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文章运用文献资料法对我国运动员参赛资格存在的典型问题及特点、运动员参赛资格改革的困境进行了分析,在此基础上借鉴权利保障、公平竞争、程序正义原则,提出了我国运动员参赛资格管理改革的几点建议。研究认为:我国运动员参赛资格存在的典型问题为,尖子运动员无法获得参赛资格、运动员的竞争优势被蓄意改变、运动员参赛行为遭受人为干扰;其特点主要表现为,问题主要集中发生在我国的传统优势项目,运动员处于弱势被支配地位,运动员较难争取应得权益。改革的困境主要在于,管理机构设置方面,选拔主体与审批主体同构,权力缺乏制约;管理理念方面,国家利益或集体利益高于一切,个人利益有时成为牺牲品;管理流程方面,自由裁量空间大,选拔程序尚待规范;管理手段方面,监督和约束手段相对单一,管理亟需优化。研究建议:逐步做实项目协会和奥委会,体育行政部门负责监督、审计和政治审查;严禁参赛资格的利益交换,以法治代人治,保障运动员的合理权益;建构规范的管理流程,明晰选拔标准、程序及选拔主体权限,提升管理效能;完善内部救济机制,司法适度介入,提升运动员参赛资格的权利保障和救济水平。  相似文献   
目的 同时注意空间中多个目标刺激对于乒乓球运动员非常重要。考察认知负荷对青少年乒乓球运动员注意分布的影响。方法:实验中采用计算机行为实验,控制认知负荷(同时注意的目标数量为2、4或6个),并且在不同注意范围(离中央注视点3°、6°和9°视角)的位置上同时呈现刺激,要求被试对刺激的亮度变化做辨别反应。结果::认知负荷对于乒乓球运动员的注意范围有显著调节。当刺激个数为2时,在3°和6°视角条件下呈现的刺激反应时均显著快于9°视角条件下的刺激。当刺激个数为4时,视角为3°条件下的反应时快于视角为6°和9°时的反应时,而视角为6°时又比视角为9°时的反应时显著要快。当刺激个数为6时,视角为3°时的反应时均快于视角为6°和9°时的反应时。结论:当前研究证明随着认知负荷增加,乒乓球运动员注意焦点范围显著缩小。可以通过测量运动员在高负荷条件下注意焦点的范围来进行运动员的选拔。  相似文献   
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of simulated training strategies on performance potential in elite short-track speed skaters. Training load and field-based criterion performances from fifteen athletes (10 males, 5 females) were collected over a 3-month training period and the relationship between training loads and performance was computed with a variable dose-response model using a genetic algorithm. Individual simulations of tapers preceded or not preceded by an overload training (OT) were assessed. We obtained a significant correlation between actual and modelled performances (R2 = 0.76 ± 0.07). Regarding model parameters, no significant difference was found between males and females but the time to recover performance tended to be lower in females. Simulations in which the taper parameters were free highlighted that an exponential or a step taper were the most effective for increasing performance compared to a linear taper (p < 0.05). Optimal exponential taper duration after OT was 10.7 ± 2.4d and the optimal load reduction was 75.9 ± 3.7%. OT intensity had the greatest influence on the predicted performance, followed by OT duration, taper decay, and to a lesser extent load reduction during taper and taper duration. Thus, a variable dose-response systems model allows the evaluation of different taper strategies and their potential effect on performance changes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyse the effect of the use of social networks in smartphones or playing video games on the passing decision-making performance in professional soccer athletes. Participants were 25 male professional soccer athletes (mean ± SD: age 23.4 ± 2.8 years). The participants performed three randomised conditions divided into three groups: control (CON), smartphone (SMA), and video game (VID). Before and after each experimental condition, the Stroop Task assessed the level of induced mental fatigue. Then, the athletes performed a simulated soccer match. A CANON® camera recorded the matches for further analysis on passing decision-making performance. A group effect was identified (< .01) with impairment on passing decision-making performance for the SMA (p = .01, ES = 0.5) and VID (p = .01, ES = 0.5) conditions. We concluded that the use of social networks on smartphones and/or playing video games right before official soccer matches might impair the passing decision-making performance in professional soccer athletes.  相似文献   
近几年来,我国网球运动蓬勃发展,前程似锦,但是世界级网球高手随处闪现,在技战术水平、心理素质等都优于同龄中国选手。不难发现,我国距离体育强调还有很长一段距离,只有大家齐心协力,共同努力,明确网球发展动向,才能实现体育大国向体育强国的跨越。因此,本文首先介绍新时期体育强国的要求,然后分析我国网球与世界网球强国的差距,最后研究体育强国视域下我国网球发展趋势。  相似文献   
摘要:我国高等体育教育资源优化配置研究引入社会学视角理论与方法,理论与实践均取得专家的认同。运用文献资料法、专家访谈法和实地考察法等方法发现,在计划经济体制下我国高等体育教育资源配置主体单一性、手段行政化和政治倾向性强,凸显出高等体育教育资源配置缺乏激励机制和市场竞争机制的问题,造成高等体育教育资源配置成本最大化和社会效应的最小化问题较多。自改革开放以来,随着我国市场经济体制的建立为高等体育教育资源优化配置提供了难得的发展机遇,我国高等体育教育资源配置取得了明显成效,但仍然存在高等体育教育资源配置机制滞后、体制机制改革创新步伐缓慢、高等体育教育资源配置不合理以及民办普通高校体育教育资源配置严重不足等问题。据此,从社会学研究的视角,提出了构建多主体推动高等体育教育资源优化配置创新的发展模式、多元化高等体育教育资源优化配置资金投入的保障体系、高等体育教育资源优化配置均衡发展的运行机制和大学城体育教育资源“共建共享”的创新发展模式的新时代我国高等体育教育资源优化配置的发展策略,旨在服务新时代全民健身与全民健康深度融合发展,“推动构建人类命运共同体”发展目标的实现。  相似文献   
The biomechanical profile of high-level endurance runners may represent a useful model that could be used for developing training programmes designed to improve running style. This study, therefore, sought to compare the biomechanical characteristics of high-performance and recreational runners. Kinematic and kinetic measurements were taken during overground running from a cohort of 14 high-performance (8 male) and 14 recreational (8 male) runners, at four speeds ranging from 3.3 to 5.6?m?s?1. Two-way ANOVA analysis was then used to explore group and speed effects and principal component analysis used to explore the interdependence of the tested variables. The data showed the high-performance runners to have a gait style characterised by an increased vertical velocity of the centre of mass and a flight time that was 11% longer than the recreational group. The high-performance group were also observed to adopt a forefoot strike pattern, to contact the ground with their foot closer to their body and to have a larger ankle moment. Importantly, although observed group differences were mostly independent of speed, the tested variables showed a high degree of interdependence suggesting an underlying unitary phenomenon. This is the first study to compare high-performance and recreational runners across a full range of kinematic and kinetic variables. The results suggest that high-performance runners maintain stride length with a prolonged aerial phase, rather than by landing with a more extended knee. These findings motivate future intervention studies that should investigate whether recreational runners could benefit from instruction to decrease shank inclination at foot contact.  相似文献   
摘要:新时代是我国发展新的历史方位,体育强国、教育强国、健康中国三大战略为世界一流体育大学提出了新的更高要求。为此,北京体育大学提出了“三个转型”综合改革,以推进世界一流体育大学建设和高水平竞技体育后备人才培养基地建设,为国家培养勇担新时代体育事业发展重任的优秀人才。为实现上述目标,应在深刻认识“三个转型”改革提出的背景基础上,深入理解“三个转型”的内涵与目标,全面推进“三个转型”综合改革,为新时代体育、教育事业贡献北京体育大学的力量。研究背景包括:1)新时代是“三个转型”的历史坐标,2)强国战略是“三个转型”的现实依据,3)创新模式是“三个转型”的客观需要;“三个转型”分别是:1)全面推进从传统经验型体育大学向现代科技型体育大学转型,2)从以夏季项目为主的体育大学向夏季冬季项目全面发展的体育大学转型,3)从本土化体育大学向国际化体育大学转型,其目的是实现两大办学目标:1)把北京体育大学建成中国高水平竞技体育后备人才培养基地,2)把北京体育大学建设成为世界一流体育大学;为了实现“三个转型”转型及其目标,必须准确把握“办大学与建基地、文化传承与科技创新、立足中国与放眼世界”三个维度及其核心关键问题。  相似文献   
The quality of decision and assessment of risk are key determinants of successful sport performance. Athletes differ fundamentally in their decision-making ability according to their athletic expertise level. Moreover, given the influence of emotions on decision-making, it is likely that a trait reflecting emotional functioning, trait emotional intelligence, may also influence decision-making. Therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate the respective contribution of athletic expertise and trait emotional intelligence to non-athletic decision-making. In total, 269 participants aged between 18 and 26 years with a range of athletic experience i.e. none (n?=?71), novice (n?=?54), amateur (n?=?55), elite (n?=?45) and super-elite (n?=?44), completed the Emotional Intelligence Scale and the Cambridge Gambling Task. Regression modelling indicated a significant positive relationship of athletic expertise and trait emotional intelligence with the quality of decision-making, and a negative relationship with deliberation time and risk-taking. Cognitive skills transfer may explain the higher decision-making scores associated with higher athletic expertise, while individuals with higher trait emotional intelligence may anticipate better the emotional consequences linked with a gambling task, which may help individuals make better decisions and take less risks.  相似文献   
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