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This article is the second student contribution to the Dissertations into Practice feature. It reports on a study that investigated the everyday health information-seeking practices of a small group of the 'general public' and the implications for information-seeking theory and health information provision. The first student article, about the implementation of radio frequency identification (RFID) in a hospital library, was very different, and the two articles illustrate the broad spectrum of possible subjects for the Dissertations into Practice feature. This study was conducted in summer 2011 by Abir Mukherjee for his MSc dissertation in the Library and Information Sciences programme at City University London. Further information and copies of the full dissertation may be obtained from Abir Mukherjee or David Bawden. AM.  相似文献   

This feature presents research undertaken by Archana Deshmukh for her MA dissertation at the University of Brighton. She worked closely with Tom Roper, the Clinical Librarian at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, in a project to explore the feasibility of applying quantitative measures to evaluate the Clinical Librarian service. The investigation used an innovative participatory approach and the findings showed that although an exclusively quantitative approach to evaluation is not feasible, using a mixed methods approach is a way forward. Agreed outputs and outcomes could be embedded in a marketing plan, and the resulting framework could provide evidence to demonstrate overall impact. Archana graduated in July 2014, gaining a Distinction in the MA in Information Studies, and she is currently looking for work in the health information sector.  相似文献   

Carol McCormick was Learning Resources Advisor in the library at James Cook University Hospital, South Teesside when she completed her BSc (Hons) Librarianship (Work Based Learning) degree at Northumbria University. She gained a 1st Class Honours and is now Learning Resources Librarian. Carol's dissertation formed part of a wider action research project into the provision of current awareness services at James Cook University Hospital. This article reports on the evaluation which was conducted after a Web 2.0 Startpage, or portal, had been introduced to improve access to current awareness information for all staff within the Trust. It is the second article in the Dissertations into practice series to examine the use of web‐based tools to improve access to information for NHS staff. AM  相似文献   

This article is the first in the feature to explore personal tracking devices – in this case the Fitbit – and the relationship between their use and people's self‐perceptions and behaviour. Amber Edwards conducted the research for her MA dissertation at the University of Sheffield, graduating with an MA in Librarianship in January 2017. Her study shows that body image plays a large role in Fitbit use and that this is slightly more evident in females than males, although the differences are subtle. She argues that the results have implications for information professionals involved in teaching health information literacy. Amber began working in the library at Bishop Grosseteste University in June 2016, while completing her dissertation. A. M.  相似文献   

This article is only the second in the Dissertations into Practice series to highlight the role of public libraries in health information. It is the result of an investigation into the provision of health information in East Sussex Library and Information Service, which formed the basis of Anneliese Ingham's dissertation for her MA in Information Studies at the University of Brighton. At the time Anneliese was doing her research, the service was experimenting with different ways of providing healthcare information at one of its main libraries, and they were interested in the impact of this. The provision of health information to the public is one of my own research interests, and I was Anneliese's dissertation supervisor. I thought she produced a very good piece of work, and the results she highlights in this article are applicable to all public library authorities. Anneliese graduated with an MA in 2012 and worked for East Sussex Library and Information Service, which she joined whilst she was still studying. AM  相似文献   

This paper is based on Helen Kiely’s Masters dissertation on MA in Library and Information Service Management, successfully completed at the University of Sheffield in 2018. The aim of the study was to explore the extent to which users of a health care library service understood common terminology used by clinical librarians/information professionals. A survey was developed based on the terminology used for common services and was distributed to staff and students at an acute NHS Foundation Trust. One hundred and eight people participated over a four week period and were asked to provide definitions to the terms. Analysis of the responses for accuracy and common themes indicates that jargon can be a barrier to user access and recommendations are made with respect to the need for outreach to users and the language used in this practice for creating better accessibility. F.J.  相似文献   

Library anxiety is a concept which has been recognised in academic library circles since the early 1990s. It can result in students actively avoiding the library for the duration of their studies. Madeleine Still is Trust Librarian at North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust and while studying for an MSc, recognised that some student nurses were exhibiting signs of library anxiety. She decided to make it the focus of her MSc dissertation, and this article discusses her research project as well as highlighting the measures she has taken to address the issues she uncovered. Madeleine graduated in July 2013 with an MSc in Information & Library Studies from Robert Gordon University. AM  相似文献   

This article demonstrates how Facebook, a popular social networking Web site, provides libraries with the opportunity to develop an outreach presence and information portal within an online community. While much of the recent literature examines Facebook and defines its potential use within libraries, this article focuses on the use of Facebook's newest feature: customizable Facebook Pages. In December 2007, librarians at the State University of New York at Buffalo began exploring the use of Facebook Pages to virtually reach out to patrons and market library services. Based on user response and Page statistics, librarians found the use of Facebook Pages provided a welcome extension of services and a unique form of outreach that reached beyond the campus community. Through a University at Buffalo Libraries Page on Facebook, librarians can update and inform students, faculty, and staff of new events, workshops, library services, and resources. Librarians at the University at Buffalo maintain an active online community that reaches more than 300 fans. Fans provide discussion and feedback regarding library services, offering a more interactive extension of the Libraries homepage. This article explains the design process, including the use of third-party and custom applications. Challenges, ideas, and user response in regards to the use of Facebook Pages in a library setting are also presented.  相似文献   

Since libraries first used RFID systems in the late 1990's, more and more libraries have identified the advantages of the technology. With advances in HF and UHF RFID, both alternatives are now viable in library applications. While some librarians are still skeptical towards UHF RFID as unproven in the library arena, the City University of Hong Kong implemented two pilot tests of the technologies. The Library formulated a set of criteria to evaluate UHF RFID against HF RFID as a possible library service transformation tool. This is to ensure that the selection of UHF or HF RFID is a rational one that is based on objective observation and analysis. The article provides background on the service transformation needs at the Library of the City University of Hong Kong. It reviews the use of HF RFID in the library arena and presents the latest development of UHF RFID. Results of the two pilot tests and how the University Library evaluated the two technologies are covered.  相似文献   

This feature discusses how the library curriculum was developed at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust Library Service to aid the delivery of Skills for Life. In particular, the feature describes how, through collaboration with learndirect, literacy and numeracy skills were embedded into the broader library and information skills training programme. The article reports on how the programme resulted in the provision of qualifications and skills development opportunities to NHS staff, and an increase in the NHS library profile.  相似文献   

Electronic journals are so embedded into practice in academic libraries that it is easy to forget that this is not the case everywhere. In NHS libraries, for example, the staff face a particular set of issues. This article is based on Rebecca England's dissertation on this topic, completed as part of the MSc Econ course in Information and Library studies at Aberystwyth University. Rebecca is E‐resources Librarian at the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust. She investigated the momentum towards electronic journals in NHS libraries in the Kent, Surrey and Sussex region and the potential for a regional purchasing consortium. AM  相似文献   

图书馆在信息与传播科技飞速发展的环境下,要从传统的馆员服务为主的模式转型至自助服务、网上服务、高附加价值信息服务为主的多渠道相结合的服务模式.香港城市大学图书馆从总分馆空间战略规划、电子资源配置、空间布局、组织变革、新服务开展等方面构建图书馆服务转型蓝图.RFID技术可以显著提升服务品质,是服务转型的重要内容.目前图书馆已进行了超高频RFID与高频RFID两个试验性子项目.在导入RFID过程中除技术因素外,图书馆在时间因素、空间资源、经费资源、人力资源、组织变革等方面均作了相应的配置,从而保证RFID项目获取最大的投资效益.表4.参考文献26.  相似文献   

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The study evaluates the Community Outreach Library Service at Wirral Hospital National Health Service Trust (WHNT). It considers the information seeking behaviour and information needs of primary care staff, and service effectiveness in meeting those needs. METHODS: A literature review established the current context and areas of best practice. The investigative case study used postal questionnaires to 250 primary care staff and an interview with the Community Outreach Librarian. FINDINGS: Themes emerged from the literature regarding information seeking behaviour, information needs, and meeting user needs through effective service delivery. Outreach services have value in terms of improving information skills and providing services at point of need. Time is a major constraint for both users and service providers. CONCLUSIONS: Investment is needed from appropriate funding sources to support the provision and marketing of outreach library services. Librarians benefit from sharing best practice. The continued evaluation of outreach library services is recommended.  相似文献   

One ofthe North Thames’ pioneering consortia, the Inner London Consortium (ILC) is a complexbody which includes NHS Trusts with teaching hospital university connections, community-basedTrusts and general hospital acute Trusts. Within the consortium there are 12000 trained nurses,midwives, health visitors and other professional staff working in the professions allied to medicine(PAMs), all of whom require access to and provision of appropriate library information services. In 1994, taking into account experiences elsewhere in the Region and nationally, itbecame clear that library issues were complex and would become acute with the move of nursinglibraries from ILC Trust sites over a very short timescale. A report on the issues commissioned bythe Consortium recommended that a library project, which built on existing NHS Trust PGMDEfunded library resources and moved these to a multidisciplinary base to serve the consortiummembership, be implemented. The objective of providing access to library informationservices for nurses and PAMs was achieved. Successes that emerged from the implementationincluded: The registration in Trust libraries of almost 12000 new members within theinitial 6-month monitoring period. The development of service level agreements andstandards for the delivery of services to these new user groups. This paper describes theprocesses behind these significant and complex changes.  相似文献   

基于RFID技术的图书馆业务流程重组   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
首先分析图书馆导入RFID技术后,图书馆业务流程重组的必要性,然后以RFID技术的特点为主线,结合图书馆业务工作固有的特征对图书馆业务流程进行重新组合,从而有效提高图书馆自动化程度和服务功能,最后对图书馆业务流程重组后预期达到的效果进行阐述。  相似文献   

分报告三:耶鲁大学图书馆考察报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章从战略规划、信息服务和员工发展三个角度剖析耶鲁大学图书馆在运行管理方面的实践经验。在战略规划方面,指出耶鲁大学图书馆强调参与教学和学习、注意加强对特殊材料和特殊藏品的收藏、激发研究和学习的环境;在信息服务方面,阐述耶鲁大学图书馆重视学科化服务、开展个性化服务、注重将新技术嵌入到图书馆的信息服务、注意挖掘基于特色资源的服务;在员工发展方面,概括出耶鲁大学图书馆具有明确的在岗人员基本素质要求、合理的等级岗位聘任制度、清晰的图书馆岗位绩效考核制度以及多方位的人才引进策略。在此基础上,指出耶鲁大学图书馆的运行管理可为我国图书馆的发展带来三方面的启示:合理可行的战略规划是图书馆可持续发展的行动指南;服务至上的理念是图书馆体现自身核心价值的亮点;馆员及馆内相关工作人员的科学管理和职业发展空间的可预期是图书馆发展的重要保障。  相似文献   

This article reports a librarian's collection development efforts to support her institution's first independent doctoral degree (Ed.D., Educational Leadership) via a citation analysis comparing information usage by education doctorate dissertation authors from six peer institutions nationally. This analysis is part of a long-term examination of library collection use among California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) doctoral students. Key findings include the relative young age among the information resources in educational leadership, which resource formats were cited, what serial titles were cited the most, and where they are available electronically. The ultimate aim is the creation of an essential collection in the subject discipline.  相似文献   

This article is the first in the feature to come from Iran. The lead author, Sara Ahmadizadeh, manages the Library at Arash Women's Hospital and was awarded an MA in Information Science and Knowledge and Librarianship from Tehran Azad University in July 2015. Her MA dissertation was innovative and ambitious in that it looked at the impact of information therapy on levels of anxiety amongst women undergoing IVF treatment. Her study demonstrated that quality information sessions, delivered in a structured way, can have a positive impact on patients’ awareness of their condition and can reduce anxiety. A. M.  相似文献   

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