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本文探讨教育评价必须面对的几大问题,包括教育目标的多重性、教育评价的完整性、教育目标的非兼容性及矛盾性,以及教育目标的个性化等。这些问题是教育评价中不可避免但又必须恰当处理的。因此,教育评价的发展方向应该是更加关注长期的教育性目标,减少对短期的教学性目标评价的依赖;更加注重个性化评价,找出个体学生的价值和发展方向。  相似文献   

我国独立学院制度:问题与转型   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
作为一种制度安排,独立学院在我国高等教育系统中已经客观存在。独立学院是"制度性寻租"的结果,独立学院制度存在着明显的"营利的伪装",是公立大学制度与私立大学制度折衷、妥协与调和的产物,并没有真正实现制度创新,而是一种制度失范。未来时期,独立学院要想继续在我国高等教育系统中存在并获得发展,必须进行制度转型,即从非营利性转向营利性,成为中国式的股份制私立营利性大学。  相似文献   

关怀普及:淡化教育教学实践中的精英化取向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教育教学实践中的精英化取向 ,是个已被实践证明的误区 ,它导致教学价值的双重失落、精英人才培养的异化、教育目的论精神的扭曲 ;造成阻抑教育公平理想、助长教育不平等现象、集聚某种教育风险等问题。关怀普及的教育教学必须坚持面向全体未来公民的全面素质目标 ,必须着眼于不同发展水平地区的教育共同发展 ,必须关注职业教育、高等教育乃至成人基础教育。  相似文献   

在高师教学中开展研究性学习的意义和模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在中小学开展研究性学习,已被教育界普遍认同。作为培养中小学教师的师范院校,理应主动地参与、推进改革,积极进行教师教育专业化的探索,以适应中小学教育改革的要求。为此,高师教学必须突破传统教学的框架和模式,注重培养师范生的研究意识与能力,使他们在未来的学科教学中,能够渗透一定的研究性学习思想,进而培养中小学生的探究精神和能力。  相似文献   

新时代的教育技术发展充满了不确定性,教育技术未来发展选择什么样的道路成为一个紧迫而重要的课题。中国百年教育技术发展道路分为三个阶段:中国特色电化教育发展道路探索阶段(20世纪20年代—1985年)、中国特色教育技术发展道路形成阶段(1986年—2017年)、新时代中国特色教育技术发展道路成熟阶段(2018年—2035年)。新时代中国特色教育技术发展持续总体呈现良好态势,但是必须面向四新(新使命、新机遇、新挑战、新趋势),深刻把握教育技术发展的基本规律,选择正确的教育技术发展道路。教育技术未来发展必须坚持走中国特色的社会主义教育技术发展道路,培养社会主义现代化建设亟需的卓越拔尖人才,坚持服务国家战略需求,树立大教育技术观,加快构建中国特色的教育技术理论体系,加快教育技术颠覆性创新。  相似文献   

语文教育对于提高国民素质,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,具有重要的、不可替代的作用。语文教育改革是一个系统工程,要想发挥语文教育在素质教育中的作用,必须更新教育观念,探索新的教学模式,提高课堂教学效益,面向未来,实施整体性推进与改革。  相似文献   

阐述我国教育在现代化进程中,存在着诸多的矛盾关系。指出尤其应当关注对教育的传统与现代化,域外文化、教育与现代化以及平等与效率等关系的认识和解读。认为唯有正确处理这些关系,才能对教育现代化作出科学阐述,才能把握教育改革和发展的未来走向。  相似文献   

Hope and Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This essay reviews David Halpin's Hope and Education, which aims to bring theories of hope and utopia to bear on the practical processes of schooling in contemporary Britain, and which sees education as an intrinsically hopeful and future‐oriented process. It argues that the properly utopian character of Halpin's project is subverted by his espousal of a currently fashionable pragmatism, represented by Richard Rorty and Anthony Giddens, which insists that ‘good’ utopias must be realistic and practical. Utopian hope for a better world, in which a transformed educational process will be central, is ambushed by this pragmatism and reduced to managerialism.  相似文献   

高职教育必须以市场需求为导向,以人才培养模式的创新为教育教学改革的突破口,构建新型的高职教学模式,培养社会急需的应用型人才。公共英语教学是高职教育的重要组成部分,为今后实现劳动力的可持续发展具有非常重要的作用。高职英语必须在人才培养目标的定位、教材内容的选取、实践教学的运用、教学评价的多样化、教学团队的建设等方面进行一系列的改革。  相似文献   

论高师教育学专业的改造   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教育学是一门实践性的理论学科 ,教育学专业要继续生存和发展 ,就必须改造目前单一的纯教育理论的培养模式 ,培养面向中小学 ,既能从事教育科研又能胜任学科教学的“教育学—学科”或“学科—教育学”复合型人才 ,并建立起相应的多元化培养模式。  相似文献   

教育实践中很多鲜活的实例引起了社会对教育的诟病,与此同时,这些实例也表明实际教育活动的开展使教育式微。于是,我们有必要从教育的历史与现代教育的雏形中寻找本真教育的源动力。笔者认为,那就是乌托邦精神。乌托邦精神主要表现在对现在的"批判性",对未来的"完美性",以及实现从现在到未来的"超越性"。制度化教育在具体的教育活动中必须保持乌托邦精神,流动于"思""行"之间,行走于"有""无"之间,往来于"圣""俗"之间。  相似文献   

It is increasingly acknowledged that for individuals to participate in a pluralistic and democratic society, they must understand religious conviction and difference. In educational literature, the discussion surrounding education and religion focuses on the implications for students. It is important to consider what this may mean to the teachers, as teachers directly influence student learning. This article uses literature on religion, multiculturalism, teacher identity, and popular culture to connect teachers' private religious identifications to their professional identities in public school classrooms. It supports future research in this area and provides a theoretical framework for subsequent studies.  相似文献   

In the first part of the essay the authors discuss certain issues of international co-operation in educational research: objectives of co-operation; the ideal of universalism; language and culture differences; the organization of co-operation. The discussion draws upon the results of the authors' extensive literature reviews and of their inquiries among researchers, research directors and research financing agencies in several countries. The second part presents the authors' recommendations regarding the future development of international co-operation in educational research, pointing out that its development as a viable scientific discipline is a prerequisite for its successful utilization as an instrument of educational policy-making. It is suggested that three areas of co-operation be given the highest priority in the near future:
  • -retrieval and dissemination of information relevant to educational research;
  • -development of research methods and techniques and the training of researchers; and
  • -critical analysis and synthesis of research results with the aim of producing new, more reliable knowledge.
  • It is emphasized that the organisation needed in order to establish the proposed co-operation must both have strong support from national governments and enjoy considerable freedom in its implementation of a given policy of co-operation.  相似文献   

    新编《小学语文教学论》教材在教育思想及教学观念上应构建适应未来发展需要的全新的理论框架。新编教材的教学内容及方法应具有开放性 ,要拓宽有效信息量 ,密切联系小学语文教学实践 ,从纯客观的角度对那些新的教学内容及方法进行系统地介绍 ,符合素质教育发展的方向  相似文献   


    The paper examines the future prospects for educational research as conducted in UK universities and colleges of higher education in the light of current general changes in the organisation, funding and culture of higher education, and in respect of specific changes in the initial and in service training of teachers. It includes a critical examination of the claim made by some educational researchers that their research constitutes a special case, differentiated from other social science and humanities disciplines, both by the routes into educational research and the concerns of those who practise it. It is suggested that the special case argument for the alleged distinctiveness of educational research is largely unjustified, and does not contribute positively to the future prospects of that research or kelp to ease the relative isolation of educational researchers. Alliances between educational researchers, and those researching in the social sciences are advocated as one strategy which will help both partners. It is also suggested that educational researchers should try to ensure that novel and existing modes of training new researchers such as doctoral programmes, make connections with the training of other beginning researchers, rather than dividing would‐be educational researchers from their counterparts in other disciplinary or interdisciplinary areas.  相似文献   

    This article has two main objectives. It first outlines the first three waves of change termed by Hargreaves and Shirley (The Fourth Way: The inspiring future for educational change. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2009) as the First, Second and Third Way that defined global educational policy and practice since the 1960s. It then introduces the main tenets of the Fourth Way, which is characterised by inspiring success stories of educational leadership and change that have led to remarkable leaps forward in student learning and achievement. The Fourth Way is distinguished by a paradigm shift in the change mindset of educational leaders of how they push educational frontiers to achieve a more sustainable future. It is defined not merely as a destination but a journey in itself. Second, it considers how Singapore presents an interesting case study of paving the Fourth Way through its many forward-looking educational initiatives and fidelity in the implementation of these reforms. In doing so, this article also sets the stage for the other articles in this volume which cover different aspects of the Singapore education story, from pre-primary to tertiary education, to teacher preparation, and leadership development to the internationalization of its teacher education programmes and how educational research translates into policy and practice in this unique nation.  相似文献   

    "坚持扎根中国大地办教育"是新时代中国特色社会主义教育理论的重要组成部分,从立足点上回答了"怎么办教育"的问题。扎根中国大地办教育,就是要扎根中国先进的政治思想和政治制度,扎根中华民族优秀传统文化的核心价值,扎根中国悠久历史和光辉革命传统,扎根基本国情和人民生活实际,扎根本土优秀的教育思想和教育实践经验。扎根中国大地,未来教育事业发展要坚定"四个自信"。立足时代、面向未来,教育政策制定要立足实际、实事求是,教育改革创新要正视不足、融通中外,加强传统文化教育要注重核心价值落地,教育理论研究要立足我国教育现实问题,从而扭转教育发展的"去本土化"倾向,创新中国特色教育理论,发展中国特色教育事业,以"中国化"回应"国际化",为21世纪人类教育发展贡献中国智慧、中国道路。  相似文献   

    An exploration of subsequent consent as a sufficient condition of justified paternalistic interference reveals that there are other factors, beyond consent, which are the salient criteria of justification. It is argued that these criteria are educational in character, and so it is on educational grounds that we must judge particular cases of paternalism. Examination of the issue of the upbringing of children suggests that significant progress in our understanding of the problems inherent in paternalistic decision-making can be made through the development of educational theory.  相似文献   

    从教育管理学学科发展的历程可以发现,在教育管理学学科建设中存在两种张力:教育管理研究与其他学科之间的张力以及教育管理研究与教育管理实践之间的张力。尽管教育管理学以教育学和管理学为基础,但它仍是一个多学科的研究领域。要促进教育管理学学科建设,教育管理学学科就需要借鉴而不是简单地套用其他学科的理论和视角,加强对实践问题尤其是教育未来发展方向的预想和设计,并增加案例研究,把自上而下与自下而上的研究方法结合起来。  相似文献   

    论现代教育技术环境的创设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
    创设现代教育技术环境必须要以现代教育思想和现代教育理论为指导,以现代信息技术为手段,以硬件建设为基础,软件建设为关键,潜件建设为龙头,发动广大教师积极参与,运用现代教育技术,探索新型教学模式,实施素质教育,为新世纪我国教育走向现代化作出贡献。  相似文献   

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