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Health information consumers and patients increasingly take an active role in seeking health information online and in sharing their health problems and concerns in online support groups and social media venues. However, they may risk being influenced by unreliable and misleading information in such environments, as no intermediaries monitor the quality of this information. This study focuses on evaluating the quality of health information exchanged in one of the social media venues, by investigating how librarians, nurses, and users assessed the quality of health answers in Yahoo! Answers, a social question-and-answering (Q&A) service. Through statistical analysis differences among the three participant groups, how the background characteristics influenced their assessments, and the relationships between characteristics of the content of answers and quality evaluation criteria were each considered in detail. Librarians and nurses shared similar ratings of answer quality, but had differences in their level of medical knowledge and the types of services they offer, resulting in minor differences across criteria. Users perceived the quality of health answers in social Q&A to be higher than librarians and nurses for almost all criteria. Depending on the sources of information presented in health answers, librarians, nurses, and users gave different quality assessments. Implications exist for research into and practice of evaluating the quality of health information, which need to address both search and domain expertise along with the sharing of socioemotional values preferred by users.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]学术社交网络所提供的问答服务已成为学者们快速获取学术信息、解决学术问题的重要途径,实现基于机器学习的问答质量智能评价和服务优化对学术社交网络中优质内容传播具有重要意义。[方法/过程]以ResearchGate问答服务为研究对象,从结构化特征、内容特征、其他特征以及回答者特征4个维度构建答案质量评价体系,利用机器学习方法和数据增强技术进行答案质量分类预测。[结果/结论]SMOTE算法在处理不平衡样本时具备有效性;支持向量机在单一模型预测中,取得出色的分类效果;组合模型使预测精度得到进一步提升,基于随机森林、支持向量机、BP神经网络构建的组合模型分类性能最佳,以此为基础可通过搭建问答质量智能评价系统实现学术社交网络问答服务优化。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]旨在探究线下社会资本水平不同的用户,在问答社区中累积的社会资本和问答社区行为是否存在差异。[方法/过程]以知乎网10个医学、健康类话题的6 927名用户为研究对象,借助职业声望、院校排名对其线下社会资本进行编码和排序,分析不同线下社会资本用户的线上社会资本积累和社区行为模式的特点。[结果/结论]部分线下社会资本如毕业院校名誉度与线上社会资本存在正向关联,但职业声望高低则与线上社会资本无关;线上结构性社会资本高的用户,其提问数量、专栏文章数量和关注人数较高,而线上认知性资本高的用户,其回答数量和专栏文章数量较高。这些结果有助于网站管理者识别、关注核心用户、优化用户激励制度,但样本用户为医学、健康话题参与者,结论普适性还有待验证。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]作为目前主流的在线问答社区模式,免费和付费在线问答社区为用户提供了不同的信息交互场景,能够满足差异化的用户需求。本文通过对两类社区用户参与行为的比较,深入揭示了他们之间的行为差异,对两类社区服务模式的优化提供了对策和建议。[方法/过程]采用列联表分析、非参数检验和负二项回归等方法对免费和付费在线问答社区用户的参与特征和交互影响关系进行了分析。[结果/结论]研究发现免费和付费在线问答社区用户在信息需求、参与特征和交互影响关系上存在诸多差异,其中免费在线问答社区具有最多的观点型问题,付费在线问答社区具有最多的建议型问题;免费提问者倾向于用抽象、概括的方式提出问题,付费提问者则倾向于提供详细的背景信息;问题长度负向影响免费回答的数量和长度,正向影响付费回答的长度;问题长度、回答长度正向影响免费和付费评价数量。本文丰富了对在线问答社区用户参与行为的研究,为免费和付费两类社区服务模式优化提供了一定的管理建议。  相似文献   

As new venues of information and tools for information access are emerging, people's online information seeking behavior is dramatically evolving. While a majority of well-established and classical models of information seeking and behavior are still valid, there is a growing need to study and explain novel information sources and information seeking behaviors that are unique to these sources. One emerging domain is social question and answer (Q&A). This article develops a research agenda for social Q&A, reviewing recent studies and identifying core issues, questions, and challenges.  相似文献   

中英文网络问答社区比较研究与评价实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对Web2.0环境下12个典型的中英文网络互动问答社区的基本信息、交互性、个性化服务等方面进行比较研究,并通过一个问答实验按照三个领域4类问题,对其回答问题的质量与效率等方面进行评价。研究结果对网络问答社区的进一步完善与发展提出建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对传统IPA方法在研究中存在的问题,引入一种改进型IPA理论(RIPA)并对社会问答平台答案质量进行研究,从而引导社会问答平台运营商更好地开展服务,提高信息资源内容质量。[方法/过程] 通过分析传统IPA方法在理论上存在的不足,引入一种新的RIPA理论,比较两者在社会问答平台答案质量中的应用,并对研究结果进行相关分析。[结果/结论] RIPA和IPA两种方法在社会问答平台答案质量研究中的应用表明,前者有更高的可行度;同时,"完整性"、"专业性"和"权威性"3个指标是解决社会问答平台答案质量的关键因素,并对社会问答平台的建设提出相关建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在线问答社区成为互联网用户获取高质量知识的重要途径,探索中文问答社区答案质量对知识传播具有重要意义。[方法/过程]以规模最大的中文问答社区之一"知乎"为研究对象,采用数据挖掘和机器学习方法,选取逻辑回归、支持向量机和随机森林三种分类模型,进行三层递进式训练和检验。从结构化特征、文本特征以及用户社交属性三个维度构建答案质量的特征体系。[结果/结论]实验结果显示,随着特征体系的不断丰富,三种分类模型的性能逐步提升;而随机森林作为一种组合分类模型,在全量特征的情况下,取得出色的分类性能。对特征组合分析发现,包含用户社交属性的随机森林总是比同等级的其它模型更加出色,表明社会化网络在答案质量评价中的地位。研究结论表明从答案本身和答案编写者两个角度能够评价答案质量,构建的特征体系和模型可以较为全面地预测答案质量。  相似文献   

金碧漪  许鑫 《图书情报工作》2015,59(12):100-105
[目的/意义] 探究不同类型网络社区中健康主题特征分布,促使各网站平台能够更好地提供在线健康信息服务。[方法/过程] 以糖尿病为例,选取来自健康论坛的社会化标签和社会化问答社区的问答记录作为研究对象;通过数据编码和文本处理的方法,得到八大类主题,并比较两种网络社区中该八大主题分布情况的异同。[结果/结论] 两种网络社区中糖尿病主题冷热分布大体趋于一致。在最为用户所关注的主题上,两类社区各有侧重,分别是“诊断和检查”、“社会生活”。以上探讨和发现对在线健康信息服务质量的提升有诸多启示。  相似文献   

简述社交问答网站信息可信度研究的背景和意义,并对其相关概念进行界定;对社交问答网站信息可信度的研究成果进行梳理,指出并认为社交问答网站信息可信度分析的关键问题应该从信息内容本身以及社会情境两方面入手;结合问答信息的特点以及已有的研究成果,提出一个概念框架来分析用户判断信息可信度过程的动态变化,对社交问答信息可信度研究的未来发展方向进行展望,为进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 以知乎为例,探讨在线问答社区用户之间的协作发起和响应、协作内容的类型以及效果是否存在差异。[方法/过程] 对知乎“健康”话题精华下观点探讨、个人建议、事实陈述3类问题20个答案及2, 287条评论中的220例协作进行内容分析,比较不同协作的差异。[结果/结论] (1)在协作发起动作中,提问与质疑两类动作占据70%-80%,观点探讨类“提出质疑”的发起动作比例更高,且交互性较强的发起动作更能获得回应;(2)协作多发生于作者与评论者之间;(3)共13种交互类型对答案的8个指标有提升效果,尤其能显著提升答案的完整性、细节性和信息量。  相似文献   

This article is the first in the feature to highlight the social network site Twitter as a tool for health information and it reports on a study by Emma Hughes, who completed an MSc in information and library studies at Aberystwyth University in 2014. Emma's research investigated the quality of health information available on Twitter, in particular the information available on UK alcohol consumption guidelines. Her research suggests that users searching for this information would need certain literacy skills to interpret it correctly. However, there is no doubt that Twitter is an increasingly popular resource for information dissemination and health professionals, and organisations should be encouraged to use it frequently as a tool for sharing information. AM  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 代表他人使用互联网搜寻健康信息成为非医学专业人员为患者提供健康信息支持的重要形式,了解替代搜寻者特征及其行为模式将对健康信息服务与传播具有积极意义。[方法/过程] 从参与者人口统计、健康信息搜寻经验和家庭结构3个方面的个体特征变量进行调查,并基于5W(Why-Who-When-Where-What)视角对健康信息替代搜寻者的行为模式进行分析。其中,除了对行为动机Why使用半结构化访谈之外,其余变量均通过问卷调查方法进行测量。[结果/结论] 研究发现,87.0%的在线健康信息搜寻者在近12个月内有帮助别人在线搜寻健康信息的经历;健康信息替代搜寻者的特征包括女性、独生子女、已婚、健康状态较好、有丰富的在线健康信息搜寻经验以及家人有慢性病患者;健康信息替代搜寻者的行为动机包括关怀、利他主义等;替代搜寻者更多地帮助与他们有强社会关系的人搜寻健康信息;替代搜寻者一般在患者就医之前帮助他们在线搜寻健康信息;替代搜寻者的信息来源于搜索引擎、在线健康社区和在线问答社区等;替代搜寻者更加需要与疾病本身相关的一般性信息、日常保健以及治疗相关的信息。  相似文献   

Health professionals as well as students vary greatly in their appetite for medical informatics and evidence-based medicine. The information professional is challenged by the need for instructional programs that support the use of medical informatics to a diverse audience. For teaching programs to be successfully received, the information professional must be able to offer an adaptable curriculum that can be arranged to meet the differing needs of a wide range of health professionals. The Educational Services Department at New York University Medical Center has designed and implemented a multidisciplinary curriculum that serves as a model for health and information professionals to meet a variety of goals and objectives. This paper describes how the curriculum evolved. It is presented as a menu of offerings that may be coordinated and adapted to meet the varying skills and needs of clinicians, basic scientists, residency training programs, medical student clerkships, and nursing and allied health programs. Informatics programs that may include workshops in basic computer skills, identification of information resources, the structure of information, developing search strategies in support of evidence-based medicine, identifying qualitative journal literature, and critical appraisal of the literature, are easily adapted to any audience and schedule.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 代表他人使用互联网搜寻健康信息成为非医学专业人员为患者提供健康信息支持的重要形式,了解替代搜寻者特征及其行为模式将对健康信息服务与传播具有积极意义。[方法/过程] 从参与者人口统计、健康信息搜寻经验和家庭结构3个方面的个体特征变量进行调查,并基于5W(Why-Who-When-Where-What)视角对健康信息替代搜寻者的行为模式进行分析。其中,除了对行为动机Why使用半结构化访谈之外,其余变量均通过问卷调查方法进行测量。[结果/结论] 研究发现,87.0%的在线健康信息搜寻者在近12个月内有帮助别人在线搜寻健康信息的经历;健康信息替代搜寻者的特征包括女性、独生子女、已婚、健康状态较好、有丰富的在线健康信息搜寻经验以及家人有慢性病患者;健康信息替代搜寻者的行为动机包括关怀、利他主义等;替代搜寻者更多地帮助与他们有强社会关系的人搜寻健康信息;替代搜寻者一般在患者就医之前帮助他们在线搜寻健康信息;替代搜寻者的信息来源于搜索引擎、在线健康社区和在线问答社区等;替代搜寻者更加需要与疾病本身相关的一般性信息、日常保健以及治疗相关的信息。  相似文献   

A National Library of Medicine information access grant allowed for a collaborative project to provide computer resources in fourteen clinical practice sites that enabled health care professionals to access medical information via PubMed and the Internet. Health care professionals were taught how to access quality, cost-effective information that was user friendly and would result in improved patient care. Selected sites were located in medically underserved areas and received a computer, a printer, and, during year one, a fax machine. Participants were provided dial-up Internet service or were connected to the affiliated hospital's network. Clinicians were trained in how to search PubMed as a tool for practicing evidence-based medicine and to support clinical decision making. Health care providers were also taught how to find patient-education materials and continuing education programs and how to network with other professionals. Prior to the training, participants completed a questionnaire to assess their computer skills and familiarity with searching the Internet, MEDLINE, and other health-related databases. Responses indicated favorable changes in information-seeking behavior, including an increased frequency in conducting MEDLINE searches and Internet searches for work-related information.  相似文献   

Objectives: To create research bulletins for public health professionals that support knowledge transfer and evidence‐based practice. Methods: The methodology for the bulletins comprises five stages: scoping the topic, searching for relevant literature, selecting and obtaining relevant articles, assessing the quality of articles including evidence grading, producing a comment on quality and implications for practice and writing the research bulletin. An ABC—applicability, brevity and clarity—is considered at each stage to ensure that bulletins meet the needs of their intended audience. Results: Nine research bulletins have been produced on a range of health promotion topics. Bulletins are distributed to Welsh health professionals and are available online. The bulletins have developed since their inception to incorporate evaluation and feedback. Most significant among these developments has been introduction of an Implications for Practice section to promote uptake of research. Conclusions: Research bulletins support busy health professionals in evidence‐based practice by assigning a level of evidence, highlighting implications for practice and providing a comment on quality. The bulletins further develop the extended role for information professionals in knowledge transfer and dissemination.  相似文献   

The use of Q&A for serials fund accounting and for generating related management information is described. Q&A is a flat-file database management system used with IBM compatible microcomputers. The file structures of the accounting system are outlined as are the procedures for obtaining various management reports.  相似文献   

对用户在突发事件情境下的行为、构成和各类用户特征进行分析,结果显示有关突发事件的提问与回答几乎同步,当天提问当天即有人回答;突发事件吸引了大量匿名用户和沉寂用户参与在线问答,活跃用户在回答问题满意度和参与回答数量上都远远高于前两类用户;如果用户为权威用户,其回答被采纳率更高。最后提出一些改善突发事件网络沟通效果的建议。  相似文献   

Background: This paper describes the Judge project, the aim of which was to explore the need for health website quality assessment guidelines for the voluntary sector. Such guidelines would enable health consumers to assess the quality of health sites and assist support groups to produce their own good quality sites. The project was a partnership between the Information Management Research Institute, School of Informatics, Northumbria University and Contact a Family. It was supported by the Health Foundation. Methods: The views of health consumers and support group members and workers were obtained by focus groups (35 attendees) and questionnaires (55 responses). They were asked questions about quality issues and concerns about Internet health information and any help they needed with judging the quality of health websites. Results: The results supported the need for guidelines. The guidelines were written to reflect the requirements of health consumers and support groups articulated from the focus group and questionnaire data. They were then disseminated via a website. Conclusions: There is a need to improve communication and information exchange between health consumers and professionals and official organizations; publicise support groups to patients and carers; set up local Webs of Trust, linking together voluntary and statutory organizations within a locality. Professionals and official organizations in the public sector should make information provision to patients and health consumers a priority. Information provision should be embedded in the clinical setting via guidelines, protocols and administrative structures. Professionals should be trained in the role of information and how to provide it in appropriate ways. Support groups should use the Judge guidelines to assist them in producing good quality websites. Support groups should promote the Judge guidelines to health consumers, to help them make their own quality judgement about health‐information websites.  相似文献   

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