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从信息资源的特征看信息管理人才的特殊性   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
信息资源管理日益从社会一般管理活动中独立出来,成为需要专门化知识和技能的管理行为。所需人才在知识和技能上的特殊性来源于信息资源的特殊性。信息资源具有无形性、可再生性和形态转换可增值性等特征,因而要求信息管理人才具有对信息认知的敏锐性、开展信息服务的科学性和掌握信息手段的先进性。这些特殊性又进一步对信息管理学科的研究和专业教育提出了新的要求  相似文献   

波斯纳主要将之归于知识的专门化和职业化。公共知识分子从本质上说应该是个通才,但这半个世纪以来知识日趋专门化,专业之间难以相通,学问越专越深,越分越细,任何人都不可能成为通才。曾几何时,人人都可以谈论经济、哲学、历史、文学,现在隔行如隔山,专业如工厂  相似文献   

大学生信息素质状况及其影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对820名海南医学院在校本科生进行问卷调查,采用SPSS统计软件从信息意识、信息能力、信息道德三个方面对当前大学生信息素质状况进行统计分析,发现他们在上述信息素质的三个方面都存在较大不足,尤其是专业信息意识及信息能力方面,并在此基础上分析和探讨年级、专业和性别差异对大学生信息素质的影响。  相似文献   

本文探讨图书馆个性化知识服务过程中如何唤醒潜在用户的信息利用意识、强化知识馆员的个性服务理念、彰显特色资源的品牌服务效应、优化信息服务的专家业务品质,以及珍惜知识服务的用户信息反馈等,主张建立唤醒用户信息意识机制,培育个性用户的信息利用意识及习惯,从而扩展图书馆个性化知识服务用户市场。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过了解大学生信息安全知识、信息安全意识及行为的状况,发现其中存在问题,并提出应对措施。[方法/过程]采取问卷调查的形式,以天津工业大学学生智能手机用户作为调查对象,从用户个人基本信息、使用智能手机信息安全意识状况、智能手机用户信息安全行为状况、智能手机用户信息安全知识掌握情况、用户信息安全知识的来源以及对知识的需求程度5个方面进行调查。[结果/结论]调查结果显示:大学生智能手机用户对常识类信息安全知识掌握程度较专业类知识好;大学生信息安全意识相对薄弱,男生信息安全意识高于女生;大学生使用应用程序行为存在很大隐患,信息保护行为有待加强;信息安全知识是信息安全意识的前提,信息安全意识通过行为表现,但信息安全意识不一定转化为实际行为。性别与信息安全意识、信息安全行为存在显著性差异,与信息安全知识差异性不显著。根据调查现状,提出培养学生识别信息安全威胁、规避信息安全风险的能力、提高学生基本的信息安全防护能力、加强学生信息安全道德伦理和法律法规教育等建议。  相似文献   

中国《文心雕龙》资料中心的建立与运作,实际上是公共图书馆向专业图书馆领域的延深与拓展,其未来的发展与走向可以遵循这一思路予以深入思考。在网络时代,中国《文心雕龙》资料中心应当加强馆藏的专门化,实现服务的专业化,并在网络一体化的知识环境中为专业图书馆的统合贡献自身的力量。  相似文献   

本文讨论跨文化传播的基本认识问题。文化是一个共享的系统,共同的历史和传统帮助每个人回答"我是谁?"这个首要的问题。关于对世界的认识,每个人都是通过自己所处的文化系统获得的。而跨文化交流指的是拥有不同文化感知和符号系统的人们之间进行的交流,他们的这些不同足以改变交流事件。应该认识到,在陌生人身上显现着社会距离、跨界生存、同质与异质的关系、开放与封闭的文化系统。跨文化传播研究是一个多学科交叉领域,不同领域的研究者从各自的知识背景出发形成了不同的问题意识与理论关怀。  相似文献   

杨棫 《图书馆杂志》2004,23(9):50-52
专业信息中心在我国文献情报事业的发展中具有重要的地位和作用。本文根据专业信息用户的特点,提出了重新认识专业信息中心专家作用的观点,即:“专家是资源”、是“合作伙伴”、是亟待挖掘的“知识宝库”。并就如何组织和开发专家资源,加快信息开发,形成信息产品等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

中国《文心雕龙》资料中心的建立与运作,实际上是公共图书馆向专业图书馆领域的延深与拓展,其未来的发展与走向可以遵循这一思路予以深入思考。在网络时代,中国《文心雕龙》资料中心应当加强馆藏的专门化,实现服务的专业化,并在网络一体化的知识环境中为专业图书馆的统合贡献自身的力量。  相似文献   

图书知识是联结专业教育与通识教育的媒介,但在图书馆学课程体系中长期处于“非主流”的地位。利用芝加哥大学档案等史料,在学科教育史与学术史的宏观背景下,对1945—1959年芝加哥大学图书馆学研究生院建设图书系列课程及其配套教材的历史进行了挖掘,这一探索性的工作使长期处于“非主流”地位的图书与学科领域知识成为图书馆学核心课程体系的重要组成部分,是对实用主义教育模式的有益修正和补充。芝加哥大学等高校的图书类课程成为二战后美国图书馆学教育的新趋势,处于传统图书馆学教育向跨学科教育模式转型的过渡阶段。它所强调的通识教育与专业教育融合、学科领域“知识”与图书馆学“方法”融合等理念,推动图书情报学教育朝着专门化、跨学科的方向发展。  相似文献   

People communicate differently based on their willingness to communicate, along with their feelings of solidarity with the receivers (McCroskey & Richmond, 1987). People who are high in their willingness to communicate and feel close to their receivers would seemingly communicate more frequently and intimately. This study investigated this proposition by considering the late adolescent sibling relationship. College students were asked to complete a questionnaire focusing on the frequency, breadth, and depth of their communication with their siblings. Participants also completed measures of their trait willingness to communicate, their willingness to communicate with their siblings, and their solidarity with their siblings. People's willingness to communicate and willingness to communicate with their siblings was positively related to their frequency, breadth, and depth of communication with their siblings. Solidarity was also found to be positively related to frequency, breadth, and depth of communication.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(1):50-64
Course: Small Group Communication

The purpose of this assessment was to examine whether differences exist between students who self-select their classroom work group members and students who are randomly assigned to their classroom work groups in terms of their use of organizational citizenship behaviors with their work group members; their commitment to, trust in, and relational satisfaction with their work groups; and their self-reports of affective learning and cognitive learning. Participants were 126 students enrolled in a small group communication course. While students who self-select their group members and students who are randomly assigned to their groups do not differ in their use of organizational citizenship behaviors with their classroom work group members, students who self-select their classroom work group members do report higher levels of commitment, trust, and relational satisfaction, as well as more affective learning and more cognitive learning, than students who are randomly assigned to classroom work groups.  相似文献   

建立中小学档案教育社会实践基地,是档案部门加强对外交流、拓宽服务领域、强化服务功能、扩大社会影响的客观需要;是促使档案馆更新观念、转换角色,突显其文化性、教育性和开放性的良好契机.利用丰富的档案资源开展中小学社会教育实践,有助于中小学生通过档案更好地了解家乡的历史、文化、传统、风土人情和建设成就,增强爱国爱乡情怀.  相似文献   

Students reflecting on their time as students in a school of information provide advice and commentary for their faculty. By revealing their challenges as well as their successes, educators can themselves reflect on the impact of their teaching and the potential it has to assist students on their career paths.  相似文献   

介绍了随书光盘的特殊属性和管理模式的发展,并结合大连医学科大学图书馆随书光盘网络化管理的实践经验,提出了具体的管理措施和应注意的问题,以推进随书光盘资源的馆际共享,提高随书光盘资源的利用率。  相似文献   


This paper reports on a survey of faculty perceptions of the role of the library in online distance education. The study is second in a series of related studies exploring The Pennsylvania State University's library services to patrons at a distance. In 2004, faculty of the World Campus (Penn State's online distance education program) were surveyed on their perceptions of e-learners' research needs. The faculty responded to questions on how their students access research information for their courses, whether they require their students to use the library as part of their courses, and their expectations of the library as an academic support service. The survey revealed that 60% of the responding faculty supply all of the required research information to students in their courses, and 62% do not require students to use the library as part of their course(s). The study concludes that online, distance-education faculty members have minimal to moderate expectations of the library in supporting their teaching and their students' research needs. Moreover, the study shows a significant lack of faculty awareness of existing library services and resources available to the e-learning community.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether roommates who were similar in their communication traits would express more satisfaction with and affinity for their roommates. Specifically, the communication traits of willingness to communicate, interpersonal communication competence, and verbal aggressiveness were considered. Participants (college students and their roommates) completed measures of their own communication traits and their feelings about their roommates. Results showed that roommates who were prosocially similar (when both roommates were high in willingness to communicate, when both roommates were high in interpersonal communication competence, and when both roommates were low in verbal aggressiveness) reported the highest roommate satisfaction and liking.  相似文献   

抽样调查了深圳市、区级公立医院信息化建设和信息共享情况,总结了其成效和不足,提出了完善信息化建设、提高信息共事水平、实现区域医疗信息共享等建议,为深圳公立医院制订信息化发展规划及卫生信息政策提供参考。  相似文献   

A sense of belonging is an integral aspect of success in a long-term, group-oriented endeavor such as the pursuit of a college education. When students feel their presence at college is fraudulent, their achievements unfounded, or that they will be further disenfranchised if their true self is discovered, it is less likely that they will connect to the people who and services that can help them achieve their educational goals. This “imposter syndrome” or “imposter phenomenon” can be addressed and turned around through a concerted effort. While that effort involves a personal journey, like any journey it is often aided and accompanied by others. Through strategic outreach efforts, academic libraries are positioned to be important players in that journey, helping these “imposters” renegotiate their self-images to include a sense of their essential place in academia and belief in their ability to successfully complete their academic goals.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(10):1277-1291
As journalists continue integrating social media into their professional work, they wrestle with ways to best represent themselves, their organizations, and their profession. Several recent studies have examined this trend in terms of branding, raising important questions about the changing ways in which journalists present themselves and how these changes may indicate shifts in their personal and professional identities. This study combines a visual content analysis of the images journalists use in their Twitter profiles with analyses of their profile text and tweets to examine how journalists present themselves online with an eye toward individual and organizational branding. Findings indicate journalists choose a branding approach and apply it consistently across their profiles, with most profiles consisting of a professional headshot while notably lacking organizational identifiers such as logos. Journalists also tend to lean toward professional rather than personal images in their profile and header photographs, indicating a possible predilection for professional identity over personal on social media.  相似文献   

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