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目的探讨跳水项目运动员的力量素质特征,以期更好的完成力量训练。方法通过对广东优秀跳水运动员下肢膝、踝关节及躯干屈伸肌群等速肌力测试及三维测力台SJ、CMJ测试,测定跳水运动员各肌群肌力水平。结果跳板运动员与跳台运动员在年龄、身高、体重方面有着显著性差异,其基本规律为男板>女板>男台>女台(P<0.05);跳板运动员与跳台运动员在关节等速肌力水平、三维测力台SJ、CMJ测试结果上有着显著性差异,其基本规律为男板>女板>男台>女台(P<0.05);膝关节的屈伸快速力量比例在0.60左右,踝关节则在0.40左右,低于世界标准;相对于体能项目,跳水运动员受到年龄、体重等因素影响,力量水平一般,快速条件下膝、踝关节耐力水平一般,躯干耐力水平较好。结论跳水运动员下肢薄弱肌群为膝关节屈肌、踝关节伸肌、躯干伸肌,同时膝、踝关节屈伸比值过低,易导致运动损伤的发生。  相似文献   

为了完善和探索新的、科学的力量训练方法,利用Kislter测力台,运用对比试验的方法,结合运动生理和生物力学知识,将一种新的负重振动力量训练法与超等长跳深练习法进行试验研究。通过对采用两种训练方法训练的篮球运动员的自由纵跳(CMJ)、下肢快速力量指数和完成杠铃蹲起规定动作出现疲劳时间的测试分析,发现负重振动练习对发展运动员的下肢最大力量、快速力量和力量耐力较超等长跳深练习有着更为明显的效果(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

目的:通过分析我国优秀男子跳台滑雪运动员实地起跳阶段运动学、起跳运动模式等指标,探究影响我国男子跳台滑雪运动员飞行距离的主要起跳因素。方法:1)选择8名我国男子跳台滑雪运动员作为研究对象,在日本长野县白马村K90跳台训练基地采集3次起跳阶段二维运动学数据,采用广义估计模型(GEE)分析影响飞行距离的实地起跳阶段运动学因素。2)截取平昌冬奥会排名前10的男子跳台滑雪选手决赛起跳阶段视频数据,采用单因素方差分析研究国内外运动员起跳阶段特定时刻肢体角度差异。3)实验室内使用1台Z camera高速摄像机和1块Kistler 9281EA测力台采集运动员静蹲跳(squat jump,SJ)、反向跳(countermovement jump,CMJ)、模拟跳跃(imitation jump,IJ)、下落跳(drop jump,DJ)的动力学及运动学数据,采用Pearson相关分析检验实验室内运动学及动力学指标与飞行距离间的相关性。结果:1)在实地起跳阶段运动学方面,起跳起始时刻躯干与助滑道夹角、小腿与助滑道夹角、髋关节角、膝关节角,以及起跳阶段的髋关节峰值角速度、膝关节平均角速度、起跳结束时刻膝关节角及髋关节角为飞行距离的影响因素(P<0.05)。2)在起跳阶段运动模式及力量特点方面,IJ重心最低处膝外翻指数(r=0.731)、DJ膝外翻最小值(r=0.713)、CMJ起跳阶段地面反作用力峰值(r=0.710)、CMJ蹬伸冲量(r=0.752)、SJ(r=0.723)及CMJ起跳峰值功率(r=0.762)均与飞行距离呈正相关。3)对比国内外运动员起跳阶段特定时刻肢体角度发现,国外优秀运动员起跳起始时刻小腿与助滑道夹角(53.54°±3.14°)显著小于我国运动员(57.62°±4.62°),出台瞬间小腿与助滑道夹角(58.22°±2.13°)显著小于我国运动员(65.59°±3.84°),大腿与助滑道夹角(73.28°±6.15°)显著大于我国运动员(58.77°±3.16°),起跳阶段结束时刻髋关节角度(175.23°±1.96°)显著大于我国运动员(156.37°±13.13°)。结论:我国跳台滑雪运动员起跳阶段起跳起始时刻应尽量降低身体重心以减少阻力,并适当提高膝关节角来提高出台后肢体伸展程度。起跳过程中提高膝关节蹬伸力量,同时适当降低髋关节伸展速度,避免风阻对躯干造成不利影响。室内及实地训练过程中,应在提升蹬伸爆发力的同时避免膝关节过度外翻,提高蹬伸力量及传递效率。  相似文献   

对田径、赛艇运动员下肢等负荷多组力量训练强度的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对43名2级以上运动员进行了50%/Fmax负重,20次/组,组间歇1min,共5组力量耐力测试。采集并测定安静和每组运动员练习后即刻的心率和血乳酸,测定了每一位受试对象每一次深蹲的蹲起速度。所有测试对象对该练习强度均产生较大的生理反应,血乳酸和心率在第2组练习后出现快速上升,蹲起速度则均表现出不同程度的下降趋势。不同专项运动员对等负荷多组力量耐力训练具有不同的反应,田径跳跃运动员对测试的强度表现出高的生理反应,心率和乳酸水平均达到或接近最大负荷极限,赛艇运动员介于中长跑和跳跃运动员之间,中长跑运动员的反应较低,心率一直保持在140次/min以下,血乳酸值在7mmol/L以下,并显示出典型的血乳酸“平衡状态”。  相似文献   

结合训练实践,运用ISOMED2000等速测试仪对我国男子散打主力队员膝、肘关节屈伸肌群肌力特征进行测试与分析。结论:不同等级散打运动员肘关节屈伸肌群等速向心、离心收缩、膝关节伸肌群等速离心收缩相对峰力矩值在60°/s、180°/s时具有显著性差异(P<0.05);膝关节屈伸肌群等速向心收缩、屈肌群离心收缩相对峰力矩值在各角速度下具有显著性差异(P<0.05);不同等级散打运动员肘、膝关节屈伸肌群等速向心收缩在300°/s、离心收缩在240°/s时达到力矩梯度最大值,且差异显著。说明基础力量、中快速力量及快速动作爆发力能较好地反映专项运动水平,相对峰力矩、力矩梯度数值越大,专项水平越高。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法等,研究负重超等长训练对篮球运动员下肢力量的影响,包括下肢最大肌力(MVC)、起跳速度、下肢爆发力、发力率(RFD)、纵跳高度等.结果显示:负重超等长训练能有效发展篮球运动员的下肢爆发力,提高起跳速度及腾空高度,改善运动员的力量素质,提升运动表现.  相似文献   

采用德国ISOMED 2000等速肌力测试系统对里约奥运会场地自行车冠军宫金杰下肢髋、膝、踝三关节、屈伸两过程的最大力量、快速力量和肌肉耐力进行测试与分析,以此了解女子场地自行车运动员下肢力量训练的效果,旨在为我国女子场地自行车科学化训练提供参考。结果表明:宫金杰髋、膝、踝等速肌力测试结果与其他自行车运动员对比存在差异,宫金杰右髋、左膝、左踝等速肌力数据表现出更合理的肌力特征;三关节的肌肉耐力较差;关节发力角度不在专项角度内。结论:宫金杰下肢三关节屈曲肌群、左髋及右膝伸展肌群、右踝跖屈肌群为薄弱肌群;肌肉耐力较差导致后程降速明显;关节发力角度与场地自行车专项技术动作角度相差较大。  相似文献   

下边介绍的几种身体训练方法,不用器械,便于进行,对发展青少年身体各项素质有较好效果。 1.发展力量的练习 (1)原地纵跳:两脚开立,屈膝抱肘。两腿用力蹬地向上纵跳。连续做。 (2)单腿蹲起:双手掐腰(或一手扶同伴),单腿蹲屈,另一腿前伸。蹲屈腿用力,使身体立起。反复做。  相似文献   

袁艳  吴贻刚  苏彦炬  李玉章 《体育科学》2012,32(10):64-68,97
附加振动刺激的负重半蹲运动成为一种新兴的下肢力量训练手段,但是,负重半蹲运动中附加不同频率的振动刺激对下肢肌肉的激活特征研究较少。以10名健康男性大学生在不附加振动、分别附加频率为30、40、50Hz共计4种振动刺激条件以及无负重和负重30%最大力量两种负荷条件下完成10次半蹲起的大腿表面肌电活动特征进行研究。实验结果经双因素方差分析,振动刺激对所有被检肌肉肌电均方根值(EMGrms)有显著影响(P<0.05),负重对股直肌、股内侧肌和股外侧肌EMGrms有极显著性影响(P<0.01),对股二头肌和半腱肌无显著影响;振动刺激和负重对各被检测肌肉肌电交互作用不显著。多重比较表明,50Hz的振动频率可以显著提高被检肌群的EMGrms。结论:30%1RM负重可以提高股直肌、股内侧肌和股外侧肌的肌肉激活,但不能增加股二头肌和半腱肌的肌肉激活。无论是否负重,半蹲起练习时附加振动频率为50 Hz的振动刺激可以显著增加大腿肌肉激活(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

通过对13名高水平女子羽毛球运动员进行下肢等速肌力测试,以及静态、行走、跑步、起跳、正反手跨弓步共5种运动状态的足底压力分析,发现:女子羽毛球运动员下肢肌群力量双侧较为均衡,髋部内收肌群、屈膝肌群、膝部内旋肌群、踝内旋肌群随运动速度加快而贡献程度不断增加;常速行走时左侧下肢用力自动化过程较敏感,双腿反向纵跳(CMJ)落地时右侧下肢承担了主要的缓冲负荷,单腿CMJ落地时左侧下肢离心负荷较右侧更大;反手区域步法受力高于正手区域,反手区域步法更多是足跟部受力,正手区域步法更多是足前部受力,限制下肢旋内运动的肌群均能影响常见步法的足内侧足底受力。  相似文献   

Whilst previous research has highlighted significant relationships between golfers’ clubhead velocity (CHV) and their vertical jump height and maximum strength, these field-based protocols were unable to measure the actual vertical ground reaction force (vGRF) variables that may correlate to performance. The aim of this study was to investigate relationships between isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP), countermovement jump (CMJ), squat jump (SJ) and drop jump (DJ) vGRF variables and CHV in highly skilled golfers. Twenty-seven male category 1 golfers performed IMTP, CMJ, SJ and DJ on a dual force platform. The vertical jumps were used to measure positive impulse during different stretch-shortening cycle velocities, with the IMTP assessing peak force (PF) and rate of force development (RFD). Clubhead velocity was measured using a TrackMan launch monitor at a golf driving range. Pearsons correlation coefficient analyses revealed significant relationships between peak CHV and CMJ positive impulse (r = 0.788, < 0.001), SJ positive impulse (r = 0.692; < 0.001), DJ positive impulse (r = 0.561, < 0.01), PF (r = 0.482, < 0.01), RFD from 0–150 ms (r = 0.343, < 0.05) and RFD from 0–200 ms (r = 0.398, < 0.05). The findings from this investigation indicate strong relationships between vertical ground reaction force variables and clubhead velocity.  相似文献   


The aims of the present study were to provide an in-depth comparison of inter-limb asymmetry and determine how consistently asymmetry favours the same limb during different vertical jump tests. Eighteen elite female under-17 soccer players conducted unilateral squat jumps (SJ), countermovement jumps (CMJ) and drop jumps (DJ) on a portable force platform, with jump height, peak force, concentric impulse and peak power as common metrics across tests. For the magnitude of asymmetry, concentric impulse was significantly greater during the SJ test compared to CMJ (p = 0.019) and DJ (p = 0.003). No other significant differences in magnitude were present. For the direction of asymmetry, Kappa coefficients revealed fair to substantial levels of agreement between the SJ and CMJ (Kappa = 0.35 to 0.61) tests, but only slight to fair levels of agreement between the SJ and DJ (Kappa = ?0.26 to 0.18) and CMJ and DJ (Kappa = ?0.13 to 0.26) tests. These results highlight that the mean asymmetry value may be a poor indicator of true variability of between-limb differences in healthy athletes. The direction of asymmetry may provide a useful monitoring tool for practitioners in healthy athletes, when no obvious between-limb deficit exists.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of varying knee angle (120° and 90°) on the external validity of an isometric leg press test with reference to vertical jump performance. Isometric peak force (PF 120 and PF 90 ), rate of force development (RFD 120 and RFD 90 ), and maximum height reached with a squat jump and counter-movement jump were measured in 14 males. Although RFD 120 was significantly correlated with squat jump and counter-movement jump performance ( r = 0.71 and 0.69), and the correlations with PF 120 approached statistical significance ( r = 0.53 and 0.50), neither PF 90 nor RFD 90 was significantly related to vertical jump performance. Furthermore, although both RFD 120 and PF 120 were significantly different between the best five and the worst five jumpers, RFD 90 and PF 90 did not differentiate between individuals' vertical jump performance. We conclude that the choice of joint angle affects the external validity of isometric strength testing. Based on our results, we recommend accurate control of biomechanical specificity and assessment at different angles to find the position at which isometric strength testing is most comfortable.  相似文献   


The aim of this investigation was to assess the reliability and validity of the Fitjump system. Fifty-seven participants (age = 22.62 ± 5.24 years, height = 180.69 ± 12.53 cm, body mass = 75.61 ± 9.56 kg) performed three countermovement jump (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ) with a 1-week interval for test and retest reliability. For validity, the participants performed the same jump protocol on the force platform while being simultaneously measured with the Fitjump system. There was excellent test–retest reliability of the Fitjump system for CMJ and SJ with high intraclass correlation coefficient (ICCs) (0.97 and 0.97, respectively), low coefficient variation (CVs) (2.3% and 2.4%, respectively), and low typical error of estimate [(TEE (%)] (4.0% and 4.4%, respectively). For validity, ICCs were extremely high for CMJ and SJ (0.93 and 0.94, respectively), with low TEE (%) (2.9% and 2.0%, respectively). However, Fitjump overestimated jump height for CMJ and SJ (3.54 and 3.37 cm, respectively; p < 0.001) when compared with the force platform. As a conclusion, the Fitjump system demonstrated excellent test–retest reliability and high relationship with a systematic bias for validity. Therefore, the Fitjump system can be used as a portable tool for monitoring vertical jump changes over time, but it should not be used interchangeably with a force platform.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of varying knee angle (120 degrees and 90 degrees) on the external validity of an isometric leg press test with reference to vertical jump performance. Isometric peak force (PF120 and PF90), rate of force development (RFD120 and RFD90), and maximum height reached with a squat jump and counter-movement jump were measured in 14 males. Although RFD120 was significantly correlated with squat jump and counter-movement jump performance (r = 0.71 and 0.69), and the correlations with PF120 approached statistical significance (r = 0.53 and 0.50), neither PF90 nor RFD90 was significantly related to vertical jump performance. Furthermore, although both RFD120 and PF120 were significantly different between the best five and the worst five jumpers, RFD90 and PF90 did not differentiate between individuals' vertical jump performance. We conclude that the choice of joint angle affects the external validity of isometric strength testing. Based on our results, we recommend accurate control of biomechanical specificity and assessment at different angles to find the position at which isometric strength testing is most comfortable.  相似文献   

The aim of this article was to understand how active power is used in squat and countermovement jumps. A simple empirical model comprising a mass, a spring, an active element and a damper, together with an optimisation principle, was used to identify the mechanical factors that maximise performance of jumps without countermovement (squat jumps, SJ) and with countermovement (CMJ). Twelve amateur volleyball players performed SJ from two initial positions and CMJ with two degrees of counterbalancing, while kinematic data were collected (jump height, push-off duration and position of the centre of mass). The model adjusted well to real data of SJ through all the impulse phase, and slightly less adequately at the end of this phase for CMJ. Nevertheless, it provides a satisfactory explanation for the generation and utilisation of active power for both type of jumps. On average, the estimated power of the active elements, the spring, and the damper were greater in the SJ. Based upon the result obtained with this model, we suggest that active power is best evaluated with SJ. The reason for this is that, during this kind of jump, the elements associated with the damper consume much of the energy produced by the active elements. The participation of the elements that consume the energy generated by the active elements is less in CMJ than in SJ, allowing for a better utilisation of this energy. In this way it is possible to achieve a better performance in CMJ with less active power.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of barbell load on countermovement vertical jump (CMJ) power and net impulse within a theoretically valid framework, cognisant of the underpinning force, temporal, and spatial components. A total of 24 resistance-trained rugby union athletes (average ± SD: age: 23.1 ± 3.4 years; height: 1.83 ± 0.05 m; body mass (BM): 91.3 ± 10.5 kg) performed maximal CMJ under 5 experimental conditions in a randomised, counterbalanced order: unloaded, and with additional loads of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of BM. Peak power and average power were maximised during the unloaded condition, both decreasing significantly (< 0.05) as load increased. Net impulse was maximised with 75% of BM, which was significantly greater (P < 0.05) than the unloaded and 100% of BM conditions. Net mean force and mean velocity were maximised during the unloaded condition and decreased significantly (P < 0.05) as load increased, whereas phase duration increased significantly (P < 0.05) as load increased. As such, the interaction between barbell load and the underpinning force, time, and displacement components should be considered by strength and conditioning coaches when prescribing barbell loads.  相似文献   

This study compared knee angle-specific neuromuscular adaptations after two low-volume isometric leg press complex training programmes performed at different muscle lengths. Fifteen young males were divided into two groups and trained three times per week for 6 weeks. One group (n?=?8) performed 5–7 sets of 3 s maximum isometric leg press exercise, with 4?min recovery, with knee angle at 85°?±?2° (longer muscle-tendon unit length; L-MTU). The other group (n?=?7) performed the same isometric training at a knee angle of 145°?±?2° (180°?=?full extension; shorter muscle-tendon unit length; S-MTU). During the recovery after each set of isometric exercise, participants performed two CMJ every minute, as a form of complex training. Maximum isometric force (MIF) and rate of force development (RFD) were measured over a wide range of knee angles. Countermovement jump (CMJ) performance and maximum half-squat strength (1RM) were also assessed. Training at S-MTU induced a large increase of MIF (22–58%, p?p?p?=?0.001). In contrast, training at L-MTU, resulted in a moderate and similar (≈12.3%, p?=?0.028) improvement of force at all knee angles. CMJ performance and 1RM were equally increased in both groups after training by 10.4%?±?8.3% and 7.8%?±?4.7% (p?相似文献   

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