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随着社会进步,人类的平均寿命日益延长,老龄化问题已经凸显,关注老年人的生活质量是全世界需要面对的共同课题.认知功能作为老年人生活质量的重要预测因子之一,其与体力活动的关系已经成为锻炼心理学的热点研究领域之一.本文综述了体力活动对老年人认知功能影响及其机制的研究.在此基础上,提出该领域的后续研究还应深入探讨以下问题:(1)体力活动对老年人认知功能影响的剂量反应效应;(2)体力活动影响老年人认知功能的生理及心理机制.(3)其他练习形式对老年人认知功能的影响.(4)身体锻炼与其他形式的干预相结合的途径及效益.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等对加拿大孕期体力活动指南(2019)研制背景、方法和内容等进行分析,探究其特点和规律。主要结论:(1)孕期体力活动指南是目前该研究领域研究成果的继承和完善,重视不同类型体力活动与健康相关证据的收集,依据专家组共识、文献分析、体力活动与健康的剂量-效应关系,并通过公共意见咨询,确保指标制定过程的科学性、严谨性、适用性;(2)采用质量控制方法研制孕期体力活动指南,为受众群体提供合理化的体力活动强度、活动方式及活动安全防控等内容。建议:在“健康中国2030”目标引领下,应尽快研制我国孕期体力活动指南,为孕期体力活动提供科学依据,构建体医融合的服务模式  相似文献   

李跃 《中华武术》2022,(5):72-74
大学生是社会中的一个独特群体,他们具有强烈的自我意识和创新意识,年轻有活力,是推动社会、国家进步的重要后备人才,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的主要推动者。近年来,从全国学生体质与健康调研结果可以看出,我国的大中小学生的身体素质不断下降(肥胖、近视率都不断增加)。前人的研究结果提示,良好的健康体适能水平能够对个体的执行功能产生重要的积极影响。养成良好的生活习惯,进行规律的体力活动是促进健康体适能和执行功能发展的重要手段,且健康体适能包含的各个成分都与执行功能存在着积极的关系。针对大学生群体,现有的研究中显示指标单一,对大学生体力活动、健康体适能与执行功能三者的关系依然不清楚。因此,本文全面探讨体力活动、健康体适能与执行功能的关系,从大学生的实际情况出发,加强对大学生健康体适能水平的实时监测,科学安排大学生的日常体育活动,为维持和促进大学生身心健康全面发展提供可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

在过去国外公布了大量有关心血管系统健康的体力活动指南,形成了较为完善的指导服务系统,极大促进大众的身心健康,本文总结心血管系统健康方面的体力活动的相关研究,希望能够为促进和提高我国群众体育运动,提供一定的借鉴意义  相似文献   

人口老龄化背景下老年人健康问题是亟待解决的重要问题,健康促进的社会生态学理论认为城市社区建成环境是影响老年人健康的重要因素。本研究采用2017—2018年于南京市调研数据,探讨城市社区建成环境、体力活动与老年人健康的关系。研究发现:(1)从整体上看,社区建成环境对老年人健康不仅产生直接影响,还通过体力活动产生间接影响。(2)不同类型社区的建成环境对老年群体健康的影响路径存在差异,边缘、单位、综合社区通过体力活动间接影响老年健康,而传统社区会产生直接影响。(3)影响因子重要程度大小排序:边缘社区为人均道路总长度、交通站点数、街道连通性、至商业场所距离;传统社区土地混合使用、至交通站点距离、建筑密度、体育设施数量;单位社区至休闲娱乐场所距离、人均道路总长度、体育设施种类、至商业场所距离;综合社区人均道路总长度、至交通站点距离、交通站点数、至休闲娱乐场所距离和体育设施数量。  相似文献   

魏勇 《体育教学》2008,(10):67-68
体育运动是一把双刃剑,适当的运动可以促进健康,但不当运动又能导致损伤的发生。另外,体力活动缺乏能够产生一系列运动不足性疾病,而即使在适当的体育活动当中也由于体育活动的本质可以导致一些意外事故的发生。由于运动伤害预防和治疗的特殊性,单纯医务人员或者体育专业人员都很难完全独立完成防治运动伤害的职责。在这样的大背景下,医学、体育甚至其他行业人员彼此合作,整合相关知识、技术,再加以融合、发展后形成了不少新的防治运动伤害的模式,也因而诞生了许多类型的新专业。例如:美国与加拿大的运动伤害防护师(Athletic Trainer)、运动治疗师(Athletic Therapist);英国与澳洲的运动伤害防护师(Sports Trainer);  相似文献   

采用实验法、问卷法、数理统计法对安徽省大学生身体成分现状、体力活动特点以及它们的相互关系进行了统计分析.结果表明:男大学生超重或肥胖发生率高于女大学生,女大学生低体重发生率高于男大学生;课余时间体力活动偏少,每天静坐时间较长;大学生超重或肥胖发生与体力活动并无肯定的联系;经常参加大中强度体力活动能够改善大学生身体成分分布,弥补由于静坐时间对健康产生的不利影响.  相似文献   

目的:探讨南京市40~59岁中老年社区居民体质健康状况、体力活动情况以及两者之间的相关关系.方法:分别采用<中国成年人体质健康标准>和<居民健康及体力活动量调查表>,对社区居民进行体质测试和体力活动量调查.共1993人参加测试,其中男性960人,女性1033人.结果显示:1)南京市社区40-59周岁的中老年居民的体质综合得分仅达及格水平;女性居民的体质健康优秀率和良好率均高于男性.2)75.98%的男性居民体重处于超重或肥胖状态,女性居民超重或肥胖率为63.16%;正常体重组体质综合得分最高,低体重和超重肥胖组较低;体重过重或过轻均会对身体机能和素质产生负面影响.3)南京市城市社区居民体力活动以中低强度为主,女性居民每周体力活动能量消耗显著高于男性(P<0.01);居民体力活动的主要构成来源为职业劳动、家务劳动和交通出行的体力活动.4)居民体力活动每周消耗MET-min均值和体质综合得分呈显著正相关(P<0.01),体力活动是体质健康的保护性因素;有规律地参加体育锻炼活动越多,体质健康收益越大.5)居民超重或肥胖与大、中等强度体力活动不足密切相关.  相似文献   

健康中国战略背景下,提升青少年体力活动水平促进体质健康意义重大。采用父母支持问卷、锻炼行为调节量表和青少年体力活动问卷,对1084名青少年进行抽样调查,运用相关分析、回归分析和结构方程模型探讨父母支持、锻炼动机与体力活动的关系,试图构建父母支持促进青少年体力活动的路径模型。结果表明:1)父母支持能正向预测青少年体力活动;锻炼动机各维度(外部调节除外)能正向预测青少年体力活动;2)锻炼动机各维度对青少年体力活动影响效果不同,体现为自主性动机比控制性动机影响大;3)父母支持通过两条路径影响青少年体力活动,第一条路径是直接影响,第二条路径是通过内部调节动机间接影响,即内部调节动机在父母支持与体力活动之间起中介作用。这启示我们,父母支持水平的提高有助于青少年自主性动机、体力活动水平的提高,父母为青少年创建良好的支持性环境,是提升青少年体力活动的有效路径。  相似文献   

王道  陈莹 《体育科研》2021,42(2):60-67
功能能力是影响老年人日常生活活动和功能独立性的重要因素,在健康老龄化背景下,探讨功能训练对老年人身体功能能力的影响是个重要的研究问题。本文从老年人进行功能训练的意义出发,综述了目前相关的关于不同形式的功能训练对老年人肌肉力量、平衡能力、移动能力,以及日常生活活动能力影响的研究进展,并提出适合老年人进行的身体功能训练的主要特征,以期为未来进一步研究提供理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

郑樊慧  安燕  尹峻 《体育科研》2011,32(1):57-65
《2008美国体力活动指南》对体力活动与心理健康间的关系进行了综述。该综述指出.体力活动对某些心理疾痛具有防治作用。定期进行中等到大强度的体力活动可以有效地预防抑郁症和老年痴呆症的发生,及因老龄化引起的认知功能的下降;另外,还可以减轻焦虑症状、改善睡眠质量、降低疲劳感、减少痛苦感和提升幸福感。并且,该综述对体力活动影响心理健康的机制进行了论述,指出了目前的研究中存在的不足,并预测了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

身体活动的抗氧化作用及其对健康寿命的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大量科学研究表明,规律性的身体活动能促进人体健康,延长寿命。身体活动有助于健康寿命的一种可能性机制是,可增加机体的抗氧化能力。本的目的是,综述身体活动、抗氧化剂与健康寿命有关的研究成果。这些研究成果表明,许多抗氧化剂都与死亡率呈负相关。一次性适宜运动可增加一些抗氧化酶和辅酶的活性,经常规律性的身体活动可增强机体抗氧化系统,而急性剧烈运动则会降低机体抗氧化能力。这表明,在身体活动对健康寿命的积极影响方面,抗氧化剂起一种媒介作用。  相似文献   


The recent Surgeon General's report (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1996) promotes regular physical activity to enhance health. A possible mechanism by which physical activity contributes to a healthy life span is via enhanced antioxidant status. The purpose of this paper is to summarize findings from human studies on life span, health, antioxidants, and the effectiveness of physical activity as a natural antioxidant booster. Epidemiological studies concur that some antioxidants are inversely related to mortality. A single bout of exercise elevates some antioxidant enzyme and coenzyme activities. Regular physical activity enhances some antioxidants; however, strenuous exercise may diminish others. Results generally show that antioxidants play a mediating role in the way in which physical activity positively affects a healthy life span.  相似文献   


Regular exercise and lifestyle physical activity are often used interchangeably or combined in physical activity messaging based on evidence for their relatively equivalent health outcomes. However, differences between their motivational correlates are relatively unexplored. The purpose of this study was to compare the motives towards lifestyle physical activity and exercise and their relationship with behaviour using the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). The participants were a sample of undergraduate students (n=150) who completed measures of the TPB framed in terms of exercise and lifestyle physical activity and self-reported physical activity measures with similar framing. Results identified marked differences between the instrumental attitudes towards the two activities showing instrumental attitudes towards exercise to be higher (P<0.01; d=0.68). Most importantly, exercise had larger TPB–behaviour correlations (P<0.01; q=0.15–0.20) compared with lifestyle physical activity, but follow-up analyses by intensity (strenuous, moderate, mild) showed that these differences were only present at strenuous intensity. Our results suggest that the correlates for the two types of physical activity may differ. Although more research is necessary, this may affect the efficacy of promotion campaigns that do not tailor content exclusively for either exercise or lifestyle physical activity.  相似文献   

体育活动对情绪健康的影响   总被引:52,自引:1,他引:51  
陈大为 《体育与科学》2002,23(2):46-47,36
有关体育活动对人的情绪的影响的研究成为当今体育锻炼心理学领域中的热点课题。本文介绍了有关参加体育活动对个体情绪健康的积极作用,很多对照研究结果都表明,参加一定强度的体育锻炼能够使个体保持良好的心境,可以减轻个体的抑郁和焦虑状态,对人的心理健康有积极意义。  相似文献   

The processes that occur with normal sternal healing and potential complications related to median sternotomy are of particular interest to physical therapists. The premise of patients following sternal precautions (SP) or specific activity restrictions is the belief that avoiding certain movements will reduce risk of sternal complications. However, current research has identified that many patients remain functionally impaired long after cardiothoracic surgery. It is possible that some SP may contribute to such functional impairments. Currently, SP have several limitations including that they: (1) have no universally accepted definition, (2) are often based on anecdotal/expert opinion or at best supported by indirect evidence, (3) are mostly applied uniformly for all patients without regard to individual differences, and (4) may be overly restrictive and therefore impede ideal recovery. The purpose of this article is to present an overview of current research and commentary on median sternotomy procedures and activity restrictions. We propose that the optimal degree and duration of SP should be based on an individual patient''s characteristics (eg, risk factors, comorbidities, previous activity level) that would enable physical activity to be targeted to particular limitations rather than restricting specific functional tasks and physical activity. Such patient-specific SP focusing on function may be more likely to facilitate recovery after median sternotomy and less likely to impede it.Key Words: median sternotomy, sternal precautions, physical therapy, exercise protocols  相似文献   

Dementia is one of the greatest global challenges for health and social care in the 21st century. Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common type of dementia, is by no means an inevitable consequence of growing old. Several lifestyle factors may increase, or reduce, an individual's risk of developing AD. Much has been written over the ages about the benefits of exercise and physical activity. Among the risk factors associated with AD is a low level of physical activity. The relationship between physical and mental health was established several years ago. In this review, we discuss the role of exercise (aerobic and resistance) training as a therapeutic strategy for the treatment and prevention of AD. Older adults who exercise are more likely to maintain cognition. We address the main protective mechanism on brain function modulated by physical exercise by examining both human and animal studies. We will pay especial attention to the potential role of exercise in the modulation of amyloid β turnover, inflammation, synthesis and release of neurotrophins, and improvements in cerebral blood flow. Promoting changes in lifestyle in presymptomatic and predementia disease stages may have the potential for delaying one-third of dementias worldwide. Multimodal interventions that include the adoption of an active lifestyle should be recommended for older populations.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the longitudinal relationship between generalized self-efficacy (GSE) and physical activity in children and youth is limited. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of GSE towards physical activity on sedentary behaviours and physical activity in school-aged children over time. A total of 2278 nine-year-old children (1120 girls and 1158 boys) were recruited at baseline and followed for seven waves of data collection from 2005 to 2008. All children completed questionnaires at each wave assessing their GSE (adequacy, predilection, and enjoyment), sedentary behaviours, free play, and organized activity. Mixed-effects models were used to estimate changes in physical activity and GSE within individuals over time, controlling for gender and motor ability. The results showed that participation in free play significantly increased over time, whereas organized activity significantly decreased over the same period. Children with high perceived adequacy and predilection had higher free play and organized activity participation relative to other children over time. However, the effect of perceived adequacy diminished over time, while the gaps between groups with different levels of predilection widened over time. While sedentary behaviours were lower over time in children with high predilection, these behaviours were consistently higher in children with high enjoyment. The differences in sedentary behaviours between groups increased over time for both predilection and enjoyment. This study highlights the importance of different components of GSE on physical activity participation. In addition, interventions targeting the enhancement of predilection may facilitate physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviours.  相似文献   

目的:评价运动干预对老年糖尿病-Ⅱ型患者生命质量的影响。方法:将30例老年糖尿病-Ⅱ型患者随机分为运动干预组和对照组,采用规律运动对干预组进行12周干预实验,对照组则不进行任何规律运动,两组均检测血糖等指标、测量体质状况、SF-36量表。结果:实验后干预组与对照组在血糖等指标、体质状况、生命质量各维度得分等方面,差异具有统计学意义。结论:规律性运动干预对老年糖尿病-Ⅱ型患者血糖降低、体质增强有积极的影响,可有效提升患者生命质量。  相似文献   

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