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应用型本科高校创新创业基础课程作为一门面向全专业学生的公共必修课程,其主要教学目的在于提高学生的创新意识和自主学习能力。当前的应用型本科高校创新创业基础课程体系仍存在诸多问题,而教赛融合为创新创业基础课程改革提供了新的思路。基于此,分析了应用型本科高校创新创业基础课程教学存在的问题,提出了基于教赛融合的应用型本科高校创新创业基础课程教学改革思路和模式。如在具体的设计中以学生为中心、以成果为导向,在具体的教改中从构建“赛中学,赛中评,赛中思”的教学模式、采用“做中教,做中学,做中练”的教学方法、完善“学生互评,师生互评”的教学评价体系,以及打造“专业导师、创业导师”的师资教学团队四个方面来实现课程的教学改革。  相似文献   

根据应用型本科院校的特点,认为应用型本科教育应培养生产、管理、服务一线的高素质技术应用型人才为主。针对《机械制造技术基础》课程的特点,不但有较强的理论性,更具有较强的实践性。教学改革中将“以学为主的教学设计”和“以教为主的教学设计”结合起来,加强实践教学,开设设计性实验,有效地培养学生的分析问题,解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情防控背景下,针对应用型本科院校“计算机程序设计基础”课程强实践性的特点,在充分分析大学生居家线上学习存在问题的基础上,构建了基于“云班课+微信”的“轻直播+”在线教学平台,并以本科工程教育中符合“三个是否”界定标准下的工程体验为核心进行了教学过程设计,采用问卷调查方式开展在线教学效果分析与评价。评价结果表明,学生对课程内容安排、授课方式、互动反馈以及听课感受等方面的满意度均较高,课程的在线教学取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

分析了目前应用型本科院校互换性与技术测量课程教学存在的问题,并结合应用型本科院校特点与教学实践提出教学过程优化方法,提高学生对抽象概念的理解能力,解决理论教学学时不足的问题,增强学生对互换性的重视程度,为培养高水平应用型人才奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

“基础和声”与“钢琴即兴伴奏”是应用型本科院校音乐专业学生的必修课程。然而,一些学校的相关课程设置安排存在一些问题,严重影响了课程教学效率和质量。应用型本科院校应当重视“基础和声”与“钢琴即兴伴奏”课程的整合,突出院校的办学定位目标,培养出实用性的音乐专业人才。  相似文献   

“泵与泵站”是应用型本科院校给排水专业的基础课程,该课程的基本理论知识对学生理解给排水行业的实质有较大影响。BIM技术作为培养应用型创新人才的新技术,在工程建设的整个生命周期具有不可替代的作用。论文分析了传统的泵与泵站课程教学现状及其存在的问题,之后结合BIM低成本、高效率的特点探讨了在课程中融入BIM技术的教改思路,可供高校其他相关课程教改借鉴。  相似文献   

空间解析几何是应用型本科院校数学专业的一门重要基础课。本文结合自身实践教学经验和已有的教学方法,对地方应用型本科院校《空间解析几何》课程的教学方法和教学手段进行探讨。针对解析几何课程的教学,提出几点建议供参考。  相似文献   

实施以创新创业教育为导向的课程教学,既可以提升学生的专业实操水平和创新创造能力,从而向社会输送应用型人才,同时又能为学生提供实习机会、丰富学生的创业经验,为学生将来的自主创业奠定扎实的基础。文章以“高电压技术”课程为例,首先概述了“双创”背景下课程改革的必要性,随后从教学实践出发,列举了理实一体化教学和案例教学两种常用的课程教学模式,并总结了课前做好预习、课上增加互动、课后总结回顾的教学经验,为创新创业教育导向下“高电压技术”的高质量教学提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

技术应用型本科院校作为以培养应用型人才为目标的高等院校,其宏观经济学的教学模式应有别于研究型院校的教学模式。本文在分析技术应用型本科院校宏观经济学课程教学中存在问题的基础上,结合技术应用本科院校学生的实际情况和应用型人才培养的需要,从教学内容体系、课堂教学方法和课程考核办法方面给出了相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   

针对应用型本科院校计算机专业程序设计课程知识点多、难度较大、学生自主能动性不强、语法学起来枯燥及学生学习自觉性较差等现状,文章结合应用型本科人才培养的办学定位,提出基于在线平台的程序设计课程混合式教学。文章首先介绍了混合式教学在线平台的建设情况;然后阐述了运用混合式教学方法,组织理论课及实践课教学的基本流程及课程实践应用。研究结果表明:基于在线平台的混合式教学方法以学生为中心,运用项目驱动式教学模式,可以较好地提升教学效果。  相似文献   

This article documents the development of a two-stage curriculum intended to improve elementary teacher candidates’ understanding of technology integration. Most students in the program came from low-income districts and lacked technology experience. The first stage of the curriculum consisted of a prerequisite basic technology skills course offered by the Computer Science Department. This was then followed by an online educational technology course offered by the College of Education. The objectives of the authors in this article are twofold. The first is to describe the rationale, procedures, and design of a two-stage curriculum, as a pedagogical model for teaching elementary teacher candidates to teach with technology, with the goal of preparing a new generation of teachers who are capable and comfortable applying a broad range of advanced technologies to meet the learning needs of their students. The second objective is to share the authors' findings from the evaluation, which employed mixed methodologies, after the students completed the online educational technology course. The results showed that an online educational technology course contributed to the candidates’ development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and improved their attitudes and beliefs on their technology integration practices.  相似文献   

Learner-centered teaching (LCT) has been found to be a more effective pedagogy for online students, as traditional teaching methods do not work well in online courses. Professors in an upper-level technology management class revised their online introductory course to incorporate cafeteria-style grading. This LCT approach allowed students to select assignments they wanted to complete. More assignments were offered than needed to achieve an A grade. They included traditional projects such as research papers as well as more engaged activities such as demonstrating or mastering skills. To determine whether these changes promoted active learning, course data were obtained and analyzed. Students completed a range of assignments, showed mastery on a number of skills, and were overwhelmingly positive about having flexible options. Tellingly, 36% of students completed more assignments than were needed to earn the top grade.  相似文献   

To address faculty members' concern that teaching evaluation in the online environment might be lowered because of technology problems students experience in online courses, a sample of 202 undergraduate students enrolled in an introductory statistics course in a college of business administration was surveyed. Students' evaluation of their instructors and the course and their experiences with technology problems when taking the course were measured. As expected, a negative correlation between teaching evaluation and experience of technology problems was observed. Based on the finding, it is suggested that, to encourage faculty members to teach online, universities need to examine the relationship between teaching evaluation and technology problems experienced by students in the online environment and adjust the evaluation skewed by problems that are out of instructors' control. Measurement instruments used in the study and a suggested formula for adjusting teaching evaluation are provided.  相似文献   


The purpose of this research is to identify the specific skills required of videoconference teachers who teach K–12 distance education courses. Many schools and educational districts worldwide are using videoconference technology to deliver courses to students as an economic solution when they cannot afford specialised teachers at remote locations. However, teachers are rarely trained to use this instructional technology and must therefore translate their experience in face-to-face and/or online teaching to this alternative medium. The collective case study used observations and interviews of eight teachers across five schools to identify the specific skills required to teach in a way that they perceived as successful in a videoconference class. It was found that teachers are largely under-prepared with strategies to project presence, develop relationships, foster interaction, manage the course and teach content across a distance when the screen is the main tool of connection. The authors offer a path to improvement that involves supporting teacher action research, creating communities of inquiry and developing teaching quality standards specific to videoconference.  相似文献   

"金属成形模拟技术"是材料科学与工程专业(金属压力加工技术方向)的四年级本科生必修的专业课程,该课程是一门实践性很强的课程,通常还需要一定的工程实践经验。本文结合该课程自身的教学特点,对"金属成形模拟技术"课程实施校企合作建设与实践,具体包括教学内容建设、教学方法与手段革新、教师队伍建设等方面,旨在加强模拟技术理论与实践的有机融合,提升学生的专业技能、实践能力和整体素质,探索具有自身特色的工程教育新模式。  相似文献   

网络课程在高校教育教学中发挥着不可替代的作用。本文以《中药药剂学实验》网络课程建设与教学为例,从网络课程素材内容的设计、网络课程平台在教学中发挥的作用、实施效果和存在的问题,对网络平台在实验课程教学中的应用进行分析和探讨。结果证明,网络平台有利于教师和学生点对点教学,激发学生学习动机;让学生提交多媒体电子版实验报告,能提高师生和学生间的交流互动;借助网络平台有利于学生总结与回顾知识。通过调研学生使用网络平台的情况可知,网络课程在实验教学中应用,对学生学习兴趣及技能训练具有促进作用。  相似文献   

《复变函数与积分变换》是机电一体化技术专业必修的基础课程,由于其数学理论难度较大,公式定理较为复杂,大部分学生在学习时感到困难,无序可循。而数学专业出身的教师,缺乏该课程在解决机电领域实际问题的经历,因此不容易把握对于机电一体化专业学生的教学思路和方法。本文结合多年为机电专业学生教授本课程的经验,总结出针对机电一体化技术专业学生讲授该门课程时需把握的若干教学方法。  相似文献   

高职电工电子技术课程一体化教学的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等职业教育"以就业为导向,能力为本位"的教学改革,使专业理论知识与实践技能的学习有效地融为一体,有助于学生获得职业经验,提高职业能力。以高职计算机应用技木专业电工电子技术课程为对象,分析近几年在该课程的一体化教学模式改革过程中的实践情况。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among students’ characteristics, self-regulated learning, technology self-efficacy, and course outcomes in online learning settings. Two hundred and fifty-six students participated in this study. All participants completed an online survey that included demographic information, the modified motivation strategies learning questionnaire, the online technology self-efficacy scale, the course satisfaction questionnaire, and the final grades. The researchers used structural equation modeling to examine relationships among student characteristics, self-regulated learning, technology self-efficacy, and course outcomes. Based on the results from the final model, students with previous online learning experiences tended to have more effective learning strategies when taking online courses, and hence, had higher levels of motivation in their online courses. In addition, when students had higher levels of motivation in their online courses, their levels of technology self-efficacy and course satisfaction increased. Finally, students with higher levels of technology self-efficacy and course satisfaction also earned better final grades. Based on the findings, we recommend that instructors design courses in a way that can promote students’ self-regulated learning behaviors in online learning settings and that students in online classes, as in traditional classes, set aside a regular time to concentrate on the course. Also, institutions should provide user-friendly online learning platforms and workshops for instructors and students to facilitate the teaching and learning experiences.  相似文献   

姚婕 《成才之路》2020,(2):90-91
信息技术是一门综合性实践课程,学生在课堂上不仅要学习计算机的操作技巧,还要学会运用信息技术解决生活中的实际问题。在信息技术教学中,尊重学生主体地位,激发学生智慧互动,是每一位教师都应该认真思考的问题。文章结合课堂教学案例,对信息技术课堂教学的互动进行探讨,以提高信息技术教学质量,提升学生学科素养。  相似文献   

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