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旨在运用知识图谱对国内外体育科学领域“专项(性)”知识域进行比较,为我国体育理论与实践领域认识“专项(性)”提供参考。对2 458篇文献的分析发现:国内外“专项(性)”/“Specific(ity)”相关研究存在明显差异,国外的“Specific(ity)”并不完全等于国内的“专项(性)”。国内相关研究主要涉及竞技体育,集中于对“专项体能”等问题的宏观探讨和理论阐述;国外相关研究同时涉及竞技体育和健康促进,集中于运用实证法对康复、运动/锻炼/练习、足球等问题具体而微的探究。国内对“专项体能”的关注似乎难以得到国外“Specific(ity)”相关研究的支撑。建议我国运动训练理论与实践领域跳出“专项与否”的争论,尝试从动作和能量代谢角度来重新认识比赛、训练和测试的生物学特征。  相似文献   

姒刚彦 《体育科学》2006,26(10):43-48,53
从应用运动心理学的角度提出对理想竞技表现(peak performance)新的定义,即理想竞技表现是指在竞赛中时各种逆境的成功应时。从该定义出发,构建了运动员的逆境应对训练模式,这一训练模式由4个阶段组成,即确认或预见典型逆境;找出合适的应时逆境方法;实施个人化的训练;评价训练效果。新定义及其训练模式直接植根于竞技运动实践,并以实例为依据。  相似文献   

王宇 《体育学刊》2023,(1):74-80
教练员领导行为是影响运动员心理素质、竞技水平的关键要素,厘清教练员领导行为与运动员运动表现的关系,对促进科学系统训练、提升运动员竞技水平具有重要意义。通过构建教练员领导行为与运动员运动表现的关系模型,采用分层抽样方法对北京先农坛体校和什刹海体校运动员进行调查,并运用回归分析对调查结果进行实证。结果显示:专制领导行为、民主领导行为、训练指导行为、社会支持行为、积极反馈行为对运动表现都具有显著的正向影响;心理准备在教练员领导行为和运动员运动表现之间存在显著的中介作用;运动焦虑在民主领导行为、社会支持行为、积极反馈行为对运动员运动表现之间存在显著的中介作用,而在专制领导行为和训练指导行为对运动员运动表现的中介效应不显著。研究表明,教练员的不同领导行为及方式对提高运动员运动表现具有不同效果。教练员应及时调整运动员心理准备,降低运动员心理焦虑,提升运动员心理素质,促进运动员自我价值提升,进而促使运动员获得更好的运动表现。  相似文献   

运动员竞技能力非衡结构补偿理论与“积木模型”的创建实现了竞技能力系统结构与功能的统一,在训练实践中正在作为一种指导性理论得到推行。作者对该理论提出了几点思考,认为:一般模型不能满足运动员竞技能力个性化发展的要求,而竞技能力非衡结构个体模型的建立存在构建原理与方法上的困难;运动员竞技能力非衡结构稳定性在内外可控与不可控因素的作用下只存在于某一阶段;部分运动员的竞技能力非衡结构会因敏感要素的相同或类似表现出群类特征。  相似文献   

闫琪  赵鹏  于涛  崔新雯 《体育科学》2023,(11):3-14+39
“康复体能一体化”训练理念是竞技体育和运动科学不断发展的必然结果,这一理念打破了学科壁垒,其核心本质是以功能为主导,建立起体能教练和运动康复人员之间良好的沟通和协作机制,最终目标是为了帮助运动员加快伤病恢复、提高体能水平并尽快安全地重返赛场。从体能的视角来看,“康复体能一体化”训练理念拓展了体能教练的工作范畴,将功能训练作为体能训练的重要组成部分,通过应用功能训练方法帮助运动员缓解慢性疼痛、改善功能障碍和提高功能动作模式质量,从而破除运动队对于常见功能问题束手无策的困境。目前,“康复体能一体化”训练理念在竞技体育中的应用前景广阔,已受到国内外学者的广泛重视,并预计未来将会得到更深入的研究和实践应用。在当前我国大力推动“主动健康”的大背景下,“康复体能一体化”训练理念的提出在减轻医疗压力、改善大众健康方面有着巨大的发展潜力,也将作为国家实施“体医融合”战略落地的关键途径。然而,如何在不同群体中开发适宜的训练方案,仍需包括体能在内的各相关领域的多学科专家共同开展深入研究。  相似文献   

竞技体育学理论和运动训练学理论不是一个层次的理论问题,传统竞技体育学理论涵盖了运动员选材学、运动训练学、运动竞赛学以及竞技体育管理学等4个子学科;从竞技体育学理论体系结构的完整性和运动选材学科发展的需要,有必要把“运动员选材学”发展成为“运动选材学”;并提出了新的竞技体育理论体系构成的有序结构,使竞技体育专项系统层的目标、任务更加明确,为运动训练各个阶段训练工作的具体操作确定明确的方向。  相似文献   

运动训练学理论研究中的中国流   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
回顾与总结了半个世纪来我国运动训练学理论研究的发展历程,概括了我国运动训练学者引进、吸收和借鉴国外运动训练理论的精华,总结了我国世界级竞技运动员成功的训练经验,在项群训练理论、运动员科学选材、优势项目制胜规律、竞技能力结构理论及训练理论和实践的同步发展五个领域取得的研究成果,构成了运动训练学理论研究中的“中国流”。  相似文献   

杨时 《体育科研》2012,33(4):85-88
通过步态分析、等速力量、功能性动作(FMS)和十字韧带功能测试等综合手段,对运动员进行前交叉韧带(ACL)损伤后的评估,根据得到的结果分析并对进行相应的康复体能训练(包括本体感觉训练、柔韧性训练、平衡训练、核心力量训练和下肢离心力量训练和plyometric爆发力训练)。发现通过针对性的功能性训练,可有效降低运动员ACL损伤的再发生、缩短损伤后竞技能力与运动表现恢复周期,体现了其在康复体能训练方面的价值。  相似文献   

飞轮等惯性训练(以下简称"飞轮训练")因其特殊的离心运动和抗阻运动性能而受到教练员和科研人员的重视。通过飞轮训练对运动员和大众人群的损伤和康复等相关研究进行综述,理清了飞轮训练的起源与发展,分析影响其背后的生理机制,进一步探究改善肌肉萎缩、预防损伤和神经康复等方面的研究进展。研究发现,飞轮训练最早用于预防航天员太空失重环境下的肌肉萎缩问题,后来被逐渐运用到竞技体育和康复领域。影响飞轮训练的生理机制包括肌肉过度牵拉产生的牵张反射、神经系统动员的效果和肌腱复合体的效果。飞轮训练在改善肌肉萎缩和老年人生活表现方面具有显著效果,并且在预防运动损伤、提高损伤后的康复和中枢神经系统的适应性方面具有优越性。  相似文献   

我国蹦床女子竞技水平现状分析与研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄强  卓贤宁 《体育科学》2003,23(1):62-66
通过文献、比赛现场与录相观察、数据统计等研究方法,对在新规则下,我国蹦床女子单人网上竞技水平和存在问题进行分析与研究。结果表明:我国蹦床女子单人竞技水平显著提高,与世界水平差距缩短;我国尖子运动员开始具备世界先进水平的实力;但我国优秀运动员在规定动作和整体竞技水平上仍存在一定的差距。今后发展的方向为“准、高、难、稳、美”;加强技术训练,提高动作质量为重点,适度发展难度为训练指导思想;尖子运动员要以质量与难度并重发展。  相似文献   

功能动作训练的重要意义在于优化人体各个动作模式、预防运动损伤、加强康复效果和质量、提高运动员的耐用性和延长运动寿命。在我国高水平运动训练前沿实践领域,现代动作科学理论与前沿方法的应用,正体现在我国多支顶级水平国家队常规系统的训练中,日益广泛和深入地实施功能动作训练,为运动队和运动员们创造超乎寻常的运动成绩,为他们备战2012年伦敦奥运会保驾护航。  相似文献   

竞技体育项目中,核心力量的增强能够帮助运动员有效提升竞技能力,这一观念已被海内外众多体育领域的专家学者所认可。核心力量作为一个研究的热点,在运动训练、体育竞赛、运动损伤、运动康复等诸多领域的作用也随着日益深入的研究显现得更加清晰。核心力量训练对竞技成绩的提升有着深层次的推动,任何竞技运动项目中对身体核心肌群的训练都是训练成绩的重要保障。因此针对不同的竞技项目,结合专项特点进行核心力量训练就显得异常关键。本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、专家访谈法对羽毛球项目中核心力量训练的意义以及核心力量训练的方法与手段进行研究和探讨,旨在为羽毛球教练员、运动员和从事羽毛球项目研究的体育工作者提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

We hypothesised that resiliency may protect adolescents against risky behaviours, and that both the practicing of sports, and gender are moderating variables in relationships between resiliency and risky behaviours. The study included 18-year-old pupils from a selection of secondary schools (n = 556). A total of 188 individuals practiced competitive sports and the remaining 368 participants were non-athletes. The participants were examined with the Resiliency Assessment Scale for Children and Adolescents (SPP-18) and with a survey containing questions and statements related to high-risk “experiments with adulthood”. Adolescent athletes showed higher levels of resiliency than their peers. The power of the “Determination and Persistence in Action” effect on “Alcohol” scale differed significantly between male athletes and male non-athletes. Only in the athletes groups were higher scores on this scale reflected by lower values on the “Drugs” scale. Moreover, it is possible to observe differences in undertaking risky behaviour between male and female athletes. The analysis of risky sexual behaviour suggests that sport is a risk factor for men, and a protective factor for women. These data suggest that consistent prophylactic and psycho-educative activities, with a special attention to differences between genders, should be provided to all the adolescents, irrespective of their sport performance levels.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to examine the stressors experienced by injured athletes during three phases of their recovery from sport injury, and (b) to explore the differences in the stressors experienced by team as compared to individual-sport athletes. Participants comprised previously injured high-level rugby union players (n = 5) and golfers (n = 5). Semi-structured interviews were used to explore the stressors participants experienced during three phases of injury (onset, rehabilitation and return to competitive sport). Within- and cross-case analyses showed that athletes experienced sport, medical/physical, social and financial stressors. There were a number of differences in the stressors experienced across the three phases and between team and individual-sport athletes. Findings have important implications for the design and implementation of interventions aimed at managing the potentially stressful sport injury experience and facilitating injured athletes' return to competitive sport.  相似文献   

运动心理学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
概述竞技运动心理、大众锻炼心理和体育教育心理3个领域的研究进展,并提出今后的研究展望.在竞技运动领域,运动心理学家最关注3个领域:运动员认知特征和人格特征、运动员心理状态的检测和评价、运动员心理调节能力的提高.锻炼与心理健康的关系是大众锻炼心理领域关注的重点.体育教育心理研究突出表现在重视对学生体育学习心理的研究,应用性研究增多,对重要的基础理论探索更加深入.但在学生体育学习心理特点和体育教学心理建设功能领域低层次重复性研究较多.运动心理学研究将主要围绕运动员心理训练、各种生理指标在监测与评价运动员心理状态或心理机能时的信度与效度、运动员的运动认知和身体锻炼与心理健康关系4个方面展开.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to examine the stressors experienced by injured athletes during three phases of their recovery from sport injury, and (b) to explore the differences in the stressors experienced by team as compared to individual-sport athletes. Participants comprised previously injured high-level rugby union players (n = 5) and golfers (n = 5). Semi-structured interviews were used to explore the stressors participants experienced during three phases of injury (onset, rehabilitation and return to competitive sport). Within- and cross-case analyses showed that athletes experienced sport, medical/physical, social and financial stressors. There were a number of differences in the stressors experienced across the three phases and between team and individual-sport athletes. Findings have important implications for the design and implementation of interventions aimed at managing the potentially stressful sport injury experience and facilitating injured athletes' return to competitive sport.  相似文献   


The present study investigated the role of chronic sport participation in the modulation of vigilance and inhibitory control. We also aimed to disentangle the relative contribution of different types of sport expertise and sport-related fitness to the exercise-cognition relationship. Three groups of young adults differing in their chronic sport expertise (externally-paced sports, n?=?22, self-paced sports, n?=?22, non-athletes, n?=?22) took part in the study. Participants completed a cardiovascular fitness test, a hand-eye coordination test and two different types of vigilance tasks: (1) Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) and (2) Oddball Task, which were designed to gain insight into the cognitive processes involved in sustaining attention over time and allocating selective attention by exerting inhibitory control, respectively. No differences were found in PVT performance between the two athlete groups and between self-paced sports athletes and non-athletes, whereas athletes from externally-paced sports outperformed non-athletes. Crucially, athletes from externally-paced sports also differed from those of self-paced sports and non-athletes in the Oddball task, showing less omission and commission errors. The sport expertise effect was independent of participant’s cardiovascular fitness while hand-eye coordination modulated vigilance and inhibitory control performance. Our findings add novel empirical evidence to the role of expertise in cognitively demanding sports as an important factor in the relationship between exercise and cognition.  相似文献   


This article seeks to provide a comprehensive review of existing literature relating to the use of the Vienna Test System (VTS) in sport psychology research. A comprehensive search of major databases such as SPORTDiscus, PsycINFO, and Google Scholar yielded 22 studies related to the topic of interest. The results showed that VTS was used to compare athletes and non-athletes, as well as athletes from different sports and levels. It was also used to investigate the effect of certain factors on athlete cognitive performance, to induce ego depletion in athletes, and was shown to be a reliable and valid measure of coordinated motor abilities. The review demonstrates that VTS is a useful objective measure of various psychological constructs, and can be used to complement existing subjective measures in the field. There is great potential in using VTS to provide both researchers and applied sport psychologists with valuable information to aid them in their work with athletes, and future research should aim to identify VTS tests that are relevant to each particular sport.  相似文献   

Limited data are available on the female athlete triad (Triad) in athletes from minority groups. We explored subclinical and clinical Triad components amongst adolescent elite Kenyan athletes (n = 61) and non-athletes (n = 49). Participants completed demographic, health, sport and menstrual history questionnaires as well as a 5-day weighed dietary record and exercise log to calculate energy availability (EA). Ultrasound assessed calcaneus bone mineral density (BMD). Eating Disorder Inventory subscales and the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire’s cognitive dietary restraint subscale measured disordered eating (DE). EA was lower in athletes than non-athletes (36.5 ± 4.5 vs. 39.5 ± 5.7 kcal ? kg FFM?1 ? d?1, P = 0.003). More athletes were identified with clinical low EA (17.9% vs. 2.2%, OR = 9.5, 95% CI 1.17–77, P = 0.021) and clinical menstrual dysfunction (32.7% vs. 18.3%, χ2 = 7.1, P = 0.02). Subclinical (75.4% vs. 71.4%) and clinical DE (4.9% vs. 10.2%, P = 0.56) as well as BMD were similar between athletes and non-athletes. More athletes had two Triad components than non-athletes (8.9% vs. 0%, OR = 0.6, 95% CI 0.5–6.9, P = 0.05). Kenyan adolescent participants presented with one or more subclinical and/or clinical Triad component. It is essential that athletes and their entourage be educated on their energy needs including health and performance consequences of an energy deficiency.  相似文献   

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