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Objective: To assess the feasibility and outcome of orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) with no veno-venous bypass(v-v bypass) in adult patients. Methods: Between 1999 and 2001, 43 adult patients underwent OLT with v-v bypass, 33 with no v-v bypass. The operation time, anhepatic time, amount of blood loss, amount of blood transfusion, ICU stay days of the two groups were compared; renal function and gastrointestinal function in the two groups were examined. Results: There was no significant difference in mean serum creatinine on day 3 and gas discharge time in patients with v-v bypass or not. With no v-v bypass, the average operation time was 5.7±1.3 hours, anhepatic time was 64±13 minutes, median amount of blood loss in operation was 4000±820 mL, median amount of blood transfused intraoperatively was 4650±910 mL, median ICU stay was 5.7 days; all those were lower or shorter than those with v-v bypass; and these differences between the two groups had statistical significances. Conclusion: OLT with no v-v bypass is safe and can be performed in the majority of adult patients. The practice of liver transplantation with no v-v bypass is associated with shorter total operation time, shorter anhepatic time, lower blood product usage, and shorter ICU stay compared with standard technique of OLT with routine use of v-v bypass. Project supported by Zhejiang Provincial Health Bureau (No.2000/ZD003)  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3[1,25(OH)2D3], the biologically active metabolite of vitamin D3, is a secosteroid hormone that not only regulates bone and calcium/phosphate metabolism but also regu-lates a number of other biological activities, in-cluding modulation of the immune response via specific receptors expressed in antigen presenting cells (APC) and activated T cells. Recently, in-creasing evidence showed that the modulatory role of 1,25(OH)2D3 on T cell phenotype and …  相似文献   
Objective: To investigate the in-vitro antitumor immune responses of dendritoma formed by mouse hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells and lymphotactin (Lptn) gene modified dendritic cells (DCs). Method: DCs prepared from mouse bone marrow were genetically modified by lymphotactin adenovirus, and fused with H22 cells by polyethylene glycol (PEG). RT-PCR and ELISA were employed to identify lymphotactin expression at mRNA and protein level. Cell phenotypes and fusion efficiency was detected by FACS. The stimulatory effect of DC on T cells was detected by mixed lymphocyte reaction. The cytotoxicity activity against H22 cells was assayed by LDH method. Results: Lymphotactin could be efficiently expressed by DCLptn/H22 hybridoma. DCLptn/H22 cells could induce potent T cell proliferation effect and generate strong cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) reaction against allogenic H22 cells. Conclusion: Lymphotactin genetic modification could enhance the in vitro immune activity of the dendritoma.  相似文献   
大鼠帕金森氏病动物模型的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用SD大鼠30只,25只为试验组,5只为对照组。在三维立体定向仪上用微量注射器将6-OHDA32μg分两点注射入右侧纹状体,每周检测动物的旋转行为,第1周动物没有出现旋转行为,第2周动物出现明显的旋转行为,随后缓慢上升;至术后5周才升至较高的水平并保持平稳。其中有15只动物达到或超过了7r/min这一通常采用的标准,模型成功率达60%。酪氨酸羟化酶免疫组化显示:术后第1周至第5周右侧黑质TH免疫反应细胞逐渐砬少,各个时期的右侧黑质TH免疫反应细胞较对侧明显减少。采用此方法建立的大鼠帕金森氏病模型更加符合临床PD病人的病程进展并明显提高成功率。  相似文献   
Use and effects of liver specific antigen in orthotopic liver transplantations were researched in this study. Group I: syngeneic control (Wistar-to-Wistar); Group II: acute rejection (SD-to-Wistar); Group III: Thymic inoculation of SD rat LSA day 7 before transplantation. The observation of common situation and survival time, rejection grades, NF-κB activity of splenocytes and IL-2mRNA expression of grafted liver were used to analyze acute rejection severity and immune state of animals in different groups. The common situation of group I was very well after transplantation and no signs of rejection were found. Recipients of group II lost body weight progressively All dead within day 9 to day 13 posttransplantation; median survival time was 10.7 ±0.51 days. It was an optimal acute rejection control. As for group III, 5 out of 6 recipients survived for a long time and common situation was remarkably better than that of group II. Its rejection grades were significantly lower than that of group II(P<0.05). NF-κB activity was only detected in group I at day 5 and day 7 after transplantation, whereas high activity of NF-κB was detected at all time points in groupII and the low NF-κB activity detected in group III was significantly lower than that of group II (P<0.05). No IL-2mRNA expression was detected at any time point in group I, whereas high level expression was detected at all time points in group II and the low level expression only detected at day 3 in group III was significantly lower than that of group II (P<0.05). Conclusion: LSA is an important transplantation antigen which is involved directly in the immunorejection of liver transplantation. We report here for the first time that intrathymic inoculation of LSA can alleviate the rejection of liver allotransplantation; and that grafts can survive for a long time thereby, thus leading to a novel way to achieve liver transplantation immunotolerance. Project (NO. 011106206) supported by the Science and Technology Bureau of Zhejiang Province Foundation  相似文献   
肌少症是指因持续骨骼肌含量流失、强度和功能下降引起的综合征,且与包括肝细胞癌(HCC)在内的肿瘤患者预后密切相关。目前该病的检测手段局限且无统一标准。本文旨在利用基于影像组学的深度学习(DL)技术评估肌少症,用于肝癌患者行肝脏部分切除术或肝移植术的预后预测。本研究回顾性纳入浙大一院肝癌手术切除492例(训练集+内部验证集)与肝癌肝移植173例患者(外部LT验证集),东方肝胆医院肝癌切除患者161例(外部验证集),并收集患者术前一个月内的腹部计算机断层扫描(CT)平扫期影像与临床资料;单中心肝切除术组入组患者按7:3随机分为训练集和内部验证集(训练集345例,验证集147例),肝移植组及第二中心肝癌切除组作为外部验证集,经训练集建立预测模型,并利用内部和外部验证集验证预测模型的预测性能;对训练集患者CT图像中第3腰椎骨(L3)层面的骨骼肌(SM)及腰大肌(PM)轮廓进行人工勾画;抽提SM与PM影像组学特征,随后利用自编码器(Auto Encoder)压缩特征,TFDeep Surv生存分析网络构建DL预后预测模型,预测HCC术后无瘤生存率(RFS)与总体生存时间(OS);最后计算时间依赖...  相似文献   
目的探讨小鼠肝癌树突状细胞融合瘤苗抗肿瘤作用及其机制。方法用PEG法制备小鼠肝癌树突状细胞融合瘤苗;流式细胞仪检测融合细胞表型特征;RT-PCR法检测肿瘤组织中TNF-αmRNA、IFN-γmRNA表达:Western blot法检测肿瘤组织中Bcl-2、Bax、Caspase-3蛋白表达。结果小鼠肝癌树突状细胞融合瘤苗具备树突状细胞及肝癌细胞表型特征,能显著促进肿瘤组织中TNF-αmRNA、IFN-γm-RNA及Bcl-2、Bax、Caspase-3蛋白表达。结论小鼠肝癌树突状细胞融合瘤苗能有效地诱导抗肿瘤免疫反应,促进肿瘤细胞凋亡,在预防和治疗肝癌的复发及转移过程中有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONAlthoughMHC (majorhistocompatibilitycomplex)antigenshavebeenextensivelystud ied ,theproblemofrejectioninlivertransplanta tionwasnotresolvedcompletely .Livertrans plantationarenotstrictforHLA(humanleuco cyteahtigen)matchingandbothgraftsandre cipientscansurviveforalongtimeafterimmu notherapy .Ontheotherhand ,givenHLAmul tiplelocimatchinginsomecases,thelikelihoodofgraftsdysfunctionandrejectionincreased ,whichsuggestedthatmatchingforHLAtypemayexertadualisticeffectonlivertransp…  相似文献   
火车离开车站,开始加速;新娘子说,这场婚礼弄得她很疲,终于孤独下来,好不舒畅。乔万尼打趣说:"我想,摆脱耍新娘新郎的那一大帮人,是蜜月的主要情趣。"话才出口就觉得有点不对劲;不管怎样,他才结婚几个小时。觉得应该亲热地向太太赔个不是。但来不及了,因为她微笑着说:"这是当然的,如果新婚夫妇真心相爱的话。不过,我  相似文献   
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