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Today every child in an Infant or Junior school will almost certainly watch schools’ television as part of their education. Nearly every child will watch TV at home, often for a considerable proportion of his free time. A survey of TV use in Plymouth by Plymouth Educational Television showed that in 1971 and 1972 every Infant and Junior school in that city used some TV each week. A Swedish survey in 1968 showed that most 3 year olds have begun to watch TV attentively; 90% of 3‐4 year olds usually turn on TV to watch a programme, and 75% of 5 year olds keep track of the time for a specific TV programme (Feilitzen & Linne, 1968).

In view of this widespread use of TV by young children, particularly in the educational field, it might be expected that much would be known about young children's perception and understanding of television. In fact there has been very little work done, and the research findings there are conflict. It would seem that answers to questions like — how much information does a 5 year old retain from a TV programme? What is the attention span of an infant age child? How skilled is the young child in accurately perceiving images on television? ‐‐ would be of great interest to both producers and consumers of Educational television. However, the research just does not seem to be in progress.

There is a considerable amount of relevant background information available which suggests results which might be found and this paper will review this and summarise the conclusions to be drawn.  相似文献   

This article explores some of the methods currently used for studying television audiences and suggests some new possibilities for teaching about them. These include analysis of ‘hard’ data about television audiences and more subjective insights gained from the experience of being part of an audience. It will offer a framework of questions which ought constantly to be asked about television audiences. For example: what is a television audience? What pleasures do television audiences derive from programmes? How are television audiences composed? How are they addressed? How is television audience research carried out? How do television audiences respond to programmes? And finally, what are the implications of an increased understanding of television audiences for broadcasters and educational television producers?.  相似文献   

提高收视率,增加创收,关系到地方电视台的生存。应该从提高节目的质量、栏目的科学化设置、电视节目的合理包装三个方面入手。在栏目设置中,要突出特色。控制数量。栏目播出时间安排上要遵循高峰回避原则;提高节目质量要从新闻从业人员的综合素质、节目策划力度、与观众的贴近性方面抓起;电视节目只有通过合理包装,方可吸引更多观众。  相似文献   

What an honor to have political and educational theorists of such caliber take up ideas from my work! What a daunting task to try to respond! My remarks will touch on the following questions: What are some key issues of distributive justice in education today? Why does defining justice in terms of oppression and domination imply that issues of justice cannot be reduced to distribution? How does normalization constitute a major process enacting oppression, and what does this imply for education? What does it mean to include marginalized groups in economic opportunity and democratic process, and how can educational institutions foster such inclusion? Why do issues of religion and other forms of cultural expression belong to a distinct category of justice? Are values of freedom of expression and tolerance in tension with the project of democratic inclusion? How shall we consider transnational issues of educational justice?  相似文献   

What an honor to have political and educational theorists of such caliber take up ideas from my work! What a daunting task to try to respond! My remarks will touch on the following questions: What are some key issues of distributive justice in education today? Why does defining justice in terms of oppression and domination imply that issues of justice cannot be reduced to distribution? How does normalization constitute a major process enacting oppression, and what does this imply for education? What does it mean to include marginalized groups in economic opportunity and democratic process, and how can educational institutions foster such inclusion? Why do issues of religion and other forms of cultural expression belong to a distinct category of justice? Are values of freedom of expression and tolerance in tension with the project of democratic inclusion? How shall we consider transnational issues of educational justice?  相似文献   

Development models have moved away from the simple export or imitation of western patterns towards local ownership and participatory approaches. This movement has brought with it increasing attention to the place of culture, ethnicity and language in development. In situations of high linguistic diversity, debate has concentrated largely on language choice and use in the formal educational system without reference to wider participatory processes of development in the community. Questions of language choice in both education and development are, however, crucial where local community languages have little written tradition and may have been considered of too little significance to develop. This article will review the major features of participatory development and ask how far similar processes have been or might be applied in promoting the use of local languages for such development. These questions will be explored in selected African contexts. How does intervention for language development dovetail with other kinds of development intervention? What is the interplay between the cultural basis of participatory development and the expression of ethnic identity through local languages? What lessons might be drawn from participatory development for community‐based processes of language development? How significant is the notion of empowerment with regard to the linguistic resources of a community? In conclusion, the article will argue that language development processes must figure prominently in participatory approaches to development multilingual environments and that attention to language must proceed along similar participatory lines.  相似文献   

全球化视野中“学习社会”与基础教育改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
处在一个人人都需要确立终身学习思想和观念的时代,教育的重要目标之一就是要使现代的人们都具有终身学习的意识,而我们的社会则应该为提供这样一种多样化和多元化的终身学习活动肩负起应有的责任和义务。那么,何谓“终身教育”?何谓“终身学习”?基础教育又应如何立足于终身教育和学习社会的理念来加以改革?全球化视野中“学习社会”的特征是什么?它对基础教育改革又将产生怎样的影响?这一系列问题的提出都具有十分重要的意义并有待于教育理论工作者去作深入的研究和探讨。  相似文献   

一股前所未有的新技术浪潮正在向我们涌来,它在更新教育的物质形态的同时,也在冲击着教育者的精神世界,并提出种种新问题迫使我们思考:信息技术的应用怎样才能有效地改变教育?是什么导致了教育技术应用上的误区?信息技术的这些应用对学生和教师已经和将要带来什么影响?人在新技术创造的新环境中究竟如何生存……存在的差异决定思维的差异,从事教育学原理研究的人们与从事教育技术学研究的人们,对这些问题给出了不同的答案,在我们以教育现代化为追求的思考与行动过程中,正是这些有差异的思维与答案,使理论与技术之间的对话成为必要,也成为可能。  相似文献   

对"教育学者是谁?"的追问,让人想起"谁是教育学者?"的问题,对后者的回答其实是在探讨什么身份的人是教育学者的问题。探讨"教育学者是谁?"的问题,可以转化为"教育学者能做什么?""教育学者敢做什么?"和"教育学者会做什么?"这样三个问题。教育学者能、敢、会具体体现在三个使命的完成上:阅读使命:成就深刻的教育思想生命力;研究使命:成就教育学者身份;写作使命:成就传承和创造教育学说。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to answer three questions: (1) What are the benefits of fully implementing ICTs for the education of professionals, such as architects? (2) What are the difficulties involved with carrying out these technological changes? and (3) How do these benefits and difficulties interact in a rapidly developing Asian nation such as Taiwan? A brief literature review reveals that ICTs are especially well fitted to the educational paradigm of constructivism and that cultural considerations must always be kept in mind when attempting to implement ICTs. Particular attention is given to the increased potential for collaborative work that crosses international and cultural boundaries, molding studies and exercises to the interests of students and teachers rather knowledge that has recently evolved, and how this maximized use will benefit architectural education. Throughout the paper special attention is given to the possibility of fully implementing ICTs for the education of professionals in Taiwan.  相似文献   

The Role of Consequences in validity Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How do individuals make sense of and use the products and practices of testing in their everyday lives? What is the responsibility of the educational measurement community to take these issues into consideration in assessing what it is that we do?  相似文献   

现代教育技术与创新人才培养   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
素质教育的核心是培养创新人才,而创新人才的培养离不开创造性思维的培养。什么是“创新”和“创新人才”?学术上对它们是如何界定的?它们与现代教育技术有何关系?该从理论上对此作了较为详尽的论证与阐述。  相似文献   

随着21世纪知识经济时代的到来,如何培养创造性人才已成为一个非常重要的话题。什么是创造性人才,创造性人才在知识经济社会中的作用如何,怎样培养创造性人才,创造性人才道德素质教育的重要性等问题,都应当是我们教育工作者关注和思考的。  相似文献   

在多个竞争对手的冲击下,地方电视台收视率日渐减少,影响力逐渐下降。如何增加收视率提升影响力?以梧州电视台的实践为例,从强化地方新闻的地域性方面提出了地方电视台今后的努力方向。  相似文献   

In this essay, Randall Curren addresses four basic questions about transformative experiences in education: Is education necessarily transformative? What must education provide for it to be personally transformative? What standard should educators use in determining whether engaging students in potentially transformative experiences is beneficial or justified? How should schools and educators orchestrate opportunities for beneficial transformative experiences? The focus is on transformative valuing, but also on the importance of a fully transformative nexus of personal attributes and social pathways to living a transformed life. Curren argues that educational decisions on behalf of students can be justified on the basis of necessary goods that persist through transformative changes in what is contingently good for them, and that schools' efforts to orchestrate opportunities for transformative experiences should engage students in activities that can be eudaimonic for them.  相似文献   

与欧美国家相比,中国电视的诞生较晚,在北京电视台第一次试播节目时,美国电视业已经用电视媒体与麦卡锡主义进行了英勇搏斗。直至改革开放,中国电视业的发展才真正开始腾飞。在中国电视日渐成熟的今天,放眼欧美电视,分析异同,寻找差距,对中国电视的进一步发展意义很大。以新闻节目为例,对欧美与国内电视节目进行比较。  相似文献   


The article describes the commercial pressures faced by public service educational television and the results of poor public sector funding for core educational establishments. New commercial partnerships between the Private and Public sectors may well be developing and encouraging the use of new technologies in schools, but will the final cost be the end of ‘free educational television’ and the eventual end of public service television as we now know it?  相似文献   

生活德育探问   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生活德育作为一个新概念,能否为教育理论所认同,生活德育的开展何以可能,这需要我们做五方面的逻辑思考:生活是否需要道德?需要什么样的生活道德?为什么需要生活德育?如何理解生活德育?学校生活德育如何可能?  相似文献   

Conclusions This study raises a great number of questions, many of which would be valuable for science curricula to reflect upon. Firstly, it would seem that the practising professionals do not believe methodology is easily taught, at least not without a strong factual knowledge base. Secondly, science courses have had little effect on carrer choice, with the possible slight exception of physical scientists working in the public sector. Thirdly, scientists would give strong support to the idea of teaching students to use ‘scientific attitudes’ in their everyday life. And fourthly, the social implications of science are felt to be deserving of close attention in schools-but perhaps not within the science classroom. What clearly remains to be done is the difficult and time-consuming work to follow up these hints. What do the scientists see asthe scientific attitudes? What facts, etc., should form the basis of the science curricula? How should the social implications of science be discussed, and what responses are appropriate to them? To answer these questions will take a national study of great scope and effort, yet it would seem to be an essential part of the process of determinng science education programmes of purpose and value.  相似文献   

In the context of an educational or clinical intervention, we often ask questions such as “How does this intervention influence the task behavior of autistic children?” or “How does working memory influence inhibition of immediate responses?” What do we mean by the word influence here? In this article, we introduce the framework of complex dynamic systems (CDS) to disentangle the meaning of words such as influence, and to discuss the issue of education and intervention as something that takes place in the form of complex, real‐time, situated processes. What are the applied implications of such a CDS framework? Can we use it to improve education? Five general principles—process laws—are introduced, which can be used to guide the way we formulate research questions and methods, and the way we use the results of such research. In addition, we briefly discuss a project in progress, in which we ourselves attempt to apply the process laws that govern educational activities. Finally, we report about a discussion about the usability of the process laws, both in educational research and in the classroom, as was held during our workshop at the Mind, Brain, and Education Conference, November 2014.  相似文献   

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