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Using PISA and PIAAC data from twelve OECD countries, we examine the gap in cognitive skills among immigrants and natives and evaluate how those differences have evolved over time. We also consider how demographics, family background and school quality explain the development of cognitive skills of young people with immigrant backgrounds. The results show, first, that some convergence in skills occurs between second-generation immigrants and natives over time. Second, demographics, family background and school quality variables all contribute to the achievement gaps across different groups.  相似文献   
微时代大学生思政课自主学习享有网络信息带来的便捷,同时也面临网络裹挟的一些干扰。克服这些干扰还存在一些主要障碍,需要在提高学生意识形态的鉴别力、增强自主学习环境的塑造力、提高教师自身网络教育的驾驭力和提升网络学习的保障力等方面下功夫。  相似文献   
时至今日,武术仍未能很好地进入校园,其原因何在,如何从柔道、跆拳道、空手道的成功现代化和国际化当中寻求启发,成为紧迫论题。主要运用文献资料法,基于对学校武术历史、现状的反思和日韩武技现代化的启示,对我国学校武术的根本问题和根本方略做出探讨。研究认为,学校武术开展的现状不能实现中华民族赋予它的文化使命,日韩武技现代化的经验可为我们提供启示——将传统意义上的搏杀武技改造为一项现代文明搏击项目,该项目需满足几个趋势保证安全文明化、保持技击本质性、具有游戏趣味性、彰显民族独特性。在此基础上,做出武术以太极推手形式进入校园的提案。  相似文献   
Although Affirmative Action policies have been enforced in many countries, their consequences are highly understudied, especially in the context of developing economies. Section 12(1)(c) of the Right to Education (RTE) Act enforced in 2009 is the first attempt to introduce affirmative action in primary schools in India. The act requires all private schools to reserve at least twenty five percent seats for children from economically weaker sections. To understand the effect of the act on i) social integration and ii) academic outcomes, we asked 1500 children (grades one to three) from four schools to answer friendship surveys and short tests in Mathematics and English. The schools in our sample vary considerably in constitution and were intentionally chosen to understand the impact of the act in different school settings. The friendship surveys show strong homophily i.e. non-RTE students cite other non-RTE students as friends, while RTE students chose to be friends primarily with other RTE students. Trends in test scores reveal that students admitted under the RTE quota score significantly lower than non-RTE students. However, RTE students who have a higher share of non-RTE friends have better test scores, suggesting that affirmative action may have a positive influence on learning outcomes for RTE children. Further we note that commitment from the school authorities and systematic monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the act will go a long way in bringing out some of the benefits that this act was designed to achieve. Our findings have important policy implications with respect to ensuring proper implementation of the Section12(1)(c) of the RTE act in schools across the country.  相似文献   
在国际化趋势的带动下,人类命运共同体的构建延伸渗透到了各个领域中。体育文化作为中西方存在明显差异的一个部分,如何在新的时代背景下打破原有区隔,树立新的定位和方向,并进一步实现融合是当前发展的关键。为此,文章采用文献资料法等,将围绕命运共同体的构建对中西方体育文化从区隔到融合展开探讨。  相似文献   
侗族拥有丰富绚丽的民族文化,民族体育活动方面,有"民族体育之乡"的称号,完整保留了许多传统体育项目,一些项目被纳为国家少数民族传统体育比赛项目中。哆毽是侗族特色体育项目之一,通过调查发现哆毽项目开展情况不佳,哆毽文化被忽视,其影响因素是传统体育价值观迷失、侗族文化根基被忽视。提出了有关哆毽融变发展的建议,成立"哆毽节"、开办侗族传统体育训练基地、规范哆毽教学内容、哆毽技术动作编程健身操等措施。  相似文献   
中超联赛自2017赛季推出U23新政以来备受争议。在"上有政策下有对策"的非合作博弈下,U23新政如何才能实现政策初衷?该文首次采用不完全信息静态博弈模型分析了U23新政下足协与俱乐部的博弈均衡。研究表明:(1)足协推行新政的最优概率为俱乐部采取积极策略给足协带来的净收益与消极策略带来的净收益之比,实质上取决于俱乐部的遵从度。(2)在缺乏讨价还价权时,俱乐部对新政采取消极应对策略是为了减少净损失。俱乐部积极应对的最优概率为消极应对的净损失占其与积极应对的加成即期收益损失之和的比值,实为两害相权取其轻。为激励俱乐部采取积极策略,应降低俱乐部消极应对策略的净收益或积极应对策略的加成即期收益。(3)提高U23新政有效性的治标之策是减少U23政策对中下游球队的冲击,实行有差别的U23政策;对U23球员上场时间低于均值的俱乐部,实行等额或超额递减分成机制。治本之策是培育一个可预期、可持续、可盈利的足球市场,俱乐部能够内生出建立百年基业的长效机制;继续深化足协的去行政化改革,使之向完全社团法人转型。  相似文献   
新时代,高等教育“内涵式”发展、“双一流”建设、“以本为本”等新要求,赋予了高校专业人才队伍建设新的内涵和外延。新时代加强高校专业人才队伍建设,必须紧紧围绕“立德树人”根本任务,将政治建设摆在首位,突出师德师风建设,牢牢抓住专业化的能力建设,切实提升育人水平,方能从容应对新矛盾、新挑战,出色完成新时代的新使命、新任务。  相似文献   
体育是“一带一路”倡议人文交流的重要依托,体育赛事对实现民心相通发挥积极作用。英联邦运动会的长期举办推动了英联邦国家的整体发展,是体育赛事交流的典型案例。通过对英联邦运动会与“一带一路”体育赛事的对比,分析其对“一带一路”体育赛事的借鉴作用,并探讨“一带一路”体育赛事交流的构想与策略。认为:开展“一带一路”体育赛事交流应建立“一带一路”体育组织,组建相应的工作机构,举办“一带一路”国家运动会;构建“多边体育合作机制”,不断扩大“一带一路”体育赛事的覆盖面,重视赛事风险并避免负面影响,鼓励、支持多国举办“一带一路”体育赛事。  相似文献   
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