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裘志伟 《新闻实践》2001,(12):41-42
据《中国新闻出版报》报道,2001年7月 13日北京申奥成功举国狂欢,14日全国的不少报纸均成了“新闻图片报”。《北京青年报》、《广州日报》、《成都日报》等南北几十家报纸,头版均以巨幅图片并配上大标题出现,浓墨重彩。国内报纸版面这种不约而同采用大图片的布局,是因为文字已无法充分展现普天同庆的豪情,纪录伟大的历史瞬间只有借助摄影力量之需。  相似文献   

深度报道对提升媒体的影响力极为重要。没有深度、没有思想、没有见解的报纸只能算是“传声筒”、“黑板报”。《南方周末》、《中国青年报》等国内最具影响力的报纸,均以深度报道见长。  相似文献   

作为深度报道的一种,时事评论以及时深刻性和尖锐批评性为受众所追捧。鼎盛之时,国内创办时评版的报纸有300家之多。然而,很多报纸的时评阵地正快速失守,不少红极一时的时评版面纷纷淡出人们的视野。时评怎么了?病了!而有意思的是,《钱江晚报》在最近一轮改版中,时评版面却由原来的每  相似文献   

新世纪开始,报业市场环境发生了巨大的变化。尤其是经济类报纸,不但其市场环境随着整个报业市场的变化而变化,而且它的报道活动所指向的对象——人们的经济活动,更会产生难以想象的巨变。知识经济、WTO,已使人们的经济活动具有迥然不同的性质和方式。对报业经济来说,一个值得我们去探讨的问题就是:21世纪需要什么样的经济报纸? 这样,南方日报报业集团乘着新世纪之势而推出的一份全新概念的报纸——《21世纪经济报道》,也就特别引人注目了。本文试图对《21世纪经济报道》的读者定位、报纸风格、报道了法等方面进行分析,希望能对新世纪经济类报业市场的变化和办报方向有所启发。  相似文献   

1927年1月初发生的汉浔惨案,是当时报纸所关注的重大事件。《晨报》在此期间的报道,显示出对外和对内报道态度的差异,反映了在国内不同政治环境下,以《晨报》为代表的北方报纸舆论在中外冲突和国内政争之间的因应依违。  相似文献   

日本报纸上的天气预报,在版面上占的位置很突出。全国性大报《朝日新闻》、《读卖新闻》、《每日新闻》都有自己的天气预报专栏。《朝日新闻》、《读卖新闻》把专栏放在第一版,《每日新闻》把专栏放在社会版。在天气预报栏里,登有卫星云图、天气图、东京天气、全国主要城市的天气。《读卖新闻》还载有各地气温、温度,世界气温与天气。地方版重点报道地区天气;社会版有时配照片登一些重要的气象报道;星期  相似文献   

气象类报纸《奥运天气资讯》创刊;《新疆人文地理》杂志8月底面市;广州日报报业集团投入2.8亿元报道奥运;上海故事广播改版.  相似文献   

如火如荼的2006世界杯足球赛正紧锣密鼓进行着,身在号称为足球王国的英国,每天体验英国人的足球狂热和足球文化,很难不被这里的热情、执着和痴迷所感染。人们对足球的爱在英国报纸的报道中也可见端倪。英国报纸主要分三类,一是大报,如《卫报》《独立报》《泰晤士报》《每日电讯报》等;二是小报,如《镜报》《太阳报》《星报》等;三是免费报纸,如《地铁报》。从开赛前几个月每类报纸就已经开始对本届世界杯倾注心血,开赛后更是如此。版面设计和投入总体来说,英国大报投入大量版面报道本届世界杯。开赛前一天6月8号的《卫报》(大开版报纸)用了…  相似文献   

陈屏 《新闻窗》2010,(4):34-35
本文主要研究媒体在灾难事件报道中的功能,并以20H08年5月12日的汶川地震为例,选取国内最具影响力的报纸《人民日报》、当地新闻报纸《成都晚报》以及国际上比较知名的《纽约时报》作为研究样本,分析了三份报纸在汶川地震后一个月之内的新闻,探讨国内报纸之间,  相似文献   

本文基于框架理论,采用内容分析法选取以《人民日报》、《贵州日报》、《云南信息报》、《南方周末》为代表的报纸媒体,对其从2010年3月16日到4月15日一个月间所有关于西南旱灾的报道,从报道数量、版面分布、报道类型、消息来源、报道主题和基调等方面进行相关数据分析,观察以这四家报纸为代表的国内媒体如何呈现西南旱灾议题,以此来研究不同媒体对西南旱灾这一议题的框架建构。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(41-42):55-63
This article will describe Geoscience resources available on the Internet, primarily the Weather Underground, the Geographic Name Sewer at the University of Michigan, and the Weather Machine at the University of Illinois. Instructions for connecting to these three sites will be given, as well as information on two gopher sites that have these systems on their menus. The Weather Underground and the Weather Machine provide real time analysis of North American weather, climate and active geographic phenomena. In addition to current weather analysis the Weather Underground provides current information on active hurricanes, earthquakes, and in the winter, "Current Ski Conditions." A special section covers nearshore and off-shore marine forecasts, warnings, and notices to mariners (such as missing or lost vessels).1 Weather forecasts are available for most U.S. cities as well as immediale postings of weather warnings and watches. Storm damage reports are also listed, in most cases soan after the event happens. Reports come from the U.S. Weather Bureau cenhal ofices (e.g., National Hurricane Center, National Severe Storms Center), local weather offices (e.g., Chicago Weather Bureau), and a nationwide network of individual spotters and law enforcement officials. Reference librarians can use this server to provide clients with real time information on current conditions both locally and continent wide. Ihe Weather Machine also provides additional geoscience information sources to consult as well as many of the services offered by the Weather Underground. The Geographic Name Server ides a listing of cities and geographic features in the United States. Searches can be done by Zip Code, and Place Name. The server will respond with the city location, time zone, latitude and longitude, Zip Code, Area Code, etc.  相似文献   

文章通过对"十一五"期间北京、上海、广州这三个国家中心城市的14家在当地有影响的新闻报纸关于图书馆形象宣传报道的分析,显示近年图书馆的公众关注度明显提高,关于图书馆的新闻报道多集中在读者服务、书刊资源、儿童阅读等方面。文章最后就如何重视和加强社会媒体对图书馆的宣传,树立良好的图书馆公众形象进行讨论,并提出具体建议。  相似文献   

钟克勋 《新闻界》2008,(3):114-115
报纸版面语言的张力直接影响到新闻报道的效果,而图片直观、形象的特点可以使人们产生良好的认知,进而影响社会,形成循环共振的作用。北京2008年奥运会圣火欢迎仪式暨火炬接力启动仪式报道中的图片处理即达到了此效果。  相似文献   

Riot reporting is one aspect of newspaper coverage that can drive people into the streets in acts of collective protest or violence. Media observers and scholars have proposed that the language of Indian newspapers, be it English or vernacular, partially dictates the kinds of riot events reported and the quality of those reports. I tested whether this conventional wisdom holds by investigating the content of Indian riot coverage in the English Times of India and Hindu Hindustan. While Hindustan emphasized official statements and interviews with political parties, neither newspaper accurately represented the actual number of riots in their reporting. In fact, coverage in both papers followed predictable patterns likely driven by a new focus on selling newspapers at any cost in order to increase advertising revenue. This study contributes to a growing literature highlighting the similarities between media outlets and the degree to which their reporting is removed from actual events.  相似文献   

This study examined the coverage of China in the New York Times and Los Angeles Times between 1992 and 2001. Across time comparison were made both within and between the two newspapers in terms of total number of stories, media frames used and favourability differences. Findings show that coverage of China has increased significantly over time, but the overall tone remained negative. Stories presented in political frames and ideological frames were more likely to be unfavourable. No significant differences were found between the two newspapers.  相似文献   

This study examined the frames used in the news coverage of the U.S. immigration debate during election years. Stories from four major U.S. newspapers, the Los Angeles Times, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the St. Petersburg Times, and The New York Times, were content analyzed. The analysis revealed that the conflict frame was the most dominant frame in the news coverage of the U.S. immigration debate whereas no significant changes in the framing of the U.S. immigration debate were found over time. The human interest frame was more likely to have a pro-immigration tone compared to other frames. The findings of immigrant characteristics showed that the “illegal” characteristic was the most frequently used to identify immigrants.  相似文献   

What part do newspapers play in helping us understand the experiences of migration and displacement? This paper will examine this question by exploring the representation of the displacement of some of the 800,000 Jews from ‘Arab lands’ in the period immediately after the emergence of the state of Israel and, more specifically, the experiences of Jews from Iraq in 1949–1951 and Egypt in 1956–1957, as reported in the New York Times, The (London) Times, and the Manchester Guardian. Despite the underlying and well-known threats to Jewish communities in these, and other, countries and their displacement from these lands, these newspapers rarely discussed these migrations as being ‘Jewish refugees’. Why this was so is one of the key questions that this paper seeks to ask.  相似文献   

黄罕奭 《新闻界》2008,(2):49-51
首先,从整体格局来看,中国的体育新闻报道呈现出综合性日报弱、专业体育报纸强的特点,而在美国,恰恰相反。其次,中国报刊的体育新闻报道往往带有更强烈的感情色彩,而美国的体育新闻报道更注重客观性的要求。第三,美国报刊体育版面比较漂亮,但是文字并不华丽、生动。中国报刊追求文字的生动活泼,但同时也暴露出在遣词造句上的一些不足。中美两国的报刊体育新闻报道都面临着如何应对电视和互联网挑战的问题,而他们采取的对策惊人的相似:一是拓宽体育报道的深度和广度;二是走娱乐化的路线。  相似文献   

随着人们健康意识的提高,报纸刊登医学科普文章的版面增多.通过对报纸和医学科普期刊优缺点的对比分析,阐述报纸对医学科普期刊的冲击及应对措施.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):456-471
This paper investigates how a mainstream American newspaper (The New York Times) and an Indian counterpart (The Times of India) construct political violence within the American occupation of Iraq, and how they reconcile notions of democracy and occupation. For both newspapers, Saddam Hussein's execution is the reference point to guide news selection. Findings indicate some differences in the two papers’ coverage, partly explained by the countries’ military involvement in the conflict and their history with Iraq.  相似文献   

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