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The 21st century technical services librarian has access to a plethora of electronic and online work tools from which to choose to complete daily tasks. An assessment of the Western Kentucky University Libraries (WKUL) 19 benchmark institutions shows a great disparity of online work tools made available through university libraries technical services departmental Web sites. Four areas (technical services, cataloging, serials, and acquisitions) are discussed. Outcomes indicate that (1) few of these institutions list online work tools and (2) of those that do, there is very little overlap. This paper investigates this phenomenon of inconsistent technical services online work tools.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(27-28):5-16
Reference librarians are persons who deal with users directly, providing services which cover a wide range of subjects and formals. Sometimes these librarians have subject expertise or are strong in certain areas. Serials librarians are also providing services to users but the nature of their contribution is sometimes overlooked, often misunderstood. The serials librarian can provide a useful link to the world of periodicals, journals, directories and other reference sources because he or she is familiar with the types of materials available, the treatment of serials, and the problems which are posed by this format's complexity. This paper presents the role of the serials librarian not only as a technical services professional, but also as a valuable associate to reference and public services. The main purpose of this discussion is to describe ways in which both reference and serials librarians can work together toward the ultimate goal of providing quality patron service.  相似文献   

The sources and access points of sport science literature are discussed, with the intent to provide a practical guide for the health science librarian, regardless of the size or type of library involved. Sport science literature is still scattered throughout publications directed to many different groups. Not centrally indexed, without standardized terminology, the holdings are dispersed among various types of libraries and documentation centers. The lists provided include professional associations, online computer databases, indexes and abstract services, journals and serials, and books, all intended to aid the health sciences librarian interested in establishing a sporf science collection.  相似文献   


Saint Leo University faculty provide instruction at SCE sites located on eight community college campuses and three military bases in the Florida region. This article will examine ways in which the Distance Learning/Reference (DL/Ref) librarian facilitates off-campus student access to both the university library's online and print resources and to library resources at nearby supporting, or “proximal,” libraries for students who are too far from the University Campus to use anything except the Ask-a-Librarian, 1–800 reference, and Interlibrary Loan services. These students must rely on proximal libraries, which include large public library systems, library consortia, community college libraries, and military base libraries, for access to print resources as well as Internet access to the university's online content. Providing library access services for such a large, disparate group requires the additional combined efforts of administrators, other faculty librarians, and supporting libraries.  相似文献   

It is broadly acknowledged that effective serials management supports and requires a close link between the staff in technical and public services. More recently, new technological opportunities combined with changes in library organization and administration have greatly facilitated this linkage. The nature and structure of a library’s organization can aid in and benefit from this connectedness. Departments in the University of Louisville’s public and technical services areas began a cooperative effort to maintain serials records in the online catalog in the early 1990s. With reorganization in the late 1990s, a new team structure emerged which further facilitated this effort. In return, this cooperation and the tools that it has created support the teams in a new user-centered approach to serials management.  相似文献   

East Tennessee State University has a diverse student population of approximately 12,500 students. Recent statistics have indicated that the student body is bypassing the physical library building, including reference services, and connecting to online sources from off campus. With only six public service librarians whose duties include interlibrary loan, instruction, and other key library functions, librarians are limited in their ability to provide outreach to those students who might never enter the library. In this article, the authors describe the decision process in developing outreach librarian positions for the graduate programs librarian and the undergraduate student services librarian and discuss the specific services that these librarians provide to students.  相似文献   

文章以镜众传播视角调查研究网络直播在我国省级公共图书馆的应用现状,为丰富发展省级公共图书馆网络直播提供有价值的参考。论文首先切入镜众传播理论,将镜众传播理论与网络直播直接联系,构建镜众传播下的省级公共图书馆网络直播模式,随后调查研究了省级公共图书馆微博与微信应用网络直播的现状,并从镜众传播视角将网络直播在我国省级公共图书馆开展过程中存在的问题进行总结,最后提出相关发展对策。在镜众传播视角下,我国省级公共图书馆若想进一步发展网络直播,未来须在发展镜众群体、培养一批图书馆自己的馆员主播、升级现有的网络直播模式与内容、建立有效的用户反馈机制上下功夫。  相似文献   

Electronic journals portend tremendous advantages to libraries. Patron access is swift and sure; these journals are never missing from the shelves, and they need not be delayed for technical processing because they can be ‘sent’ to public display and serials maintenance almost simultaneously. However, how will library users know what journals are available to them? They should be able to find electronic journals through the same means they find information in all other formats—through libraries’ online catalogs. The phrase ‘mark it and park it’ has not lost its relevance in the virtual library environment.  相似文献   

Controlled vocabulary and subject headings in OPAC records have proven to be useful in improving search results. The authors used a survey to gather information about librarian opinions and professional use of controlled vocabulary. Data from a range of backgrounds and expertise were examined, including academic and public libraries, and technical services as well as public services professionals. Responses overall demonstrated positive opinions of the value of controlled vocabulary, including in reference interactions as well as during bibliographic instruction sessions. Results are also examined based upon factors such as age and type of librarian.  相似文献   


“Sometimes the perfect solution is not an option” was the opening attention-grabber for this workshop. From different perspectives, a library director, a serials librarian, and a serials vendor each recognized a trend towards library directors becoming more directly involved in collection development and technical services decision-making. The presenters believe a number of factors are creating this trend, including tighter budgets but higher service expectations, increasing availability and importance of library materials in electronic formats, and their accompanying complexity, costs, and related issues. This interactive workshop explored several scenarios related to the changing roles of library directors, serials librarians and vendors.  相似文献   

大多数图书馆都开展了学科馆员服务,但有些非常重要的问题被图书馆界的研究者们忽略了。例如,学科馆员应具备专业背景,以支撑学科馆员服务工作;图书馆应确立馆藏资源建设在学科馆员制度中的核心地位,明确学科馆员从事具体资源采选工作的职责;图书馆应建设合理、完善的学科馆员考核制度、激励机制。  相似文献   


The management issues facing those who deal with serials in special libraries may be common to all special libraries, unique to the particular discipline, or shared by all libraries struggling to deal with serials in the 1990s. A law librarian and a medical librarian described the history, nature, and use of serial literature in their respective subject areas, and discussed important customer issues facing their libraries, including the financial aspects. They were joined by a vendor's representative who summarized the similarities and differences in these library situations from a vendor's perspective, including the opportunities and limitations of the vendor/special library relationship.  相似文献   

当新媒体遇上5G,如何将线下工作转至线上开展?打破空间壁垒,为读者提供更优质的服务将成为未来图书馆发展的重点,直播技术为图书馆线上工作提供契机。文章选取42所双一流高校图书馆、32所省级公共图书馆作为代表进行调研,从直播的数量、内容、对象、时间和平台及效果反馈等方面进行剖析。调研发现,目前图书馆直播服务中存在无规划、平台散乱、渠道单一等问题,文章针对性地提出整改对策,以期为之后同类服务的开展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(27-28):367-378
The creation of two core serials lists, a general reference serials list and a general periodicals list, is examined in a case study of a medium-sized, multi-branch public library. Definition, purpose and background of core serials lists are given, and the methodologies for creating core lists of serials for various purposes are reviewed. The process of core serials list creation at the Tucson Public Library is described and recommendations for other small and medium public libraries wishing to develop and maintain their own core lists are made.  相似文献   

学科馆员制度与服务是大学图书馆的一项新的制度与服务。关于学科馆员的研究已成为图书馆学的研究热点。本文是在作者有关学科馆员的系列学术报告基础上完成的,讨论了学科馆员工作在大学图书馆的开展,分析了学科馆员工作的十个关键步骤。作者总结了南开大学图书馆学科馆员工作经验,提出了一些建议。参考文献3。  相似文献   

Public librarians in South Korea assist users in obtaining information on a variety of topics. However, health-related information and services have a lower profile than other services due to a perceived lack of librarian expertise in searching and evaluating health resources. Although public library users are actively seeking health information, it has become critical for both public librarians and users to develop skills for using and evaluating Internet health resources. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify a set of useful criteria to evaluate online health web sites for both librarians and library users. From a comprehensive literature review, 33 criteria related to health website evaluation were identified. Using this set of criteria, South Korean public librarians and users were asked to rate the importance of each criterion in surveys. A strong consensus was found between the two groups. The top 10 most highly rated criteria from both groups were identified and compared. The results led to the development of an initial set of 12 evaluation criteria for health websites. It is expected that the final set of criteria will be used by public librarians to recommend the best health websites to their users. Although the study was conducted in South Korean public libraries, the findings are applicable in providing evaluation services of health websites to libraries worldwide.  相似文献   

The study evaluated online reference services through social networking sites in selected university libraries in Nigeria. A survey approach was adopted to ascertain patrons’ level of awareness, their preferences, and the sources from which they were informed of the existence of the service. Findings revealed that patrons are aware that their university libraries are on social networks but are still not familiar with reference services. Facebook, Twitter, and Ask-a-Librarian were ranked as the most preferred methods for delivering online reference services, and online reference service was indicated as more convenient than traditional desk reference service because communication is available anywhere and anytime with a reference librarian and is easily accessible.  相似文献   


Academic research libraries can employ several approaches to advance the institutional mission. First, libraries can shift from goals focused on collections and traditional library services and instead align with their campus academic plan and an emphasis on supporting the institution's strategic initiatives. A second approach is for libraries to modify their organizational structures from being function-based on the tasks that traditional libraries performed (e.g., public services, technical services, collection development) and move instead toward organizational units that directly support their university's missions (e.g., undergraduate education; graduate and professional education; research, scholarship, and creative activity; and public engagement). The key is to have library staff engaged in work that contributes to vital institutional outcomes such as student success and faculty research productivity. Academic research libraries should also continue to work towards an assessment program that demonstrates the value of the academic research library in providing quality services that advance the institutional mission.  相似文献   


At a time in our economy when library budgets are strained and staffing is under the microscope, librarians need to reassess and retool their library services for online students to provide quality, depth, and community without causing meltdown. The authors analyze some of the retooling undergone at their library to meet the shifting demographics of students who in 10 years have grown from 1,000 online students to 14,500 and increased to 65% of the students now taking online classes. To meet this challenge, the library centralized library services by closing the regional Library Information Centers and established a Multimedia Department focused on developing tutorials and online training materials, established an outreach librarian position, and worked with reference and instruction librarians to expand their roles as liaisons to the various academic programs. The library is learning to work smarter, not necessarily harder, and much leaner.  相似文献   

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