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One important factor for effective operations in team sports is the team tactical behaviour. Many suggestions about appropriate players' positions in different attack or defence situations have been made. The aims of this study were to develop a classification of offensive and defensive behaviours and to identify team-specific tactical patterns in international women's volleyball. Both the classification and identification of tactical patterns is done by means of a hierarchical cluster analysis. Clusters are formed on the basis of similarities in the players' positions on the court. Time continuous data of the movements, including the start and end points during a pass from the setter, are analysed. Results show team-specific patterns of defensive moves with assessment rates of up to 80%. Furthermore, the recognition of match situations illustrates a clear classification of attack and defence situations and even within different defence conditions (approximately 100%). Thus, this approach to team tactical analysis yields classifications of selected offensive and defensive strategies as well as an identification of tactical patterns of different national teams in standardized situations. The results lead us to question training concepts that assume a team-independent optimal strategy with respect to the players' positions in team sports.  相似文献   


In team sports, peripheral vision might be useful to simultaneously monitor movements of opponents and teammates. Until now, however, little is known about the perceptual-cognitive processes underlying peripheral vision in a sporting task. Therefore, we used a mixed-methods approach with in-situ decision making (3 vs. 3 situations) and retrospective verbal reports to identify perceptual strategies used for optimal information pick-up in high- and low-skilled football players. Our results show that the use of peripheral vision by central defenders depends on the position of the ball and the position of the direct opponent. Players were shown to either use a pivot strategy, whereby they frequently look at the direct opponent if he is not in the possession of the ball in addition to making saccades to monitor other players, or they employ a more direct strategy, in which gaze is anchored on this location, avoiding saccades and monitoring the other players with peripheral vision. Based on our findings we make recommendations about how these gaze strategies can be further tested in future research and how sports practice can benefit from these results.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、观察法、逻辑分析法和数理统计法,对中国男篮在雅典奥运会上的进攻和防守情况进行分析。发现中国队进攻与防守战术方法有待改善、缺少及时的应变办法、内线优势无法充分发挥、忽略整体战略战术与队员个人技术及力量等因素之间的关系。认为中国队存在着内线以及心理方面的优势。提出中国队在以后的发展中应该完善阵容配备和战术打法,形成自己的特色、强化防守、强化全面,加强后卫的培养及时掌握世界篮球发展的趋势等建议。  相似文献   

本文针对乒乓球男团新赛制,提出了思辨策略的新概念,并用于选择最优阵容。  相似文献   

"节奏策略"的原理与运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全面综述了体育运动领域内关于"节奏策略"的文献,普遍采用的节奏策略主要有4种:1)全冲型;2)慢起型;3)匀速型;4)变化型。但许多实证研究表明,在这些策略类型中并不存在一种最佳策略,最佳的节奏策略只是针对具体的比赛类型和具体环境以及个体。但许多学者认为,尽管运动员们在不同类型的比赛中会采用不同的节奏策略,但这些节奏策略的产生或变化的潜在原理很可能是相似的,即促使某种节奏策略产生的最重要的因素很可能是当事人对比赛终点(Endpoint)的认知和经验(Knowledge)。这种认知和经验的产生可能是通过一种"内部时钟"来完成的。大脑会结合当事人对终点的认知或经验和外部环境、内部条件等信息,计算出一个最佳的节奏策略。研究表明,在不同的节奏策略中,主观努力感觉(RPE)的值随着运动进程有增加的趋势,但它是一种"量子单位"的变化,同时,其他心理因素也应该考虑进RPE在运动中变化的过程中去。  相似文献   


A frequently occurring situation in college and professional football is that of a team catching up through two touchdowns after trailing by 14 points, with the game outcome being determined by the extra-point plays. For leagues allowing two-point converts, an optimal point-after strategy exists under quite reasonable assumptions, and depends upon the relative utility to the team of a win, tie, or loss and the probability of success with a (one-point) kick as opposed to a (two-point) run/pass. We illustrate with reference to the January 1984 Orange Bowl game, where the favored team followed a possibly suboptimal strategy, losing the game and the national championship.  相似文献   

In the individual road cycling discipline known as a time-trial, variable power pacing under variable grade conditions leads to improved performance. However, it is unclear whether these power variations result in an optimal finishing time. Typical pacing strategies use an average power constraint, which requires maintaining a constant speed regardless of grade fluctuations; however, this is physiologically infeasible for cyclists. We used an exponentially weighted average (EWA) power constraint in which a nonlinear relationship between the power output and physiological cost was assumed. We defined the optimal pacing (OP) strategy by minimizing the total cycling time subject to the EWA power constraint, and set the EWA of the power output of both the OP and constant power (CP) strategies to the same baseline value. The model showed that the OP strategy outperformed the CP strategy in terms of minimizing the finishing time under variable grade conditions, the power distribution of the OP strategy was identical to that of the CP strategy under constant grade conditions, and the average power output of the OP strategy was always lower than that of the CP strategy under variable grade conditions. Numerical simulations were performed on two hypothetical 40-km courses using both the CP and OP strategies. We found that under variable grade conditions, the time-saving rates of the OP strategy relative to the CP strategy were 2.7 and 2.8% for the two simulated courses.  相似文献   

观众上座率是衡量我国中超联赛发展水平的重要统计指标,对中超联赛的发展方向和发展规模具有科学的导向和规范作用。本文基于灰色关联理论,对中超联赛上座率及其影响因素进行建模分析,旨为今后提高中超联赛上座率提供些许可作参考的相关依据。分析结果表明,中超联赛主场球迷情况、球队实力、球队主场战绩以及球队技战术打法吸引力等方面是影响上座率的主要因素,中超联赛上座率的提高与反映球队实力的球队16-联赛排名、反映球队技战术打法的控球率、反映球队主场战绩的主场场均积分等核心价值具有关联。  相似文献   


The objective of this review was to systematically describe the traditional and contemporary data capture and analytic methods employed in performance analysis research in team invasion sports, evaluate the practicality of these methods, and formulate practical recommendations on methods for analysing tactics and strategies in team invasion sports. A systematic search of the databases SPORTDiscus, Web of Science, Scopus, MEDLINE and PubMed was performed. Keywords addressed performance analysis methods and team invasion sports, with all other disciplines of sports science excluded. A total of 537 articles were included in the review and six main themes of research identified. Themes included game actions, dynamic game actions, movement patterns, collective team behaviours, social network analysis and game styles. Performance analysis research has predominantly focused on identifying key performance indicators related to success by analysing differences in game actions between successful and less successful teams. However, these measures are outcome-focused and only provide limited insight into winning team’s strategy. Team invasion sports are now viewed as dynamic, complex systems with opposing teams as interacting parts. Strategies and tactics should be analysed using a holistic process-orientated approach by recording dynamic actions, collective team behaviours and passing networks, and viewing them in game styles.  相似文献   

通过文献资料、录像观察、技术统计和数理统计等方法,对北京奥运会男排4强进攻中快攻战术的运用效果进行研究,指出:快攻战术是现代高水平男子排球比赛进攻战术的中心,在一传到位和防守到位的情况下,应当组织快攻或快球掩护进攻,其中近体快攻得分率最高,其次为短平快和背拉。交叉、梯次和夹塞进攻以及三差自我掩护进攻在比赛中运用极少,取而代之的是带有交叉、梯次和夹塞性质的前后排交互快攻以及快速多变的全方位立体进攻。同时建议目前正处于低谷期的中国男排把握世界男排发展趋势,改进训练效果,提高比赛能力。  相似文献   


One important factor for effective operations in team sports is the team tactical behaviour. Many suggestions about appropriate players' positions in different attack or defence situations have been made. The aims of this study were to develop a classification of offensive and defensive behaviours and to identify team-specific tactical patterns in international women's volleyball. Both the classification and identification of tactical patterns is done by means of a hierarchical cluster analysis. Clusters are formed on the basis of similarities in the players' positions on the court. Time continuous data of the movements, including the start and end points during a pass from the setter, are analysed. Results show team-specific patterns of defensive moves with assessment rates of up to 80%. Furthermore, the recognition of match situations illustrates a clear classification of attack and defence situations and even within different defence conditions (≈100%). Thus, this approach to team tactical analysis yields classifications of selected offensive and defensive strategies as well as an identification of tactical patterns of different national teams in standardized situations. The results lead us to question training concepts that assume a team-independent optimal strategy with respect to the players' positions in team sports.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate coaching performance in team sports taking leadership behaviours into focus. To do so, coaching performance was put in a literature-based frame and analysed with reference to a task structure based on the idea of hierarchical planning. The focus of the paper is on a mixed methods multi-strand study using qualitative as well as quantitative threads to develop and verify a set of coaching strategies focussing on teambuilding and team leadership. Qualitative analyses showed that coaches do have a clear understanding of forming and leading a team, which could be shown by a specific set of strategies being used by high performance coaches from different team sports (basketball, football, handball, and volleyball). These strategies could be confirmed in a sequential quantitative study analysing coaches’ and players’ attitudes towards the previously analysed schemes. The results of this study are discussed in terms of methodical and practical implications.  相似文献   

第14届世界男子篮球锦标赛中国男篮进攻速度研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周珂 《西安体育学院学报》2006,23(2):100-103,123
运用文献资料法、录像观察法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法对第14届世界男篮锦标赛上的中国队及与赛队7场比赛的进攻速度进行统计后,并与国外球队进行比较,找出差距,深入分析我国男篮进攻速度慢的原因。并提出提高进攻速度的方法与对策,为中国男篮的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

篮球比赛最后两分钟攻防战术运用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法,对高水平男子篮球比赛中最后两分钟攻防战术的运用情况进行观察、统计、分析。结果发现,在比赛最后两分钟领先队与落后队运用的攻防战术有所不同,落后队进攻战术以加快进攻节奏和抢投三分球为主,防守战术以半场紧逼盯人、全场紧逼为主;领先队进攻战术主要侧重于内线篮下进攻和外线进攻,防守战术多采用半场紧逼盯人战术。并以此提出了相应的对策建议,旨在尽快提高我国的篮球运动水平。  相似文献   

颜玮霞 《体育科技》2004,25(3):27-29
通过对国内目前最优秀的女子蹦床运动队福建队与广西队运动员的难度、年龄等现状进行分析 ,找出广西女子蹦床队存在的问题和差距 ,指出训练方向 ,提出训练指导思想 ,为广西队尽快赶上国际和国内先进水平提供对策  相似文献   

Competitive track cycling races are won by milliseconds, and the regulation of an athlete’s power output is an important factor in performance. The aim of this study was to use a mathematical model to predict finishing times for different pacing strategies for the individual pursuit (IP), to identify the optimal strategy in terms of fastest finishing time. Power profiles were generated for a number of common pacing strategies used in cycling, which were based on actual SRM power data for an elite, male, IP cyclist for whom the average power, maximum power, total work done and actual finishing time were known. The total work output was the same for all strategies and the finishing time was predicted using a mathematical model developed previously. The results showed that, of the strategies tested, an initial “all-out” high power acceleration phase followed by a lower constant power output produced the fastest finishing time for a 4,000 m IP event, and that the time spent in the initial high power acceleration phase had a significant effect on performance.  相似文献   

女子水球是2008年奥运会正式比赛项目和2009年全运会各省市新增重点夺金项目。中国女子水球队成立至今仅4年就获得了世界青年女子水球锦标赛亚军。本文运用录像解析、数理分析等方法以国家女子水球队主力队员身高、年龄、中锋技战术、六打五与五防六、7m外远射、防守反击、失误与无谓犯规等竞技特征指标为主要研究内容。研究结果发现,现今国家队主力阵容整体年龄偏小,年龄层次比较单一、平均身高与世界强队无明显差异;中锋助攻能力较强,六打五与五防六成功偏低。中国队的防守“防中寓攻”是其竞技特征的重要表现形式。中国队与世界强队在失误与无谓犯规方面差距明显,整体技战术素养有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

Football clubs are recruiting progressively more foreign football players, in particular from developing countries. For this purpose, clubs establish football academies in foreign countries or buy foreign players on the transfer market. We examine the economic rationale behind these two recruitment strategies and discuss how a club’s optimal recruitment strategy depends on the characteristics of the country, which it recruits players from. We argue that a country’s economic development affects the trade-off between the different costs and benefits of the two recruitment strategies. We provide empirical support for our argument by drawing on semi-structured qualitative interviews to describe and compare the transfer markets and football academies in two developing countries with different levels of economic development, namely Senegal and South Africa.  相似文献   

目的:通过对15届男篮锦标赛中国队与6个对手全部比赛的篮球技术统计,找出中国队在大赛中遇强队时表现差的原因。方法:采用文献资料法、数理统计法、对比分析法等研究方法。结果:(1)中国队在比赛中篮板球、盖帽占优势;(2)中国队在比赛中罚球总数少于对手;(3)中国队在比赛中助攻少、抢断少、失误多。结论:中国队仍是世界强队之一;中国队以姚明为核心的战术贯彻不彻底;中国队自身“小、快、准、灵”的特点丧失;队员基本功相对较差。  相似文献   

分析排球每球得分制给男排比赛带来的影响、变化以及形成的特点,指出中国男排与世界强队相比存在着体能、发球、一传、技战术等诸方面差距,论证其向世界高水平冲击的可能性,为我国男排再创辉煌提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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