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In 2009, the Obama administration issued the Open Government Initiative that directed Executive agencies to improve transparency, openness in government, and public participation with government. The Obama administration views transparency and openness in government as a cost-effective and efficient process capable of improving public participation with government and public access to government information. To address the initiative in part, many agencies adopt social media as the means to disseminate information out to the public and to increase public participation with agency website content and activities. This exploratory study examines Executive agency use of social media and public participation with the media. Findings indicate that most agencies reviewed do use social media. The public does interact with the media and some agencies experience high overall participation levels; however, there are some issues with agency use of social media and public participation with the media.  相似文献   

FoIA is an important marker of transparency and the flow of government information in a democracy. Stakeholders such as the news media have been critical of how government policies affect access to that information. In this context, this study systematically analyzed the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) performances between the Obama and the Trump administrations regarding the efficiency and disposition of requests, appeals processing and success, staff workload, processing fees, and the use of exemptions. Data indicate that the Trump administration underperformed in the processing of requests, the release of records, and it has accelerated the use of exemptions to deny requests. There was also no marked improvement over the previous administration in performance among other parameters. The study affirms prior results that indicate that FoIA performance is explained better by legacy, and some trends transcend administrations. The study also addresses the methodological problems with FoIA data and suggests remedies for scholars.  相似文献   

Providing government information, services, products and transactions electronically has the potential benefit of accessibility for a wider audience, political and administrative transparency, and improved service delivery. By using e-government websites, citizens can conveniently access government information and services and gain greater opportunities to participate in democratic processes. The present study aims to evaluate National Portal of India, which provides single window access to 601 e-government portals and websites in India. A total of 1576 online services are provided by these portals responding to information needs of the citizens. Ranking of the state and union territory portals has been done based on the number of online services they provide. The paper also focuses on the digitization of documents, acts, rules and schemes of central and state government departments and their availability and accessibility through government portals.  相似文献   

Providing government information, services, products and transactions electronically has the potential benefit of accessibility for a wider audience, political and administrative transparency, and improved service delivery. By using e-government websites, citizens can conveniently access government information and services and gain greater opportunities to participate in democratic processes. The present study aims to evaluate National Portal of India, which provides single window access to 601 e-government portals and websites in India. A total of 1576 online services are provided by these portals responding to information needs of the citizens. Ranking of the state and union territory portals has been done based on the number of online services they provide. The paper also focuses on the digitization of documents, acts, rules and schemes of central and state government departments and their availability and accessibility through government portals.  相似文献   

Access to government information has been considered an essential element of democracy since the foundation of the American republic. Over time, the amount of government information produced has increased significantly, and the rise of e-government has made access to online government information, communication, and services equally vital to participation in society and interaction with governments. However, the outlets of free public access to government information and e-government have constricted over time, leaving public libraries as one of the only free public Internet access points in most communities. As a result, public libraries serve as a social guarantor of access to and assistance with government information and e-government services. This article first discusses the historical evolution of the means of access to government information and changes over time in responsibilities in providing such access. After exploring the interrelationships between government information and e-government, the article then details the development of the role of public libraries as guarantors of e-government access. Finally, the article examines the impacts of policy on e-government access in libraries, leading to a set of recommendations and conclusions to support the vital library roles related to e-government.  相似文献   

When e-government first became a viable solution to the dissemination of government information, experts believed that the rise of direct government-to-citizen (G2C) services would improve government transparency, foster civic engagement, and offer new and innovative service possibilities. It soon became clear, however, that not all users received the type of information, instruction, or services that they needed through this arrangement, giving rise to the need for an intermediary in this continuum of interaction. Increasingly, public libraries fulfill this role. Instead of direct government-to-user interaction, government information and services flow through channels from agency to public librarian to user, from user back up to agency, and from agency to user to public librarian. Based upon research conducted in collaboration with public libraries, government agencies, state library agencies, and a national library association in the United States, this paper expands on the idea of these multiple pathways of information and services, offering a practical model of e-government.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which state governments in the United States have adopted open e-government initiatives. The adoption is examined in terms of the three pillars of open government identified by President Obama's administration: transparency, participation, and collaboration. Chief Information Officers (CIOs) of state governments were surveyed to identify the extent of the adoption. The paper highlights that open e-government initiatives are unevenly developed. Nearly two-thirds of the CIOs surveyed felt that they have achieved high levels of open e-government, but fewer CIOs felt similarly with respect to each of the pillars of open government. Whereas a majority of the CIOs deemed good strides in the achievement of transparency, they were less sanguine about achieving advanced methods in citizen participation or collaboration among agencies.  相似文献   

Privacy information transparency is generally considered desirable and should be enabled and upheld. It has gained increasing attention giving the emergence of new information technologies and their affordances for e-governance and governments. This study examines the proposition that privacy information transparency is amiable to mitigating privacy fatigue in e-government. The study identifies the antecedents of privacy information transparency of an e-government website, and its influence on privacy fatigue manifested in emotional exhaustion and cynicism. A survey conducted in Cyprus harnessed user responses, and the data analyzed using a partial least square structural equation analysis method. Findings reveal that; (1) user data collection and data use information aspects of online privacy significantly impact privacy information transparency; and (2) privacy information transparency positively impacts both cynicism behaviour and emotional exhaustion. This study extends the concept of privacy fatigue into e-government and contributes to an empirical evaluation of its relationship with privacy information transparency.  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, governments at all levels have launched electronic government projects aimed at providing electronic information and services to citizens and businesses. Although Web sites are becoming essential elements of modern public administration, little is known about their effectiveness. The objective of this paper is to study the quality and usage of public e-services to citizens in Europe.According to the results of this study, e-government seems to be following a more or less predictable development pattern ranging from a stage in which interaction is limited to what is shown on the screen to stages in which there is two-way communication and service and financial transactions can be completed with a satisfactory level of protection of personal privacy. At present, e-government in almost all the cities studied is merely an extension of the government, with potential benefits in speed and accessibility 24/7. Despite the limited degree of development observed, online access has advantages that are impossible to replicate offline. Even though few expect e-government to completely replace traditional methods of information, e-government is becoming a powerful tool of transformation that has become embedded in the culture and in the agenda of the public sector.  相似文献   

With the increasing disclosure of public information and government data through information and communication technologies, along with the considerable privately generated data now available online, individuals have access to a huge volume of information. This “disintermediation” of (i.e., greater direct access to) public information may improve transparency and facilitate citizen engagement, but it may also overwhelm citizens not only with too much information but also by requiring them to take responsibility for gathering, assembling, and processing information. Despite the importance of effective information processing to successful use of available information, existing studies have not yet fully integrated this consideration into research on citizen use of e-government and open government data. Based on information processing theory—according to which individuals have a finite information processing capacity, which is affected not only by the quantity and quality of information but also by one's preferences for how information is presented—this study examined the effects of information presentation type (infographic versus text) on perceived information overload, along with the consequent effect of information overload on perceived website usefulness. We also investigated whether individual information processing propensity (visual or verbal) moderated the effect of information presentation type on perceived information overload. Our results showed that textual information tended to cause greater information overload, especially for those with a propensity for visual information processing, and that higher information overload was associated with a lower perception of website usefulness. Moreover, individual information propensity moderated the effect of information type on perceived information overload; people with visual information processing propensity were more strongly affected by the presentation of textual information. We discuss the implications of our findings for improving the communication of policy information through government websites.  相似文献   

Effective e-government creates an environment for citizens to have greater access to their government and, in theory, makes citizen-to-government contact more inclusive. Our research examines two distinct but related measures of e-government effectiveness, namely the online service index and the e-participation index, both reported in the 2010 e-government survey conducted by the United Nations. We analyze the impact of political structure, public sector performance and policy initiatives on both indices in more than 150 countries. Our multiple regression analysis shows that there is greater e-government capability in countries that have more effective public sector governance and administration, and policies that advance the development and diffusion of information and communication technologies. More democratic institutions and processes, however, appear to have a negative impact on e-government. In addition, countries that practice effective governance and promote competition in the telecommunications sector demonstrate more extensive provision of e-participation. These results suggest that the path to e-government leverages different strategies depending on a nation's political structure, and that authoritarian countries may be utilizing e-government to maintain the status quo.  相似文献   

跨系统或跨行业的电子政务信息资源横向共享是政务信息资源共享目标实现的关键,是开展协同政务的基础,是公共服务社会化的保障。横向政务信息资源共享的实现,目前最主要的障碍是行政体制的制约和电子政务本身发展的影响。要克服以上障碍,须采取以下主要对策,即:建立既合作又竞争的共享机制,实行行政干预下的自愿共享模式,完善可互操作的标准体系。  相似文献   

Public access to government records is essential for democratic self-governance, and attitudes toward that right can facilitate or hinder public policy regarding transparency. As more people use the internet for gathering information about their governments and communities, it is unknown whether such online information-seeking is related to increased support for government transparency and the right to request public records. This paper applies a uses and gratification theory approach to examine internet information use and its relation to support for citizen and press access to government records. Three U.S. studies examined media-use correlates with support for government transparency: a paper questionnaire survey of college students (N = 614), an online survey (N = 1819), and a random-digit-dial telephone survey of randomly selected U.S. adults (N = 403). Analyses indicated varying results for television and newspaper use, but in all three datasets reliance on the internet for information was positively associated with support for access to public records. Implications for government transparency in a society increasingly reliant on the internet for information are discussed.  相似文献   

This article aims to evaluate whether the e-government development in China is ready to adopt contemporary public administration principles. In response to these questions, we propose an evaluation framework that integrates the contemporary public administration principles and current web-quality evaluation theories. The proposed framework evaluates government portal websites in terms of their content, function, and construction, following the theory of website evaluation. The indices for each of these dimensions emphasize interactions, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness, all of which reflect the contemporary public administration principles. The validation analysis shows that the proposed evaluation framework well fits the data. The empirical studies suggest that China has implemented advanced e-government services.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine gender inequality in the use of the Korean central government website in 2010. Adapting the digital divide and the gender differentiation hypothesis, we analyze e-government users and the determinants of their demand for e-government websites. Specifically, after controlling for socio-economic factors and family characteristics as demand determinants, we test whether gender inequality in e-government access and usage persists across central government units that provide differentiated public services. Our regression results indicate (i) no persistent gender inequality, supporting the gender differentiation hypothesis, and (ii) the importance of family characteristics as a determinant of demands for e-government websites. However, we also find a persistent divide in access to and usage of central e-government services by education and occupation, which deserves more attention and further research.  相似文献   

陈盈 《新世纪图书馆》2013,73(10):29-35
《政府信息公开条例》的实施以及现代化信息技术的发展使公共图书馆成为向公众提供政府信息、技术设备支持以及培养信息素养的重要媒介,同时也成了政府信息服务、电子政务发展的后备力量.在政府信息服务过程中,公共图书馆应该在政府信息的托存与传递、组织与整合、教育与培训以及公共危机信息等各领域搭建起政府与民众之间的桥梁,为提高我国行政透明度和保障公民权利做出最大贡献.  相似文献   

As electronic government (e-government) becomes increasingly important in the presentation of government information to citizens, the potential impacts of e-government on the democratic process must be carefully considered. E-government clearly has the potential to become an institution that helps to ensure reasoned reflection about political issues and active participation in deliberative democracy by citizens and by members of the government. Though the Internet presents innovative new methods for conveying government information to citizens, it also presents new and serious potential impediments to deliberative democracy, such as group polarization about political issues by online social groups. The ability of e-government sites either to foster democratic dialogue by presenting multiple viewpoints or to enable polarization on political issues by promoting specific views demonstrates a key question about the conceptual foundations of e-government. Drawing upon perspectives from information studies, public policy, law, and governance, this article examines the differing political implications between e-government built on a foundation of participation and on a foundation of polarization.  相似文献   

This article examines citizen interaction with e-government. Much of the existing work on the development of e-government has explored it from a supply-side perspective, such as evidence presented from surveys of what governments offer online. The demand side explanation, which is relatively unexplored, examines citizen interaction with e-government and is the focus of this article. E-government presently has evolved into two identifiable stages. The first stage is the information dissemination phase in which governments catalogue information for public use. The second phase is transaction-based e-government in which there is e-service delivery such as paying taxes online. This article argues that the information and transaction phases are closely intertwined with the street-level bureaucracy literature. Various attributes of citizen interaction with electronic government will be tested in this article. One notable finding was that the Internet improved the ability for e-citizens to interact with government, acknowledging some initial movement from street-level to system-level bureaucracies.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of research published on the topic of e-government diffusion. This paper provides a meta-analytic review of the literature on the diffusion of e-government. We analyzed the related literature in the leading journals and from international conferences in the field of information systems and public administration. Our analytical results reveal the main theoretical foundations, research methods, and research topics found in the relevant literature. The meta-analysis identified four main research topics: (1) the factors that influence the diffusion of e-government, (2) the diffusion of e-government systems and applications, (3) the impacts of e-government diffusion on government agencies and employees, and (4) the relationships between information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructures and the diffusion of e-government. Researchers have developed eight related theories to discuss e-government diffusion and adopted four methods to explore it. We suggest directions that researchers should pursue to strengthen the diffusion of e-government and to draw out deeper issues.  相似文献   

This article aims to understand what determines the degree of e-government use for multiple purposes by analyzing the Government Online Survey data that the Pew Internet and American Life Project provide. Three main purposes of e-government use are identified as: service use, information use, and policy research. The degree of e-government use for a specific purpose is predicted by five sets of determinants: psychological factors of technology adoption, civic mindedness, information channels, trust in government, and socio-demographic and personal characteristics. Sociodemographic conditions influence usage level of various transactional services provided by e-government. Perceived ease of use facilitates the acquisition of general information through e-government. Civicness is a critical determinant of e-government use for policy research. Policy researchers who are more engaged with and concerned about society, neighbors, and government are emerging as a new class of e-government users.  相似文献   

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