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“发酵工程”是生物技术类专业的一门核心课程。基于高职教学背景,根据课程特点,以技术应用能力为主线,构建理论教学体系和实践教学体系。采用交互式教学方法,利用在线课程学习平台以及实训基地和实习企业进行教学,创新教学模式。同时,改进课程评价方式,将平时的考核比例调整为40%,将实验实践技能的考核比例调整30%,期末考试比例调整为30%。  相似文献   
随着产业升级步伐的加快,新产业新技术的不断出现,同时对人才培养提出了新的挑战,化工专业作为一个传统的学科,更应该适应传统化工转型升级的需要,加快培养模式的转变,使高校化工教育与社会需求更好地衔接。  相似文献   
生物医学工程学(Biomedical Engineering,BME)是包含多种技术并相互交叉融合的一门科学。它综合了生物学、医学与工程学的理论和方法,研究生命体的构造、功能、状态和变化,研究新材料、新技术、新仪器设备,用于防病、治病、保护人民健康和提高医学水平。涉及科学领域广泛,除生物学、医学外,还有电子学、微电子学、现代计算机技术、化学、高分子化学、力学、近代物理学、光学、射线学、精密机械和近代高技术,并在不断发展扩大,是各国争相大力发展的高技术之一。本文主要从生物力学、组织工程学、生物材料与人工器官等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   
逆向工程及其关键技术概述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
逆向工程是一门集CAD、激光、精密机械、数控及图像采集与处理为一体的新技术,在工业领域中,逆向工程技术有着广泛的应用前景,利用逆向工程技术可以给现代工业带来巨大变化。本文简要介绍了逆向工程的基本内容及其与传统正向工程的区别,同时简述了逆向工程在工业领域的应用范围。详细地介绍了在逆向工程的四个基本阶段中所涉及到的关键技术,如三维数据采集方法、模型重构等,总结并分析了该领域需要重点解决的问题。  相似文献   
建立一种可并行逆向工程处理的抽象机设计模式,并通过测试说明使用该模式可以减少处理时间。  相似文献   
The paper explores a collaborative self-study, autoethnography research project, which aided in informing practice for the teaching of reflective practice in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) at an Australian university. Self-report methods were used, because it enabled the collection of a variety of self-awareness data generated processes to help produce insights and understandings. This was achieved by undertaking a systematic approach to the exploration of a critical friendship between two academic support staff members alongside reflections from a recorded, focus group interview with nine STEM teachers. Four self-awareness data generated processes were used: (1) self-reflections; (2) collaborative reflections; (3) reflections on pertinent literature findings and (4) reflections from nine STEM teachers. A thematic analysis of the data was undertaken, which resulted in the discovery of three turning points such as moments of understandings that challenge assumptions and/or lead to new insights. The findings indicated that a STEM-centric, scaffolded approach that utilised the scientific method for reflective practice enabled the development of a shared understanding around teaching and assessing reflective practice for STEM teachers. First, because it boosted self-confidence and second, because it reduced scepticism around reflective practice as a non-scientific form of learning.  相似文献   
“工程地质”是土木工程学院桥梁与隧道工程、水利水电工程、交通工程专业的必修课程,具有较强的实践性。该课程的教学效果对于培养学生的专业技能起着非常关键的作用,因此,提高教学质量成为摆在任课教师面前的首要任务。针对“工程地质”目前的教学现状,必须彻底改变从“注入式”和“满堂灌”的传统教学方式向“启发式”“任务驱动式”“小组讨论式”多种方法并用形式转变,这样才能不断提高工程地质相关专业的教学质量。  相似文献   
《交通运输工程概论》是交通类专业面向大学一年级实施的一门专业先导课程,因此从交通运输工程类本科学生培养过程角度,确定了引导学生了解专业涉及领域的基本轮廓线条和任务演变,使其在其后展开的专业课学习中能够将各门专业课知识贯穿成为一个整体,建立乐于学习和探索学习态度的教学目标,组织由一个前导板块、四个行业工程领域板块、两个服务体系板块和三个技术板块构成的教学内容。教学方法强调学生观察能力、获取知识能力和双语能力的培养,并对相应的评价考核体系进行调整。  相似文献   

Outreach activities, like mobile science exhibitions, give opportunities to hands-on experiences in an attractive learning environment. We analysed attitudes, motivation and learning during a science exhibition visit, their relations to gender and future educational plans in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Belgium (N?=?1210 sixth-graders). Pupils' performance in a knowledge test improved after the visit. Autonomous motivation and attitudes towards science predicted situation motivation awakened in the science exhibition. Interestingly, the scientist attitude and the societal attitude were clearly separate dimensions. The third dimension was manifested in the engineering attitude typical for boys, who were keener on working with appliances, designing computer games and animations. Scientist and societal attitudes correlated positively and engineering attitude correlated negatively with the future educational plans of choosing the academic track in secondary education. The societal perspective on science was connected to above average achievement. In the follow-up test, these attitudes showed to be quite stable.  相似文献   
文化育人成为当前高校教育教学工作的新要求,文章结合土木工程专业的人才培养需求和土木工程专业的特点,从建筑文化的内涵阐述了建筑文化教育的必要性,并从教学实践中总结加强土木工程专业建筑文化教育的思路和途径。  相似文献   
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