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图书馆电子信息资源利用效果评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合电子信息资源的特性对电子信息资源的利用进行初步探讨,从图书馆、用户和数据服务商三个角度构建图书馆电子信息资源利用效果的评价体系,希望能为图书馆电子信息资源的高效利用提供参考。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过分析2000-2018年来图书馆涉及著作权侵权纠纷案件的判决书,了解图书馆所涉著作权侵权案件的现状与特点。[方法/过程]采用案例分析法,在北大法宝上搜索整理246份判决书,从涉嫌侵权的主体、侵犯的权利及作品类型、侵权结果三方面,对图书馆侵犯著作权的案件进行全面统计与分析。[结果/结论]图书馆防范著作权侵权,应从完善著作权立法和改进自身行为两方面入手,具体的立法措施为:适当放宽合理使用的限制条件、允许以合理使用为目的规避技术措施、限制数据商的合同权利;改进图书馆的自身行为,可从建立专门著作权清理部门、从合法来源获取文献、区分内容提供与服务提供、借助团体的力量四方面展开。  相似文献   

图书馆治理与图书馆管理具有显著区别。在图书馆管理中,政府是图书馆事务的决策者和直接规制者,而在图书馆治理中,政府是政策制定者和经费提供者。图书馆治理需要法人治理结构和行业管理的体制基础。法人治理结构的特征是决策、执行和监督三个环节相分离,做到分权制衡,目的是为了实现法治化管理。实行图书馆行业管理是图书馆自治和自律的根本表现,它需要建立有图书馆行业协会。建立图书馆法人治理结构,培育图书馆行业协会组织,是我国图书馆治理走向"良好治理"的必由之路。参考文献17。  相似文献   

图书馆与服务商的双赢问题探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文主要分析了图书馆与书商、系统开发商、数据库开发商之间的双赢关系,旨在说明图书馆与其服务商之间只有彼此合作,才能使自身都获得发展。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how information resources are shared electronically between libraries at the national level in China. It examines the digital library project related issues for both information policy and information-technology. Issues pertaining to information policy include co-operation and collaboration between information service providers, collection development, intellectual property protection, management and administration on the digital library projects, and public information services (user clients). Issues pertaining to information technology include use of UNICODE, metadata, interface standards (Z39·50) and others. Using a combination of system analysis and program evaluation methods, the current practice of developing a national digital library infrastructure is investigated, issues regarding national information countermeasures toward these digital library projects are studied, and suggestions for developing further nation's countermeasures in the digital library project are presented. Successful and/or failure experience is shared and compared with the US Digital Asia Library (DAL) project.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how information resources are shared electronically between libraries at the national level in China. It examines the digital library project related issues for both information policy and information-technology. Issues pertaining to information policy include co-operation and collaboration between information service providers, collection development, intellectual property protection, management and administration on the digital library projects, and public information services (user clients). Issues pertaining to information technology include use of UNICODE, metadata, interface standards (Z39·50) and others. Using a combination of system analysis and program evaluation methods, the current practice of developing a national digital library infrastructure is investigated, issues regarding national information countermeasures toward these digital library projects are studied, and suggestions for developing further nation's countermeasures in the digital library project are presented. Successful and/or failure experience is shared and compared with the US Digital Asia Library (DAL) project.  相似文献   

关于数字图书馆的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
描述我国数字图书馆寡头垄断的市场格局,分析数字图书馆的成本曲线,讨论数字图书馆服务的公共物品性质如何导致市场的稀薄以及数字图书馆服务商的定价策略,并对各种管制办法进行比较。研究表明,数字图书馆的产品属性、成本特点以及企业的利润最大化行为,将会导致价格提高,服务量变小。政府应该对数字图书馆服务市场实行一定的价格管制。  相似文献   

图书馆法的调整范围和立法架构   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
图书馆法调整的范围包括政府、公众、出版者、作者、捐赠人、资助人、信息服务商与图书馆之间的权利与义务关系,参考国外图书馆立法的经验,我国在构建图书馆法立法体系时可以考虑制定“国家图书馆法”、“公共图书馆法”和出版物缴存法。  相似文献   

杨涔  邵波 《图书情报工作》2021,65(12):65-72
[目的/意义] 从用户体验的视角,构建一个融合影响服务质量、服务能力和服务满意指标的评价体系,试图引导移动端图书馆系统完善用户服务。[方法/过程] 结合已有研究文献以及相关的在线评价,与专家讨论后,选择四大类16个指标构建基于用户使用体验的移动端图书馆系统评价指标体系,然后采用层次分析法确定这些评价指标的权重。[结果/结论] 移动端图书馆系统应该增加电子数据库和多媒体资源供给量,以满足用户对数字信息资源的需求;移动端图书馆系统要进一步完善在线下载、在线阅读等功能,以帮助用户有效使用馆藏资源服务于其工作和学习;移动端图书馆系统要不断优化系统性能和人机交互界面,从而简化操作逻辑,提升用户的使用体验。  相似文献   


Much has been written about the competencies that reference providers must exhibit to be successful at their positions given today's technology-rich, information environment. Many have proclaimed new mandatory technological and attitudinal qualities for librarians, while others have interviewed future, practicing, and hiring librarians for their perspectives on this topic. This study adds to the existing literature by examining a dataset of 9,683 recorded reference transactions collected during the fall 2012 semester in an urban, academic/public library. This dataset provides a very current look at the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities that reference providers need to be successful at this library.  相似文献   

本文运用迈克尔·波特(Michael Porter)的购买战略,对图书馆与供应商的关系,以及图书馆对供应商应采取的策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

关于中国图书馆立法的若干问题   总被引:74,自引:1,他引:73  
中国目前制定图书馆法应该规范的内容有 :图书馆的性质和基本任务 ;图书馆的设置与体制 ;图书馆服务者、利用者的权益保障 ;文献信息资源建设 ;工作人员与内部管理 ;经费、馆舍、设备。一些长期制约事业发展的问题 ,如经费、工作人员待遇、呈缴本等 ,很难通过目前的立法予以根本解决。参考文献 11。  相似文献   

In a world characterized by the use of rapidly advancing technology, public libraries are championing the rights of the individual to equitable public access to information provided over the Internet. But beyond general connectivity, libraries are also facilitating citizens' access to networked community information (CI) by actively linking users with relevant sites, by hosting pages for other service providers, and by participating in community networking initiatives. For individuals, the availability of networked CI means that they can access it at anytime and from any place, including the home, office, and public library. This article reviews recent trends in the networked CI literature, including public library involvement, and then discusses a major study underway for which multiple methods are being used to collect data from users, librarians, and service providers in three states. Particular attention is given to explaining the use of theory specification to apply Dervin's sense-making framework in an online environment.  相似文献   

夏桢 《高校图书馆工作》2013,33(2):13-16,21
移动图书馆是图书馆丰富服务方式、拓展服务途径的重要手段,是图书馆未来的发展方向。近年来,移动图书馆的研究与建设在图书馆行业火热开展,全国多所高校相继建成并开通图书馆移动信息服务。文章分析了当前国内移动图书馆建设情况、移动用户特征以及网络服务提供商成功之道;结合移动网络的优势,提出建设以应用为导向的移动图书馆系统,开发响应读者需求的个性化、交互性应用。并以湖南大学移动图书馆建设为例,介绍了具体建设情况。  相似文献   

张新 《图书情报工作》2010,54(17):66-69
分析高校图书馆电子文献采购的委托-代理关系,建立高校图书馆与电子文献提供商的委托-代理模型,通过对模型均衡结果的推导与分析,认为高校图书馆采购电子文献的最优合约是基本固定使用费加服务价值提成的模式。在实践中,应建立对电子文献提供商的采购成本、努力成本进行科学评价的指标体系,以制定合理的基本固定使用费;同时以收益提成系数的方式让电子文献提供商分享部分电子文献所创造的读者服务价值,从而产生激励效应,避免出现由于单纯支付电子文献提供商年固定使用费而导致的“积极推销,消极响应”而使电子文献利用率低等道德风险现象问题的出现。  相似文献   

电子期刊时代如何应对馆藏重复问题   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分析电子期刊的现状,认为在现阶段电子期刊并不能够完全取代传统纸本期刊。从合同、服务提供者、图书馆特性、出版特性、技术因素、图书馆状况六个方面对图书馆在取消重复纸本刊时必须考虑的问题进行剖析总结,以期为图书馆馆藏决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This article describes how the Royal Society of Chemistry's library is making the transition from being a largely traditional print‐based library to one that offers remote‐access resources to its widespread membership. Key to its strategy is working with publishers and other content providers in a proactive and innovative way. Examples, case studies and difficulties faced are outlined alongside some of the solutions employed to facilitate the delivery of content.  相似文献   

数字图书馆与知识产权:进步与发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
数字图书馆知识产权问题是一个传统出版与互联网服务的博弈过程,也是数字出版与图书馆为教育、科技、公众等公益事业的价值关系重建的过程,从尊重知识产权的角度引导数字图书馆的有序发展十分必要。  相似文献   

图书馆信息推送服务的潜力与开发策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络时代,图书馆的信息推送服务面临严峻的挑战。文章阐述了我国图书馆信息推送服务的同业竞争现状,比较了图书馆与其主要竞争对手—学术搜索引擎、知识服务网及其他类型信息服务商在信息推送服务上的优劣,分析了图书馆信息推送服务的潜在优势,提出了开发图书馆信息推送服务的策略。  相似文献   


This study explores the current status and features of Pakistan's academic library Web sites. A checklist describing features and content was prepared based on a review of the literature related to academic libraries’ Web sites. Then, all 85 library Web sites of Pakistani universities and degree-awarding institutions recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan were surveyed and analyzed using the checklist. Interviews with library professionals were conducted to learn more about the problems and issues with building and maintaining library Web sites. Results indicate that Pakistani academic library Web sites have effective features such as contrasting color schemes, easily readable text, minimal use of horizontal scrolling, and English-language text. Staff information, OPACs, and navigation features are also widely found on the Web sites. Features found less frequently include the use of Web 2.0 technologies, Web site aid tools, information about library buildings, and general library information. By offering information about the status of Pakistani academic library Web sites, the study can serve as a foundation for discussion between libraries and other parts of the university, as well as a benchmark for evaluating the progress of academic library Web sites in Pakistan  相似文献   

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