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本文采用文献资料法,视频分析法,专家访谈法,比较分析法和数理统计法等研究方法。对2018年世锦赛中日集体花球啦啦操成套创编进行比较研究,包括三大技术技巧难度(跳步、转体、柔韧与平衡)、连接难度(集体类、技巧类、层次等)、托举与配合(托举、配合)、基本手位等。力图对这些进行定量对比分析、探究,分析中日两国成套动作差异等,以期为国内成套花球舞蹈啦啦队练习的创作和编写提供参考。  相似文献   
Divergent Thinking is a domain-general mental attribute closely associated with creativity that can be quantified through the use of text-mining algorithms. Past research has shown that students’ Divergent Thinking is malleable in response to relatively simple contextual prompts. In addition, there is substantial variance in the degree to which individual students’ Divergent Thinking is malleable, suggesting the presence of a student-specific zone-of-proximal-development in relation to creativity. Here, we adopted a dynamic assessment paradigm that included multiple conditions under which student Divergent Thinking was measured and fit a latent profile analysis model to that dynamic assessment data. We found that, although on average the Originality of student responses can be augmented through a prompt to generate surprising or unusual ideas, three latent classes emerged that differed significantly on their patterns of augmentation. These three latent classes were termed: (a) Conventional Thinkers (7.80% of the sample), whose response to the Divergent Thinking task were highly constrained and unoriginal across all conditions (b) Prompted Shifters (66.56%), whose Originality significantly increased across conditions, and (c) Idea Generators (25.64%), whose responses were highly original across all conditions. These latent profiles were validated in regard to personality characteristics and domain-specific creative activities, with Idea Generators reporting significantly more Openness and Intellect, less Industriousness, and more creative activities across the domains of Literature, Music, Sports, Visual Art, Science, and Cooking than did the other latent classes.  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 比较分析数据管理与数据治理差异与联系,为制定科学数据开放共享政策提供参考。[方法/过程] 运用比较分析法,解析数据管理与数据治理在定义与内涵、功能、目标、原则、焦点领域5个方面的异同,由此解析其对制定我国科学数据开放共享政策的启示。[结果/结论] 数据管理与数据治理在定义与内涵、功能、目标、原则、焦点领域上都有显著差异,但两者也有内在联系。数据治理是成功实施数据管理的关键。认清两者的关系有助于明晰目前我国科学数据管理政策的不足之处,为今后完善科学数据管理办法提供参考,从而规划与制定实用的科学数据开放共享细则。  相似文献   
Learners may increasingly encounter conflicting expert reports. However, little is known about how they deal with this challenge. We examined how learners' familiarity with a controversial historical topic affects their epistemic judgments of conflicting expert claims and sources, the interplay of their claim and source evaluation strategies, and their meta-epistemic understanding of the legitimacy of the disagreement (absolutist, multiplist, and evaluativist perspectives). In two studies, topic familiarity increased agreement with belief-consistent expert claims and the perceived trustworthiness of the expert who presented these claims. Topic familiarity also impacted the coordination of evaluation strategies and led to greater reliance on knowledge-based validation. However, topic familiarity did not affect meta-epistemic understanding of the legitimacy of the controversy. In the second study, reading an explanation about reasons for disagreements between historians resulted in higher evaluativism. Teaching about expert disagreement may be a productive approach for promoting appreciation of the diversity of knowledge.  相似文献   
This study aims to enlighten the controversial discussion about the term public value in an innovative way. Instead of normative pronouncements and paternalistic posits, this study combines a theoretical, literature-based conception with an empirical quantitative approach. For this, the key term, public value, is split into its constituent parts of customer value and citizen value and is transformed into measurable attributes. By means of a choice-based conjoint analysis on panel data for Germany and the United Kingdom, we explore which performance attributes of public service broadcasters are the most important. Based on the results, we create a conception of public value from the perspective of the license fee payers as the main stakeholder of public service broadcasters. Our findings may unlock existing potential to increase our understanding of what is meant by the term public value.  相似文献   
自甘风险和过失相抵是体育侵权案件中最常见的抗辩方式。前者将会免除加害人的赔偿责任,而后者只能按比例减少加害人的赔偿责任。虽然法律后果存在巨大差异,但目前对于体育侵权案件适用自甘风险,还是适用过失相抵,没有一个明确的标准,没有建构一套稳定的规则。从美国法的经验来看,通过对自甘风险进行分类来解决自甘风险和过失相抵的竞合问题,并不是一个成功的范例。实际上,自甘风险和过失相抵的主要区别在于受害人能否认知风险的存在。通过运动类型、违规程度、年龄和精神状况、参与的自愿性、专业程度等五个要素的综合考量,法官可以推知当事人的意思,进而从参加体育活动的行为来判断是否构成自甘风险,最终正确适用法律。  相似文献   
形意拳历来以刚猛粗扩、实战性强著称,随着时代发展,形意大师布学宽提出的形意拳柔化教学思想被逐漸认同。本文从现代教育学的角度,结合形意拳自身特点及现代教育教学理论,探讨形意拳柔性思想下的教学理念,为形意拳由竞技拳转变为健身拳、文化拳的柔性思想教学提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
The role of the library is to assist citizens in skills development critical to national interest and empowerment as literacy ambassadors, in general. Specifically, the work by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (1994) indicates that spatial literacy is for every citizen and not just a set of workforce specialists. Hence, the use of maps in decision making and problem solving will become fundamental to all professions, including library professionals. Thus, a spatial literacy awareness and rationale for such as standard job ability is discussed as a future librarian workforce proficiency and knowledge transfer medium.  相似文献   
群体极化现象是指群体成员一开始具有某种偏向,在经过讨论后群体朝偏向的方向继续移动,直至形成极端的结果。大学生是一个特殊的群体,他们朝气蓬勃、富于激情,看重个人名誉,充满正义感,具备较强的集体观念,组织性纪律性强。大学生的这些特征也使得这一群体在事实上更加容易发生极端化的情况。防治大学生群体极化要从重视传统,加强极端化后果教育,注重观点和意见的多样性与平衡,融入协商民主理念等多个方面共同着手。  相似文献   
小说《宠儿》通过对黑人历史记忆的重组和演绎,谱写了一部触目惊心的黑人血泪史,对黑人的前途和命运做出了全方位的思考,意在启发黑人牢记过去、直面现实、放眼未来,具有厚重的历史意识和重大的现实意义。  相似文献   
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