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青少年学生阳光体育活动中引入毽球运动的可行性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
毽球运动是一项优秀的民族传统体育项目,在增进青少年身心健康方面应该发挥应有的作用。文章运用文献资料、专家访谈、逻辑分析等研究方法,论证了青少年阳光体育活动中开展毽球运动的可行性和必要性。研究结果显示,毽球运动是十分适合于青少年运动的体育项目,在青少年阳光体育活动中应大力推广。  相似文献   

毽球运动具有浓厚的历史文化底蕴;毽球运动包括了花毽运动和网毽运动,花毽运动蕴含我国优秀的传统文化,网毽运动则蕴含西方现代竞技运动文化;毽球运动具有教育、健身、心理健康、城市文化、经济等价值;各级体育行政部门、各级毽球运动社会团体和广大毽民是毽球运动传承的主体;毽球运动主要通过公园社区、学校、新闻媒体等途径进行传播;毽球运动的大发展大繁荣要以以人为本、惠及民生和国际化为方向。  相似文献   

毽球运动来源于踢毽子的游戏,是结合现代球类运动规律发展起来的新兴体育项目,是有着悠久历史的民族体育活动。即使在当今社会,它仍然是人们喜欢的健身、娱乐活动。在对晋中市各所小学调查研究的基础上,结合我国毽球运动的发展历程,文章主要从毽球运动的积极影响方面论述了在小学开展这项运动的重要意义。  相似文献   

在我国众多民族传统体育项目中,毽球运动因对比赛场地要求不高,而被列为"最方便体育活动之首"。毽球运动,俗称"踢毽子",由古代的"蹴鞠"演变而来,源于我国汉代,盛于六朝,隋、唐至清末达到鼎盛。毽球运动作为具有民族特色的运动之一,近年来在全国校园中得到了传承和发扬光大。  相似文献   

徐梅 《体育科技》2012,33(2):137-139
通过文献资料、访谈、数理统计等方法分析在广西普通高校推广毽球运动的可行性。结果表明:毽球运动符合新时期高校体育课程改革的发展趋势;受到广西大部分大学生的欢迎;广西高校开展毽球运动有较好条件;在广西普通高校推广毽球运动是具有可行性的。  相似文献   

学校开展毽球运动的价值和可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对毽球运动的特性,探讨古老新兴毽球运动的健身价值,对学校引进毽球运动的可行性进行分析,为学校开展毽球运动提出相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   

踢毽子与毽球运动。踢毽子是我国民间一种体育活动,历史悠久,渊远流长。由于它不受场地和年龄的限制,深受人们的喜爱。毽球运动,就是在“踢毽子”的基础上发展起来的,基本上是用羽毛球的场地,近乎排球的规则和参照足球的踢法,集民族性、艺术性和竞争性于一身的一项新兴的体育运动。由于毽球这项运动对场地、器材条件要求不高,  相似文献   

通过项群体育教学训练理论,运用文献资料与数理统计法,探寻毽球运动与隔网类运动在技术战术、职业化、全民健身与奥运战略、传统与现代文化内涵、经典动作与参与性、毽球器械的变革、赛事构建与媒体宣传方面的同类共性特质。认为应以体育职能部门为主导与各类新老媒体合作、推广主流毽球赛事,扩大毽球项目在运动技能与健康上的影响力;构建校园毽球的教学竞赛体系,保障毽球人才的升学通道,为毽球项目的职业化、全民健身与奥运战略提供人才支撑;制定毽球项目的综合运动会推荐入项规划,构建职业化、专业化的人才培养与竞赛机制;以降低毽球飞行速度为目的的毽球器械变革,提高毽球运动的竞技健身与参与性。  相似文献   

毽球是我国民间广泛流传的民族传统体育项目,毽球运动的普及不仅有助于推行全民健身运动、而且有利于拓展现行体育课程的内容、丰富学生课余生活,提高学生素质。文章对晋中市初中毽球运动开展情况进行调查分析,以更好地开展毽球运动并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

文章通过对毽球脚攻球技术的运用、研究和探索,结合现代毽球运动中脚攻球的技术特点,介绍了毽球脚攻球技术的训练原则、训练步骤、训练方法等。毽球运动是具有鲜明特点的运动项目,因此,要根据它的自身特征来进行训练,而脚攻球技术是毽球运动中的重点和难点,教练员和运动员要着重进行局部训练,以提高运动员的竞技水平。  相似文献   


In this study, we wished to determine whether a warm-up exercise consisting of 100 submaximal concentric contractions would attenuate delayed-onset muscle soreness and decreases in muscle strength associated with eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage. Ten male students performed two bouts of an elbow flexor exercise consisting of 12 maximal eccentric contractions with a warm-up exercise for one arm (warm-up) and without warm-up for the other arm (control) in a randomized, counterbalanced order separated by 4 weeks. Muscle temperature of the biceps brachii prior to the exercise was compared between the arms, and muscle activity of the biceps brachii during the exercise was assessed by surface integral electromyogram (iEMG). Changes in visual analogue scale for muscle soreness and maximal voluntary isometric contraction strength (MVC) of the elbow flexors were assessed before, immediately after, and every 24 h for 5 days following exercise, and compared between the warm-up and control conditions by a two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance. The pre-exercise biceps brachii muscle temperature was significantly (P<0.01) higher for the warm-up (35.8±0.2°C) than the control condition (34.4±0.2°C), but no significant differences in iEMG and torque produced during exercise were evident between conditions. Changes in muscle soreness and MVC were not significantly different between conditions, although these variables showed significant (P<0.05) changes over time. It was concluded that the warm-up exercise was not effective in mitigating delayed-onset muscle soreness and loss of muscle strength following maximal eccentric exercise.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the effect of concentric warm-up exercise on eccentrically induced changes in muscle strength, range of motion, and soreness of the elbow flexors. Ten resistance-exercise naïve participants performed intermittent incremental eccentric actions (42 in total) of the elbow flexor muscles of each arm to induce muscle damage. The arms of each participant were randomly assigned either to a pre-eccentric exercise warm-up involving intermittent concentric exercise (warm-up) or no prior exercise (control). Strength, range of motion, and ratings of soreness were recorded before and 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 days after exercise. Strength, range of motion, and soreness during muscular movements changed over time (P at most 0.01; Cohen's d at least 0.51, medium). There was an interaction (P < 0.001) for strength, showing a smaller reduction after exercise for warm-up than control (P < 0.001, d = 2.44, large effect). The decreased range of motion was less for warm-up than control for the arm while extended (P < 0.001), flexed (P = 0.002), and relaxed (P = 0.004). Muscle soreness was reduced for the warm-up group, while the muscle was flexed, extended, and relaxed compared with control (P < 0.001). The results demonstrate that a concentric warm-up exercise attenuates the reduction in loss of strength, range of motion, and muscle soreness after eccentric-exercise-induced muscle damage and might allow higher intensities of training to be performed.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that the metabolic acidaemia induced by a continuous warm-up at the 'lactate threshold' is associated with a reduced accumulated oxygen deficit and decreased supramaximal performance. The aim of this study was to determine if an intermittent, high-intensity warm-up could increase oxygen uptake (V02) without reducing the accumulated oxygen deficit, and thus improve supramaximal performance. Seven male 500 m kayak paddlers, who had represented their state, volunteered for this study. Each performed a graded exercise test to determine V02max and threshold parameters. On subsequent days and in a random, counterbalanced order, the participants then performed a continuous or intermittent, high-intensity warm-up followed by a 2 min, all-out kayak ergometer test. The continuous warm-up consisted of 15 min of exercise at approximately 65% V02max. The intermittent, high-intensity warm-up was similar, except that the last 5 min was replaced with five 10 s sprints at 200% V02max, separated by 50 s of recovery at ~55% V02max. Significantly greater (P<0.05) peak power (intermittent vs continuous: 629 ± 199 vs 601 ± 204W) and average power (intermittent vs continuous: 328±39.0 vs 321 ±42.4 W) were recorded after the intermittent warm-up. There was no significant difference between conditions for peak V02, total V02 or the accumulated oxygen deficit. The results of this study indicate that 2 min all-out kayak ergometer performance is significantly better after an intermittent rather than a continuous warm-up.  相似文献   

准备活动是体育与健康课程实践课教学中必不可少的重要环节,具有重要的现实意义。而在目前中学体育与健康课的教学实践中,由于其形式单一、内容枯燥、学生缺乏自主权、活跃气氛不够等因素,让准备活动有名无实,没有发挥出应有的作用和达到理想的效果。本文以总结多年教学实践经验和查阅大量资料的方法来对中学体育与健康课的准备活动的作用、现状进行归纳阐述,并结合普通高级中学《体育与健康》课程标准对培养中学生带准备活动能力的意义和方法进行探讨,希望能与各位同仁进行商榷和交流。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料、观察实验等研究方法对于武术操在武术教学中的实践进行研究发现,武术操具有提升学生的学习兴趣、提升教学效果等功效,同时还探讨了武术操作为热身活动和单独课程的可行性,最后提出了高校应加强重视程度、编写专门的教材和加入文化内容等武术操未来发展的建议  相似文献   

Saliva provides a convenient and noninvasive matrix for assessing specific physiological parameters, including some biomarkers of exercise. We investigated whether the total protein concentration of whole saliva (TPWS) would reflect the anaerobic threshold during an incremental exercise test. After a warm-up period, 13 nonsmoking men performed a maximum incremental exercise on a cycle ergometer. Blood and stimulated saliva were collected during the test. The TPWS anaerobic threshold (PAT) was determined using the Dmax method. The PAT was correlated with the blood lactate anaerobic threshold (AT; r = .93, p < .05). No significant difference (p = .16) was observed between PAT and AT. Thus, TPWS provides a convenient and noninvasive matrix for determining the anaerobic threshold during incremental exercise tests.  相似文献   

如何突破高校体育课准备活动部分的传统教学模式,改变以往的单调、呆板和枯燥无味,变教条为灵活,化被动为主动,通过引导大学生积极主动参与,由学生轮流负责准备活动部分的组织工作,通过教学实践发现,学生在努力完成准备活动教学任务的同时享受到了其中的乐趣,并且能使得学生的组织管理能力得到一定的锻炼和提高,从而不断提高体育课准备活...  相似文献   

把具有鲜明时代感的健美操运用于体操课准备活动中,有助于提高学生学习的兴趣和兴奋性,为倦操课基本动作的教学做更充分的准备。通过对体操课准备活动的意义及健美操的特点进行分析,认为只有在创编动作时根据学生的实际情况,科学合理地设计好健美操的动作内容,并掌握好运动的量和强度,选配好既符合学生兴趣又与所编动作内容相符的音乐,才能让整套健美操代替其他形式的练习,达到体操课最佳准备活动效果。  相似文献   

为了解第八届全国少数民族健身操的运动强度,在比赛前一天的热身赛中,抽取11个参赛队的运动员共51人作为研究对象。通过测试运动员安静、运动后即刻、运动后4、5、6分钟的脉搏来评定运动员的身体机能,运动强度和运动后的恢复情况。研究结果显示:成年人安静心率63.7±6.8次/分钟,运动后即刻心率达到164.8±24.97次/分钟,强度达到中高强度,运动后6分钟心率为75.5±20.8次/分钟,基本恢复安静,心率比安静时高,可能与当时运动现场的环境有关。少年对主要是指山东队,其运动员的安静心率为68.2±3.6次/分钟,运动后即刻心率达到120±29.4次/分钟,强度属于中低强度,运动后6分钟心率为70.5±4.7次/分钟,心率基本恢复正常。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of concentric warm-up exercise on eccentrically induced changes in muscle strength, range of motion, and soreness of the elbow flexors. Ten resistance-exercise naive participants performed intermittent incremental eccentric actions (42 in total) of the elbow flexor muscles of each arm to induce muscle damage. The arms of each participant were randomly assigned either to a pre-eccentric exercise warm-up involving intermittent concentric exercise (warm-up) or no prior exercise (control). Strength, range of motion, and ratings of soreness were recorded before and 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 days after exercise. Strength, range of motion, and soreness during muscular movements changed over time (P at most 0.01; Cohen's d at least 0.51, medium). There was an interaction (P?相似文献   

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