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Post-disaster communication surveys are important in order to improve future disaster warning efficiency. Mauritius, a small island nation in the western Indian Ocean, was in the path of the tsunami of December 2004 but experienced only minimal wave impact. This is fortunate because the results of this survey show very slow warning dissemination through the population. Television and radio were equally effective in disseminating the initial warning information, but television far exceeded radio's reach as regards mass awareness and information seeking in the hours after the danger had passed. The interpersonal communication of warning information was minimal, and the warning messages provided insufficient and, it seems, inaccurate information.  相似文献   

通过研究公共危机网络传播与现实危机发展的互动机理,提出将公共危机网络传播形态作为危机预警的对象,建立基于多层次网络信息挖掘、大聚合信息关联分析和“传播形态-危机情境”比对的网络信息预警模式,推动我国公共危机管理由“事件驱动”向“风险驱动”的转型。  相似文献   

首先对公共危机信息管理的收集、处理、沟通及反馈机制进行深入剖析,然后采用云计算作为技术支撑,构建面向政府危机决策的预警、应对、恢复三阶段公共危机信息管理模式,详细分析每个阶段信息管理模式的内容。  相似文献   

解放军第451医院图书馆将图书馆网页及图书管理平台整合入医院办公自动化系统中,实现图书馆工作自动化、信息发送无障碍化、管理科学化,并开通了短信、邮件信息提醒与推送服务、医学信息报道及公共信息服务、在线参考咨询服务、开通沟通与反馈机制、定题检索与传递服务等多重服务模式,从而将该图书馆的信息服务改进为以推送模式为主体的主动式服务,提高了该馆的信息服务水平。  相似文献   

新媒体技术发展使网络传播模式发生了深刻变化:传播主体与受众融合,传播渠道与方式多元,传统传播流程被改变;网络舆情形态也发生了深刻变化:个体成为网络舆情形成和扩散中心,政府“把关”功能严重削弱,出现传播权滥用与“网络串联示威”。新媒体技术还给网络舆情信息工作带来了重大挑战:信息采集数量巨大,信息分析难度增加,舆情预警时间缩短,舆情应对日益复杂。  相似文献   

This Australian study establishes a model that provides a foundation for communication channels and tools selection by agencies in the post-warning response phase of a disaster. The model, developed from disaster and information seeking literature, attempts to predict information source and channel selection by people after their community has received a warning for a disaster. It provides the coding framework for analysis of 51 semi-structured interviews with disaster-affected Australians. The interviews tested the model for accommodation of channels and sources that people chose, found most useful, and used most in bushfire, slow flood, flash flood, and cyclone situations. The order of initial sources was investigated and preliminary information seeking pathways established across disaster types. The disaster information seeking model supports this investigation of information seeking behaviour, though improvements are suggested. The resulting model could guide agency response communication for different disaster types.  相似文献   

公共危机信息管理是公共危机决策的基础与前提。运用交叉影响分析方法,揭示公共危机信息管理要素之间存在的层级结构及其影响力与依赖度差异,以此建立和完善公共危机预防管理机制、公共危机信息监测与预警机制、公共危机信息沟通机制、公共危机系统联动机制和公共危机知识管理机制,以解决公共危机决策过程中的信息问题,提高各级政府组织信息管理能力、改进危机决策质量。  相似文献   

图书馆危机管理包括应急处理和过程控制两个维度.应急处理包括支撑网络、反应系统、应急网站和管理软件等要素,过程控制包括危机预案、危机预警、危机训练、情境分析、沟通协作、危机决策、危机学习和组织变革等要素.要从日常防范、情境管理、应急行动、信息管理、危中找机和维护利益等方面实现图书馆危机管理.图1.参考文献18.  相似文献   

Cervical cancer is the leading cause of women's cancer deaths in Senegal, but few medical personnel are trained to perform cervical cancer screening. In rural areas, the situation is worse. To remedy this, a collaborative of researchers and stakeholders trained local health-care workers in cervical cancer screening through the “training-of-trainers” method. However, lack of cancer screening knowledge, barriers, and a hard-to-reach population may jeopardize the collaborative's efforts. The purpose of this study is to map the health communication infrastructure by applying communication infrastructure theory to assess general health and cancer screening knowledge, as well as attitudes and barriers toward screening. Results from focus groups and interviews show that women have minimal knowledge of cervical cancer. Moreover, health workers report detrimental attitudes in menopausal women. Our findings identified routes for information dissemination and attitude change including community radio and local health talks.  相似文献   

文章阐述了专利信息对中小企业提高自主创新能力、规避专利侵权风险及提高专利信息资源开发利用率的重要性,提出了研究、设计、开发面向中小企业,集专利信息管理、专利信息检索、专利预警、专利信息主动推送等功能于一体的专利信息预警推送系统,并对系统功能模块、数据源的选择进行了详细描述。  相似文献   

There is minimal research on the cross-cultural needs, priorities, and behaviors of international participants immersed in contemporary culturally alien information environments. Through a quantitative analysis of Internet use patterns of international teaching assistants (ITA) studying in graduate school at a representative university in the United States, the authors discover communication-information convergences in ITAs’ use of the Internet as a “glocal” network, connecting the “global” and “local” dimensions in their everyday lives. The paper identifies dual functions of the Internet considered meaningful to the ITAs in the diaspora, namely: (1) to engage in various communication activities with friends and family in their home countries (the “global”), thereby providing psychological comfort and overcoming social isolation; and (2) to conduct information gathering activities that establish coping mechanisms for ITAs in their new homes in the United States (the “local”). The paper presents empirical data highlighting correlations between communication and information intersections in ITAs’ use of the Internet. Findings extend past Internet research and user studies in traditional communication and information research, which only alluded to these communication-information convergence processes, to better understand how international people use the Internet in present-day cross-cultural contexts of interaction.  相似文献   

本文采用文献研究的方法对我国乡村信息传播研究的主要观点进行了综述与反思:理想上人们普遍认为乡村信息传播能够为农村农业各方面的发展发挥非常积极的作用,但现实中,由于人们对乡村传播的规律缺乏深刻的认识,使得乡村信息传播所发挥的作用甚微。因此,本文提出乡村信息传播应强调以农民为中心,增强其信息获取能力,加强乡村信息传播方式与方法、机制与环境等方面的研究。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探究影响突发公共卫生事件网络虚假信息传播行为的因素,为有针对性地监测预警、阻断传播突发公共卫生事件网络虚假信息提供借鉴参考。[方法/过程]基于S-O-R理论模型,综合考虑外部刺激因素和个体认知因素对传播者信任感知及传播行为的影响,提出相关研究假设,并利用新冠肺疫情期间微博平台的虚假信息进行验证。[结果/结论]突发公共卫生事件的虚假信息质量、信息发布者影响力和事件进展对信息接收者的信息传播行为具有显著促进作用,医护人员主题、呈现积极情感的网络虚假信息更容易获得信任和传播,网络影响力高的信息接收者在虚假信息传播过程中起到辟谣作用。  相似文献   

宋代社会上流传了大量的时政谣言。事实上,人们巧妙地利用谣言简练、快捷的传播特点,围绕所关注问题而展开,表达对朝政及社会诸方面的态度与看法。由于传播效果具有双刃性,宋廷不得不采取措施消解谣言带来的政治风险,故其一边布置谣言传播的政治禁区;一边建立预警、预案制度,并由此滋生出一套严密的传播与防控体系。  相似文献   

网络环境下非正式信息交流的概念、类别与特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非正式信息交流虽由来已久,但仅当网络时代到来后才焕发出极强的生命力。本文探讨了网络环境下非正式交流的兴起,给出了网络环境下非正式信息交流的定义.提出以有无专职信息人员的参与作为网络环境下正式交流与非正式交流的分界,同时,分析了网络环境下非正式交流的类别和特点。  相似文献   

以研究所科研用户为调查对象,通过问卷调查了解科研团队内学术交流现状、存在的问题、影响因素和需求。调查结果显示,目前科研用户均有强烈的交流意愿,能利用网络工具有效地获取信息,使用多种交流工具,但是团队交流仍然是采用比较传统的组会和面对面的方式,在信息共享和存储上较少利用有效的网络工具。学科馆员可以在团队许可下,介入科研团体的学术交流,发挥信息服务的优势,担当信息中介人,帮助构建科研信息环境平台,有针对性地提供各类科研资讯,从而促进团队科研交流的深化。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between college students’ communication motives (i.e., relational, functional, participatory, excuse making, sycophantic) and their use of information‐seeking strategies (i.e., overt, indirect, third party, testing, observing). Participants were 149 students enrolled in an introductory communication course at a Mid‐Atlantic university. Results indicated that (a) students who communicate for the sycophantic, relational, and participatory motives use the indirect and observing information‐seeking strategies and (b) students who communicate for the functional communication motive use the overt information‐seeking strategy, but do not use the testing information‐seeking strategy. Future research should examine whether college students use information‐seeking strategies with their classmates and the impact of the use of these strategies on their learning experience.  相似文献   

在华夏几千年的文明史中 ,汉字作为文明传承的信息载体 ,不仅传播了语言信息 ,而且传播了汉民族历史文化等诸多信息。从传播学的角度来探索汉字 ,可以发现汉字不仅是信息传播的载体 ,而且蕴含着人性化的内涵 ,蕴藏着当代图像传播的许多生动有趣的特征。深入探讨汉字传播信息的方法、模式、规律、功能 ,将对建立有中国特色的传播学理论提供借鉴  相似文献   

This article replies to Andersen's article. Both deal in part with the compatibility of the axiom that one cannot not communicate and certain common assumptions about communication. Both articles are concerned with identifying minimal necessary conditions for communication. Both discuss symbolic behavior, interaction, encoding, and fidelity. Motley and Andersen disagree on the meanings of these concepts, as well as on their role in establishing minimal necessary conditions for communication. Motley notes that both Andersen's perspective and popular versions of the axiom encourage equating communication with perception. He then demonstrates that common postulates contradict the notion that all perception is communication. The postulates suggest that there are situations in which only noncommunicative source behaviors occur, so one can indeed not communicate.  相似文献   

网络新闻传播结构的构建与分析(上)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
构建网络新闻传播结构框架 ,是理解网络新闻传播的复杂过程的一种有效途径 ,也是分析研究网络新闻传播效果的重要手段。本文将网络新闻传播分为信息流与意见流两个层面 ,在这两个层面上分别构建传播结构的模型。网络中的信息传播结构分为信息的发布结构、信息的流动结构和信息的循环结构三种类型 ;意见的传播结构分为意见形成结构、意见冲突结构和意见流动结构  相似文献   

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