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我国冬季竞技体育后备人才综合素质的培养   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
结合我国冬季竞技体育后备人才培养现状和运动训练工作的实际需要,从将综合素质教育思想融入到竞技体育后备人才训练的重要性入手,论述了我国冬季竞技体育后备人才运动训练与德育、智育、心理教育、美育及劳动教育的辩证关系。在我国冬季竞技体育后备人才的运动训练中,必须激发青少年运动员刻苦训练、攀登运动技术高峰的内在思想动机并化为自觉行动;必须启发青少年运动员学习和掌握运动技术的智力运用,培养具有智力教育支持的全面发展的体育人才;不仅要培养青少年运动员具有过硬的运动技能,更要培养其具有出色的心理能力;引入美育,促进青少年运动员身体机能协调发展,激发青少年运动员创造美好事物的热情和力量;通过劳动教育,培养青少年运动员学会发展等能力。只有具备一定的综合素质,才能成为全面发展的竞技体育高水平人才,才能适应现代社会对体育人才的需求。  相似文献   

价值论方法的介入为我国体育基本理论的研究提供了一种新的有效工具。通过对体育的自然价值和人文价值的分析,说明追求健康是当代体育的核心价值,健康价值观是当代体育的主导价值观。在学校体育中要确立正确完整的健康价值观,将体育教育观、终身体育观融合到健康价值观中;在高水平竞技运动中,要明确健康价值观的主导地位,摒弃非健康的竞技体育价值观,形成和谐的竞技体育价值观;在大众体育中,要树立"全民健康"的体育价值观,用"全民健康"价值观指导和促进全民健身运动。  相似文献   

苏冠源  王健  王桂芳 《精武》2012,(18):90-91
音奥会承载回归奥林匹克精神的使命,是让奥运会找回本质的活动。顾拜旦曾经提出过运动会形式的教育功能,对体育教育发展有重要的意义。第二届世界青年奥运会即将在南京举办,此次的体育盛会对江苏省学校体育的发展有机遇也有挑战。面对生活水平不断提高,但却普遍缺少营养科学知识和体育锻炼知识;社会的竞争激烈,升学压力增大,使得学生睡眠不足,精神紧张,在学校参加各种体育锻炼少,这些问题是主要影响学生健康的因素。2014年南京青奥会的举办对江苏省学校体育发展是一次重要的机遇,应当充分利用这一机遇,让竞技运动成为江苏省青少年生活中不可缺少的生活要素,遗到江苏省青少年的体质健康明显上升的目的。  相似文献   

我国排球运动发展速度,要跟上这发展速度,逐渐壮大的竞技体育队伍就必须有完备的竞技体育体系。其中,后备人才培养问题是该体系中的重要一部分。后备人才培养途径是否科学,是否紧跟竞技体育的发展,这将决定一个国家该项竞技体育总体水平的高低。依据竞技体育发展规律,参考竞技体育发达国家的发展历程,结合我国的基本国情,研究认为我国排球运动应该走职业化和学校化,职业化和学校化平行、平衡发展的道路。  相似文献   

德国竞技运动人才培养对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者于2012年9月赴德国就竞技运动人才培养情况进行了专题调研,在此基础上,对我国竞技运动人才培养提出几点启示.1德国青少年竞技运动人才培养1.1体育俱乐部德国奥林匹克体育联合会是竞技运动最重要、最具权威的管理机构.政府(联邦、州和地方三个层次的政府机构)在体育管理中扮演协作者的角色,只对国家事业有关的体育活动提供资助。  相似文献   

振兴足球是建设体育强国的必然要求,是实现中国梦的重要组成部分。理解这一国家战略要从促进青少年国民性形成、带动群体活动开展、提升竞技体育影响力以及推动体育产业发展等4个方面进行思考。研究认为,足球是一项全面促进青少年身心健康的体育运动;足球项目的发展可以带动其他项目以及群众体育的开展,为全社会营造良好的锻炼氛围;推广足球这项世界性运动,能够提升中国竞技体育的影响力;足球产业的发展对改善我国体育产业落后的现状有积极意义。  相似文献   

缪佳 《体育科研》2014,(1):25-27
青少年身心健康、体魄强健,是一个民族旺盛生命力的体现,是社会文明进步的标志,更是建设强国的关键.和竞技体育承担建设强国任务相比,青少年的健康对建设强国更有直接的意义.在我国全面深化改革的今天,竞技体育的改革创新,就是要更加全面地认识竞技体育的社会价值,使竞技体育从为国争光拓展到为大众体育服务;竞技体育的发展应和促进青少年的健康保持一致;竞技体育应成为培养全面发展人才的重要手段.  相似文献   

<正>党的二十大报告指出,广泛开展全民健身活动,加强青少年体育工作,促进群众体育和竞技体育全面发展,加快建设体育强国。其中明确提出了四个体育方面的概念:全民健身、青少年体育、群众体育、竞技体育。学习贯彻党的二十大精神,首先,要明确青少年体育主要是指学校体育。亿万青少年在学校,学校体育就是面向青少年的体育。学校体育是人员覆盖面最广、运动竞技水平最高、参与人数最多、社会影响力最大的青少年体育。  相似文献   

青少年体育是我国体育事业的重要组成部分,关系着国家和民族的未来,是我国竞技体育的后备保障和群众体育的雄厚基础。我国青少年体育面临着监管责任不明确、竞技体育视域下出现错位、健康观念存在争论、教育对体育缺失、增强体质方面功能未得到重视等诸多问题。我国青少年体育需要政府高度重视;需要各类体育活动开展的质量;需要构建社会、学校、家庭三位一体模式;需要加强对运动本身风险的评估与研究。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法等比较分析中美两种文化传统和各自所处的社会发展位置对青少年运动行为的影响.在文化传统方面,中国的相对静态社会特征约束了青少年的运动思想和行为,而美国粗犷的个人主义思想和物质价值观使全社会都推崇体育运动.在体育现代化过程中,发达国家的体育文化影响着我国的传统体育价值观,推动了我国青少年运动的积极性和主动性;美国在体育文化扩张的过程中激发了美国青少年对运动的热爱和对职业体育的向往.建议鼓励青少年体育兴趣的个体表达,推动青少年体育的发展.  相似文献   

以2010年首届新加坡青年奥运会为实证分析,发现青奥会的成功举办使得体育赛事回归本质:全民参与成为赛事举办的目的,竞技比赛成为赛会的展示平台,同时通过组委会一系列文化教育计划培养年轻人积极的生活态度。由此,从青奥会透视出大型体育赛事运行理念的嬗变:全球可持续发展视角下,强调人与社会、自然的和谐发展,其中低碳经济、瘦身规模、城市互动和精英示范是大型体育赛事运行理念的发展方向。  相似文献   

论青奥会的创新、使命与发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国际奥委会与时俱进,创立了青少年奥林匹克运动,为现代奥林匹克运动增添了鲜活的生命力.青奥会基于青年,面向未来,以比赛的形式召集全世界优秀青少年,在青少年中开展奥林匹克价值观宣传和普及工作.青奥会肩负着教育青少年的历史使命,通过特色鲜明的文化与教育计划,着眼于青少年的健康与身、心、精神的和谐发展,最终实现奥林匹克精神本质的回归.作为国际奥委会的"创新产品",青奥会与奥运会互为补充和发展,在传媒关注、商业开发、文化差异以及项目设置上有其独特之处和极大的发展空间.在此基础上,文章建议青奥会应处理好四个关系:商业开发与社会公益的关系;精英比赛与青少年教育的关系;青奥会与其他各项奥运赛事的关系以及面向世界青年与少数国家垄断金牌的关系.  相似文献   

This paper explores the awareness of the young German and Norwegian participants in the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) of the additional educational mission of this new event, implemented by the International Olympic Committee. Among the questions considered are whether the nature of the event contradicts its claimed intention to focus on both competition and education. Data were collected through a set of interviews with young German and Norwegian athletes at the Singapore YOG in the summer of 2010 and the Innsbruck YOG in the winter of 2012. The findings revealed (1) a focus on elite sport by athletes and their coaches, while the educational aims were considered secondary; (2) that it was problematic for the young participants to focus on education in a high-performance event. The overall conclusion was that the YOG have had only limited success in achieving the educational ambitions of the Olympic Movement.  相似文献   

Impact and legacy research of touristic issues has become more popular with the appearance of manifold approaches to examining tourism. In recent years, the region of Western Austria has successfully staged multi-sport youth events, with two being staged in Innsbruck, Tyrol (YOG 2012; ICG 2016) and one in the region of Montafon, Vorarlberg (EYOF, 2015). This leads to the assumption that the high frequency of youth sports events in these regions necessitates and therefore also follows a set hosting policy or at least a strategic approach to event bidding and staging. To examine these assumptions, a mix of desk research and qualitative interviews was chosen, encompassing bidding files, final reports, official tourism statistics, press releases from tourism boards, political working papers, internal documents and interviews with organising committee members, event experts and political representatives. Staging youth sports events is found to have left legacies in Western Austria such as generating immediate overnight stays in the low season and creating a positive image for the host regions, depending on the frequency with which events are staged and affirming the purpose of using events to boost tourism. The host areas lacked a written (youth sport) strategy and unexpectedly, the existing strategies do not include the youth sports events. However, it can be assumed in the case of Innsbruck that a hidden event strategy exists. In conclusion, the study reveals the importance of sharing events and their benefits among the various local stakeholders, thus branding the region as a host city.  相似文献   

黄雅男 《体育科技》2012,33(2):8-10,14
青少年奥林匹克运动会(The Youth Olympic Games,YOG)是一项旨在让青年们受到奥林匹克价值教育,从运动中收获健康生活方式而设立的体育赛事。青奥会需要大量的志愿者为其服务,青年学生们是青奥会的主人,学生志愿者发挥着重要的作用,成为青奥会成功举办的重要条件之一。他们在参加青奥会志愿活动中,开阔眼界、增长才干、展示自我,除了发挥自己的一技之长之外,也为他人提供服务。  相似文献   

On the basis of the Youth Olympic Games (YOG), we assess if and how the youth in the communities of the YOG host cities have been influenced concerning their perception of the Olympic values (OV) and the Olympic movement (OM). Special attention of the study is paid to the analysis of intervention mechanisms which the local youth underwent (e.g. attending the YOG on-site, participating in school programmes). Our study was conducted among 1004 adolescents living in the host region three years after the Innsbruck 2012 YOG had been staged. Our analyses extend the corresponding literature by (1) showing that the YOG and the involvement of the local youth in such an event have the power of creating an interest in the OM and its events, but do not have the power to influence the young citizens’ perception of the OV significantly; (2) illustrating that the perception adolescents have of the OV depend mainly on their socio-demographic background, their a priori interest in sports events, social capital (norms, institutional trust) and the extent to which the youngsters follow the event in the different media; and (3) corroborating the hypothesis that intervention programmes (e.g. school programmes) for promoting (Olympic) values and ideals should not be single, obligatory and isolated activities. We conclude that it is not surprising that the International Olympic Committee has reformulated the goals for the YOG in the Olympic Agenda 2020, as some goals relating to the promotion of the OV might have been a mission impossible.  相似文献   

举办青奥会的目的在于在年轻人中普及奥运理念,实现教育、文化和体育的结合。青奥会传播的核心内容是文化。因此,除了办好青奥赛事外,还要充分发挥青奥会跨文化传播的功能。文章通过对青奥会跨文化传播效应的阐述,分析当前我国青少年的体育价值取向,并对青奥会跨文化传播对我国青少年体育价值取向的影响和重构进行思考。  相似文献   

A questionnaire consisting of 20 positive and negative statements frequently made about youth sports was completed by 423 nonschool youth sport coaches from Illinois and Missouri. The coaches indicated to what degree they agreed with the statements for the sport in general, and for the particular program in which they coached. Coaches from eight sports were sampled: baseball/softball, basketball, football, gymnastics, hockey, soccer, swimming, and wrestling. The results revealed that coaches have generally favorable attitudes toward youth sports, supporting the value of participation for the well-being of children. One exception to the coaches' generally favorable attitudes was their moderate agreement that too much emphasis is placed on winning. It also was found that the coaches' 20 specific agreement ratings could be reduced to 4 interpretable factors—“positive attitudes,” “negative facets of youth sports programs,” “negative consequences for participants,” and “equipment and facilities not adequate.” Factor scores computed for these factors were found to differ as a function of sport coached and the coach's education, formal training, coaching experience, sex, occupation, and community size. In a second section of the survey, the coaches rated the importance of including various technical and sport science topics in coaching clinics and workshops.  相似文献   

采用文献资料等方法,对2014年青奥会促进南京文明城市建设的契合点及其策略进行研究,结果表明:青奥会促进青少年的思想道德建设;青奥会与文明城市建设共成长;促进了青奥核心价值与文明城市核心价值的高度融合;青奥文化与教育计划提升南京城市文化等是青奥会与文明城市人文环境建设的契合点。建议加强城市公共空间的建设,形成体育是一种健康生活方式的文化理念,借助青奥会加强城市品牌营销推广和文化软实力的建设,注重体育文化产业化的发展。  相似文献   

Hailed as the flagship of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) strategy regarding young people, the organising of the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) was approved by the IOC in 2007 and Singapore was subsequently selected as the first host city for the summer YOG. Although the YOG is going to be the first new event the IOC has staged since the 1924 winter Olympic Games, its novelty may not be as radical as first impressions may suggest. This paper charts the chronological development of the YOG through a broad overview of little-known Youth Olympic Festivals, which the YOG is reported to be modelled after, and traces the political/economical/ideological contexts for the conception of the YOG. Despite being the latest addition to the Olympics family, the YOG is not spared from conflicts and tensions which inundated the Olympic Games. This paper aims to exemplify the range of debates presented by the launch of the YOG and contribute to the literature examining the opportunities and challenges presented by the launch of the YOG.  相似文献   

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