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本文认为:中国农村经济体制变迁的内在原因是传统的“倾斜战略”所导致的农业劳动效率的极度低下以及农业和农村经济的普遍性危机;从1978~1996年中国农村经济体制变迁的历史进程来看,对主要农产品实行“双轨制”的改革,没有取得预期效果;“倾斜战略”所导致的“城市偏向”心态惯性,造成了农户收入增长和粮食供给增长之间的矛盾,在很大程度上决定了我国粮食生产和供给的不正常波动及总体偏紧特征,对各类型地区农户的经济行为均会产生不良影响;我国农村经济的进一步改革,必须以主要农产品的低价强制性收购制度为突破口  相似文献   

现阶段中国农村血缘与姻缘博弈现象探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
改革开放以后,我国农村基层社会结构发生了巨大变化,其中很重要的一点是姻缘关系正在不断融入原先由血缘关系所支配的传统农村“差序格局”体系,对血缘关系构成了挑战。血缘认同下降、姻缘认同上升的根本原因在于市场经济所带来的人们价值理性的不断弱化、工具理性的不断加强,具体原因是家庭内部关系、社会继替关系的变迁,婚姻圈的缩小,择偶标准的变化等。  相似文献   

“河北省农村学前教育研究与资源中心”(以下简称“中心”)面向农村幼儿园教师搞培训,逐步形成并完善了“立体开放式”的培养模式。一、培训模式的“立体性”由于所处的自然环境、经济条件及其文化程度、年龄与教龄等方面的差异,导致了农村幼儿园教师对职前和在职专业培训的多层次需要,从而决定了农村园教师培训的多渠道、多层次、多类型的“立体式”培训格局。  相似文献   

乡土中国社会“差序格局”新趋势   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
费孝通的“差序格局”在今天的乡土中国仍然是一个很有价值的概念。然而,当代乡土中国社会分层结构变迁与欧美发达国家有很多相似之处,从“差序格局”到“团体格局”,由“关系”到“身份”、“单位”,由熟人社会到陌生人社会,进而从身份分层到财产分层再到契约分层,使得“差序格局”增添了新的内容,这就是姻缘关系、拟似血缘关系与业缘关系渗入“差序格局”,导致“差序格局”所包括的社会关系范围在扩大;与此同时,“利益”亦成为“差序格局”中决定人们关系亲疏的一个重要维度。  相似文献   

社会变迁对教育变迁的影响:一种社会学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会无时无刻不在运动,其结果迟早会引起其结构上的一系列变化,即社会变迁。而无论社会变迁的成因中是否会有教育的作用,它迟早都会对教育产生影响,并最终导致教育变迁,问题只在于导致何种及如何导致教育变迁,迄今为止的研究多半将视线主要集中于变迁的“方面”,选择的是“社会变迁的方面→教育变迁的方面”的考察途径。本文拟将视线主要集中于变迁的“类型”,选择“社会变迁的类型→教育变迁的类型”的考察路线,以期凸现社会变迁对教育的影响的一些总体特征。  相似文献   

中国农村是20世纪中国变迁的主流,在20世纪前半期它是中国社会革命的主导力量,20世纪后半期农村变革构成社会建设的生力军,是中国现实改造的巨大动力。本以闽西作为20世纪农村变化的“典型”对象,加以研究剖析,从空间的横断鸨民时间的纵线分析,去揭示闽西农村的变迁以及这种变迁的基本推力,即传统/现代化,国家/社会,理性小农/道义小农等。  相似文献   

农村“留守儿童”问题已成为研究的热点。近几年来,学术界在农村“留守儿童”概念的界定、形成原因、监护类型、社会化、权益保障及支持体系的构建等诸多方面展开了研究,取得了丰硕的成果。但也存在不足之处,今后研究者应当注重基础性研究,加强研究的整体性与系统性,不断拓宽研究渠道,为最终解决农村“留守儿童”问题提供理论基础。  相似文献   

中国农村是20世纪中国变过的主流,在20世纪前半期它是中国社会革命的主导力量,20世纪后半期农村变革构成社会建设的生力军,是中国现实改造的巨大动力。本文以闽西作为20世纪农村变化的“典型”对象,加以研究剖析,从空间的横断结构与时间的纵线分析,去揭示闽西农村的变迁以及这种变迁的基本推力,即传统/现代化,国家/社会,理性小农/遵义小农等。  相似文献   

“组织格局”是抽象社会视角下组织体系和组织间关系的重要概念工具,它与组织理性有深刻的逻辑关系:组织格局是特定抽象社会中,组织理性为根本维度的社会组织的总和势力状态和组织间势力关系状态的基本模式。组织格局有四个元素:(依据组织理性划分的)社会组织的类型、(在组织和社会对比下)“社会组织占有的资源状况”、“主流组织类型”和个体社会组织之间的势力关系。  相似文献   

教育关系与教育法律关系之间的变化与适应具有直接的相关度,构成了我国教育法律制度变迁的理论依据和现实基础。我国现阶段的教育体制改革直接导致了我国现实的教育格局、环境以及各种关系发生着“嬗变”,引发和正在引发一系列的法律问题。为此,必须树立公平优先、兼顾效率的教育法治理念,优化和重构我国现行的教育法律体系,强化政府教育调控职能和行政执法责任,完善学校教育的决策、管理、监督和权利救济机制。  相似文献   

为了探讨友谊质量在师生关系与农村儿童道德敏感性之间的中介作用,采用问卷法对870名农村儿童的道德敏感性、师生关系和友谊质量进行调查.结果 发现:(1)农村儿童的道德敏感性中,规范敏感性最高,责任敏感性最低;同时双亲打工留守儿童的人际敏感性显著低于单亲打工留守儿童.(2)师生关系中的亲密性、支持性、满意度以及儿童的友谊质...  相似文献   

Disagreements between school-aged children were examined as a function of friendship status. 66 same-sex dyads were selected, including equal numbers of "best friends" and nonfriends, who were then observed while playing a board game (a closed-field situation). Conflicts occurred more frequently among friends than among nonfriends and lasted longer. Friends did not talk more during their conflicts than nonfriends, but assertions were used selectively according to friendship and sex: With friends, girls used assertions accompanied by rationales more frequently than boys whereas boys used assertions without rationales more frequently than girls. These sex differences were not evident during conflicts between nonfriends. Results are discussed in relation to the social constraints intrinsic to closed-field competitive conditions as these apply to friendship relations in middle childhood.  相似文献   

功能视角:农村金融组织体系重构的路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国农村金融组织体系存在诸多问题,需要用一种新的视角来重新认识金融经济的关系。我们提出的“功能视角”就是从农村金融组织体系与环境之间的功能关系出发,研究农村金融组织体系应具备的功能。具体地说,就是从环境出发,分析外部环境对农村金融组织体系提出了哪些功能要求,这些功能之间的关系如何,以及如何实现功能的最佳形态。  相似文献   

The loss of friendship can be a frequent occurrence for children as they explore their social worlds and navigate their way through the demands of particular relationships. Given that friendship is a relationship of special regard, and associated with a particular partiality to our friends, the ending of friendship and the subsequent interactions between former friends, can be difficult areas for schools to deal with. Whilst there has been considerable research on the formation and maintenance of friendship, a consideration of what happens after friendship has had surprisingly limited attention. Much of our current understanding of issues on moral behaviour fails to fully address the positioning of former friends in our moral thinking particularly as regards matters arising from the priority of attachment. Recent empirical research seems to indicate that the memory of prior encounters has a far greater influence on future reciprocal exchanges (such as those found in friendship) than previously accepted. This paper considers suggests that this view of memory can be played out in two contrasting ways. First, a prudential view suggests that as our former friends were previously given access to our intimate secrets and confidences, self‐interest would seem to indicate that we treat them well. Secondly, a residual duties view suggests that some obligations remain after the friendship has ended based on the history of the relationship. Finally, I then draw out some of the implications this may have for schools and the education of children.  相似文献   

Most ethnographic fieldwork texts advise us to develop rapport with research participants. Fewer warn us of the problems that might ensue. This paper focuses on rapport's relationship to friendship in ethnographic work and discusses the instrumental role of rapport, the problematic role of friendship, and confusion in interpreting rapport‐building behavior. In traditional ethnographic research, rapport is a trust‐building mechanism that primarily serves the interests of the researcher. Friendship is different from rapport and can confound research objectivity. Yet the similarity of rapport‐building behavior to friendship‐developing behavior can cause misunderstandings and feelings of deception by the researcher and her#shhis others.  相似文献   

Although various work-family policies are available to faculty members, many underuse these policies due to concerns about negative career consequences. Therefore, we believe it is important to develop an academic work culture that is more supportive of work-family needs. Using network data gathered from faculty members at a Midwestern university, this study investigated the relationship between friendship connections with colleagues and perceived work-family supportiveness in the department. It also explored the role of parental status in the relationship for men and women. Results show that faculty with larger friendship networks have more positive perceptions of work-family culture compared to faculty with smaller friendship networks, for all faculty except women without children.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between having a special educational needs background (SEN) and the likelihood of having friends in inclusive classes. We assumed that a combination of individual, dyadic and contextual variables can sufficiently explain the relation between a SEN diagnosis and the likelihood of friendship. Data analysis was based on a cross-sectional sample of students (N = 1241) in second and third grade primary-school classes. To address the different levels adequately, the present study improves upon previous research in two ways: First, the sociometric data were analyzed with the p2 model, a specialized multilevel network model. Second, the study focused solely on friendships and emphasized the concept’s unique features with respect to inclusive education. Data analysis indicated that students with SEN had a decreased probability of becoming friends with their classmates compared to students without SEN. Even when individual, dyadic, and contextual variables were included into the model, the association between a SEN diagnosis and the likelihood of friendship persisted. The implications of the results are discussed with respect to their implications for inclusive teaching practice.  相似文献   

随着中俄友谊的逐步深入,黑河与布拉戈维申斯克市两城关系越来越近。几年来已经打造成"两国一城",双方在文化上相互渗透,相互影响。从两市居民饮酒文化的异同和相互影响两个方面可对中俄酒文化作一番比较。  相似文献   

根据对我国大陆31个省市175所普通高校4.7万名2007级大学新生的调查发现:农村子女就读一般公办本科院校和公办高职高专院校的较多,而"211"高校和独立学院中城市子女占多数;与农村大学生相比,城市大学生对其所读大学达到"满意"的比例更高;择校时,城市大学生更看重"父母、家人或其它亲属的影响或建议",而农村大学生更看重"学费和生活费用因素"。因子分析的结果表明:影响农村大学生择校的有"高校自身的特征"、"外人的影响"、"地缘和学缘"和"高校招生宣传信息"等4个主要因素,而影响城市大学生择校的3个主要因素分别是"高校自身特征"、"地缘、学缘和特殊项目"及"外人的影响"。  相似文献   

This project examines friendship development by identifying behaviors that young children associate with friendship and comparing whether those behaviors match what adults in an enduring friendship recall about the beginnings of their friendships. To examine these questions, young children at a child care facility were interviewed about friendship and 95 adults in enduring friendships identified critical incidents from the beginnings of their friendships. The results not only support past research about what friends mean to young children; but also identifies the ability children have to make distinctions among the many individuals who play with them to be able to label a special person as a best friend. The project proposes that whether childhood friendships become enduring friendships is based on the opportunities the children have to remain friends. It is suggested the opportunity to remain friends is one that can be enhanced by parents and early childhood programs.  相似文献   

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