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体育教育实习应有的时空观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谭兆风 《体育学刊》2001,8(2):103-105
树立正确的体育教育实习时空观,是形成科学的体育教育实习指导思想的重要基础。延伸传统的时间观,建立多维的空间观,是增强教育实习效果、提高培养质量的必要条件。  相似文献   

体育学科中“科学”与“人文”两大哲学思潮的考察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用文献资料和逻辑分析方法,通过对“科学主义”与“人文主义”两大哲学思潮的探讨和理解,认为长期以来“科学体育观”与“人文体育观”之争,其实质就是上述两大哲学思潮之争在体育领域的反映。这两种体育观的分离状态给体育实践带来了较大的危害,我们必须对它们进行合理整合,当务之急尤其要重视“人文体育观”在体育实践中的引入。  相似文献   

体育教学过程是体育教师体育行为、管理行为的传递与学生体育行为的形成过程。在由小体育观到大体育观的今天,用现代行为科学的观点把握体育教学是必须的,是抵达成功体育教育的桥梁。  相似文献   

本文运用文献分析的研究方法,认为要促使社区体育健康持续的发展,必须改变社区成员参与社区体育意识淡薄的观念,充分调动社区成员参与社区体育活动的主观能动性,在社区成员中全面树立终身体育观、民族传统体育观、健康体育观、快乐体育观的科学体育观念。  相似文献   

<正> 近几年,人们对社会主义的认识突破了僵化、落后观念的束缚,不断深化。体育领域新的观念群也正在形成。新体育观(或称大体育观、现代体育观)是其中之一,它与现代化大生产、开放型大经济相适应,有别于在小生产基础上建立的封闭式的旧体育观、小体育观。新的体育观适应社会主义计划商品经济的要求,是在继承人类优秀思想成果的基础上发展起来的观念体系。  相似文献   

科学体育概念是科学体育观和科学体育学术体系之核心,体育概念研究意义甚大。这里先后论述了概念研究的原则,体育概念的本义,体育与斯泡特之区分,体育概念语词,体育工作概念,科学体育概念的上位概念、种差和区别特征等问题。对我国体育认识作了历史阶段性的清理。  相似文献   

体育课程基本理念创新的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
普通高校体育课程基本理念是素质教育的体现,也是高校体育课程改革的创新。体育课程基本理念为:贯彻“健康第一”的指导思想,培养学生健康体魄;弘扬人文与科学相融合的教育思想,推进学校体育教学改革;学校体育多元化价值取向,孕育出大体育课程观;重视学生体育意识的培养和运动习惯的形成,奠定学生终生体育的基础。  相似文献   

近几年,人们对社会主义的认识突破了僵化、落后观念的束缚,不断深化。体育领域新的观念群也正在形成。新体育观(或称大体育观、现代体育观)是其中之一,它与现代化大生产、开放型大经济相适应,有别于在小生产基础上建立的封闭式的旧体育观、小体育观。新的体育观适应社会主义计划商品经济的要求,是在继承人类优秀思想成果的基础上发展起来的观念体系。  相似文献   

试论竞技体育资源观   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对竞技体育资源观的基本内容进行了初步探讨。研究认为,竞技体育资源是竞技体育系统正常运行的必要条件和保证。竞技体育资源观是对竞技体育资源的形成、形态、功能及前景的基本看法,它对竞技体育资源的发展规划及实践运行发挥着重要的指导作用。竞技体育资源观包括系统观、辩证观、发展观、价值观和开放观等内容。  相似文献   

树立科学体育发展观必须重申的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过树立和落实科学的体育发展观对体育事业发展基本要求的认识,提出了树立科学的体育发展观必须重申几个理性问题:以人为本,树立广大人民群众体育主体观;求真务实,深化改革,树立实事求是观和科学的体育改革观;全面发展,树立科学的体育竞技人才培养观;准确把握体育事业的定性与定位;充分认识和发挥体育特有的功能和作用;牢固树立改善和加强农村学校体育工作的意识。  相似文献   

近代中国的法律制度是移植的产物。总体来看,是失败的,而日本法制对西方法制的移植是成功的,其原因是日本对西方法并非完全复制,而是引发了与固有法之间的同化。法的移植必须处理好法律化的国际化与本土化的关系。  相似文献   

Optimising distribution of power during a cycling time trial   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A simple mathematical model is used to find the optimal distribution of a cyclist’s effort during a time trial. It is shown that maintaining a constant velocity is optimal if the goal is to minimise the time taken to complete the course while fixing amount of work done. However, this is usually impractical on a non-flat course because the cyclist would be unable to maintain the power output required on the climbs. A model for exertion is introduced and used to identify the distribution of power that minimises time while restricting the cyclist’s exertion. It is shown that, for a course with a climb followed by a descent, limits on exertion prevent the cyclist from improving performance by shifting effort towards the climb and away from the descent. It is also shown, however, that significant improvement is possible on a course with several climbs and descents. An analogous problem with climbs and descents replaced by headwinds and tailwinds is considered and it is shown that there is no significant advantage to be gained by varying power output. Lagrange multipliers are used solve the minimisation problems.  相似文献   

对运动协调归属问题的探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
运动员的协调能力与运动水平、竞技能力密切相关。运动协调的内在机制相对复杂,在其归属问题上,还存在认识上的分歧。在综述当前对“运动协调”归属划分的几种观点的基础上,提出运动协调是一种具体的客观存在的观点。认为,协调性归属于身体素质范畴,协调性与灵敏性之间存在着一定的联系,即协调性是灵敏性的基础,两者表现方式不同。  相似文献   

在美国,由政府资助的学校所开展的体育运动禁止性别歧视,主要法律依据是1972年《教育法修正案》第9章。法院在处理相关案件时将所涉体育项目区分为身体对抗性运动和非身体对抗性运动。在一所公立学校,对于对抗性运动,学校只有男队或女队时,一般不允许异性参加。对于非对抗性运动,学校只有男队时,允许女性参加男队,只有女队,则一般不允许男性参加女队。同时有男女运动队时,男女运动员应该享受平等的机会和待遇。美国追求学校体育领域的性别平等,是在承认男女客观存在的生理差别基础上,摒弃基于生理差别特别是社会性别而形成的偏见,使得男女都享有平等的机会并最终达到实质上的平等。  相似文献   

The effective numerical method proposed by Shimamuraet al. (2007) is extended to predict the ball motion in a draw shot as well as a follow shot in billiards. The extended method is verified experimentally using a high speed camera. It is observed in the experiment that a ball rotates backwards with a lot of slip (between ball and table) at first and then rotates forwards in a draw shot. Such a ball motion is predicted quantitatively with the numerical method. Numerical simulations are performed to investigate the effects of material properties of a cue on ball behaviour in follow and draw shots and it is found that the impact force increases with increasing stiffness of the shaft in both follow and draw shots, while its duration time is shortened with increasing wave velocity in the shaft for both shots. It is also found that there is a certain shaft stiffness that gives the minimum ball centre velocity, the minimum angular velocity, the minimum slip velocity between ball and table and also the minimum time when the backward rotation changes to a forward one in a draw shot, while the ball centre velocity and the angular velocity increase with increasing shaft stiffness in a follow shot.  相似文献   

试论作为文化现象的足球在中国的传播   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
足球作为文化现象,是由器物层、制度层和精神层三者有机结合的统一体。同时,作为外来文化现象的现代足球,其传播也要遵循文化传播的规律,也要经过扩散——融合——变迁的连续过程。目前,足球在中国尚处在扩散、融合阶段,它的变迁则是一个长期的过程。  相似文献   

"轻体育"运动是适应时代发展的适合大众健身运动的一种新型体育运动形式。追求的是体育运动要以人为本,为身体的健康而运动。其精髓所在就是一静不如一动,生命在于科学地运动,通过这种轻度运动,促进全民身体健康。本文分析了轻体育概念及健身特点,论述了"轻体育"运动在全民健身运动中推广的必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

The body has become a vital research object in several disciplines in recent years. Indeed, in the social sciences and humanities, a corporeal turn in which embodiment has become a key concept related to learning and socialisation is discussed. This cross-disciplinary paper addresses the epistemological question of how we know what we know and theoretically and empirically contributes to current arguments of a shift from embodiment to emplacement. In other words, this study strives for understanding of the intersection of mind, body and place through a focus on how bodily knowing is formed as part of a moving world. The purpose of the paper is to explore the kinaesthetic experience as bodily knowing in emplaced semi-formal teaching. Through long-term ethnography in a Swedish skateboard setting and in-depth analysis of digital visual material, this paper demonstrates how kinaesthetic experience might be viewed as knowing and how a particular type of this experience might be interpreted as explosiveness and, as such, an act of physical remembrance and energy transformation. Knowing is formed along paths of movement and rhythm, and kinaesthesia is identified as a multisensory experience. It is argued that a fruitful way of bridging the mind–body divide is to view the body as un/knowing, rendering it both knowing and not knowing simultaneously. Moreover, emplaced via its senses in a sociocultural and spatio-temporal environment, this conceptualisation of a moving body in a moving world might allow for re-thinking regarding how a body in context knows, teaches and, possibly, learns.  相似文献   

体育旅游是我国新兴的健身生活方式之一,它是体育、旅游、健身三者的有机结合,既亲近自然,又超越自然,并直接为全民健身和奥运争光服务,是当今大众体育健身的新潮流,也是提高大众体育生活质量的重要途径。可以说,体育旅游是发展潜力极大的体育产业,这是一个值得研究的且十分有意义的课题。文章主要对我国体育旅游的发展历程、研究进展以及经济功效进行探讨,以期为该问题的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Home advantage is a well-documented phenomenon in many sports. Home advantage has been shown to exist for team sports (soccer, hockey, football, baseball, basketball) and for countries organizing sports tournaments like the Olympics and World Cup Soccer. There is also some evidence for home advantage in some individual sports, but there is a much more limited literature. This paper addresses the issue of home advantage in speed skating. From a methodological point of view, it is difficult to identify home advantage, because skaters vary in their abilities and the conditions of tournaments vary. There is a small but significant home advantage using a generalized linear mixed model, with random effects for skaters and fixed effects for skating rinks and seasons. Even though the home advantage effect exists, it is very small when compared to variation in skating times due to differences of rinks and individual abilities.  相似文献   

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