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略论基于多元智力理论的教育教学观念构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
智力理论的发展对教师教育教学产生着深刻的影响。Gardner“多元智力理论”和Sternberg的“智能三元论”为教师教育教学观念的形成和发展提供了一个新的理念平台。本文就教师在教育教学过程中多元教育教学观念的构建进行初步的探讨和研究。  相似文献   

多元智力理论观照下的高职教育学生评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加德纳的多元智力理论从新的角度阐述和分析了智力在个体身上的存在方式及发展潜力,它直接影响教师重塑新的"教育观"、重建新的"智力观"和重构新的"评价观".在高职院校学生评价中引进多元智力理论,对于促进高职院校学生的健康成长具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

1997年至2000年间,“多元智力理论实验学校研究项目”(The Project on Schools Using Multi-ple Intelligences Theory。简称SUMIT)在美国多所中小学陆续展开,并取得重要研究成果:总结出了可以作为“行动指南”的、在中小学有效运用多元智力理论的6条基本经验。在我国基础教育改革蓬勃发展之际,[第一段]  相似文献   

针对近几年国内教育界广泛兴起的“多元智力”热,本文对多元智力理论及其在我国教育实践中的运用进行认真反思:剖析加德纳教授对多元智力理论的反思,进而剖析西方学者对多元智力理论的早期反思、2004年以来对多元智力理论的整体反思和具体反思、这说明,我们应该多元地理解、多元地讨论和多元地运用多元智力理论。  相似文献   

素质教育必须承认智力多样性,培养和发展学生能力的广度将得到同等的重视.在教学和学习方法上应根据对象采用灵活的设施和教育内容,让学生有各种好的发展空间,使每个学生都能获得完全充分的发展.本文从多元化的智力理论与多种学习方法、多元化智力理论和素质教育的实施、多元智力理论与课堂教学等方面论述了多元智力理论在教学实践中的运用.  相似文献   

素质教育必须承认智力多样性,培养和发展学生能力的广度将得到同等的重视.在教学和学习方法上应根据对象采用灵活的设施和教育内容,让学生有各种好的发展空间,使每个学生都能获得完全充分的发展.本文从多元化的智力理论与多种学习方法、多元化智力理论和素质教育的实施、多元智力理论与课堂教学等方面论述了多元智力理论在教学实践中的运用.  相似文献   

随着新课改的深入,素质教育引起社会广泛关注,其不仅强调传统意义上学生的课堂学习能力的培养,还注重学生的多元智力教育,从而使学生的创新精神和实践能力得到提升,多元智力理论在教学实践中逐渐深化,这种强调尊重学生个体差异,以学生个体发展思想作为课程改革方向的理论,促使"为多元智力而教"的教学思想出现,本文将通过对多元智力理论的系统分析,结合中专英语教学实例,浅谈多元智力理论对中专英语教学的启示及其具体应用,为我国中专院校英语教学效果的提升做出努力。  相似文献   

多元智力理论及其对高等师范教育改革的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多元智力理论认为,智力的核心和衡量标准是解决现实生活中实际问题的能力。多元智力框架是一个开放性的结构,目前主要由八种智力组成。该理论从智力的涵义、形成、评估及个体差异等方面都对传统智力理论提出了挑战。依据该理论反思现行的高等师范教育,在理论认识、教育目标、课程设置、教学模式和评价等方面都存在着缺陷。高等师范教育的目标要突出教师专业能力的发展,课程设置应宽口径,要完善表征形式,教育评价应注重发展的功能。  相似文献   

多元智力理论是我国近年来关注较多的国外教育思潮之一。多元智力理论倡导学生主动参与、探究发现、交流合作的学习,引起教师角色、教与学的方式的变革。多元智力理论赋予学校教育教学新的功能和价值取向,并为教育教学改革提供许多有益的启示。  相似文献   

本文分析了多元智力理论的构建过程及研究方法,追寻了智力多元化思想的发展轨迹,介绍了通过智力展示、专题作业、档案袋中评估学生智力的方法;探讨了多元智力理论在教育上的应用。  相似文献   

Politics of education researchers have long recognized the role of micropolitics in school decision-making processes. We argue that investigating micropolitical dynamics is key to an important set of school decisions that are fundamental to inequities in access to high-quality teachers: assignments of teachers and students to classrooms. Focusing on the intraorganizational political power of experienced teachers, our analysis of survey and administrative data from a large urban district suggests that more experienced teachers have more influence over which students are assigned to their classrooms. By a variety of measures, we also find that more experienced teachers are assigned fewer disadvantaged students, on average, a pattern inconsistent with goals of ameliorating educational inequality by matching more qualified teachers with the students who need them most.  相似文献   

A sample of 163 preservice and in-service teachers of deaf and hard-of-hearing students was surveyed on perceptions of the roles of teacher, students, and the classroom. The participants' perceptions were examined utilizing the Survey of Practical Knowledge (SPK) designed and developed by the researcher for the study. The SPK asked the participants to respond to different "images" of teachers, students, and classrooms. Through factor analysis, the following images were generated: the teacher as artisan, the teacher as custodian, the student as subordinate, the student as peer, the classroom as arena, and the classroom as refuge. Beginning education students, graduating education students, novice teachers, and experienced teachers were assessed on their endorsement of those images. Beginning education students tended to view students more as peers than members of the other three groups. In-service teachers were more consistent and flexible in their images than preservice teachers were. Deaf and hard-of-hearing teachers viewed students more as subordinates than did hearing teachers. The dominant view among the study participants conceptualized the teacher as artisan, the students as subordinates, and the classroom as a refuge.  相似文献   

本研究立足于中国公民人文素质调查,对全国3264名高校教师进行抽样调查.结果表明:(1)中国高校师生有着积极的审美需要;(2)高校师生审美理想在整体上较中国公民高;(3)高校师生的审美知识高于中国公民总体水平;(4)高校教师与高校学生相比,在审美追求上较为理性;(5)以美辅德,开展多种途径、多种方法、多种层次丰富多彩的审美教育,树立与时俱进的审美价值现,为构建和谐社会做贡献.  相似文献   

体态语是教师教学语言中不可或缺的一部分,对学生的课堂学习具有重要影响。基于学生视角,调查L大学189名本科生对教师体态语的感知,得出以下结论:大学教师面带微笑或表情丰富有助于学生投入课堂;大学教师的目光与学生的课堂投入状态密切相关;大学教师的副语言影响到学生的课堂投入状态;大学教师的服饰、身体动作和空间位置对学生课堂投入影响不大。在学生性别和年级方面,教师体态语对学生课堂投入的影响不存在显著差异;在专业方面,艺术生在面对教师严肃的表情和盯视的目光时,更不愿意投入课堂;在学习成绩方面,成绩偏后的学生更倾向于消极对待教师在教室来回走动的行为。因此大学教师应合理运用表情、目光和语气语调,使学生投入到课堂教学中。  相似文献   

Educational reforms during the last decade have led to a more inclusive environment for students with different needs and have placed demands on teachers’ readiness to instruct diverse students in the general classroom. Previous research has ascertained that student achievement is correlated with teacher quality and teachers’ efficacy beliefs. Today, basic competence in mathematics is more important than ever for managing routine day‐to‐day activities and therefore, identifying and educationally supporting students with low performance in mathematics is necessary. The aim of the study was to investigate the perceived teacher efficacy beliefs of special education and mathematics teachers when teaching mathematics to low‐performing middle school students. Results indicated that special education teachers had higher teacher efficacy beliefs than mathematics teachers. Teacher experience, certification or gender had no effect on teachers’ efficacy beliefs. Furthermore, subject teachers reported high pedagogical knowledge for teaching low‐performing students, and special education teachers reported having moderate mathematical subject knowledge.  相似文献   

This is a study of teachers’ modelling of civic virtues in the classroom. It focusses on three virtues of good citizenship: justice, tolerance and solidarity. The aim is to explore the extent to which teachers can be regarded as models of these virtues. Questionnaires were developed for both students and teachers. Factor analyses showed that the three virtues could be empirically distinguished in teachers’ behaviour. The students rated their teachers higher on the justice and solidarity scales than on the tolerance scale. The teachers rated themselves as less just, but more tolerant than they were rated by their students. Furthermore, the correspondence between students’ perceptions and teachers’ self-ratings was not high: correlations were only found between ratings of teachers’ level of justice. The results of the study indicate that teachers need to become more aware of their exemplary function and the way they are perceived by their students.  相似文献   

本文基于“中国教育追踪调查数据”(CEPS)所收集的青少年样本,综合运用倾向得分匹配—双重差分法、广义分位数回归法和中介效应检验法,分析了教师关注、学生自我期望和自律努力在“教师反馈与学生成绩”这一关系中的中介作用。研究发现:教师的表扬通过加强教师对学生的关注、提高学生自我期望和自律努力程度,最终提高了学生的各科成绩;教师的批评一方面增强了教师对学生的关注,另一方面降低了学生自身的自律努力程度,最终降低了学生的语文成绩,数学和英语成绩则不受显著影响。相比于其他科目,语文成绩显著下降的原因在于语文考试的主观性强,语文成绩更加依赖日常积累,学生取得高分的难度也较大。  相似文献   

To what extent do students and teachers hold similar beliefs about excellent teaching? Do differences in beliefs have practical implications (e.g., how students rate their teachers on end-of-semester evaluation forms)? In Study 1, undergraduate students (N=414) and faculty members (N=128) responded to questionnaires assessing their perceptions of an excellent discussion leader, lecturer, or instructor. Participants judged items that contributed to a Structure composite as more characteristic of excellent lecturers than excellent discussion leaders and items that contributed to a Process composite as more characteristic of excellent discussion leaders than excellent lecturers. Results for students and teachers showed several systematic differences. In Study 2,278 students and their course teachers rated the characteristics of a hypothetical excellent lecturer. In addition, students rated the effectiveness of their individual teachers. Students’ ratings of their teachers were higher when students and teachers agreed on their perceptions of characteristics of excellent lecturers.  相似文献   

师生和谐,从同感沟通开始   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师生矛盾频出是其人际关系不和谐的表现。社会大背景、教育体制与管理以及当事者双方的思想观念与行为方式等都在一定程度上制约和影响着师生和谐。由于师生和谐并非是社会关系层面的角色适应,而是建立在深层互动基础上的情感的和谐状态,因此,构建师生和谐更需要从情感的体认与表达开始,运用同感沟通方式来促进并实现师生的和谐交流。  相似文献   

师生交往相对于师生关系而言,更强调师生双方的主体性与平等性。文章从微观政治学视角认识师生交往,认为师生交往是建立师生关系秩序的活动,这些活动以主体双方的利益为基础。师生交往中所产生的力量交互作用对主体双方的影响具有不确定性与双向性。文章旨在通过分析师生交往中的力量交互作用机制,有针对性地提出减少师生冲突、构建和谐课堂的建议策略。  相似文献   

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