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侯立志 《海外英语》2011,(13):242-244
The Linguist Labov develops a model to analyze the narrative,that is,the famous Labov Model.Under this model,Thomas Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterbridge is reexamined from abstract,orientation,complicating event(s),resolution,and coda.By this method,Hardy’s intention to reveal the tragic life of man will be deeply explored.  相似文献   

田杰 《海外英语》2012,(17):192-193,206
Greimas’s Semiotic Square is a new approach in analyzing literary works.Based on Sassure and Jacnson’s claim on binary opposition,Gereimas extends it to four actants and adds contradictory relationships.By assign meanings to the four actants,an analysis of the complicated relationship between the roles in a text can be made and a revelation of the theme of the text can be realized.Previous studies of this novel take it as an excellent work revealing loneliness and isolation is thought to be the basic condition of human existence.Other study covers the effects of the unrequited love.Quiet differently,this paper tries to interpret this novel by Greimas’semiotic square and thereby revealing the widely accepted theme of this novel that isolation and loneliness is the final destiny of human being in modern society.  相似文献   

Victorian age is the age full of fundamental changes in the society.At this turning of times,many poets spoke out their anxiety about this world,like Alfred Tennyson and Matthew Arnold,their poems express their anxiety and helpness about the new world and their sadness and loneliness about the loss of the old world.Certaintly there are also some poets like Thomas Hardy who were more ready to face the new world soberly and accepted the reality directly.Probably they alredy realized the coming of the new world could not be stopped anyway.These are the voices at the turning of the times.The aim of this essay is to find out such voices by doing a comparative study on the three poets and their poems  相似文献   

胡爱洁 《海外英语》2014,(5):176-177,206
Thomas Hardy is an outstanding novelist in the nineteenth century.He has produced numerous works including novels and poetry.His tragic novel Tess of the d’Urbervilles has a great impact on the world literature.The paper is focused on the exploration of Tess’s tragedy through her life experiences.Tess’s tragedy can be illustrated by three factors—her family aspects,love experiences and her social images,which also contribute collectively to poor Tess’s destiny.The social background of the period provides a basis for the novel,and the deformed social values and morality is the root of her tragedy,together with her personal temperament and the Christian religious influences.Christian mores of self-sacrifice,wide love and purity have a great effect on characters in the novel.In the fourth part,there is some enlightenment from Tess’s tragedy.It is believed that women play a crucial role in society.Tess is a woman with good qualities and her experiences give a warning to women today:the proper treatment of one’s behaviors and the social rules is critical.  相似文献   

Eugene O’Neill,one of the essential writers of the 20th century,was hailed as the“American Shakespeare.”He enjoyed a high reputation in America owing to his special writing techniques.Long Day’s Journey into Night was his last play,which was an autobiographical play to some extent,and founded on his own authentic experience.The play told the story of an Irish immigrant family’s daily life from day to night.Among the studies at home and abroad,many discuss this play from a psychological perspective and Feminist perspective.The article,instead,gives an interpretation of this play according to Cooperative Principle.Through the analysis of their conversations,it points out what principles their communications violated so as to understand the implied meaning of their conversations.The thesis tries to study the conversations between Mary and other family members,and then demonstrate that Mary is the most tragic person in the family.  相似文献   

甘霖 《海外英语》2015,(6):138-140
Meridian is one of Alice Walker’s early work. It tells a story that happened in the American south during the 1960 s and early 70s’. It describes the life of the main character, Meridian Hill, a black woman from a southern town, who got out of the oppression of white society, and ends up in participate in Civil Rights Movement. The paper firstly illustrates the soul of womanism—anti-sexism, anti-racism, sisiterhood as well as the maternity love, then analyzes how these theories permeated into the novel—Meridian. The paper paid attention to the function of this novel on the improvement of Alice Walker’s womanism.In proving that womanism not only permeates into Meridian, but also improved womanism from many perspectives, it comes to the conclusion that Meridian is a novel to improve Alice Walker’s womanism, it serves as the good novel to highlight the African Culture, and made a great contribution for the encouragement of black women to seek for freedom in the society.  相似文献   

陈雪 《海外英语》2012,(11):175-176
Ecocriticism is the combination of contemporary ecological thought and literary study,which has the double features of both literary and cultural criticism.The Call of the Wild is Jack London’ s masterpiece,and also one of his most successful animal novels.This paper attempts to interpret this novel from the perspective of ecologism to analyze the symbolic meaning of Buck’ s desocialization and his returning to nature.Also it emphasizes the theme that human beings should take their obligations seriously and live in harmony with nature.  相似文献   

管艳郡 《海外英语》2013,(8X):176-177
Thomas Hardy’s works are considered to have"contained new wine in an old bottle"by critics and reviewers. The"old bottle"refers to his authorial omniscient narrative and his form inheriting from the tradition, which is often criticized, especially by those modernists, while"new wine"designates his other sides apart from his old-fashioned writing style, the modernistic themes in his writing. Tess, is a novel that records the transition from conventional to modern. By reading the text and analyzing Tess of the D’Urbervilles under the social context three main modernistic themes can be probed out:Firstly, the spiritual isolation and loneliness in the novel are apparent, and the lack in mutual understanding and sympathy between each other is universal. Besides, the title heroine, she was impossible to fulfill her dreams with various hostile powers set against her, coercing into predicaments one after another, tougher and tougher. Furthermore, another theme popular with later modernists, the alienation, is also embodied in the novel.  相似文献   

朱晓媛  陈燕 《海外英语》2013,(13):216-217
"Ambivalence" is a word which entered the language only in this century,the feminism reflected in Pride and Prejudice is ambivalent.Not only was Jane Austen’s novel composed almost 200 years ago,but in it she seems to attack love-as-attraction,a notion presupposed in the idea of emotional ambivalence,which is reflected from Austen’ subconciousness,from the main themes of the novel,from the characters’ modelling and from four marriages in the novel,which also boasts the significance of studying ambivalent feminism in literature.In addition,it manifests the limitations and awakening of feminist consciousness.The thesis also applies the influence of Jane Austen’s ambivalent feminism in the field of literature.  相似文献   

梁小龙 《海外英语》2012,(23):191-192
It is rare to analyze Austen’s Pride and Prejudice from the perspective of Speech Act Theory.The author will employ this theory to find out the real intentions of speakers in this novel.Through analyzing,readers can find more detailed meanings and intentions of the characters and the writer.  相似文献   

当事人陈述具有两种涵义,其一为当事人基于诉讼主体地位向法院所作的陈述,其二为当事人基于证据方法之地位向法院所作的陈述。前者为意的表示,性质上属于观念通知,后者为知的表示,性质上属于事实行为。由于两种当事人陈述涵义、功能及性质有别,故应适用不同的制度予以调整。  相似文献   

海明威是美国小说史上的先锋人物,也是位叙事大师,开创了崭新的叙事技巧,并将其完美地结合在小说的各个环节中,为整个叙事服务.从海明威的巅峰之作<老人与海>中,可以寻找出其聚焦变换的现象,其在整个叙事过程中所起到的作用,也在文本中得到体现.  相似文献   

执政党的具体执政行为与它所代表的阶级、阶层或集团的利益间存在一个夹角。夹角越小,其所代表的阶级、阶层或集团的利益实现的程度越高。苏共的教训警示:执政时间越长,越要保持该夹角最小化。提高党员干部“以服务人民为荣、以背离人民为耻”的自觉性,具有为保证党的具体执政行为与中国人民的利益间夹角最小化提供内在动力的作用。  相似文献   

幂余变换群及应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出幂余函数和幂余变换的概念。证明{0,1,2,…,n-1}上的所有幂余变换对变换的乘积成群。模n的每一个幂余变换对应于{0,1,2,…,n-1}的一个置换密码,从而利用幂余变换,可制造幂余编码系统,称为MS系统。最后给了一个MS码的实例,从而说明这种密码系统是切实可行的。  相似文献   

互动传播是指媒体既充当传者又充当受众,传统的传受双方在不同的传播时段、环节能够实现角色互换。互动传播是时代发展的必然,传统媒体——报纸、电视、广播在内容与形式、管理与运营等方面都在向互动传播转化。互动传播将促使传统媒体与网络进一步结合,促使传播由“广播”向“窄播”转化,促使媒体进一步增强受众意识、平等意识、服务意识,促使受众增强主动性,分享传播权利。  相似文献   

城乡二元分治的治理模式、农村现行的土地承包政策以及农民在养老保障上的失语,是促成当前农村以土地为基础,以家庭为核心的养老模式的重要因素。由于目前家庭养老能力受到削弱,土地的保障功能日益弱化,同时国家的养老保险政策存在制度缺陷,这种模式受到了严重挑战,无法满足农村养老需求。因此,政府应该通过提高土地保障能力,充分发挥家庭的养老保障功能,完善农村社会养老保险制度等措施,解除农民养老的后顾之忧。  相似文献   

共青团组织作为有效凝聚和充分团结广大青年学子在党领导下的非权力性的机构对于在青少年维权机制中应承担起责无旁贷的责任和使命。然而在实际操作过程中共青团组织在维权方面发挥的作用还不够明显,如何搭建好桥梁和纽带的平台和机制,如何借助自身工作特点和工作优势发挥其他组织机构不可替代的作用和功能是在维护青少年权益工作中不可或缺的需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

浅析美国西部开发中的政府干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一究二白是美国西部开发时的现实国情,在短短不足是年的时间里,美国西部开发取得惊人的成就,不仅改变了西部面貌,也改写了美国历史,其间政府干预功可没,对西部开发影响深远。  相似文献   

关于第一次国共合作失败原因的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于第一次国共合作失败的原因,几十年来史学界已有定论,即客观上反革命力量大于革命力量,主观上由于以陈独秀为首的中共中央执行了右倾投降主义路线.本文试图从统一战线内部就国共两党的地位、中国共产党对改组后国民党性质的认识以及共产国际对中国革命的指导方针等方面对第一次国共合作失败的主观原因做更为深入的探讨.  相似文献   

建国以来党群关系的发展经历了曲折的历程,积累了丰富的经验.认真总结执政党密切联系群众的历史,对新形势下密切党群关系、保持党的先进性、提高党的执政能力、巩固党的执政地位、完成党的执政使命,具有重要的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

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