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调查显示,高校大四学生到课率普遍较低。究其成因,可以从多方面进行归因分析。而这一现象的出现又与高校教学管理工作存在着很大的关联:低年级教学工作遗留的隐患是其历史成因.大四学年课程设置的不合理是其现实原因。文章从教学管理角度进行成因分析,以期学校管理工作者重视教学管理工作,解决高校大四学生到课率低的问题。  相似文献   

孙亚琴  汪二恒 《文教资料》2009,(30):181-183
本文从任课教师的角度对大四学生到课率低的现象进行观察与思考。首先把大四学生划分为不同的群体,与此同时分析了不同学生群体对大四学习的认识,在此基础上对大四学生到课率低的原因进行了分析。并从课堂上、学校管理上、就业引导等方面进行了相应对策上的探讨。  相似文献   

到课率作为宏观教学管理数据,对高校教学管理具有重要作用。虽然近年来出现了一些课率统计的数字化方法,解决了传统到课率统计费时、费力、滞后等问题,但由于成本高、使用不方便、准确率不高等原因,导致其无法推广。随着技术的发展,深度学习在多目标检测中的准确率越来越高,有助于解决此类问题。为此,文章利用深度学习技术,设计了一种基于教室摄像头RTSP视频流的到课学生头部识别的模型1MB-Plus,并将其应用于某高校的一百余间教室的到课率统计中,取得了97.3%的准确率。研究表明,该模型有助于解决到课率统计存在的问题。文章通过研究,旨在以最小的成本为高校教务管理部门提供较为准确的宏观到课率数据,辅助学校的教学管理工作。  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试与高职高专相沟通试点工作的规模逐渐扩大。加强内涵建设,稳定教学质量成为该项工作的重点,而学生到课率的高低是能否稳定教学质量的关键所在。影响到课率的因素主要包括学生自身认识不够、学校管理不善、社会用人制度以及家长不重视等。可从提高学生思想认识、完善学校制度、转变用人观念以及家长关注等方面加以解决。  相似文献   

面授是函授教育的组成部分,是提高函授质量的中心环节,本文将就成教函授生到课率低的成因进行分析,并结合自身函授管理及教学实践,浅谈一下提高成教函授学生到课率的建议以及具体措施。  相似文献   

对某高校学生到课率的调研发现,大学生到课率在79.8%-89.0%之间,大学生到课率不很高或逃课主要是因为教师教学、学生学习以及学校教学管理存在问题,到课率随学生就读学院、年级、性别、类型、课程类别、课程教学时段的不同而不同,不同学院的学生到课率有差异,到课率随年级上升下降,男生到课率低于女生,功利型学生更少到课,专业课到课率更高而政治理论课较低,课程的首末时段到课率高而中间时段低。提高大学生到课率,需要学校、教师、学生三方的共同努力。  相似文献   

本文从高校危机管理的角度,对高校民族学生突发事件的成因和管理进行了研究.以期在民族大融合的高校中,对民族学生突发事件进行有效的预防与管理,保护学生的身心健康、维护学校的稳定与发展。  相似文献   

赵明 《考试周刊》2012,(60):150-151
高职学生到课率低的现象正在不断蔓延。本文从学校、教师和学生三个方面分析了导致高职院校学生到课率低的原因,提出了提高学生到课率的几点建议和对策。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出及研究方法 学生到课率与课堂参与度是衡量教学质量的一项基础性指标。本文以江西一所高校为案例,拟对该校学生总体到课率及课堂参与度进行调查分析,试回答以下几个问题:学生课堂出勤率在大学四个年级间是否存在某种规律?原因何在?如何应对?  相似文献   

通过对华南理工大学2014至2015学年第2学期人文通识课到课率的持续跟踪、调查和分析,发现人文通识课到课率特征可分为平稳型、波动型和下降型,并分析其成因。提高人文通识课到课率的建议为:完善选课程序;实施小班教学;更新教学内容和丰富课程类别;提升教师激情,鼓励多样化教学方法,强化课堂管理;采取措施端正学生学习态度。  相似文献   

近年来,大学校园危机事件频频发生,严重影响了学校的正常运转,威胁了高校的稳定和发展。因此,高职院校应将校园危机管理作为日常管理的一项重要内容,针对高职学生的特点提高辅导员的危机管理意识和校园危机的应对能力。  相似文献   

学籍管理是对学生在校学习的全过程管理,它是学生管理工作的中轴线,深刻影响着高校自身发展和人才培养质量。本文从学籍管理的内涵入手,分析了新时期学籍管理工作面临的挑战,介绍了我校在学籍管理模式上的实践探索,最后提出自己的思考,以期建立科学合理的学籍管理模式,促进高校发展和人才培养。  相似文献   

This article examines the association between school ethnic composition and immigrant students’ intentions to finish high school and to move on to higher education. We used data from 1324 immigrant and 10,546 native students gathered in the school year 2004–2005 in a sample of 85 Flemish (Belgian) secondary schools. Logistic multilevel analyses (HLM6) show that students attending schools with a majority of native students (enrolling less than 20% immigrant students) were twice as likely to plan to finish high school and to plan for higher education than those attending high concentration schools (more than 50% immigrant students). These associations were due to students’ socio‐economic status (SES) and there was no difference in aspirations between high and low concentration schools after controlling for students’ SES and the SES context of the school. All else being equal, immigrant students in high concentration schools tended to aspire to finish high school and move on to higher education slightly more than those attending medium concentration schools (20–50% immigrant students). The analyses further show that these differences between high and medium concentration schools can be explained by the more optimistic culture in high concentration schools. The main conclusion is that high concentration schools are not necessarily detrimental for students’ educational aspirations.  相似文献   

近年来,学生诉高校的案例增多,多以开除学籍处分为诉讼案例,追究其根源是高校在行使开除学籍处分权的制定行使中缺乏法律依据。虽然高校对学生拥有绝对的管理权,但是其处分的合法性遭到质疑,而高校如何将干除学籍这种类似驱逐的惩罚合法化是当前一个亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

家庭教育和学校教育在学生健康成长中发挥着重要作用,家校合作的教育管理模式能够形成教育的最大合力,对于高职院校学生管理工作具有重要意义。从高职院校开展家校合作的重要性入手,分析高职院校开展家校合作存在的问题,提出“转变固有观念,构建和谐家校合作机制;搭建交流平台,拓宽有效家校合作渠道;学校设立机构,提升家校合作工作水平;明晰权责分工,提高家校合作工作效率”4条高职院校家校合作的有效途径。  相似文献   

Existing research finds minimal gains from attending elite US secondary schools. This paper estimates the causal effect of attending a selective public boarding school, an institutional model increasingly used by states to serve academically gifted students. Regression discontinuity estimates using multiple admissions thresholds show math score gains and college application and enrollment patterns that shift away from less competitive colleges. Effects are concentrated among minorities, students with lower prior individual achievement, from rural neighborhoods, or lower-achieving sending schools. The opportunity to attend selective boarding schools reduces the tendency of disadvantaged or under-represented students to attend a less selective college by at least one-quarter.  相似文献   

高职院管理人员的工作是院校发展的基础;是日常教育教学正常开展的保障。但是高职院内部公共关系的开展通常以学生、教师为主,管理人员为辅;通常认为管理人员应该是高职院校公共关系开展的主体,忽视了他们是内部公共关系的客体,这种错误的思想是导致高职院校管理人员产生职业倦怠的重要原因。将公共关系的相关理论运用到高职院管理人员的管理之中,对将科学发展观所提出的"以人为本"落到实处,对于解决高职院管理人员的职业倦怠有积极的实践意义。  相似文献   

独立学院办学初期就应该加强档案意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独立学院作为高校办学的一种新尝试,在学校管理和教学活动中形成了大量的见证学校发展历史的档案材料.本文介绍了独立学院办学初期档案管理的现状及其负面影响,呼吁独立学院加强档案意识.尽快建立档案室,由专门的档案管理人员整理、保管和利用教职工、学生的人事档案及学校主要职能部门在履行职责过程中形成的文书档案.  相似文献   

近年来,独立学院得到长足发展,办学规模迅速扩大和教学水平不断提高。在全国独立学院有300所左右。重庆已有独立学院7所,在校生近10万人,独立学院成为重庆高等教育的重要组成部分。在独立学院的学生管理过程中,对大学生违纪行为的教育和管理问题突出。加强学生教育管理工作对独立学院的转型发展至关重要。  相似文献   

Articulation,transfer, and student choice in a binary post-secondary system   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper investigates the intersection of system articulation, transfer, and the choices that secondary school students make when they apply to college and university. The investigation is based on the results of a study that was undertaken to determine factors that influence choices that secondary school students make between enrolling in community college or university, and in particular whether or not those choices are affected by the degree of “articulation” within a public system of post-secondary education. There are several studies that have emerged recently in the United States and Canada that examine factors that influence the choice of university and 4-year college. There are a few studies that examine the choice of community and 2-year college. None, however, either in Canada or in the United States, has sought to examine “college choice” comparatively among students who apply to baccalaureate (4-year colleges and universities) and sub-baccalaureate (community colleges) programs. This study examines college choice on the basis of two series of longitudinal surveys conducted in the province of Ontario since the late 1980s, and on a series of surveys and interviews of students, parents and guidance counselors in six secondary schools, each with a different student population, since 2004. The third study—called the “college choice” project—tracked secondary school students as they made decisions about attending college or university, and as they finally selected the institutions that they would attend. The study concludes that greater conventional articulation will not significantly affect rates of transfer, that for most students plans to transfer develop after they enter college and are not a major factor in their initial “choice,” that the rate of transfer is highly dependent on the corresponding arrays of programs at colleges and universities, and that articulation might better be thought of as a subset of other basic forms of inter-institutional cooperation. An earlier version of this paper was presented to the ASHE Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, November, 2007.  相似文献   

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