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随着社会进步,人类的平均寿命日益延长,老龄化问题已经凸显,关注老年人的生活质量是全世界需要面对的共同课题.认知功能作为老年人生活质量的重要预测因子之一,其与体力活动的关系已经成为锻炼心理学的热点研究领域之一.本文综述了体力活动对老年人认知功能影响及其机制的研究.在此基础上,提出该领域的后续研究还应深入探讨以下问题:(1)体力活动对老年人认知功能影响的剂量反应效应;(2)体力活动影响老年人认知功能的生理及心理机制.(3)其他练习形式对老年人认知功能的影响.(4)身体锻炼与其他形式的干预相结合的途径及效益.  相似文献   

认知老化是指个体进入老年期后认知功能的衰退过程,即与年轻时相比,老年时的认知功能出现的衰退现象,认知老化的发生是有其脑基础 的。身体锻炼对延缓认知老化方面的作用逐渐受到重视,并且在脑科学研究方面也积累了丰富的证据。(1)身体锻炼通过对某些大脑结构的重塑来 影响认知老化,经常参加体育锻炼对于老年人维持大脑灰质和白质容量、白质完整性等方面均表现出积极作用;(2)身体锻炼可以促进与认知功能 相关脑区的激活以及功能网络的联结,以维持老年人的认知功能;(3)身体锻炼还可以通过提高大脑神经加工效率来影响脑功能,进而对延缓认知 老化起到重要作用。未来研究需要关注身体锻炼对执行控制以外的其他认知功能相关脑区结构以及激活的积极影响,探讨身体锻炼促进大脑特定 脑区之间相互作用的机理以确定身体锻炼对脑功能网络的积极影响,综合使用ERP和fMRI等技术以探讨认知老化相关脑区的特定时间和空间机 制,细化锻炼项目设计以确定不同锻炼处方对脑结构和功能的影响等方向。  相似文献   

身体锻炼行为转变的研究源自促进个体健康的研究,身体锻炼行为研究是健康促进研究的一个重要领域,促进身体锻炼行为的研究是这一领域的重要内容。为了解释身体活动行为或者为了说明影响身体锻炼行为的因素影响,研究人员提出了一些身体锻炼行为的理论模型,社会认知行为理论是其中重要的理论之一。社会认知理论认为可以通过操控个体的个人因素、环境因素、个体的行为归因来影响行为本身的变化。  相似文献   

实验采用北京博达电子公司生产的DDX-200型电脑多功能心理生理能力测试康复仪,以不同程度,项目的身体锻炼为干预手段,对如何通过身体锻炼提高大学生认知心理健康水平的问题进行了初步探讨,实验结果表明,不同的锻炼处方对男大学生的认知心理健康水平的提高有着不同的影响。  相似文献   

不同身体锻炼方式对老年人心理效益的实验研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
运用心理测量与心理实验方法,对参加36周不同项目锻炼的88名老年人(每周坚持3-4次,心率控制在100-110次/min,每次持续时间为30min)所产生的心理效益的研究结果证明:无论何种锻炼方式,对于改善老年人的主知功能,调节情绪状态,改善人格和提高生活质量等都有着积极的促进作用,身体锻炼方式不影响老年人身体与心理健康的总体效益;由于项目锻炼的方式不同,对老年人不同心理广大贩影响效果也不同,自行车,游泳、慢跑项目的锻炼方式对促进老年人认知功能的提高效益明显,而中国传统的气功、太极拳项目的锻炼方式对调节老年人的情绪状态效果更佳。  相似文献   

新兴的交互式电子游戏(Interactive Video Game,或称体感游戏)是否能够成为一种新的身体锻炼方式呢?本研究对近年来发表的有关交互式电子游戏在体育教育及健康促进领域的相关研究进行了综述.结果表明,交互式电子游戏在促进身体活动水平,辅助运动技能学习等方面的作用得到支持,与此同时,对参与者具有一定短期动机作用(吸引活动参与)和情绪(愉悦体验、心境)改善作用,并对认知过程具有一定积极作用.但相关研究结果并不一致,表明交互式电子游戏的上述心理学效益依赖于其它因素的综合影响,仍需后续研究加以明确.  相似文献   

基本心理能力是中老年人进行日常活动的基础。基本心理能力的老化,不仅给个体的身心健康带来影响,也给整个社会带来沉重的负担,因 此,如何延缓基本心理能力的老化成为全社会关注的热点问题之一。身体锻炼对于延缓中老年人认知老化具有重要作用,但其内在机制,尤其是心 理机制仍不明确。采用信息加工测验系统,对190位中老年参与者进行测试,探讨身体锻炼对中老年人基本心理能力的积极作用及其心理机制,即 构建认知加工资源中介模型。结果表明:(1)身体锻炼对基本心理能力老化具有延缓作用;(2)身体锻炼既可以直接促进中老年人的基本心理能力, 也可以通过感觉功能、加工速度和加工容量3种认知加工资源的层级中介作用来改善中老年人的基本心理能力;(3)身体锻炼延缓基本心理能力老 化的心理机制支持了认知加工资源理论。这提示,针对中老年人基本心理能力老化的干预可以同时考虑从认知加工资源训练着手。  相似文献   

本实验采用北京搏达电子公司生产的D D X-200型电脑多功能心理生理能力测试康复仪,以不同强度的身体锻炼为干预手段,对如何通过科学身体锻炼以提高大学生认知心理健康水平的问题进行了初步的探讨。实验结果表明,不同的锻炼强度对男大学生的认知心理健康水平的提高有着不同的影响。  相似文献   

身体锻炼的情绪效益: 研究与思考   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
通过对国内外关于身体活动与情绪的关系问题的研究进行综述和讨论,在介绍、分析已有研究的基础上探讨该领域研究的现状和存在的问题,并探讨未来的发展动向。主要内容如下:(1)身体活动与身体锻炼的主要情绪效益;(2)产生最佳情绪效益的身体锻炼特征;(3)该研究领域今后应努力的方向是:拓宽锻炼项目研究、对活动/锻炼特征进行分解并寻求测量工具的完善  相似文献   

温煦 《体育科学》2015,(3):73-82
体育锻炼对青少年认知能力和学业表现影响的相关研究可以追溯至20世纪50年代,进入21世纪以后,在认知神经科学相关理论和研究方法的影响下,涌现了一批令人瞩目的研究成果。目前,大部分研究认为,适量的体育锻炼有助于改善青少年认知能力,提高其学业表现。但是,体育锻炼影响青少年认知能力和学业表现的作用机制、体育锻炼与认知能力和学业表现的量效关系等一系列关键问题仍有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

居家体育锻炼作为全民健身和终身体育的重要形式,是新冠肺炎疫情期间和特殊天气条件下大众的主要锻炼方式。通过对新冠肺炎疫情期间47所高校4 416名大学生居家体育锻炼情况的调查,分析了疫情期间大学生居家体育锻炼的行为,结果显示:(1)82.98%的大学生达不到每天锻炼一小时的标准,男生居家体育锻炼频率、强度、时长均显著高于女生,受疫情影响严重的华中地区大学生居家体育锻炼频率和时长均最低,力量练习、跑步、跳绳是大学生主要的居家体育锻炼项目;(2)大学生居家体育锻炼认知与行为之间存在正向相关关系,但知行不一的现象仍普遍存在;(3)内部动机是大学生居家体育锻炼的主要动机,外在因素是阻碍大学生居家体育锻炼的主要因素,学校体育教学、网络媒体、运动APP和公众号是大学生居家体育锻炼认知的主要途径,基于网络课堂的居家体育学习方式中,通过教学视频进行学习的效果最好,网络直播效果最差;(4)父母与子女间的居家体育锻炼行为具有较强的代际互动关系。建议建立基于网络平台的家校社联动机制,促进大学生居家体育锻炼可持续发展。  相似文献   

以2 107名大学生为研究对象,运用问卷调查对当今大学生健康认知与心理健康之间的关系进行探讨。结果表明:健康认知对健康心理不但有影响,而且影响是整体的,比之体育锻炼和生活方式,对健康心理具有更高的解释程度,彰显认知的元作用。建议把体育锻炼、生活方式、健康认知对健康心理的影响整合在一起进行研究,以得出更全面的成果。  相似文献   

Whether physical activity is linked with improvements in well-being in individuals living with osteoporosis remains a source of debate within the literature. The purpose of this review is to synthesize relevant literature to more fully address the relationship between physical activity and well-being in individuals living with osteoporosis. Guided by study inclusion criteria, a total of 17 quantitative studies were coded for review. Considerable heterogeneity was found between studies when examining the well-being instrumentation and physical activity characteristics used by study authors. A central finding was that physical activity is associated with increased well-being across the bulk of existing studies retained for analysis, with benefits noted particularly for markers linked to physical functioning. This review further highlights how decisions made by researchers have implications for study conclusions and can render any synthesis of this literature a challenge. As such, recommendations for future studies are advanced that span issues linked to the measurement and conceptualization of well-being and physical activity and the analytic decisions made by researchers. Finally, heightened attention to the mechanisms through which physical activity may be linked with well-being outcomes is needed. Given the importance of well-being outcomes, researchers are encouraged to adopt these recommendations in an effort to advance the literature.  相似文献   

针对我国中、小学大课间体育活动存在锻炼强度不高、锻炼密度不足、活动内容不合理等问题,依据中、小学体育特色学校大课间活动组合的功能及作用,建立了6套运动健身干预方案,研究各套运动健身方案与提高学生参加大课间体育活动的积极性和功效之间的关系。以吉林省体育特色校1 200名中、小学生为实验对象,进行10周的运动健身干预方案教学实验。结果表明,6套干预方案对中、小学生身体素质和心理素质均有较明显的促进作用。结论:只有提高大课间体育活动的强度和频率,增强活动内容的趣味性,对大课间体育活动进行科学、合理的组合,才能使中、小学生的身心素质得到全面的发展与提高。  相似文献   


Our understanding of the relationship between physical activity and health is constantly evolving. Therefore, the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences convened a panel of experts to review the literature and produce guidelines that health professionals might use. In the ABC of Physical Activity for Health, A is for All healthy adults, B is for Beginners, and C is for Conditioned individuals. All healthy adults aged 18–65 years should aim to take part in at least 150 min of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week, or at least 75 min of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, or equivalent combinations of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activities. Moderate-intensity activities are those in which heart rate and breathing are raised, but it is possible to speak comfortably. Vigorous-intensity activities are those in which heart rate is higher, breathing is heavier, and conversation is harder. Aerobic activities should be undertaken in bouts of at least 10 min and, ideally, should be performed on five or more days a week. All healthy adults should also perform muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days a week. Weight training, circuit classes, yoga, and other muscle-strengthening activities offer additional health benefits and may help older adults to maintain physical independence. Beginners should work steadily towards meeting the physical activity levels recommended for all healthy adults. Even small increases in activity will bring some health benefits in the early stages and it is important to set achievable goals that provide success, build confidence, and increase motivation. For example, a beginner might be asked to walk an extra 10 min every other day for several weeks to slowly reach the recommended levels of activity for all healthy adults. It is also critical that beginners find activities they enjoy and gain support in becoming more active from family and friends. Conditioned individuals who have met the physical activity levels recommended for all healthy adults for at least 6 months may obtain additional health benefits by engaging in 300 min or more of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, or 150 min or more of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week, or equivalent combinations of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activities. Adults who find it difficult to maintain a normal weight and adults with increased risk of cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes may in particular benefit from going beyond the levels of activity recommended for all healthy adults and gradually progressing towards meeting the recommendations for conditioned individuals. Physical activity is beneficial to health with or without weight loss, but adults who find it difficult to maintain a normal weight should probably be encouraged to reduce energy intake and minimize time spent in sedentary behaviours to prevent further weight gain. Children and young people aged 5–16 years should accumulate at least 60 min of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per day, including vigorous-intensity aerobic activities that improve bone density and muscle strength.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查、实验对照等方法,对影响大学生体育弱势群体参加体育锻炼的非身体因素进行分析,揭示既有心理原因、日常习惯以及对体育认知等主观因素,也有体育场地、器材,体育锻炼指导者等客观因素。为不同类型体育弱势群体参加体育锻炼提高身体健康制定了相应的康复运动处方。通过一年的教学对比实验,验证了运动处方的有效性。  相似文献   

Cognitive enhancement refers to any type of improvement in cognitive performance following targeted interventions. Cognitive training is a rapidly growing market with potential to further expand in the future. Several computerized software programs promoting cognitive enhancement have been developed in recent years, with controversial results and implications. Within the research field, advances have been made regarding our understanding of the benefits inherent to cognitive programs, mainly involving working memory mechanisms and videogame training paradigms. In a distinct literature, physical exercise has been shown to broadly enhance cognitive functions, in humans and animals. In this article, we bring together these two trends of research in a comparative review, leading the discussion to an emerging third approach: designed sports training. Specifically designed sports, which tax working memory and spatial ability by incorporating motion in three-dimensional space, are an optimal way to combine the benefits of traditional cognitive training and physical exercise into a single activity. We discuss these findings in the context of embodied cognition, and argue that sensorimotor learning in designed sports is a key mechanism linking training and cognitive enhancement.  相似文献   

通过对我国不同时期体育锻炼标准出台的历史背景、实施情况进行梳理,并对这一标准变迁进行分析,概括出新中国成立以来我国体育锻炼标准演变过程中所表现出的规律性:制订过程从学习借鉴到自主研制转变;测试内容从体能主导向注重体质健康转变;测试对象由广泛性到针对性转变;测试手段从纯人工向半智能化过渡;执行态度从自愿性向强制性转变;评价方法从达标法到评分法转变;标准地位从部门规章上升到国家战略高度。演变过程体现了鲜明的时代性、健身性、激励性、灵活性和可操作性等特征。并从社会和人的全面发展视角,提出了持继发展的对策:正视标准的战略地位、改革标准的管理方法、完善标准的评价体系、提高标准测试的科技含量、突破标准执行中的传统阻力、强化标准的法规约束力。  相似文献   


Confusion still exists about the relationships between sociodemographics and adult physical activity behavior. In this paper, data from a national sample of 19,110 adults is examined to determine which of the sociodemographic variables are associated with physical activity behavior, their relative importance, and why these associations may exist. Once one controls for multicollinearity among the sociodemographic variables only age, education, and income maintain any substantive correlation. However, the amount of variance explained is small (R 2 adj = 8%). Two causal models are presented to account for the education: physical activity variance. The relationship is believed to be a spurious one in that there is some other third variable(s) which is speculated to affect both schooling and physical activity behavior. Exposure to sports and physical activity in the schools, though, may enhance the skills necessary for many activities providing an argument for a direct effect of education. Understanding this spurious/direct association is important for policy decision making and further research is warranted.  相似文献   

Growing evidence suggests that social identities may have profound implications for physical activity participation. Real-world examinations of this relationship have, however, been lacking, with research predominantly examining intentions and hypothetical scenarios. To address this shortcoming and further advance understanding in this area, the present study tested relationships between group identification, participation, two exercise-specific outcomes (exercise-specific satisfaction and group cohesion), and a broad health indicator (life satisfaction) among individuals recruited from parkrun. Participants (= 289) completed questionnaires measuring all variables except participants’ parkrun participation, which was objectively assessed. Structural equation modeling demonstrated that group identification was significantly associated with greater participation, exercise-specific satisfaction, group cohesion, and life satisfaction. Findings provide real-world evidence of the health-related benefits associated with forming strong social identities in exercise settings.  相似文献   

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