environment (8.9 ± 1.1). Participants had better results in the post-exposure test than non-participants (59.0 ± 13.5 versus 45.3 ± 11.5; P < 0.001) and a lower percentage of answers left blank (6.7 ± 8.4 versus 13.1 ± 12.9; P = 0.014). Competitive game-based learning within Second Life is an effective and well-accepted means of teaching core radiological anatomy and radiological signs content to medical students. The higher medium-term outcomes obtained by participants may indicate effective learning with the game. Additionally, valuable positive perceptions about the game, the educational contents, and the potential benefit for their education were discovered among non-participants.  相似文献   
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